Swinger friends [MF] convince us [MF] to join them [Group] – Part 2

(If you’re just joining us, [Part 1](https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/bi0yuh/swinger_friends_mf_convince_us_mf_to_join_them/?) consisted of making an agreement to get together for everybody to fuck. My wife Elizabeth and I just finished having some phone sex.)

I could only laugh at her reaction, because I’d been aboard the Edging Train long enough to know exactly what she was talking about. Unfortunately for me, I had neglected my job for long enough that I couldn’t really do anything about my own situation at the moment, so we finished our conversation with the promise of me taking a video of finishing myself off in the bathroom for her later viewing pleasure. Even with the delay, once I finally did get the opportunity to take that video, I was still worked up enough that it took maybe a minute for me to come.

Once I got home we talked over the whole situation again, shared our respective texts (and my video) and, like the good husband I am, I fulfilled her fantasy of straddling her chest, fucking her eagerly awaiting mouth, and unleashing an absolute torrent of cum down her throat. (I kinda have to ruin that here, because she ended up spitting it out, but I’m happy to report that instead of a firm “never again” she concluded that she just needs to “work on it” – I guess we’ll just have to practice!) There was just something about the illicit, near cheating-like quality of the conversations we were having about fucking this other couple that was keeping us both in a constant state of arousal.

Between me and Tom and Ashley and Elizabeth, we started working on the actual plans for our play date. Our weekend schedules didn’t really match up perfectly, so we had to wait about a week and half to actually execute Operation Double Fuck, but the anticipation and delayed gratification somehow made it better. Over the intervening time period Elizabeth and I fucked several more times while talking and fantasizing about how we wanted things to go. More importantly we had frank discussions about our expectations and hard limits. We were both in agreement about being in the same room, but we decided that condoms weren’t a strict necessity, and that Elizabeth didn’t want Tom to finish inside her. Beyond that we were open to just about anything.

Ultimately, the group decided that we would head over to Tom and Ashley’s, get ready, then go out to dinner separately. The guys would go one place and the girls would go another. Then we’d meet up at a local bar and let the night unfold from there, with the obvious goal of ending up in a sweaty pile in Tom and Ashley’s bedroom. We toyed with the idea of pretending to be complete strangers (i.e., Tom and I just happen to see these two hot women at a bar and decide to chat them up), but we scrapped the idea in favor of something a bit less scripted and more casual.

After an interminable week of work and texting back and forth, Saturday finally rolled around. Ashley hit me up for a couple of last minute questions (“Should I shave everything or leave a landing strip, or what?” and “Should I wear a bra?”), and I dutifully provided my preferences (“I *really* like when everything is shaved, and it feels good, too” and “Braless is a really sexy look”). Elizabeth and I made our own final preps (overnight bag, shower, toys, extra clothing options), and then we headed over to their place.

Elizabeth and I chattered away the whole ride over, both of us obviously feeling a bit nervous and really excited. It had been a long time since we’d done anything at all like this, and we were definitely feeling it. We arrived at Tom and Ashley’s and got settled in. Tom gave us a quick tour of the house while Ashley was in the shower. The conversation was muted, and it seemed like we were all pointedly avoiding the actual reason we were there. Ashley eventually came out wearing a terry cloth robe, gave us both hugs, and went about getting ready. I don’t know about Elizabeth, but the reality of the situation was sinking in, and I was more than ready to just throw off my clothes and start the festivities right then and there, but I’m also a huge fan of the build-up, so took a deep breath and did my best to calm down. The girls broke off to help each other and Tom and I shared a much needed drink on the back porch.

There was more discussion about the night’s events, and Tom mentioned that a good way to set the mood and move things in the right direction was with a massage, wherein three of us would massage the fourth. I agreed, but I felt like it was more of a “nuclear option” if things stalled out or if they started getting awkward. We finished our drinks and then went to get ourselves ready. Tom was already wearing a button down shirt, and I had brought my own dress/casual button down to create more of a formal look, though I paired it with jeans. It’s my Date Night go-to. I quickly shaved my five o’clock shadow (stubble burn is real, and I didn’t want to kill the mood or anybody’s skin), despite the fuck me eyes I normally get from Elizabeth when I’m sporting a bit of stubble, then threw on my jeans (sans underwear, because freeballing makes me feel sexy) and the long sleeve shirt and went to check on the status of the girls.

I walked into Tom and Ashley’s bedroom as I rolled up my sleeves. I turned the corner to see Ashley down on her knees facing their bathroom mirror, with Elizabeth studiously corralling Ashley’s lengthy hair into… something, I don’t know. I wasn’t paying as much attention to her hair as I was to what the girls were wearing. Elizabeth looked exquisite in her blue knee-length dress. Some sort of cocktail-style dress with a lacy pattern all over it. An image of Tom peeling the dress off of her flashed through my mind, resulting in that familiar pang of jealousy/lust that was so hard to pin down.

Ashley was equally distracting in a bright red dress, kneeling down with her knees spread far apart to give Elizabeth the height advantage that she needed. Her dress draped lasciviously over her cute little ass, somehow highlighting her slight curves as much as hiding them. My jealously/lust was momentarily forgotten with a rush of envy/lust as I looked at her. I wasn’t sure what she was wearing underneath that thin, flowy material, but I was suddenly very interested to find out.

Honestly, walking into the room while rolling up my sleeves was a calculated move. I’ve read too many r/AskReddit threads about the little things that guys can do that are sexy to women, and that’s nearly always at the top of the list, and my forearms *are* pretty sexy, so I watched Ashley’s reflection in the mirror and I’m pretty sure I saw her eyebrows raise slightly when she caught sight of me. Up to this point the only indication I had that she had any interest in me was through Tom’s relayed message, so I was trying to gain any advantage that I could.

With assurances that we would meet up at the bar and a quick goodbye kiss for Elizabeth, Tom and I left for dinner. It was nothing to write home about. We had a couple of beers and generally shot the shit, swapping a few stories and sharing hints of our respective spouse’s sexual proclivities. Once we knew the girls were on their way to the bar, we made a quick stop for some whiskey and pulled into the parking lot maybe 10 minutes after them. Before heading in we made a last second decision to sit next to each other’s wife. Again, trying to set the mood.

The bar we went to was a newer trendy place in the downtown area that specialized in wines and craft beers. Luckily it was pretty early in the evening, so while all of the tables inside were taken, there was plenty of room at the bar itself. Elizabeth and Ashley were already seated next to each other, sipping at some white wine. Tom pulled out the seat next to Elizabeth and I bellied up next to Ashley.

We ordered drinks and figured out who was paying for what, but that was basically the last interaction between the four of us for a while. I did my best to be charming and complimentary, and I think I succeeded to a fair degree, but my subsequent conversation with Ashley was pretty strained at first. We talked for a bit and I tried to make her laugh (I like to think that I’m pretty funny), and I used a couple of conversational excuses to touch her lightly, but I still felt like my attempts were falling flat. I’ve read or heard somewhere that body language is a good indication of attraction. While Elizabeth and Tom were fully turned towards each other on their bar stools, Ashley had her arms crossed lightly over her lap and had her crossed legs nearly pointing away from me.

It was a pretty weird situation. On the one hand this was somebody I didn’t know very well, and I wasn’t even sure of her general level of attraction towards me (can you tell that’s important to me?), but on the other hand she agreed to be there to begin with and by all accounts was enthusiastic about the prospect of sharing Elizabeth and me. I *felt* like I was a shoo in. It was a sure thing, right? That should have taken the pressure off because I didn’t *have* to try. But still, I *was* trying and I felt like I was failing.

Thankfully, by the time the second round was ordered the awkwardness had dissipated. My jokes were landing with surprising frequency and our conversation was flowing freely. We gradually moved on to sexier topics, and she turned towards me and huddled closer so as to not be overheard by the other patrons. She was not, in fact, wearing a bra, and she shook her humble tits at me to prove it. She also told me that she took her time in the shower and shaved *everything*, offering her uncovered leg as Exhibit A and giving me another opportunity to touch her, with the added promise that I could touch the rest once we got back to the house. Needless to say, I suddenly wasn’t very interested in the bar scene anymore.

Elizabeth and I talked earlier about always being in the same room with anything that was going on. We amended that on our drive over to include a short period between bar and home where we would split off in separate cars, Ashley and I together and Tom and Elizabeth together, with the caveat that we all headed straight home. No pit stops. So that’s exactly what we did.

During the course of our conversation, Ashley had promised me a twirl to show off the flowiness of her dress. She executed one right in the parking lot, and I caught a glimpse of that cute little butt in the flesh. I was excited to see more, so we piled into the car and set out. On the almost disappointingly short ride back to Tom and Ashley’s, I ended up rubbing my hand along her thigh while she trailed a finger lazily over my back. It had been a very long time since anybody other than my wife touched me in anything more than a platonic or casual way, and even just that small touch felt electric.

We pulled up to the house immediately behind Tom and Elizabeth, and I figured I had probably fifteen seconds where I could give Ashley my full attention. Even before I turned the car off I brushed her hair behind her ear and clasped my hand gently behind her head. My intent was to kiss her, but I hesitated. I can’t even think of the last time I kissed anyone other than Elizabeth, and I couldn’t help but feel guilty for even thinking about it.

Ashley took the decision (or indecision, I guess) away from me by throwing off her seat belt and practically lunging for me. Our lips met and immediately both of our mouths were open, our tongues gently probing against each other. I nearly gasped at the sensation. Her lips and tongue felt different, her technique was different, even the way her nose brushed against my face was different. Except for the basic mechanics, it was a completely new experience. Whatever doubts I had about Ashley’s attraction towards me faded as the kiss lingered on, quiet sighs filling the interior of the dark car. I really only intended to give her a quick kiss, but she was pressing for more, and I was content to oblige her, though I still felt a lump of guilt deep in my gut warring with my building desire.

I gently pulled back and admonished that we should probably get inside. I turned away from her to see Elizabeth standing in the driveway, silhouetted by the garage light. She threw her hands up and walked inside. My heart sank fractionally, because I knew I fucked up. We weren’t supposed to do anything separately from each other, and the first opportunity I got I deviated from the plan. But we knew this sort of thing was inevitable, right? It was just a kiss. I was buoyed by the knowledge that my relationship with Elizabeth is rock solid, but I felt like I had been caught doing something I shouldn’t have.

Ashley and I unfolded ourselves from the car and walked in through the garage. I feigned a casual air, but I was nervous about Elizabeth’s reaction. She was waiting for me in the living room, and I expected the worst.

She looked up at me expectantly as I approached, but I couldn’t read her expression. I was already forming an apology.

“Did you get my purse?”

“Uh, ah, what? No.”

“Could you grab it for me? I left it in our car.”

“Oh, uh, yeah.”

I didn’t know what just happened there, but I used the purse as an excuse to extricate myself from the situation in case there was more to come. It would just be delaying the inevitable, but sometimes that’s all we have. I came back in, purse in hand, and handed it to her.

“You know,” she said, “I can’t imagine any other situation where I see my husband making out with another woman, and my only reaction is to smile,” she said, running her hand across my chest. She came up on her toes to kiss me.

“Oh, you saw that, huh?”

“Uh, yeah!” She laughed.

It turns out that Elizabeth was really only looking to get her purse, but she saw Ashley and I kissing and didn’t want to interrupt. What a bro move! I didn’t know wing-wives were a thing, but I’m glad I have one.

The girls went to take their shoes off (they were cute shoes, and in keeping with the Greater Shoe Cuteness-to-Pain Proportionality Theory, they must have hurt to wear) and Tom and I settled in to have a glass of whiskey on the back porch. Another part of the original plan was to partake in some weed before the real fun began, so Tom started gearing up to do just that. I suggested that we forgo two of the four available chairs and offer our laps as seating areas for the girls, and sure enough, Ashley sat in my lap and Elizabeth sat on Tom’s. I even made the “Sit in my lap and we’ll talk about the first thing that pops up” joke to Ashley and she (thankfully) laughed and wiggled her ass against me.

We sat that way for a minute and chatted while the bong was passed around, but before things could really get started (or continue, as the case may be), Tom hit the Big Red Button and suggested a massage. I was a little annoyed, because I liked the slow buildup, but I wasn’t about to say no to having one (or both) of the girls naked and oiled up on a makeshift massage table, so we all made our way into the bedroom. We set up a padded bench as our massage table and laid a towel over it while Tom lit candles. I was asked to put on some music, and the only music that ever comes to mind where massages are concerned is Enya, so I started up an Enya station on my phone.

I was leaning against the dresser, whiskey in hand, admiring my beautiful wife in the candlelight, when she stepped up to me for a kiss. Then she slowly unbuttoned my shirt, pushed it open slightly, and stepped back to admire her handiwork. She seemed rather pleased with herself, and she told me later that I looked incredibly sexy standing there like that. But then, awkwardly, Tom stripped down to his underwear before unceremoniously tearing them down and stepping out of them.

“Getting naked is the hardest part,” he explained.

Personally I think he jumped the gun, because being naked seemed like a natural progression to the massage, but I let it go because, well, why not?

Ashley came in from whatever she was doing, saw him, and said, “Oh, you’re naked already?” So maybe he was just eager.

Either way, I was still standing sexily against the dresser and Elizabeth was standing near the makeshift massage table, looking somewhat unsure of herself until Tom stepped up behind her and started kissing her neck. Hearing her sigh as another man kissed her like that made my cock twitch for sure. Ashley wasted no time stepping in front of me with her back towards me to watch Tom and Elizabeth. Ashley snaked her hands down between us and started massaging my growing cock through my jeans. I took that as permission to run my hands over her body and plant kisses over every inch of exposed skin.

Fair warning, this is where things start to get hectic. If you’ve ever been in a situation like this, you know that there’s *a lot* going on, so it was hard to catch everything, and even harder (in no small part due to the alcohol) to catalogue everything for later review with Elizabeth.

The next time I looked up, Elizabeth was naked from the waist up, wearing only a thong, and Tom’s hands were exploring her breasts. She was leaned back against him, her head turned to the side, her eyes closed in pleasure, and I could see that she had one hand behind her back, apparently stroking Tom. Ashley started tearing at my belt while we watched Tom and Elizabeth, and in short order my jeans were pooled at my ankles. I stepped out of them as Ashley turned around and pushed my shirt off of my shoulders. We started making out as my hands continued their slow exploration of new territory. I grabbed and squeezed her ass and pulled her into me while our tongues intertwined.

I glanced over at Tom and my wife, now facing each other, hands in each other’s hair, kissing. His hands were on her ass and their moans and sighs of pleasure were driving me wild. Ashley glanced over at them and then looked at me.

“I’m the only one still wearing any clothes,” she said, smiling.

“Well then let me fix that,” I grinned back.

I kissed her neck and moved to untie the straps at the back of her neck.

“Good luck, they’re double knotted.”

“Of course they would be. Don’t worry, I’ll get it.” I was already working the first knot loose.

“Or you could just pull it over my head,” she suggested.

I picked Ashley up and laid her on the bed to begin acting on that suggestion when suddenly Tom and Elizabeth were there helping me. It was a matter of seconds before Ashley’s red dress was in a pile on the floor and I was looking down at her smooth stomach and perky, gravity-defying tits. She was still wearing panties, a satiny nude color, or maybe gray or silver, I couldn’t tell in the candlelight, but I wasn’t too concerned about those. I knew I’d get there in due time.

I couldn’t even tell you what Tom and Elizabeth were doing at this point, but they were configured similarly on the bed next to us, apparently enjoying themselves judging by the sounds they were making. I kissed Ashley again and then down her body, kissing and nipping at her collar bone before closing my mouth around one eraser-sized nipple. They were incredibly hard and felt wonderful in my mouth as I flicked first one and then the other with my tongue, using my fingers to tease whichever one didn’t have my mouth occupied. I did my best to keep my hands moving, caressing her slender body, running gentle fingers between her legs.

She was squirming underneath me, so I moved myself further down, leaving a trail of kisses down her stomach and finally settling myself between her legs. I teased her inner thighs with kisses and continued to lightly drag my fingers over her nipples. I flattened my tongue and licked my way around the line of her panties before lightly dragging my lips directly over her covered pussy for as long as I could stand not making direct contact. I hooked my fingers into the waistline of her panties and she obligingly lifted her hips for me to pull them down.

I was greeted with the sight of a completely bald pussy that looked fucking delicious. Whereas Elizabeth has more of an “innie,” Ashley had a compact little “outtie,” her inner lips and clit protruding slightly. I again flattened my tongue and licked her from bottom to top, keeping the contact light. I pushed my tongue into her and tasted her wetness, then trailed my tongue around and through every slick fold before clamping my lips over her clit and gently sucking.

Ashley and I were more or less perpendicular to Tom and Elizabeth, and I could see that he was going down on her. Elizabeth was rubbing her hands through Tom’s hair, up her own body, and caressing her breasts. Between watching them and having my mouth on Ashley’s sweet little cunt, I couldn’t help but stroke myself. Ashley’s foot trailed down my arm, so I knew she could feel what I was doing, and it seemed to turn her on, because she started gyrating her hips against me. I reached up with my free hand and pressed a finger into her. Holy shit she was tight. My cock isn’t huge, but I wasn’t sure how it would fit in there. I struggled to maintain the rhythm between fingering her, sucking on her clit, and jerking myself off, but I pressed on for as long as I could stand it. It didn’t seem like she was going to come anytime soon, or if she was close, she wasn’t giving any clear indications, so I eventually stopped and stood up, my cock pointing proudly forward.

Ashley wasted no time sitting up and taking me into her mouth. Again, everything about it was different. Her tongue was warm and soft on the underside of my shaft, and whereas normally I can feel Elizabeth’s back teeth scrape slightly against the head, in Ashley’s mouth I felt no resistance at all until I was pushing up against the back of her throat. My cock twitched in her mouth when she reached up to cup my balls, gently rolling them around in her hands. I was a little worried about coming too soon, but she maintained a slow enough pace that I was able to enjoy the show being put on by Tom and Elizabeth.

Elizabeth was just coming up for air after pulling Tom’s wet dick out of her mouth, then she licked the length of his shaft and went back for more. I’ve always told her that she looks so fucking hot with a dick in her mouth, and this time was no exception. Over the years she has come to love going down on me, so it was no surprise that she was attacking Tom with the same enthusiasm, her moans being cut short as he bottomed out in the back of her throat. It was a very sexy sight.

We switched positions (and activities) a few more times as we each sampled the treats on offer. Ashley and Elizabeth made out for a little bit while Tom and I grabbed and caressed whatever we could reach. I fucked Elizabeth’s mouth while Tom went down on her, I fucked Ashley’s mouth for a little bit, things like that. But up to that point nobody had actually fucked, so I set out to change that. I had Ashley on the edge of the bed, going down on her again, but I was hungry for more. I wanted to fuck her tight pussy. I fucking needed it. Tom was straddling Elizabeth’s chest and fucking her face when I got on my knees next to their low bed. I grabbed Ashley by the hips and positioned the head of my cock against her entrance, all under her watchful eye. I slowly pushed forward into her, and goddamn. She was incredibly tight. I’m not naïve enough to think that this had anything to do with the size of Tom’s dick. I was actually a little worried that he’d be much bigger than me based on rumors I’d heard back in school, but as it turns out we’re pretty comparable in size. Ashley was just naturally tight.

Her head fell back as I pushed myself in to the hilt as slowly as I could stand it. As I slowly started fucking her, she reached down to feel me going into her and then circled her fingers around her clit. I wanted to just pound into her, but I could feel my orgasm building. Between the whiskey and the excitement I had enjoyed some above average (for me) longevity, but no amount of whiskey was going to prevent me from coming eventually, not in that situation.

Following suit, Tom and my wife started fucking as well. I could hear his balls slapping wetly against her ass as he fucked her in the missionary position, and it was music to my ears. She gets pretty wet most of the time, but when she’s *really* turned on she gets insanely wet, to the point that there’s almost no friction at all. She had definitely reached that point and Tom was taking full advantage of it. We ended up laying on the bed in opposite directions, so we all had a great view of what everybody was doing, and there’s definitely something to be said for watching your friend fuck your wife while she’s watching you fuck another woman.

After a few minutes I was bringing myself to the edge of coming with just a few strokes. Ashley had really started getting into it, which was unfortunate because I wasn’t able to give her the pounding she seemed to want without nearly erupting inside of her. Elizabeth didn’t want Tom coming inside of her, but I had no such restrictions. However, I know that Elizabeth loves to watch me come, and I didn’t want to deny her a show. Tom and I both flipped our partners over so that they were face down, Elizabeth’s head was at my side of the bed, and Ashley’s head was at Tom’s side of the bed. We fucked each other’s wives in unison for a minute before Tom announced that he was going to come. He pulled out of Elizabeth and absolutely sprayed her whole back. Watching him and hearing Elizabeth and Ashley moaning was too much for me, so I pretty much immediately followed suit, finishing myself off on Ashley’s ass.

In the aftermath of my orgasm I suddenly realized how fucking hot it was in the room. The ceiling fan was doing nothing to cool down the combined heating power of eight or ten candles. Tom and I quickly cleaned up our respective partners and retreated to the cool night air of the back porch. Looking at the time, the whole ordeal lasted two and a half hours, which was crazy, because it seemed like less than half of that. Time flies, huh?

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/bi15y6/swinger_friends_mf_convince_us_mf_to_join_them


  1. This is a great tale and it is told well. It is way undervoted. Will there be a part 3 discussing the aftermath?

  2. Would love to hear more about this, how is everyone getting on afterwords?

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