Swinger friends [MF] convince us [MF] to join them [Group] – Part 1

(This started off as a way for my wife and I to share our perspectives with each other after a pretty wild experience, but we decided to share and it kinda morphed into this behemoth that is just slightly too big for a single post. Part 1 is mostly background. The real action is in [Part 2](https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/bi15y6/swinger_friends_mf_convince_us_mf_to_join_them/?).)

I’ve been friends with Tom for about 20 years now, so I was naturally invited when he married a cute blonde girl named Ashley a few years ago. Their relationship always seemed to have an adventurous bent to it; honeymoon abroad, camping, hiking, mud runs. They were always doing something, but otherwise their relationship seemed to be relatively normal for a couple in their prime. I also knew that Ashley had something of a wild side to her during her college years, based on some stories Tom told during our irregular get-togethers. That side of her seemed to bleed over to him as well, given that they started doing things like going to nude beaches and attending invite-only “poker parties” where Ashley would serve drinks to the guys in attendance, wearing skimpy clothing and sitting in the laps of anybody willing to tip her with enough poker chips, all with Tom’s blessing.

Even so I wasn’t quite prepared for a conversation we had a few weeks ago over a couple of beers, wherein he casually mentioned that she went on a date with a guy she knew from work.

“Wait a minute, like a *date* date?” I was confused, but a little intrigued.

“Yeah, she goes out every now and then,” he nodded.

I had so many questions.

“So, does she, like, sleep with these guys?”

He took a drink and shrugged. “Sometimes.”

“And you’re okay with this?”

He just kind of laughed. “Yeah. I’ve been on a few dates myself, but nothing really came of them.”

I covered my bewilderment by taking another swig of my beer. It was a lot to take in, because I didn’t even have the slightest inkling that they got down like that. Not that there’s anything wrong with it, I just figured him for more of a traditionalist, I guess. I’d known him for long enough to know, in a general sense, the sort of people he dated and basically how his relationships went. This was on another level.

During the course of that conversation I discovered that they were, for lack of a better term, swingers. The nude beaches led to nudist resorts and special events where couples gather and single men are strongly discouraged from attending. Places where people will get together naked in hot tubs and casually hook up with other couples. They’d been doing it for years.

Don’t get me wrong, my wife Elizabeth and I are no prudes. Throughout our marriage, we experimented early and often with all sorts of things. From adding another guy to the mix to a full-on three girl two guy orgy and just about everything in between. Sprinkle in a bit of anal, light BDSM, public sex, and plenty of toys and I figured that we had just about everything covered.

So when Tom suggested that the four of us could try something out, I was more than intrigued.

Like I mentioned, Ashley is a cute little blonde, probably 5’2″, 120-ish pounds, maybe a B cup, and a lithe dancer’s body. She’ll even do a little twirl every now and then when she thinks nobody is watching. The thought of being with her definitely got my heart beating a little faster.

Tom and I quietly discussed a few possibilities, and we left with the promise that we would each talk things over with our better halves and see what was what.

He actually texted me later that night to let me know that Ashely was on board with the idea, saying that she thought I was good looking and that she would definitely enjoy kissing Elizabeth.

Personally I think she was being a little generous calling me good looking, but who am I to judge? Elizabeth would tell you that I’ve got the “tall, dark, and handsome” thing going on, but I don’t know about that, either. I’m 6’1″ and a little over 200 pounds, and thanks to some relatively recent lifestyle changes, I’m in the best shape of my life. As much as I’d like to bend the truth and say that I have huge arms and washboard abs, I’m simply not quite to that point. If I turn the right way in the right light you can see my abs are there, and I think I look decent naked, but that’s about the extent of it.

Elizabeth on the other hand, is a knockout. I definitely married up, if you know what I mean. She had a short-lived career as a model back in college and has only grown more beautiful since. At 5’3″ and 130 pounds, she has curves in all the right places. She rocks (I think) a C cup, but in my humble opinion her best feature is her delicious bubble butt. She’s definitely a PAWG. As a matter of fact, you can see pictures of [her best asset](http://imgur.com/jjBD4Ac) in my [post history](http://imgur.com/hoT46XV) (that was our short foray in sharing pictures on the internet — like I said, we’ve done plenty of experimenting). As a short aside, she’ll never admit it, but she loves to be complimented. As I recall the PMs I got as a result of those pictures led to some pretty hot sex.

And I may as well finish up by describing Tom. He and Ashely stay active and eat right, so he’s in good shape. He’s shorter than me, so maybe 5’10” and probably 180 pounds or so. I won’t comment on his attractiveness otherwise, because I don’t really know, but I will say that Elizabeth confessed to having a crush on him years ago, so if he looks good enough to attract her attention he must be really handsome, right?

Anyway, I talked to Elizabeth about our conversation. When I asked her what she thought she nodded thoughtfully and said, “Yeah, I’d make out with Ashley.”

Okay, so it was a go.

I started off just texting Tom to get a feel for how these things go. He apparently had much more experience than Elizabeth and I, so I deferred to him for the logistics of the thing. He was apprehensive initially due to two factors. One, he and Ashley had never really involved themselves with anybody they already considered friends. Reading up on it later (on Reddit, of course), I learned from various sources that it’s generally easier and wiser to make swingers into friends as opposed to friends into swingers, so I could certainly understand his reservations, but I detailed our history with adding partners (the 5-some/orgy actually happened at my house while he was spending the night, but he ended up not participating and had no knowledge of it until much later), and that seemed to placate him.

Secondly, in his experience, the group dynamic doesn’t work as well as something more intimate. According to him, adding a third person is fun, but adding two people complicates things. Again, thanks to my exhaustive Reddit research (thanks, r/swingers!), I knew that it was really important to set boundaries and stick to them, and after talking with Elizabeth we both agreed that however things worked out, we wanted to be in the same room. It turns out that I didn’t need to put my foot down or anything, and he readily agreed that we’d just try it out and see.

With his concerns addressed, I started asking for more details. My biggest concern when I’m with my wife is that she is enjoying herself. I’ve suggested a few things over the years that she hasn’t really been into, but she’ll do them anyway because she aims to please. Sometimes she finds that she likes it and wants to do more (butt stuff being one example that comes to mind), and sometimes she’s just not wild about it (sorry, facials!). As soon as I know that she’s not into something it kind of kills it for me. Not that I don’t revisit the idea later on just to be sure, but I just can’t enjoy myself if I know she’s not enjoying herself. I wanted to extend that courtesy to Ashley, so I asked the only Ashley expert I knew: Tom.

He had a few things to say on the matter, but he didn’t want to just give me his “playbook” so to speak because the discovery and experimentation is such a fun part of the experience. Even so, I shared of few of Elizabeth’s likes with him as well (I can’t deny her the opportunity to have her face fucked by a former crush, so I had to give him at least that much!). Ultimately, however, he told me that I was better off just asking her directly. With permission duly granted, I texted Ashley.

I’d like to be able to say that Ashley and I really hit it off and had an easy, sexy, flirty back and forth, but it didn’t go like that at all. Up to this point I had only had the most casual of conversations with her. Hey, how’s it going, what are you up to, are you excited for the wedding, how’s work… Really simple shit. To begin with there was no way I was going to hit her with the sexting equivalent of “hey bby, u want sum fuk?” even though at this point actually fucking her was practically guaranteed. So I started slow and tried to broach the subject obliquely. The conversation was… Well, let me try to give you the gist of it:

Me: Hey, what’s up?
Her: Hi
Me: So I was just talking with Tom. Did he fill you in on our conversation?
Her: haha, yeah
Me: haha, I just want to make sure everybody has a good time. What sorts of things are you into?
Her: I like pretty much everything
Me: Do you have a favorite position or anything?
Her: I like it when the guy is on top
Me: Okay… Is that it?
Her: There isn’t really anything that I don’t like, lol

I’m probably making her sound ditzy or disinterested, but I was very frustrated with my inability to get anything out of her. I’ve been married for long enough that texting was still in its infancy the last time I was an eligible bachelor, so I’m rusty as fuck anyway, but to be unable to get anything more than those sorts of responses from her was bruising my ego. I shared my frustrations with Tom, who informed me that she doesn’t really text all that much, so she’s not very good at communicating that way. I shrugged it off and decided that I’d probably have to just talk to her in person in order to get any idea of how to push her buttons. Maybe it would be in an intimate enough setting that it could kind of set the mood all on its own.

Three or four days later I was working late when I got a call from Tom. We shot the shit for a minute before really getting down to business. He originally told me that I was free to text Ashley, and that anything I said there would only be between the two of us, but that he was going to hold off on talking to Elizabeth. Why, I’m not sure, but part of our phone conversation was him asking me if I was okay with him hitting Elizabeth up via text. It was only fair, really, so I had no objections, but I did let him know that Elizabeth and I had decided on an open phone policy, so whatever he said to her was probably going to be shared with me in short order.

True to the spirit of our agreement, Elizabeth texted me a short while later to let me know she was talking with Tom. And then, much to my surprise, Ashley texted me to ask what I was up to. At the time I assumed that Tom (or even Elizabeth) put her up to it, but apparently that wasn’t the case. So maybe she *was* actually interested in talking to me. Nothing terribly fun came from my conversation with Ashley, though I learned a lot more about her likes and dislikes (for example, she doesn’t understand the fascination men have with anal, though I knew from Tom that they had tried it and didn’t hate it, at the very least). My conversation with Elizabeth, however, was quite different.

After exchanging pleasantries, Tom sent Elizabeth a shirtless picture of himself. At first I was aghast. Isn’t that rule number one of texting? No unsolicited pics? Surprisingly, though, Elizabeth didn’t seem mind at all. Asking her how he looked, she only replied with, “He looks good.” I declined her offer to forward the picture to me, knowing that I would see it eventually. (Spoiler alert, he *did* look good – six pack and everything, the bastard.) Through her texts I learned that their conversation was going really well and that it pretty much immediately turned flirty. I have to admit that I was feeling a hint of jealousy at that, but they’ve known each other just about as long as Tom and I have, so I guess it’s no surprise. What *was* surprising is that the jealousy was kind of turning me on. I don’t think it has much of anything to do with cuckolding, though I suppose that might be in there somewhere. I think what was really doing it for me was that she was more freely expressing herself and her desires, even if that expression wasn’t directed solely at me. Or maybe *because* it wasn’t directed solely at me, as though one man wasn’t enough to satisfy her wanton lust.

Whatever the reason, I started egging her on. I challenged her to share one of her fantasies with him. Namely about being with two men at the same time, which was almost a foregone conclusion at this point. She confided in me that the weird 3-way text thing we had going on was really making her horny, to the point that she felt the need to pull out her vibrator. Feeling quite horny myself, I encouraged her to tell Tom what she was doing. About two minutes later she called me.

“Oh my god,” she said breathlessly, “This whole thing is so fucking hot.”

Her voice was husky and dripping with sex.

“Did you tell him?” I asked, my own voice dropping into a sexy growl that I know she loves.

“Yeah,” she said, her voice catching. “And now I’m using my toy to edge myself.”

Now, edging is kinda *my* thing. I’ve been doing it for almost as long as I’ve been masturbating, and over the years I’ve taught Elizabeth how to bring me right to the brink. She loves to keep me right on the razor’s edge of orgasm without pushing me over until she’s good and ready, and she’s diabolically good at it. We’ve tried once or twice with her, but without much success. If I push her to 99% and back off, it’s like she resets to 20%. That night was completely different. Maybe it was the situation or that she had full control, but I could hear getting herself right to the edge of coming without quite crashing over, and then doing it all over again, about thirty seconds apart.

I was in a private enough situation at work that I could stroke myself through my clothes, so I did just that as I continued the conversation.

“God, that’s hot. What did you tell him?”

“I told him that I want him to go down on me,” she said through her moans, “and that I want you to fuck my face while he’s doing it.”

I don’t know about you, but when a woman tells me that she wants me to fuck her face, well, I get a little spun up. I stroked myself faster. It was uncomfortable doing it through my clothes, but it was definitely working.

“Yeah?” I continued. “You want me to straddle your chest and grab the back of your head and choke you with my cock?”

“Yes,” she moaned. She sighed, took a breath, and then moaned again. “Fuck, I almost came. Can I come now?” The faint buzzing of the vibrator in the background changed pitch as she fucked herself with it, keeping herself near the edge.

“No,” I ordered. “Tell me what you want.”

“I want you to fuck my mouth.”

“And what else?”

“I want to feel your cock in the back of my throat.”

“And?” I urged.

“God, I want to feel your cock pulse. I want to you to come down my throat,” she breathed loudly.

Guys. Guys, listen. You guys. She has *never* said *anything* like that before. I was ready to come in my pants right the fuck then. I was absolutely jerking myself off through my pants at that point.

I realized I hadn’t responded when she asked, “Can I come?”

I wanted to draw it out more, but I was pretty well ready to come myself and I didn’t want to keep her waiting *too* long.

“Yes, come, baby. Think about me fucking your mouth and coming down your throat and come for me.”

Then I heard the most erotic, deep-throated groan, followed by long seconds of silence. I could imagine her whole body tensing and contorting with the force of her orgasm and it nearly pushed me over the edge, too, jerking myself as I was. An unbelievably long time later she gasped and started panting. The buzzing on the other end of the line got louder for a second and then ceased altogether. She took a deep breath.

“Holy shit,” she sighed, “I think there may be something to this edging thing.”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/bi0yuh/swinger_friends_mf_convince_us_mf_to_join_them