Part 2: I 35 [F] narrowly avoided a political sex scandal by coercing my daughter’s friend 18 [M] into impregnating me. *recently found out, it’s a boy!! :)

Part 1 here: [](

I put him in my mouth. Now I do have a gag reflex but I knew if I took him in slow and relaxed my throat that I could probably take all of him in so long as he doesn’t move. After working on sucking it for a moment I could tell he wasn’t going to last long. I stopped and told him to not move so he doesn’t trigger my gag reflex. I put my thumbs on his pelvic bones and fingers wrapped around the sides of his hips as I dig my fingernails into his skin…I did this because I knew this would help discourage him from moving his hips or thrusting into me which would probably make me gag. My ex would always try to thrust his dick in my mouth more than I was ready for so I found from experience that this helps discourage that behavior plus adds a little pain to the pleasure. My last resort would be to bite down enough to make him stop moving. I then slowly took him in my mouth hands-free and I managed but barely to take all of him in without gagging. I used to practice this with a banana when I was young lol. I could feel his head hitting the very back of my throat and it’s certainly not comfortable. My jaw was getting tired already but I worked him like a lollipop just using my tongue. He did well at holding still so I released one hand and then managed to pull his balls up towards my lower lip so I could extend my tongue out to lick them as I fondled his nuts. The back of my throat was hurting as my nose was firmly buried in his manscaped pelvis. I literally took him as deep in my mouth as he could possibly go and was able to work him with my tongue enough so that he didn’t need to thrust. I was quite proud of myself.

It didn’t take him long at all after that. His breathing increased rapidly, his body started convulsing and I quickly put my hand back on his hip and pushed down to hold him still. I really don’t care for the taste of cum so I hoped it all would shoot directly down my throat just so I didn’t have to taste it. It was just as anyone could probably imagine. Warm and thick like having Pepto Bisthmal poured directly to the back of your throat and trying to swallow it with your mouth wide open. I tried to swallow as it came out all concentrating hard to not gag while also trying to keep my tongue moving on his shaft until he was done so he wouldn’t feel the need to thrust into me. During this, he was squirming around a little and I had to dig my nails into him to hold him still. It wasn’t as easy as it sounds but I managed it. He moaned as he expelled his breath. I pulled back some as I thought he spewed out the last of it and some of his stuff drizzled onto my tongue as I pulled my head back. Ew, not a thing I particular enjoy so I still had to taste it. For you male readers that get to enjoy your end of the procedure, just imagine drinking a runny, raw egg with salt in it though I’m sure there are some women that enjoy the taste, I’ve never met someone who did. I pulled my skirt down and sat back on his lap, laid my head on his shoulder feeling his heartbeat and breathing gradually slowing down. I could really feel the back of my throat hurting now. We had some pillow talk in each other’s ear as he told me how awesome that was and I was happy that I was able to satisfy him so much. The reality gradualy started to hit home and I felt the need to remind him of how much older I was and figured it best to keep it quiet initially thinking this will probably be the end of it anyway.

He surprised me by mentioning that he wanted to keep going. I looked down and he was still hard and and gestured his intent that he wanted inside of me. I couldn’t believe that he was ready to go again but I do remember when my husband used to be able to go two or three times in a single night back in our youth. So I figured well, he already finished so maybe he can last a lot longer now that he is drained. We stood up and he pulled off my dress completely and he tried to bend me over on the table so he could mount me from behind but I pushed him back and asserted my dominance as I pushed him back down on the chair. I lightly smacked him across the face to reaffirm who’s in charge here and then I straddled him.

Feeling the urge to talk dirty again I asked: “Are you ready to make a baby with me?.” He seemed startled by the question but I had to know that he was serious and willing to go that far and not just wanting me for the sex itself. I didn’t specifically mention my fetish so I rephrased the question. “I’ll fuck you bone dry but first you have to be willing to go all the way, even if it means that I end up pregnant” I don’t think he knew what to say and I almost broke character laughing about how I phrased that. If anything I’m sure that was a mood killer for him but it kinda turned me on. He agreed even though it was probably just his little head speaking for his big head. I on the other hand, I had no idea what was going through my head but a large part of me was half serious about hoping to get pregnant while the other part of me just enjoyed the risk of it with presumptions that I wouldn’t. Of course I’m also thinking in my head that if it came down to it, I wouldn’t hold him responsible if I did and likely let him off the hook just because he was so young anyways. I just wanted closure that he knew what he was getting himself into plus it was the only way I knew how to achieve a good orgasm. So I continued with my dominant approach by saying “if we do this, then it’s not a one-time thing. You’re mine whenever I want you, understand? So make your decision now” even though I knew I couldn’t seriously make him or anything. I just wanted him to take me seriously and not be some cheap fling. So he told me he wanted me despite everything else, so well I gave it to him with half a mind to make him stick to it as best I could.

I took him inside me and he probably wasn’t really hitting bottom but it almost felt like it. That’s not to say that he was big down there, probably average but was plenty big enough for me. I had to take it slow for a couple of minutes because it’s been a while since I had anything in there. I guess you could say I was using his dick to clean out the cobwebs lol. Once i started getting into it, I rode him hard like a mule for quite a while then I would slow back down to regain my stamina before working him over with my hips like I’m trying to get to the juicy center of a tootsie pop. All the poor boy could do was hang on to my hips for dear life as I clenched my pelvic muscles around his shaft as hard as I could watch his face wince each time as I grind my clit against his pelvis. I had every intention of teaching him a good lesson but I think I was mostly taking out all my aggressions on his dick while probably making myself more sore than I was making him. I thought about switching positions, letting him pound me for a while but I was afraid he might pull out and I wanted his commitment to me plus I felt I was close to a great orgasm. I had my arm around his head with his face in my boobs. I had my legs out wrapped around the chair and his waist grinding hard on his dick. I’m getting louder because I can tell he’s almost there. Call me cynical but sure enough, as I suspected, he made an attempt to work his way out and then said “I’m about to blow” as he attempted to lift me up off of him. He’s quite strong so I pushed his head back and reached under behind my leg to grab his ass, clenching my nails hard into his skin to keep hold of him as I forced myself down with all of the 108 lbs that I had. My legs had him wrapped up like a burrito and secured to the chair so he wasn’t going anywhere but he gave it the old college try.

I said “Oh no, where do you think you’re going? Stay inside” He grunted and I quickly started having an intense organism knowing that the risks of getting pregnant were real. As he unloaded himself inside me, It just put me over the edge and I got pretty loud as I tried my best to keep him in place. I continued thrusting on his dick riding through an orgasm I hadn’t had in years. He probably got nervous at the last minute thinking that he could pull out of me in time but he was doomed from the start. The poor boy didn’t stand a chance and he finally stopped fighting me and released in defeat as I rode him out. My orgasm lasted quite a long time. Probably only 15-20 seconds or something but seemed like forever and much to his dismay, I kept riding him, using his cum as a lubricant which I needed because I was starting to get dry before that. He winced and said “ok, I think we can slow down now” perhaps hoping I would stop. Between my gasps I said “You’re done when I say you are” and rode him a moment longer than I otherwise would have just to spite. I could feel he was starting to lose his erection anyway but kept going until it finally flopped out of me.

We caught our breaths and I said: “Thought you were going to sneak out didn’t ya.” He grinned with his eyes closed but said nothing. “I’m punishing you for that later” He didn’t really have a response but mentioned a moment later how amazing I felt. Stroking his ego I said “You have a nice dick. I bet there’s no such thing as a loose pussy for you.” He chuckled, whether he believed me or not I dunno but I know guys like to hear those types of things so it just came out although in all seriousness it was a very good fuck for me. I could hardly remember the last time I orgasmed like that but it was probably sometime before Stacy was born so that’s a long time.

I immediately could feel his stuff coming out of me so I stood up, put my hand under myself to catch it until I saw a big white glob come out and I hiked my leg up over his shoulder, holding onto his head for balance, putting my pussy close to his face and rubbed it on my clit forcing him to watch. It was the first time I ever did that and I kept doing it until I orgasmed again. Not nearly as intense but still it was fun. I leaned close to his face and told him kind of jokingly but with a serious tone “next time you’re going to cum inside me at least twice before I let you out. Do you understand me?” I think he enjoyed my assertive dominating composure as he nodded his head as if afraid of some consequence will happen if he didn’t. A day or two after that, I bought him a phone since his was broken so that I could text him instead of having to call his house and avoid talking to his mother. He was a bit too much of a momma’s boy so I decided I was going to have to pound that out of him and mold him into a proper man that I wanted.

Monday I made the mistake of telling my secretary about what I did. I mean we tend to tell each other everything anyway, sometimes in graphic details. I didn’t quite realize she was a gossipy person so over the next few weeks I started hearing about rumors of my infidelity. I found myself having to remind or tell people that I was separated from my husband and we were going to get divorced. Some knew but many didn’t but the rumors grew. I was going to campaign again before long so this wasn’t good. I had enough loyal friends that they would tell me what people were saying, mostly in was in how it was put. The gossip is stated in how I’ve been sleeping with a HS student while my husband is away…that sounds really bad even though from a purely technical standpoint, it’s true. So I quickly reminded people that no, I’m separated from my husband and the guy I’m seeing is 18. So we are all adults and I’m filing for divorce right away.

That squashed down most of the locker room talk except for one of my political rivals or maybe a few of them anyway. You know, the “hey, she’s married and also dating some kid in H.S. type of locker room talk. It doesn’t sound right when his age nor my separation isn’t mentioned. I heard that our local reporter that does the political columns caught wind of it and started asking questions. To which my rivals were more than happy to gloss over the facts and make it sound as if I’ve been screwing some under aged kid behind my husbands back. All I could imagine was “sex scandal” on the front page news and I panicked. I knew the reporter as he often sat in on meetings and I promptly called him up. He told me that he doesn’t publish rumors alone but was asking questions about the rumors. I convinced him that I am in fact separated from my husband and my sex life is no one’s business and yes he was 18 so there’s nothing really that scandalous about it other than our age differences. I gave him my husband’s number so he could confirm that yes we were separated.

It was spreading fast enough that it probably didn’t even need to be in the news and I didn’t want to tarnish my upcoming re-election campaign nor all my church-going friends, my family…yeah, could get ugly if people got the wrong idea. Some of those women at church have husbands in powerful positions so I was a little paranoid when I went. Luckily I had enough influence and helpful friends that I was able to squash the rumors and set the facts straight before it got out of hand and get life back on course. For the most part, I think people have finally stopped making it sound worse than what it was. And granted some would say I made my decisions and deserve the social repercussions but I’m quite capable of handling it.

During all of this, Mike and I still saw each other. We had sex maybe three or four more times and after that, I thought I had him programmed enough that I could let him on top without him pulling out. I let him freely position himself and just as he was about to ejaculate and I was on the edge, he quickly pulled out on me and squirted it on my belly. I got angry and made him lick his own cum off of me. He didn’t like it but ended up doing it after I got mean with him. He confided his worries to me stating he wanted to start pulling out or wear a rubber. Obviously, he wanted his cake and to eat it too. I realized I was going to have to reassert my dominance yet again but the time being I Just said, “I hope you enjoyed tasting your own stuff because if you want to pull out, you’ll be doing that a lot”. I left it at that to sink in for the time being.

The next evening I texted ‘cum over right now!’ (pun intended) and he did as I commanded. I lured him into my room, locked the door and tied him up. My husband and I used to tie each other up back in the day so I knew how to tie a good knot. He started having some anxieties and was groveling. So I kept him in line by reminding him that he agreed to this. I then explained my little breeding fetish that I had. I assured him that I may not even beable to get pregnant again, I didn’t know but asserted to him that he made his decision and was “mine now”. Then he complained that it kind of hurt when I kept riding him after he has finished and I guess I was being dismissive when I said “Your cum makes me cum so you’ll get used to it” I put a cloth around his mouth so he wouldn’t talk me out of it or perhaps make me feel bad and then worked him over rough. It didn’t take him long at all to finish but I wasn’t quite there yet. I told him to keep it hard and kept going. Finall I was there and accidentally got a bit loud. My daughters were in the living room so I knew that they had to have known what was going on but I didn’t care anymore since it felt like most of the city already knew. I stood up on the bed and straddled my vagina over his head and let his stuff drip onto his face as a way to reassert my dominance. I then left him tied up, naked and wet on my bed and half-assed got dressed then walked out.

Stacy was the first to say something about hearing us then Kayla joined in and got herself pretty upset as I finally confessed that Mike and I had a “little thing” going on. Kayla wasted no time reminding me of how old I was and what she thought about the situation. I guess I got tired of listening to them preach to me and got mad telling Stacy to go to her room then reminded Kayla that she was old enough to move out if she didn’t like it. We had a little family drama moment there and they went to their rooms to sulk. I had a glass of wine..or four then started thinking about poor Mike, still tied to my bed. I figured he had probably ended up taking a nap anyway. After a couple of hours, I went back in there and changed into my Harley Quinn outfit that I stole from Stacy for last Halloween. He just laid there murmuring at me. I licked his dick to get it hard then had angry sex with him until he ejaculated again. “Are you going to be a good boy from now on?” I asked him. He quickly nodded his head so I untied him and told him to run along home to his mommy now. He kinda gave me a look, I don’t know why I was so mean to everyone that night but I knew he’d be back no matter how mean to him I was.

From then on, we had pretty good sexual chemistry together. He did his work on the house then he did his work on me like a good boy and he even stopped accepting money from me. lol. But instead, I started shoving some money into his pants pocket when he wasn’t looking now and then. He did as I asked and made sure I always had an orgasm then I would tell him how he was a good boy. I suppose my pregnancy was inevitable if it was able to happen at all and it didn’t take that long. I’m pretty sure that it was around Thanksgiving time that I conceived and after New years got the familiar symptoms before learning it was true. I felt both happy and sad at the same time. The first person I told was my secretary. Maybe it was because I finally had a baby of my own to talk with her about besides my grown-up girls but I ended up telling her first and about how happy I was to finally have another one on the way. But sad because I thought I was gonna have to let Mike go and how it’s going to affect my professional career. Not that I specifically or realistically planned to have another but subconsciously I hoped for it all along.

When I told Mike, I came out with it and quickly gave him the option to bail out free as a bird. It was the right thing to do because of our age difference. Because I was such a bitch about forcing him to finish inside me and because he was young and had his whole life ahead of him. But surprisingly he wanted to have a relationship with me and be a father. I appreciated his mature attitude and tried to push him back but he insisted. I wasn’t sure how well our relationship can go with our age discrepancy but he didn’t care so I put it to rest since we do actually have a lot of things in common. The real hard part was telling my kids. It didn’t go over too well. Kayla actually started crying as she was yelling at me for doing this with her friend, then went on to blame herself…I felt like the worst person in the world right then. Mike’s family took it the same with the real issue was with me being twice his age. But long story short, we soon fell in love and he moved in with us over the weekend. Stacy is now ok with it or maybe she doesn’t really care if I have another one or not. But Kayla still isn’t happy about it but she’s finally seeing someone more steadily now so it keeps her mind off of it as she plans for college. She still feels awkward about us living together and complains about having to hear us have sex at times so we tried harder to keep it quiet. The day after I found out I was pregnant was the day I found a divorce attorney and with all of our assets that we had, it could get messy if I really want my full half because we own several houses and business’s But all that matters now is that we’re happy. I’m now at 22 weeks with a very healthy baby and so far so good so I’m just going with it all for now ;) Mike’s been doing great at helping with plans and just had a job interview last Friday so all is well.

I know it’s a shameless plug to show off my baby bump but I am so proud. I recently found out It’s a boy! We already started buying boys stuff so hopefully, he stays a boy :) So I wanted to introduce you guys to Austin at 22 weeks: [](



  1. I enjoyed part 1, but this got a little dark.

    You left him tied up by himself for four glasses of wine? That’s a big no-no.

    But much more objectionably, you, a full grown woman with grown daughters, a family and a wealth of life experience emotionally pressured a completely unexperienced 18 year old boy into getting you pregnant after he very clearly expressed that he was uncomfortable with the idea?


    >as I suspected, he made an attempt to work his way out and then said “I’m about to blow” as he attempted to lift me up off of him. He’s quite strong so I pushed his head back and reached under behind my leg to grab his ass, clenching my nails hard into his skin to keep hold of him as I forced myself down with all of the 108 lbs that I had. My legs had him wrapped up like a burrito and secured to the chair so he wasn’t going anywhere but he gave it the old college try.
    >I said “Oh no, where do you think you’re going? Stay inside” He grunted and I quickly started having an intense organism knowing that the risks of getting pregnant were real. As he unloaded himself inside me, It just put me over the edge and I got pretty loud as I tried my best to keep him in place. I continued thrusting on his dick riding through an orgasm I hadn’t had in years. He probably got nervous at the last minute thinking that he could pull out of me in time but he was doomed from the start. The poor boy didn’t stand a chance and he finally stopped fighting me and released in defeat as I rode him out.


    This is a straight up sexual assault, and no less fucked up than a grown man making an 18 year old girl let him come inside her because he’s able to overpower her and force her into it.

  2. This might be the hottest thing I’ve ever read even though it takes a turn at the end. Still hot af.

  3. First of all, very detailed, very well done story.

    Second of all, congrats on little baby Austin, may he be born healthy and strong.

    Third of all, you are going to get a lot of flack on this story. Some of it deserved, some of it not (I won’t bother going into what is which). Ultimately, you have a child coming, who both you and your new bro appear to be ready to love and cherish, which is awesome because that is what matters. The child takes priority much like the relationship you have with your daughters should take a certain priority. Therefore if I had any advice for you it would be this: repair the relationship with them as best as you can. In the end, you’ll miss them if their emotionally detached or estranged from you and the newest addition to your household.

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