Part 1: I 35 [F] narrowly avoided a political sex scandal by coercing my daughter’s friend 18 [M] into impregnating me. *recently found out, it’s a boy!! :)

This is a secondary account just because I know of a few people that know my username likely wouldn’t appreciate hearing the details in this story. I almost deleted this before sharing, I got nervous and couldn’t make up my mind even though it’s anonymous. Does that happen to anyone here? Lol. It’s a long read but I assure you I didn’t over embelish anything. I wrote it out the exact way that I remember it though I did skip out on minor or boring details.

Early last year, my husband and I separated after 16 years of marriage but our lifestyles were very busy and we’re both in the public eye. I’m a local elected public official, not wanting to specify which, and I serve in a medium-sized town. Due to our lack of time and partial laziness, we just never got around to actually filing for divorce nor even really telling very many people at this point, or at least I didn’t. My father is also a locally known preacher and so I take care of organizing activities, etc. Basically put, I have a respectable reputation to maintain. So to the public’s eye, we were still thought to be a normal husband and wife couple and it was just easier to keep it that way for the time being, at least for me. So when the following situation sprang out into the open, I had to do some quick maneuvering to avoid public rumors of a sex scandal as if I cheated on my husband since we didn’t officially file for divorce yet and few knew we had already split apart from each other’s lives, living seperately. Luckily everything worked out great but it’s a long story so bare with me.

After our separation, I obviously needed a man that could do the upkeep of my estate which spans close to 500 acres. I had no interest in dating again nor had much of a sex drive in quite a few years. My husband took his practice to another state for other reasons not related to me or our separation but left me the main house, a few vehicles, and custody of the girls. We split up on agreeable terms and I told him if he just left me those specific things, then I wouldn’t fight him in court for my full half. Which would consist of his business, stocks, etc. He agreed so therefore I had no pressing incentive to start the divorce process just yet until we both had more time to get it taken care of as it seemed to be quite a hassle for both of us at the time. For the time being, I needed to hire someone to take care of the lawn, finish out my barn and various upkeep stuff.

I have two daughters. Kayla is 18, Stacy is 14. I had planned on hiring a landscape company and a contractor but ended up hiring Kayla’s friend named Mike. He has had the biggest crush on her throughout high school as did a number of boys. When I was her age, I was more of an ugly duckling turned into a swan and Kayla has always been a swan so she became quite shallow. Hate to say that but it’s true, I tell her that all the time. I only knew Mike previous to this from Facebook and Reddit at the time which wasn’t much more than knowing his username on here and him being a friend of a friend because Kayla has him as her FB friend. Kayla told me he wanted work and was a handyman type of guy so I gave him a chance after a short review to make sure he wasn’t crazy. Plus he was a lot cheaper than any landscaping company that I talked to.

So this was last summer when I hired him. He would come over whenever I was home and I’d have him work on things around the property and house. My initial impression of him was that he was a very nice young man and I noticed pretty quickly that he’s a little shy with a very submissive type of personality meaning he seemed a bit more obedient of people than I personally think he should have been but my daughter considered him as a friend only so since he always had a crush on her, I’m sure that frustrated him. He was too eager to jump at her feet for any little whim she had and for that matter, mine as well which also makes me feel bad for what I did to him later on.

However, despite his longtime crush on my daughter, he apparently started to quickly develop a crush on me. Especially after a particular day when he saw me outside in my bikini as I was sunbathing by the pool. I caught him checking me out a number of times as I laid there but thought little of it. I just raised up my legs, turning them to the side a little as if I could hide my body or something lol. Boys will be boys. It became a little more apparent later on when one day I had him pull weeds out of my garden. I was wearing my athletic shorts and a loose fitting top not really thinking about it as I was bending over in front of him to show which were weeds and which weren’t and I caught him looking down my shirt. I glanced down and realized he can pretty much see most of my boobs. I instinctively put my hand over my cleavage and gave him a look and I could immediately tell that he was really embarrassed as he turned his head away and avoided eye contact and then apologized for looking which is the first time a guy ever apologized to me for being inappropriate. And for some odd reason, I found his reaction adorable. I’m used to guys gawking at me at times, many don’t care if I give them a look or not, they just keep staring. Having large breasts and a shapely figure isn’t always the easiest thing to hide when you don’t want to attract attention. I can try to dress as unattractive as possible and men still tell me how pretty I am (please guys, try to find something else about us to compliment other than our looks) So I usually pay no mind to it because usually, it makes me feel awkward being stared at anyway as if I’m a cooked turkey on Thanksgiving day but in this instance and likely because of his apologetic reactions that I felt flattered and later noticed that when he gets nervous or embarrassed, it’s very cute. Kayla didn’t think so but she’s about as shallow as can be but at least Stacy agreed with me so I knew I wasn’t crazy but aside from that I had planned to keep things totally professional and I did not think or look at him in any way sexual at all at the time.

Over the next few months, I kept him busy in the evenings as I tried to juggle politics and home life. Most of the time I had him working on my barn. Then something happened to me that never happened before. I gradually found myself starting to enjoy the subtle art of teasing him just to see his cute reactions. He had a certain low level of shyness about him and I enjoyed watching his mannerisms when he gets nervous. It felt very empowering to catch him checking me out and making him blush. So I thought it was all innocent fun as I started to purposefully wear revealing outfits when he was around because I found that teasing him made me feel very powerful and dominating. I already largely consider myself as an alpha female that bosses people around and when someone like me encounters a more submissive than usual person, it becomes a more intoxicating feeling of power. As if I could just make him do absolutely anything and he would beg for more. Which probably wasn’t far from the truth. This sense of power eventually turned into arousal.

One day I happened upon a thread here on Reddit that he had posted in… well that wouldn’t be the entire truth, I guess I was nibbing on his comments since I viewed his profile first in order to ‘happen’ into that thread. Anyway, he responded to someone’s comment by saying how “hard” his “crush” is for his “friend’s hot mom.” There was enough detail that I knew he was talking about me. I felt almost as awkward as I did flattered if that makes sense and I almost…almost responded but I didn’t. You can only embarrass someone so much before they ghost you and I didn’t want him to realize who I was on there. I only knew his username because of Kayla and he didn’t know mine therefore had no clue that I’m capable of reading his stuff if I sought to do it. From then on, I subconsciously kicked it up a notch. I started dressing even sexier and showing a lot more skin. I started checking in on his work, leaning over him at times which would make him shy away trying to look at anything else except my body because he didn’t want to get caught. It seemed so cute to me and almost like a challenge game where I try to see how many times I can make him look where he shouldn’t be. Naturally, he couldn’t help himself and would take these quick peeks at my boobs, waistline or butt, whichever was in his field of view as if I wouldn’t notice. There were a couple of times where I stirred the pot when I saw his head turn out of my far peripheral to look at me and I would abruptly turn to him and ask “were you just looking at my butt?” And he would panic “no, no ma’am” and I would laugh watching him get beet red. “Ok” I would say, ” you just keep your eyes on your work” in a dominating way. Then I would come back later wearing a different outfit and ask him something like “What do you think about these jeans? or “Do you think this shows too much skin for a meeting with council members?” or ask if he can see my tan lines or whatever it would be that I was wearing. He would think hard, doing his best to give me a careful answer and it amused me.

I then started to get worse when my daughters weren’t around. Like the time I had him paint my living room and I walked out of my room in lingerie. I pretended as if I was rushing out to get something, quickly passing him, grabbed my purse and darted back to my room. I was basically just torturing the poor boy at this point and I enjoyed every minute of it. Not to brag or anything but I have a very toned body and always had large boobs since I was like 12 so I could almost feel his heart pounding when I did that. After closing the door, I got so aroused from that, that I began masturbating over the idea that he probably goes home and does the same fantasizing about me. Just to point out, I wasn’t attracted to him in that way, not yet anyway. I was attracted to the art of teasing him and being naughty. Being a preachers daughter, I never did anything like that before so it became a new found hobby so to speak. Then I started lightly flirting and didn’t realize I was until Stacy overheard me one day and called me out. I felt ashamed at first but she thought it was funny and encouraged it thinking it was all just fun and games. I complimented his physique asking if he worked out. He has a slender, toned body as well but I started occasionally saying things that I knew would stroke his ego as I wanted to build up his confidence. Not for me, just for his own good, to break his shyness. I thought it was all innocent enough until Kayla started to noticed that I was changing outfits often and the way I was dressing in front of him and said something to me about it saying I needed to cover up more, blah, blah. She would say “mom! Did you notice how he was looking at you? Why can’t you wear normal mom clothes!” and stuff like that. I would usually respond dismissively saying he’s too young for me or anything similar just to divert her away from the fact that I was doing stuff on purpose because it turned me on. And getting turned on is something I haven’t felt in a long time. Of course, the dress rules didn’t apply to Kayla and she didn’t care if he looked at her or not which I know he did, he’s always had a thing for her but since Kayla had no interest, figured I’d just help the guy’s confidence at the least. So I thought anyway.

For me, it was just an easy way I found to relieve stress from work and social activities plus I get bored easy so it gave me something to do and besides, who doesn’t love trying on new outfits? I just thought I was having some fun with it and didn’t even think I’d even go to the extent of walking half naked within his view. I soon found myself calling his mom (he lived at home and didn’t have his own phone) more often to have him come by and fix stupid little things. I once paid him $20 just to change out all of the light bulbs to LED even though some of them already were. I’d invite him inside and talk to him while I would slowly eat a banana or twirl a sucker in my mouth. Not giving him any naughty looks but trying to do it as casually and innocently as I could even though it should be painfully obvious to any observer what I was doing. Just stupid things because I was getting off on his facial reactions, the little nervous thing he does with his hands…things like that and it was satisfying to know that I still had it going on, that I could attract any young man I desire. To feel the arousal of my dominance over him but it also felt very naughty because he’s at the age of someone my daughter should be messing with, not me. I was never a naughty girl so it was a new and addictive feeling thinking about inappropriate relations that I assumed was never going to actually happen, rather just the idea of it.

Again being a preacher’s daughter, I led a very strict lifestyle growing up. Having 3 brothers made me a Tomboy and venturing into the business world while raising kids, made me really tough and bossy. I didn’t put up with anyone’s crap and learned various ways on how to socially dominate others so I could climb the ladders before diving into politics. During all of this, I had been telling my secretary at the office about my bad behaviors. She’s 23 and 6 months pregnant with her second child. All she talks about is her babies of course and it made me want another one so bad. Stacy has been asking for a brother or sister since she was like 5 and maybe it’s just my biological clock ticking but listening to her talk about her soon to be born and seeing so many pics of them, really made me want just one more before it’s too late. At my age, I’m pretty much at my limit to ever have another child and seeing pics of her baby and soon to be born…well you know. It was either now or never and never was the most likely option. So I think all that planted a seed in my head that I subconsciously wanted to get pregnant and Mike just happened to be….well easy prey.

It was a Saturday, sometime in October. My girls were out with their dad because he was in town. I actually had an entire day to myself but being a mom and in politics, I’m always so busy that in these moments where I actually have legit free time is when I get really bored quick. I wanted him to come over but couldn’t think of a darn thing left for him to do. So I called his mother and made one up. I don’t remember what it was, something about my water heater I think but we got into a topic of recipes because apparently Mike really liked something that I had made and as I’m talking to her, I became more consciously aware of what I was really doing. Calling up a young man’s mother to have him come over so that I could tease her son for my own amusement. I mean that’s basically what it was right? I knew I should feel horrible but instead that naughtiness aspect to it aroused me and I began rubbing my clit as I talked to her on the phone. Weird I know and nothing like that ever happened to me before. I was just aroused at this idea of seducing a guy so much younger than me and talking to his mother …I dunno, did it for me I guess. I ended up more aroused than usual and by the time he got there I had to change panties because I was so wet.

As I mentioned before, he’s also on Reddit and there was another time when I browsed some of his comments out of idle curiosity while at work. I saw he mentioned in a comment about attraction to uniforms, etc that he had a thing for women wearing Pencil Dresses. I had a couple that I used to wear on occasion for work and put one on. It’s a crew neck, short sleeve and while it doesn’t show too much skin, it most definitely shows my physique quite well. I had forgotten how good my physique looked in that thing and my boobs filled it out like no one’s business draping down to my 24″ waist. I felt sexy, confident and powerful in it. Yet I honestly had no intention or thought of actually seducing him. I just wanted to play because I felt bored if that makes sense. The only problem now is that I got myself horny before he came over which was a dangerous combination.

I had him inspect my water heater, asking him blonde questions. I don’t think he knew much about them either so I just pretended to know even less than he did. You know like “what’s this pipe thingy?” and he would say “I think that’s the water line” Lol. So maybe it was because I ran out of excuses to keep him around that day or maybe because I was horny when I eventually decided to ask a way off topic and probably inappropriate question. “Do you think it’s ok for a young person to engage in sex with a much older person if it’s just for fun?” His face was priceless but after his hard hearing response and me repeating myself as I trapped him in the corner of my utility room he fumbled a few words before managing to cobble together a half answer by muttering “well if they look as pretty as you do then sure” he then corrected himself to say “I mean if they were attracted to each other then why not?” I was amused by his increasing anxiety more than his response. He tried hard to keep eye contact even though my boobs were bulging in this tight outfit and were just inches away from his chest. I asked a couple more knit pick questions regarding age differences among couples just to pick his brain to make certain that he was into older women even though It should be obvious what I’m poking around at. At least that’s what I reckoned to myself but his male mind probably was assuming that I was just making small talk and is too afraid to take any hints.

I had been purposefully torturing him all summer, I already took it this far and was horny on top of that so I thought ‘to hell with it’ so I just got more to the point. “Ya know I get bored here sometimes, it would be nice to have a guy to play with now and then.” He smiled and am receiving subtle cues that he may be picking up on the hint finally. Perhaps all the flirtation from before finally cracked through his shyness as he quickly said: “yes, definitely I mean I would if it were me.” His oddball response was so cute, he didn’t know how to respond properly. So I leaned in more. His physical reaction was quite positive and I felt 100% secure that he was mine if I wanted him. I felt even more naughty at what I had in mind so I continued with the question but wanted to make it sound as dirty and direct as I could. I put my hand on his shoulder and talked slower “You know…. a guy… around…. just to fuck.” I’m sure he never heard me speak like that before. He responded with more confidence and authority in his voice ” yeah, I’m sure any guy you want would…especially if it was me” I smiled and continued, still talking slow “So have you…. ever thought about…. fucking me?” His jaw quivered, eyes widened and I’m pretty sure he got a hard on right then and there as I smirked at him. “yes, all the time” was all he could get out. I pulled back, relaxed and said”Aw you poor boy, you’re so cute when you’re nervous” as I touched his face. I don’t know why I felt like talking so dirty, it’s not something I ever did much of before, well in many years anyway. I then turned my head and adjusted my boobs right in front of him as I said “well if you’re not too busy with this old water heater, maybe we can go upstairs and I can teach you how to fix something else for me” I got a big smile from him out of that.

Now I should point out that I’ve always had this weird kink when I was younger. I like risk, more specifically I really got off on the risk of getting pregnant. I don’t know why but it’s the reason I initially had two kids as young as I did and my fetish prompted my now separated husband to get a vasectomy after Stacy was born and a few close calls. Unfortunately, after he had that done I knew there was no risk of getting pregnant or at least it didn’t feel as much like a risk so I couldn’t have that same level of arousal during sex even if I pretended, it just wasn’t quite the same. I mean I could orgasm, just not the same. Eventually, over the years, my sex drive kind of tanked and now for the first time, teasing this young man has rejuvenated that sex drive again. Thanks to Reddit, I later learned that my kink is called a breeding fetish. I used to think it was a cum fetish but the former seems more accurate because it’s that “oh shit, I may seriously get pregnant” kind of feeling after a guy ejaculates in me and that sudden rush of ‘oh no, it’s too late’ feeling is what actually gets me off with a really intense orgasm. With my current state of arousal, I wanted to have that feeling again.

I motioned for him to follow me and took him into my kitchen. I sat him in the chair and straddled his lap and he was already hard. We started making out, groping and feeling. I showed him how I like my breasts handled. Not too rough, etc because sometimes you guys can get carried away with boobs. I love the feeling of dominance so I maintained control on top pulling my skirt up around my waist. He was quite hard and I reached my hands into his pants to align his dick up straight so I could dry hump it with my panties on. His head protruded from the waistline of his jeans and then I teased him for a while once I got around to taking his pants off. I wanted to fuck him with my pencil dress on only because I knew he was into these kinds of outfits and figured it would fulfill a great fantasy of his anyway. I pulled my arms through the sleeves so I could pull the top down enough to get my boobs out and I shoved my right nipple into his mouth. It felt so sensual I can’t explain it as he sucked on it, gently biting it. I told him to bite harder. I had my left hand over his hand on my other breast showing him how I like it messaged. I soon felt a more intimate desire to bond with him. I was grinding on his dick through my panties with the skirt still hiked around my waist but I wasn’t for sure how far I really wanted to take this. I knew forcing my fetish on him would be a bad idea and that was likely the only way I was going to get off so I decided it would be better to end this but knew I should at the very least just finish him off with a BJ and be done with him. I mean I owed him that much since I took it this far because all of this is my own fault. I started thinking to myself about how inappropriate this is and a million other things but it was too late to leave him high and dry now so I figured it was the least I could do.

Part 2: [](


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