Spanking and Fucking Her Through the Process [MF]

She was there before me, bent at the waist, stretched out over the end of the bed, her naked, reddened bottom awaiting the next step.

It was time. I took my cock in hand, stepped forward, and pushed slowly into her. She picked up her head and moaned. “Ohhhh, fucccckkk….”

*****3 hours earlier******

It was 3:30 PM on a rainy, slow Tuesday. I heard my phone vibrate on my desk and picked it up to see a text from my wife.

“Have been a raging bitch all day.”

“How so?” I replied.


“Snapping at everyone.”

“Made assistant cry.”

My wife is an executive for one of the largest aerospace and defense firms in the world. Sometimes the stress piles on, she blows a gasket, and needs to be reset.

I typed: “Be hone 6pm sharp. Tardiness will not be tolerated.”

A gloomy, quiet, boring day suddenly buzzed with excitement. I raced through my remaining work, packed up, and headed home.

6 PM came and went with no sign of my wife. Finally, at 6:20, her headlights announced her arrival. I contemplated how to handle her tardiness.

She walked in the door, saw me, and flushed red. All 5’4″, 120 lbs of Pilates-toned body quivered under wavy brown hair. Her blue eyes struck a tone of uncertainty.

I pushed her up against the door, put a hand lightly on her throat, and whispered in her ear.

“You’re late.”

“I am sorry. Traffic….” she stammered.

“No excuses.” I spun her around, pushed her up against the door, reached for the zipper at the back of her dress, and lowered it all the way. A moment later, she was naked save for a bra and panties. I traced a finger down the side of her body from her neck to her waist. She shivered.

I leaned in and whispered, “You won’t walk or sit comfortably for days when we are done.”

She moaned. I slapped her silk-clad bottom hard. “Get up to our room now. I will be up in a few.”

She turned and walked upstairs. I followed a few minutes later.

The sight of her kneeling on the floor next to our bed was intoxicating. I took her by the hand, led her to a chair in a corner of our room, sat in it, and pulled her down across my lap.

“Your behavior today has been utterly unacceptable. You have treated your colleagues with anger, disdain, and disrespect. In a moment, I intend to spank you as long and hard as it takes for you to cry tears of remorse and pain. Then we will deal with your tardiness.”.

“Yes, sir,” she whispered.

I began then, first yanking her panties down to bare her bottom, then locking one arm around her waist. With the other, I began to smack her bottom hard with my large, heavy hand.

After a few minutes, her bottom punked up, and she began to whimper. I began to spank harder, and harder. “You are a leader,” I told her as I punished her. “You set the tone for everyone beneath you.” SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! ” If you treat people poorly, they will do the same.”

I poured it on. She wriggled, and kicked, and began to cry. I spanked harder and faster. Her tears flowed, and she cried out, “Please, I will do better!”, before collapsing back into tears.

I stopped and let her calm down and catch her breath. Then I told her, “Get in position. It is time to deal with your tardiness.”

She looked at me questioningly, but I stayed firm. She stood, rubbed her bottom, then walked over to our bed and bent over its foot.

I walked into our closet, picked out my wide, brown, 100% bullhide belt, and returned.

“20 minutes late? I think 20 stripes ought to suffice!” She gasped.

I doubled the belt in my hands, and brought it down hard across her bottom. The loud splat echoed in the room. She cried out. An angry, red stripe appeared across her already-red bottom.

I repeated the process again, and again, and again. After 10 stripes, she was clutching the duvet and crying. After a second 10, she was begging for it to be over.

I laid the belt down, and dropped my pants. Her bottom stuck out to me, crisscrossed in stripes. I moved toward her, slowly pushing my hard cock inside of her waiting flower, already wet. She moaned.

I withdrew, then pushed slowly in again, reveling in every ripple of her. Gradually, I picked up the pace, until I was slamming hard into her with every thrust. “Ohhh, fucccckkk,” she began to moan with every thrust. As my thrusts grew harder, her moans got more high-pitcjrd and intense, driving me to greater heights.

I grabbed her hips, and slammed into her harder and harder and harder, pounding at her. She clutched the sheets, writhed wildly, and screamed “Yes, yes, yes, pound my pussy! Pound it! Don’t stop, uou’re hitting it, don’t stop!”

T felt my orgasm coming, so I pounded harder and harder until I exploded inside her, coming hard 5 or 6 times.

She screamed as she felt my cum fill her, and I felt her shaking all over. She shook, and screamed, and collapsed. I fell on top of her.

We spent several minutes just breathing. Finally, she spoke. “I feel SO much better, sweetheart. Thank you.”
