When a romantic night is ruined?[MF] [MFF]

I have a lot of stories to tell. Some seem a lot like “dear penthouse, I never thought this would happen to me…” But I’ll admit they’re true. I tend to be in the right place more often than not. I’ll try not to embellish too much and be as honest as I can be.

What are we doing this for?
Loooong story short we’re still married, but we have had some hang ups, still do. My wife had a relationship within 4 years of our marriage. I had done nothing until year 7.

Still battling this and that, my wife had to go on “business trip” (legit) for some time. We decided that things were getting better (as well as they could be) we would rekindle things on a trip and she would leave on her trip the next day from the city we had driven to.

We got to the posh hotel (this could’ve been an ad for the amazing deal we got on the room and place) We get in, have a mediocre quickie, and then plan for a nice dinner some drinks, shopping, and hopefully better sex. This didn’t happen.

She gets a message from a colleague/friend. She’s in town too, and needs to hang out. I knew of this friend from stories and social media. Let me say that she was far better than advertised. My crush was instantaneous. The unfortunate fact was she had 5 friends with her. When we were introduced, Kara, had eyed me up and down hungrily and was very happy to meet me.

This wasn’t lost on me. Call it narcissism, ego, what have you, I’m attractive and I know I have something, but I also down play it, because there is always someone better looking or what have you, and I’m happy with most of me. Nobody that I can remember, for a long time at least, had looked at me that way.

I knew after the first drink we all had together that I’d need to be the “sober” one because my wife and the gang were all set to get fucked up. I needed to get her to the airport early too.

I couldn’t have been more fake that night if I tried. There I was though, dutifully handling the mob with the “It’s all cool vibe” and getting into the moments as needed. Livid of course, on the inside.

Including me, there are now 8 people in my hotel, drunk and passed out on the floor and the extra bed in our room. I don’t know if my wife had made plans, but it was ridiculous to think she had at this point. I did lay in bed with my wife and Kara. My wife fell asleep in her clothes and Kara had snuggled up to me in her tank top and panties. Nothing happened except for Kara teasing my throbbing cock and passing out again. So there I was laying down, not drunk, stressed about getting my wife to the airport and if this was the last of us.

Well the mad morning dash happened. Of course. I made concessions and allowed the gang to stick around because I had gotten a late check out. The wife and I had breakfast and she apologized for how bad the night had gotten and that she ruined it. We would do whatever it took to work on us when she got back. (There was always hope, but we both made these statements before).

Late check out. Even if those people were there I needed a nap. I had a long drive back home. I get to the room open the door. They’re gone. What a relief. I didn’t remember their names and I could sleep without bullshit. Walk to the bathroom and piss. Strip down to my boxers and head into the room. Oh hey Kara?

There wasn’t a lot to be said to each other. She pulled up the blankets to invite me into bed. She was naked. I finally got to see where all of her tattoos went and they were magnificent. She was voluptuous, athletic, and curvy, and those curves framed what I could only call a masterpiece of a woman. Her breasts were big and natural, with a slight sag, but rested perfectly on her chest. Nothing crossed my mind. We just fell into it. We did things in those 4 hours, my wife and I had never done. We were sweaty and covered in our cum and spit until we showered, and fucked there too. We said our goodbyes with a passionate kiss and long lingering glances as I watched her walk away.

I got a text from her when I arrived home, letting me know how amazing it all was, that she slept, etc. We talked for about an hour. “She was going back out with friends and she we talk to me later.” I said “have a great night.” 2 weeks had passed and we didn’t speak.

Not thinking anything I get a text. We hadn’t messaged since our last conversation. Maybe it was guilt? Maybe it was a fantastic memory we didn’t want to ruin? Who knows? She was headed to her folks and figured she needed a rest over the long drive there. Could I join her for the night? I told her I could later.

I arrived at the crappy motel she was staying at. I hadn’t paid any attention to the room, but she pulled me in, kissed me passionately and went down to her knees and devoured my cock and drank all of me in. Understand I had been working a lot and maybe jerked off 2 or 3 times since our last encounter. Her mastery had me done quickly. We kissed and laughed after. I returned the favor by showing her my head giving talents making her cum at least twice before I got hard again, which didnt take long.

I had Kara on her knees and her face in a pillow as I thundered away. Feeling the pressure inside her as her muscles would squeeze my shaft as she came. She did everything I wanted and everything she wanted. Her cries again of don’t stop. Don’t stop. Were muted out occasionally by the freeway traffic, and as you tune them out you tend to tune out, her girlfriend, who came back from the liquor store. (Apparently she had left a minute before I showed up)

I’m startled of course, and she screams ‘I said don’t fucking stop.” I had never been in a situation like this. 3 ways yes I’ve had a few, but when you all don’t start out together it’s a little more awkward than it already is. Jen this is “me”, “me” this is my buddy, Jen. Suddenly realizing I’m now naked and flacid because of the introduction, Kara pouts a little. I’m scanning for a towel, something, and Kara gets up kisses me and grabs the booze from Jen. Jen wasn’t nearly anywhere as beautiful as Kara or my wife, but she was fun and her body athletic and toned. I found this all out rather quickly as Kara went to make us drinks and Jen got naked right there. The night isn’t so much of a blur as it’s just harder to put the things we did in order. We were naked all night. We had a good solid buzz and no inhibitions.

When I left the following morning. I couldn’t wrap my head around a god damned thing. My wife and I continued to work on us. Her trip wasn’t chaste either, but everything we had done to each other it was fitting for us I suppose.

I never spoke to Jen. Why would I? I didn’t know her on personal level so to speak. Kara would find her husband on that trip, and we would never share another moment. Last week she shared a photo from the night we all went out. Tagging my wife and I about how we need to do it again.

I got a simple wink and kiss message sent privately too. Who knows now?


Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/bh084m/when_a_romantic_night_is_ruinedmf_mff


  1. That was sexy. Would be better if you gave even a little more detail of what you did with any of the girls. Even something as simple as: “at one point Kara was… while I was … to Jen….” Sounds like you have some amazing experiences to share. Don’t mind the haters, if you post it, they will come.

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