The night train [Public] [First time]

Sophie was nervous. She’d never been on an overnight train across the country before, or even traveled this far by herself. She’d assured her protective parents that she’d be fine heading up to her cousin’s house alone a week before the rest of the family joined them. She wore comfortable clothes for her journey, tracksuit pants and a loose t-shirt. No bra and a thong that was a gift from a girlfriend she could hardly feel, she was essentially in her pajamas, with the addition of some thick socks and cozy trainers. Her auburn her was in a high ponytail, and she’d opted not to wear any of her subtle jewellery, under her mother’s guidance.

The train was due to leave in a few minutes, though Sophie had been sitting in her seat for twenty. Missing the train would have just added to her mother’s perceived list of things Sophie couldn’t do herself, despite being 19. She inspected her newly painted red nails as she mindlessly skipped through songs on her phone, waiting to hear a good song to start the journey off to. The faint music was interrupted by clambering thuds at the doors of the empty carriage. A boy seemingly her age had just rushed onto the carriage, nearly tripping over the large, travelling backpack as he swung it to the ground. She found herself staring for longer than she would at any other passenger. He had the hairstyle that every boy at her community college seemed to have nowadays, but he wore it better than any of them. He reached into his back pocket to remove his wallet and what appeared to be his train ticket, looking back and forth down either side of the carriage before his eyes settling to row of twin seats parallel to hers, slightly in her foreground. He dragged his bag over to a seat, placing it in the overhead and catching her gaze as he did. She felt her eyes briefly widen and dart back to her phone before she could watch him sit down.

*Okay… he definitely caught me staring. Just don’t look back up… not yet.* Her eyes darted back up in his direction, he appeared to be engrossed on his phone. *Fuck. At least he didn’t see me looking.*

Sophie shifted from the aisle seat to the window one to get comfortable in the corner. She lay her head on the cold glass of the window and began to check her twitter. Her friends were posting pictures of their spring break adventures, her mother was adamant in not letting her go. “There’ll be drugs, alcohol, and boys trying to take advantage of you.” That was her mother’s mantra, repeated to her dismissively anytime the subject was vaguely bought up. Being allowed to go to her cousin’s house alone & early was the best compromise she could get. Part of Sophie wanted to rebel, another part was too scared to. Twitter was making her jealous & angry, so she decided to close her eyes and drift off to the music in her ears and she felt the forward motion of the train leaving the station.

Sophie awoke to dim lights throughout the carriage and a faint tap on her shoulder. After realizing someone was trying to get her attention she bolted upright from her slump and saw a hand in her peripheral vision withdraw, followed by a hushed “sorry!” in a man’s voice. She turned her head to her right as her vision became clearer, revealing the boy she’d seen earlier. She immediately notice he was handsome, or maybe the faint light was doing him a favour. She doubted she looked her best having just awoken.

“I’m so sorry to wake you.” The boy said apologetically. “But my phone is dead, and I’ve tried all of the other outlets in our carriage.” He continued, gesturing around the empty seats. “My mum said she’d call before she went to bed, just to check I was alright, do you know if your outlet works?” He pleaded. Sophie didn’t initially say anything, she wasn’t much of a morning person, or rather, she wasn’t very good at functioning as soon as she’d woken up. After a few seconds of confused staring between the two of them she leaned back, allowing him to plug his charger into the outlet. This action was met by a small blue light appearing at the top of his phone, breathing a sigh of relief and giving his thanks to Sophie, he pulled down the seat tray of the seat in front of her and placed his phone on it.

“Thanks again, the speaker is broken but could you let me know if it vibrates? I’ll let you get back to your rest.” He stood up straight and began to turn before being interrupted by Sophie.

“No, wait!” She said, almost sounding strangely desperate. “I might fall asleep again, and I could do with a bit of company..” She said as her words dwindled towards the end of her sentence. She’d never really asked anything like this of a stranger before, maybe her sleepy state had clouded her judgement. The boy didn’t say anything as he sat down next to her, straightening out his jeans as he did. This movement drew in Sophie’s tired eyes, she noticed the outline of his bulge appear briefly, but she pretended she didn’t. She had no idea if it was big or not, she had nothing to compare it to.

“So uh.. my name’s Max.” The boy said awkwardly as he ruffled his hair and held out a hand in hope to shake hers. He appeared nervous now that his phone dilemma was over.

“I’m Sophie.” She returned with a weak smile and a hand of her own. He grabbed it firmly but shook lightly, his hand was warm and far larger than hers. She could feel his fingers on the edge of her wrist as the handshake took longer than what she assumed it would, though she was too weak to break it, though she wasn’t sure if she wanted to. Max eventually released his grip and bought his palms onto his thighs.

“So Sophie… where are you off to?” He asked, his head bobbing side to side.

“Oh, just my cousin’s place for spring break. How about you?” She replied, sort of disappointed at her admission.

“Oh I’m going up to my college buddy’s house for spring break, his parents are loaded and are off having a break of their own!” He said happily with excitement.

“That sounds good!” Sophie began to say, “Lots of drinking and lots of girls then I expect?” She asked in an almost taunting manor.

“Haha, yeah..” Max said with a slight but detectable tremor in his voice. He ruffled his hair again before saying, “Yeah loads of girls, probably.” His final word but almost muted, but still audible over the noise of the train.

*Was he as nervous as me? And he said ‘probably’. Was he also as inexperienced as me?*

Sophie’s realization of what she assumed were her’s and Max’s similarities was causing tension to build. Or at least she thought so. They spoke more about college, what they studied. What their friends were like and what they expected of the weeks to come and were getting on well. Though Sophie noticed any time anything moderately related to sex, Max’s face would turn the colour of her nails. He’d stumble over his words and keep putting his palms on his thighs. Presumably he was wiping sweat from them. She was aware she was inexperienced with the opposite gender, but it was becoming clear to her that Max likely was as well.

Their conversation was interrupted my Max’s phone screen lighting up, accompanied by a pattern of vibration. He reached his arm across Sophie and what she assumed was a mistake, brushed her thigh with his hand. He immediately blushed harder than ever as he unplugged his phone and rose from his seat then began walking down the carriage to take the call that he was clearly thankful for. His groin naturally found itself at Sophie’s eye level and she noticed, that bulge had gotten a bit bigger. Was that all it took for him to get going? A touch of a woman’s thigh? She didn’t think boys were that easy. Sophie then noticed an arousal of her own. She could feel a dampness in her small cotton thong. As Max was at the other end of the carriage having a quiet discussion with his mother she saw this as her only opportunity to discretely check herself. She slipped a hand under the front of her underwear, shuddering slightly as she glided over her sensitive clit.

She was getting wet. She suddenly felt silly that she was surprised Max was possibly starting to get hard off a simple touch, when she was having her own equivalent reaction. Her hand remained there longer than necessary as she watched Max from afar. She couldn’t hear his words clearly, but his smile was clear enough. As he seemed to say his goodbyes and lower his phone from his face, walking back towards her, her hand vacated her lower half quickly. She prayed he didn’t notice, though part of her wanted him to be aware of her attraction without it being explicitly said out loud.

He sat down again next to her, re-adjusting himself for a few moments before leaning forward in his seat. She couldn’t check on the state of his bulge when he sat down again, though him leaning forward could have been his attempt to mask something. Max put his phone back on charge before saying, “Sorry about uh.. touching your leg before the phone call.. I didn’t mean to.. I just.. I’m sorry!” Words were falling out of his mouth almost at random, he was clearly very nervous of his actions though Sophie couldn’t exactly blurt out that she liked it.

“It’s fine, honestly.” She said smiling with honest eyes as she placed her hand on what she found to be his very tense forearm. A gesture that initially looked like a friendly touch, though her hand remaining there was her way of suggesting it was more than fine. He returned her smile before his eyes widened and quickly looked at her chest, before facing forward and not looking back. She was initially confused before looking down, her nipples were hard. She thought wearing a baggy t-shirt was going to be enough to mask her smaller side of a B-Cup breasts, though she didn’t account for an interaction like this one. She was frozen as thoughts sped through her mind.

*For fuck’s sake. Is he going to think I’m weird now? He can’t.. surely not.. I thought boys liked things like this? If he didn’t like it, wouldn’t he just walk away? Or was he too nervous to do that?*

Then it happened. What Sophie would later come to be thankful for. The train hit a bit of a bump. Sophie was jolted forward, forcing her to attain her balance naturally by resting her hand high up Max’s thigh. Max was still frozen from his seeing her nipples poked through her shirt, but instead of the blank headrest ahead of him, his face had turned to face Sophie’s. Her eyes met his and her mouth opened slightly. Neither of them wanted to say anything, neither of them wanted to change anything. Max saw her slightly agape mouth as a sort of invited, and moved his onto hers.

They shared a slow kiss, as quiet as the night outside. Sophie’s hand remained on Max’s thigh. She was concentrated too much on the kiss. She had a bit of practice with boys at school, but she had never actually done anything with any of them. She felt Max’s shoulders turn beneath his neck and suddenly hand was on her waist, it began to rub gently, squeezing slightly at random intervals. She let out a small involuntary moan each time. Nature got the better of her mother’s nurture and Sophie’s hand moved further up Max’s thigh towards his cock. As her hand finally rested over his jeans, his cock twitched beneath the material. She pulled away from their kiss and gave him a pleading look as if it say, *will you let me?* His response was to bring his own hand to the front of her tracksuit and slip it in. Over her smooth mound she gasped as he began to rub her more than before sensitive clit. Engrossed in such unexpectedly early pleasure she’d forgotten to unbutton his jeans, which she did eagerly with two hands. She’d never seen an erect dick in person before, only in porn. And she was already having more fun now than any of her solo sessions in front of her laptop.

*So my friends are telling the truth, not all dicks are massive like in porn. This one looks kind of.. normal, sized?*

She wrapped a hand round the base while staring at it and began to pump gently, as Max groaned in pleasure a bead of precum formed at his tip. Sophie used the palm of her other hand to smooth this over the head of his cock. Max groaned again but louder, cock twitching more violently than before. Though his shoulders were slightly turned he was still facing forward, Sophie got onto her seat on her knees becoming perpendicular to him, his hand still in her now soaking wet underwear. The finger on his clit had become two, the gentle rubs had become vigorous circles. She felt her hips buck to his touch as she realized her efforts onto him had become lackluster. She smiled in her mind as her pumps started to increase severely, going the whole length of his shaft, the grip of her thumb and index finger occasionally touching his tip. Less and less time was passing between his twitches, Sophie had been told this meant he was nearly finished. With the way her hips were bucking under the work of his hand, she was soon to be finished as well.

“I- I’m gonna..” Max said as he visibly tensed up. He had a look of fear and pleasure on his face, or that’s what Sophie assumed. She’d never seen an expression like his before. That was all she could muster as a thought process, because she was having a familiar feeling below the waist of her own, and she already knew it was going to be better than one she’d had before.

“M-Me too..” Her speech pattern mirrored his as she felt the warmth begin to crash over her body. This time nurture had beaten nature, Sophie quickly lowered her head onto Max’s cock and sealed her lips around his tip, still pumping faster than ever with her hand. She began to make swirls with her tongue just like the pros and before long, felt Max’s whole body tense in his seat before he released his seed into her mouth. It hadn’t tasted anywhere near as salty as her friends had told her, maybe she got lucky. The final jet of cum was enough to set off her own orgasm. Her hips bucked and gyrated like never before as Max’s fingers did what she felt was a magic her own weren’t capable of. The rush like never before engulfed her body as she silently writhed on her knees with his cock still in her mouth, though her hand had come to a halt. After the pleasure had regrettably stopped, she swallowed Max’s load and sat back up as he removed his now motionless hand from her cotton thong. She smiled timidly with inner confidence as Max sat there red faced and panting with closed eyes.

“I.. really enjoyed that” She broke the silence they both basked in and wiped her lips with her hand, beaming at Max.

“So… so did I.” Max opened his eyes and smiled warmly at Sophie. Any nerves around women and sex he had were now dispelled, and Sophie could tell. She was proud of herself for achieving that.

*Thanks again for letting me go up to my cousin’s early, mum.*

(First attempt at writing any sort of Erotica, so any feedback is greatly appreciated!)



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