Putting her to good use… [MF]

We’re at an artsy bar-b-que party with a bunch of friends and random strangers. I leave for a while to run an errand and when I return I see that she’s deep into a friendly conversation with an older guy who turns out to be a neighboring rancher from up the hill. He’s probably in his 60s and he’s very tall, at least six-foot-three, and is in obviously good shape.

Marisa has had a few glasses of wine and with one look I can tell that the guy has been flirting with her, and that he’s a tad bit disappointed when she introduces me as the boyfriend. But I have no problem with them chatting and carry on meeting people around the party and grazing the food table.

It’s interesting to see her standing next to someone so much taller, since me and her are almost eye-to-eye with me just a smidgeon over six-feet, and Marisa clocking in at five-eleven. But what’s most obvious is how the old boy is hypnotized by her cleavage, his gaze keeps magnetizing there with his head periodically jerking upwards out of the trance. It doesn’t hurt that she’s wearing a low-cut top that leaves little to the imagination regarding the pleasures to be had between her triple D’s.

So I think to myself, “Well, hmmm… How can I have some fun with this situation and put her to good use in a way that will make her screamingly horny for later?” A devious plot hatches in my mind.

I sidle back over next to her and he steps away to pour another glass of wine. I reach behind Marisa’s neck and grab the hair on the back of her head firmly so it’s clear who is the sub in this situation. I say “It looks like Farmer John over there got a whiff of something he’s been missing for a while…” “Mmm hmmm” she murmurs. “Well, I want you as wet and horny as possible when we leave this party, so here’s what I want you to do. I’m going to clear out of the way, and when he comes back, I want you to ask him to show you some of his goats on the hill, and get him to take you on a little walk. Once you are far enough away that it feels private, let him see a lot more of your cleavage and turn your flirting up to 11.”

At this point her eyes are open wide and she’s starting to gasp and squirm in my hand. “You can drop some hints that we have a rather unusual relationship, and that you are more than encouraged to have fun. Once you’re sure you’ve turned him into putty, I want you to look in his eyes, reach for his zipper, and tell him not to say a word.” I can tell her pussy is twitching by now. “Then you undo his belt, unzip his pants, get one hand under his balls and give him the nastiest blowjob he’s had in years.”

She let’s out a little squeal and I can feel a pre-orgasmic twitch run through her entire body. “One last thing. Make sure you swallow every drop. When you come back to the party I want to smell cum on your breath.” She stifles a groan. “Oh, and one more thing. He can play with your tits. But no pussy, that’s mine and I want it soaking wet for later.”

Needless to say, an hour or so later when it was time to leave the party, me, Marisa, and Farmer John all went home with huge grins on our faces. She was so horny she masturbated all the way home and had to put a towel over her seat. I made her wait to give me a play-by-play until I had her on all fours with my cock deep in her ass. She’s begging for me to put her to good use again soon.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/bgj09x/putting_her_to_good_use_mf


  1. I’m thinking about a scenario where I take her to a party and set a goal for her to suck off at least five people in one night…

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