Birthday Boy John (mf+, teen, cons, bi) [Part 1/?]

*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy, not real life. Please treat it as such.*


John stood in front of the bathroom mirror, his small frame was still developing but he could see how his shoulders had broadened lately and a few dark hairs had grown under his thin arms. He turned to the side and looked down at his soft penis, it had 14 hairs around it (he had counted every day for the past week since he had noticed them) and it even looked a little thicker. He shook it and pulled on it until it started to grow and lengthen, he smiled and thrust his hips out a little. “Grow cock, grow long and hard,” he whispered and moved toward the running shower.

The boy had just turned 13 on Saturday and had been entertaining a few friends all weekend, now he was finally getting some alone time since the other boys’ parents had come and picked them up. The hot water ran down his shoulders and he closed his eyes as he leaned back and let it fall on his head and stream down his body, over his tight pecs and stomach and then down his legs. A small stream arced from his penis as the water found any way off of him and he smiled at it since it looked like he was peeing constantly. He turned around and began to soap up, making sure to scrub all the dirt and sweat off of his body from the weekend’s playtime, and then grabbed a washrag to clean his penis and balls. His cock began to swell again and he wrapped the rag around it and began to rub it up and down. The rag dragged across the tip and he felt chills as he stood under the water, masturbating.

He had planned on not jacking off all weekend, besides the fact that other guys would be around and it would embarrass him to talk about it with his friends, he wanted to have a great orgasm for his 13th birthday and save up some cum for the “fireworks” show he would have later. Although he had good intentions of waiting it seems life had other plans for him and as he stood there with his eyes closed, the warm water flowing over him and the soapy washrag rubbing at his hard cock, he couldn’t help but think back to what had happened only two days ago.


The day had started off like any other, that is until John remembered it was his birthday. He rolled out of bed, sitting on the edge, and rubbed at his eyes. A yawn stretched his mouth into an oversized O and then he got up to take care of his morning routine. He walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind him, he didn’t want anyone walking in while he… well… checked things. He turned the sink on and then moved to stand in front of the toilet, dropped his boxers, and proceeded to let loose a stream of pee. He sighed and then looked down at the few hairs around his soft cock and counted — still 14, but they looked darker. He finished up his morning routine and moved back into his room to get dressed to be ready for his friends to come over.

It was noon before anyone showed up and it turned out to be his closest friend, Aaron, the only boy he had had in all of his classes since 3rd grade. He had grown up in a rather large town and it seemed every year he was in a whole new class full of people and then there would be Aaron sitting there, an empty desk right in front of him. Aaron had brought two wrapped boxes and he dropped them off on the kitchen counter on his way downstairs to John’s room. He found his friend on the floor, in front of his television, playing a video game. “Happy birthday, dickwad,” he said with a grin and then sat on his bed and watched him play.

“Jesus, Aaron, you scared me,” John said as he blasted through a zombie’s head on the game. “What did you bring me?” He cocked his shotgun in the game and turned a corner before another zombie jumped out and made him spin around to blast at it. “Like I’m going to tell you before you open it.” He pulled a package out of his pocket and threw it on the floor beside his friend. “Here’s an early present.”

John paused his game and looked at the small box beside him, he turned to his friend and grinned and Aaron nodded. John picked it up and tore at the wrapping paper, the smile turned into a laugh when he saw the small bottle of KY warming sensation lubrication. “Well that would have been quite a present for me to open in front of my parents,” he said with a laugh and his face went red. Aaron laughed as well and lay down on his stomach on the bed. “That’s the kind I like to use, but my dad buys it for me.”

Just then footsteps were heard on the stairs and John shoved the lube in his pocket and unpaused his game. “Brothas!” It was Mike, the guy who always acted like a gangster but was nowhere near it being one. He sat on the desk chair in front of John’s computer and kicked off his shoes. “Where’s the party?” Aaron looked at him and laughed. “Well if dickwad ever gets off his ass we might be able to actually start having fun too.” John saved his game and pressed the power button on the console. “Okay, okay, I’m done. What do you asswipes want to do?”

“Who else is supposed to be coming?” Mike asked, leaning back in the chair and putting his hands behind his head. “Jake and Luke,” said John, and he stood up and leaned against his bed.

( **Fast forward here, nothing else good happened for … well until….** )

“Okay boys, get to sleep,” John’s dad clicked the lights and closed the door behind him. A few minutes after that the talking started, whispering really, and then there was a knock on John’s window. John stood up and walked over to the window in his boxers and looked out. A face was smiling back at him behind blonde curls in the darkness outside and he laughed, opening the window. “You are going to get in so much trouble, Anna.” His girlfriend climbed through his window and sat on his bed, in front of his friends.

“I didn’t know that there would be girls here,” Jake said, pulling on his t-shirt to cover his whitey-tighties. John sat on the bed beside Anna, who was wearing her pajama pants and a t-shirt, and put his arm around her. “I didn’t know either. Besides it’s not girls, it’s just,” it was then that he looked back at the window and saw another head in the window. “Hello,” he said and then Anna laughed.

“It’s Brenda,” Anna said as the girl began to climb into the window as well. “And Jen and Abby and Miranda.” She was finishing the girls’ names as four others came in through his window. ” Jake forgot about pulling on his shirt and just sat there open mouthed at all the girls filing into John’s window in their pajamas. The other boys were just as slackjawed and it didn’t take long before the girls were all giggling. “Anna, you didn’t tell me they were going to be so quiet,” Jen said, which caused all the other girls to start giggling again.

John laughed as well and poked Luke, who was standing next to the bed now. “You guys wondered what we were going to do.” Luke closed his mouth and grinned. The other boys stood as well and looked at John. “So, what are we going to do?” It was Miranda that spoke up this time, she was the brunette of the bunch and was wearing short pajama shorts and a babydoll shirt that hugged close to her breasts and showed off her nipples, erect from the cool night air. She had started wearing more revealing clothes in the last few months since her breasts had gone from non-existant to a B-cup, the boys were very impressed.

John looked at Miranda when she spoke, well he looked at her breasts mostly, and then turned to Anna. “How about,” he started, looking away to the other boys. “A game of Truth or Dare?” The girls started giggling again and he held his hands out, palms down. “Shhh… my parents are upstairs, sleeping.” John’s house was a split level, except for the third floor, which had been an addition above the second floor of the split; the third floor was where John’s parents’ room was. “Aww, they can’t hear us, Johnny,” Anna said and pulled him close to give him a kiss on the lips. John wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer.

The girls looked at the other guys standing there and they sat on the floor in a half circle, ready for the game to begin. “Okay, stop yer tonsil-hockey and let’s get started,” said Abby. She was a red-head and the smallest of the bunch, and she was wearing the same as Anna — pajama pants and a t-shirt — and her small breasts made little mounds as they pushed out her shirt. It was obvious that none of the girls were wearing bras.

This was the cue for the guys to all sit and Anna pushed at John, playfully, as she joined them all. “Okay, so, I guess that means you can go first, Abby. Truth or dare?” The boy sat on the floor cross-legged beside his girlfriend. His boxer’s fly opened a little and Abby got a glimpse of his cock as it hung between his legs. “Truth,” she muttered as she looked at his cock. She hadn’t ever seen a naked man before and she felt herself getting a little flushed. Anna glanced at where Abby was looking and pulled at his underclothes to make the fly close. “Oh, thanks, babe. Alright, truth. Is it true that you gave Davey Jordans a handjob during the homecoming game?”

The girls all giggled and the boys leaned forward to hear the answer to this one. Abby bit her lip and looked at Anna. “Don’t look at me,” Anna said, holding her hands up in defense. Abby nodded her head and let out a whisper that sounded like “Yeah.” John held his hand to his ear and smiled. “What? I didn’t hear you.” “Yes,” she said a little louder, making the boys let out the breath they had been holding.

“I knew it!” This time it was Aaron who spoke up. “Davey Jordans said you made him cum in his whitey-tighties, he had to go home early and change his underwear. He said it was the best thing he’d ever felt.” Abby smiled, showing off her braces, and then sat up straight. “Okay, then it’s my turn to ask.” She looked around the circle and stopped at Jake. Her eyes moved down past his t-shirt and she looked at his whitey-tightey-clad package. She could see the bulge of his small cock and his balls as they were held tightly in his BVDs and she felt flush again. “You,” she said, pointing at Jake.

Jake gulped and closed his legs, pulling his shirt down between them. “Truth or Dare?” The girl asked him, smiling at the way he tried to cover himself up. “Uh… truth?” Jake squirmed as he sat on the floor and waited for his question, hoping it wasn’t something too embarrassing. “Have you ever… jerked off another boy?” This one had both the boys and girls leaning forward. This was turning into quite a party.

Jake went red and you could see the inner turmoil, should he tell the truth? “Yeah,” the boy’s head hung down and he looked at his tanned legs and the small blonde hairs growing on them. That was the answer to the question but Abby wasn’t satisfied with it. “Who?” she asked quietly and the boy looked up at her. “Wesley Bestin.”

Mike, who had been sitting there beside Luke this entire time not talking, finally spoke up. “That kid a grade below us?” Jake nodded and his face went flush, then Mike exclaimed “Well, tell us about it!” Jake looked around at all of the others sitting there, his face hadn’t gone back to normal since he admitted to doing the deed and now they wanted him to elaborate? “Um, I was at his house, spending the night since I know his brother too. He goes to another school, but he goes to boy scouts with me, and I was just going to stay at his house for the night. We decided to go swimming so we went to Wesley’s room and started changing and he asked me if I ever jacked off.” He looked over to Anna whose hand was rubbing John’s cock through his boxers, the tip of which was starting to poke out of the fly. “Ok. Ummm, I told him that I had and then he asked if I had ever done it with another boy. I hadn’t and I told him so he asked if I wanted to jerk off with him. Well we were already naked and he said he had some of his dad’s pornos so we started doing it. Well he asked if he could jerk me off and I went along with it and eventually jerked him off too.”

The other guys were smiling and the girls were giggling again (it seemed they never stopped), and John, being the one in charge here, reminded Jake that it was his turn. “Oh, okay,” Jake said as he looked around the circle. He pointed his hand out in front of him and moved it from left to right and then right to left and then left to… stop at… Miranda. She smiled, she was probably the most enthusiastic one at the party and she was ready for anything. “Dare!” She about yelled it and Jen clamped her hand over Miranda’s mouth. “Sorry,” her muffled voice came out from behind Jen’s cupped hand.

“I dare you to take off your shirt,” Jake said, looking at the most well-endowed girl in the room. It was like everyone in the room was of one mind at that moment and they all turned at once to look at the dare-taker. Miranda sat on the floor, cross-legged like most of the others at the party and looked over at John. “What if I say no?”

“Then you have to take the next dare, and it might be worse!” Exclaimed Aaron, who was leaning forward so much that he was holding himself up with his hands. John held his finger to his mouth to hush Aaron and the other boy shrugged before waggling his eyebrows like Groucho Marx. Miranda grabbed the bottom of her babydoll and pulled it up and off, revealing her twin globes, her small, pink nipples stuck out like little pencil erasers and her boobs bounced as the shirt moved over them. A clicking sound was heard and they all looked at Mike, he was holding up a cell phone and grinning. “What? I can’t have some jerking off material?” Miranda looked pleased and she moved onto her knees, which made her boobs bounce even more. “Okay, my turn!”

If she had picked one of the boys he wouldn’t have known it, they were all staring at Miranda’s chest, some of them seeing boobs for the first time in real life. “Anna, truth or dare?” John’s girlfriend perked up when it was finally her turn, taking her hand from John’s leg, and sat up straight. “Dare, bitch.” Miranda smiled and looked at John for a moment and then turned back to Anna. “I dare you to give John a Birthday Blowjob.” At this all the girls oh’d and all the guys started laughing. John couldn’t believe it, out of all the things he could ask for for his birthday a blowjob would have to be the top thing on his list.

Anna didn’t know what to say at first, she had planned on giving John a blowjob later, when they were alone. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to do it here but she didn’t want to look like a pussy in front of everyone, especially after Miranda pulled her shirt off in front of everyone and is STILL sitting there half-naked. She looked into John’s eyes and, standing and pulling him with her, pushed him down on his back on the bed. Everyone else started laughing and they all moved to get a better look at the sexual act about to take place in front of them. Mike had his cellphone ready to record this and he panned around to get everyone else. He noticed all the boys had a hard-on, it could possibly have be caused from Miranda’s boobs bouncing around in front of all of them, but they were all very turned on by the thought of Anna giving a blowjob to John. She pulled at his boxers, exposing his thick, erect penis and the 14 hairs around it. His balls hung between his legs and Anna reached out to cradle them in her hand, he jumped and looked down at her, grinning.

“Are you gonna suck his dick or not?” Asked Miranda, sitting on the floor at the foot of the bed so she had a front row seat. Anna got on the side of John opposite of everyone else and leaned forward. She pulled her hair out of the way and opened her mouth, swallowing the boy’s cock and wrapping her preteen lips around the warm skin. John moaned as he felt the wetness of her mouth encompass all 4 inches of his boy cock and Anna began to move her mouth up and down, her tongue rubbing against the skin and tip.

The room was silent except for the slurping sounds of Anna’s mouth around John’s cock and John’s moaning. He grabbed onto the sheets of the bed and let out a loud grunt. “I’m gonna cum, Anna,” he groaned, but his girlfriend kept right on sucking, one hand playing with his smooth ballsack while the other rubbed his leg. “Oh, yeah, yeah, uhm…” Anna tasted the saltiness of the cum as the first shot hit the inside of her mouth, she wanted to try swallowing it all but it was coming too fast and she pulled her mouth away just in time for another strand to shoot out and hit her in the chin. There was a chorus of oh’s and Mike was in close with his phone, videoing the money shot. Anna swallowed what was in her mouth and then took her finger to the thick cum that was dangling from her chin, scooping it up and licking it off her finger.

John was still holding onto the sheets, his ears were ringing and he could feel his heart racing in his chest. “That… was the best thing I’ve ever felt,” he finally said, letting go of the sheets but still not moving from his prone position. His cock was slowly going flaccid and there was a little puddle of cum around his navel with a string traveling down to his cock. Miranda leaned forward and her tongue licked off the remaining cum, a smile on her face. “I’ve always wanted to try cum. Thanks for letting me share your boyfriend’s baby-making sauce,” she smiled at Anna and sat back down at her spot on the floor. “It’s your turn, Anna,” she reminded her.

Anna sat back on the bed beside her reclining boyfriend, and looked around the room. The sexual curtain had been breached and torn apart by Anna’s actions, now the real game could start. She folded her arms over her chest and looked at Aaron, he hadn’t been picked on this whole game and he looked too smug standing there in his boxers. His cock was bulging at the fabric of his underwear, just like every other boy’s in the room, and he looked like he was thinking that he was going to get out of this game without anything happening to him. “Aaron, truth or dare?” He had been looking at the video on Mike’s cell phone, obviously not thinking he would be the next one picked, and he jumped. “Truth,” he said and leaned back in the chair, thinking he would have it easy. John looked at him and laughed, “Pussy.”

Anna smacked John’s head and looked over to Miranda, hoping for some idea of what to ask. “Have you ever felt a girl up?” Anna finally asked. She reached up with both hands to squeeze her breasts through her shirt and opened her mouth in an O shape. The girls laughed and Aaron thought for a moment, just like all the others he wondered if he should tell the truth or lie. Everyone else, so far, had told the truth and he didn’t want to think that he was the only one who lied, he knew he wouldn’t be able to get away with it. “No.” The guys all laughed and then Aaron glared at them. “Well, which one of you has felt up a girl?” He looked mad, nearly on the edge of getting physical.

John sat up and looked at Aaron. “Hold on there, Aaron. It’s just a game.” He looked at the other guys and shook his head and then moved to lay his head in Anna’s lap. “Besides, I think I’m the only one who has felt a tit here.” He reached up and grabbed Anna’s boob through her shirt and she swatted it away.

“I think you are wrong there, John,” chimed in Mike. “I felt my sister’s in the pool last summer.” He grinned as if he had just told them all that he had superpowers. “You are lying,” Jake replied. “My older sister said that your sister took her top off in front of you and you were too much of a pussy to do anything.” Mike went red with embarrassment and looked down at his cellphone. The gangster had been defeated and Jen gave a wink to Jake.

Aaron looked around the room, there were still five people left who hadn’t been chosen — Mike, Jen, Luke, Brenda, and John. He decided to make it even and ask another guy. “Luke, you’ve been sitting there gawking all night, truth or dare?” Luke was the tallest in the group and was wearing shorts and a t-shirt, the most clothing of all the boys. He grinned, just like earlier when John poked him, and answered. “Dare.” He was the first boy to take a dare.

“I dare you to suck Miranda’s boob.” Aaron was grinning now and he turned to look at Miranda. He didn’t think to ask her first but where was the fun in that? She stood up and walked over to the tall boy still sitting on the floor. “I don’t care,” she said and held out her breast to him.

Luke swallowed and reached out to put his hand on her hip, he moved it up, moving to his knees, and his hand slid up to her breast, feeling it and pinching the nipple slightly. Miranda moaned and closed her eyes as the boy moved closer, his mouth opening as it closed the space between itself and her erect nipple. And then it was covering it, his lips suctioned to her skin and he reached up with his other hand to massage her other breast. Miranda was really enjoying it and her hand reached down between her thighs, rubbing herself through her shorts. Luke moved to the other breast and switched to massaging the breast he had been sucking and nibbling on. Miranda’s breath got heavier and her hand reached up for his and pulled it beneath her shorts and panties, placing it against her wet pussy.

Luke was not expecting that, and neither were the rest of the people in the room. Aaron looked at John, wondering if Luke should be told to stop but John was enraptured with the show. In fact, all the guys were enraptured, Jake was sitting on the floor with his hands in his underwear, rubbing his own cock. Abby looked from the show around at the people in the room and saw Jake masturbating, she crawled over to him and settled beside him before she slipped her hand in his underwear and began playing with his balls. The boy quickly stopped rubbing himself and looked at the girl there beside him, the one who had asked him the question at the beginning of the game. She looked about his age and he liked the way her little boobs pushed at her night shirt. She smiled at him and moved her hand to start jacking him off under his whitey-tighties. The boy closed his eyes and then remembered the show that was going on in the room with him. He opened his eyes and saw that Luke had Miranda’s shorts and panties down around one ankle and she was laying on the floor, legs spread, with two of Luke’s fingers inserted in her pussy; it made Jake cum right in his underwear, just like Davey Jordans.

Abby felt his warm cum spill over her hand as she kept pumping his boy cock inside his underwear and Jake groaned loud enough for everyone to turn and look at the couple. The sight of the two youngest in the room having their own sexual deviation made Miranda squirm as an orgasm made her body shudder, she groaned and ground her pussy into Luke’s hand as he felt her pussy walls contracting around his fingers. “Uhm, yeah, fuck yeah,” Miranda moaned as her juices coated Luke’s fingers and hand.

Jake took deep breaths as he tried to slow his racing heart. “That was a whole lot better than when Wesley did it. But now I have cum all in my underwear.” He looked down at the wet spot on the front of his whitey-tighties and watched as she pulled out her cum laden hand. Abby brought her hand up to her mouth and sniffed the white, sticky liquid before she licked her hand and smiled. The other girls looked at her and Jake watched her licking his cum. She licked the rest off and then reached for his underwear a huge grin on her face.

“Go for it, girl!” Miranda said with a giggle. Abby pulled at his underwear and Jake lifted his hips and legs so she could get them off. His little cock was still hard and it was shiny from the cum still on it, but Abby had a plan to fix that. The preteen bent over wrapped her lips around the boy’s cock and licked the boy-juices from his skin. Jake groaned and whimpered as she did and his hips arched forward, begging for her to continue. She pulled away from his cock with a slurp and looked up at him. “Do you like me sucking your dick?” She grinned and reached down to grab his balls. “Yeah, don’t stop,” he whispered.

Miranda had sat up and had also taken a cock in hand — Luke’s. The boy was hard as a rock and she slowly began to rub the skin up and down in her soft hands. John laughed as he saw the double action going on in his room and he sat up so he could see everything going on.

Abby slurped and sucked on the boy’s cock, she wasn’t cleaning it off anymore and Jake wondered how far she would go. Would she do like Anna and swallow his cum? With his eyes closed he thought about the girl swallowing his cum and getting a load shot at her face. He thought about the cum sliding down her chin and dripping onto her bare chest and boobs. He reached for Abby’s head and held it close as he shuddered and groaned while his balls tightened and he began to shoot another load, this time inside Abby’s mouth. The girl took all he gave her, swallowing as much as she could with only a little leaking out of the corners of his mouth. “MMmmm… stop… uhhhh it’s too sensitive now,” Jake said, moving his hips back and catching his breath.

Miranda watched as the younger girl licked her lips and her hand tightened on Luke, her rhythm speeding up until Luke was groaning too. She pulled at his shorts and boxers, trying to free his cock before he exploded, and got them down just in time for him to shoot 2 huge blasts of cum up in the air. They landed on his stomach and the rest dribbled out onto her hand. Miranda licked at the cum on her hand and then bent down to clean off his cock and stomach.

“Are you all done? Can we get back to the game?” John was looking at all of them below him as he sat on the bed, naked. Of the rest there were three others naked, all the rest still had their clothes on. Brenda, the slightly chubby girl who had come in the window first, after Anna that is, noticed this and stood up. “I think we all should get naked.” Her point was further emphasized by her pulling her shirt off, exposing two beautiful boobs that huge aureolas and nipples. She then pushed at her pants and panties; her pubic hair was trimmed into a small heart that pointed at her exposed, engorged clit. She sat back down with her legs spread apart and crossed her arms under her breasts, pushing them together and up.

The other girls pulled off their shirts, exposing teenage breasts, and then pushed at their own panties. A couple of them had no pubic hair, just tight pussy lips, and the others either trimmed or let their pubes grow. The boys watched the strip show around them and they kicked off their own underwear, cocks stood up all around the room and pubic hair varied, with most of them having none. Aaron was the only boy with a full bush and his large cock and balls hung low.

“Oh my god,” exclaimed Jen. She had been watching each boy take off his underwear and had been surprised by the size of Aaron’s cock. “You are huge.” Aaron blushed and sat on the computer desk chair, his legs apart to show off his cock. “I know, I’m a little bit bigger than the rest of the boys.” The other boys looked at their own cocks and then at his. “Where’s my ruler?” John said, getting off the bed.

He rummaged around in the desk drawers and then moved over to his bookcase where he found the blue plastic ruler that e used for drawing. “Okay, all boys in a line, and,” he looked at the girls and then walked over to Jen. “Since you said something you get to do the honors.” He moved to stand in the line of naked boys that was forming in front of his door and he had the after thought to turn the lock on the bedroom door. Wouldn’t that have been a sight?

Jen stood up and moved to the first boy in line, Mike. She held the ruler up to his hard cock and announced, “4 and a half inches.” The next in line was Jake, “4 and a three-quarter inches”, which made Abby smile. Next was Luke, “4 and a half”; Aaron, “6 inches”; and John “5 and a quarter inches.”

“Okay, now that we have the official rulings, how about we get back to the game?” John smiled and sat back on the bed beside his now naked girlfriend. His hand slipped between her legs and his palm rested on her trimmed bush. “Whose turn was it again?” Luke raised his hand. “Okay, Luke, pick.”

Luke looked around the room, trying to remember who hadn’t gone yet. He stopped at Brenda, he was sure that she hadn’t been asked yet. “You. Brenda, right?” The girl nodded and smiled. “Truth or dare, Brenda.” The girl sat, contemplating, and then said, “Truth.”

“Alright, truth it is then.” Luke was about to say something when Miranda leaned over and whispered in his ear. “Hey! No fair, consorting with the enemy!” Brenda said loudly and then was hushed by everyone in the room. “Oops, sorry,” she said, covering her mouth. Luke looked at Miranda after she told him something and he gave her a puzzled look. “Really?” Miranda nodded and Luke looked back at Brenda. “Okay. Have you ever thought of having anal sex with anyone?” The others looked at Brenda and waited, the room always got so quiet after a truth or dare was delivered to the waiting party.

Brenda smiled. “Yeah,” she said to grins from the guys in the room. “But not with someone as big as Aaron,” she added, which got everyone else laughing. Aaron stood up and made muscles with his arms and did pelvis thrusts, his thick, long cock bobbing up and down in front of him. This got everyone laughing even more and once it finally died down Brenda pointed at Mike. “Truth or Dare?”

Mike followed en suit with Brenda and picked truth. “Okay,” Brenda said. “Have you ever gotten a woody when you saw another guy’s dick?” The quiet once again descended on the room and Mike shook his head. “No, I’m straight as a board. I’m not gay.” He sat on the floor with his arms crossed and looked at the final girl who hadn’t been asked, Jen, and he asked her to choose.

“Dare, I don’t want the easy way out,” she said, grinning. Her long, brown hair was flowing over her breasts it was so long, making her look like Eve from the pictures of the Garden of Eden. She had a few freckles on her face and on the top of her breasts and shoulders but other than that her skin was flawless. She had long nipples that poked out through her hair and bounced when her boobs did. “Alright, um, I dare you to eat out Abby.”

Abby’s eyes went wide and she looked at the other girl, she had never considered having a girl lick her pussy, having never had any kind of lesbian encounter in her life — not even experimentation — it had always been with guys. Jen smiled and moved over to the young girl. “Okay, lay down, Abby, and spread your legs.” The little girl lay on the floor but John got off the bed and walked over to her. “No, no. You have to get on the bed, like I did.”

Abby stood, blushing, and lay back so that everyone could see her tight little slit when she spread her legs. The lips of her preteen pussy were turned out a little and everyone could see the pinkness of their insides, glistening with her preteen juices. Jen got on top of Abby, her own pussy just above the younger girl’s face, and then leaned over to lick her slit so the others could see. Abby shivered and moaned as the girls tongue slid across her inner lips. Jen pulled the two lips apart and she let her tongue dart out and caress the girl’s clit, which elicited a moan from Abby and a sharp breath from the boys in the room.

All the boys were watching and taking mental notes, they wanted to know how to do this and it seemed that Jen knew exactly what she was doing. The older girl let her tongue go deeper and a finger began to flick at Abby’s clit for a moment before she switched it up and began licking her clit and fingering her hole. This sent the girl into spasms and she grabbed onto Jen’s hips, pulling her pussy down on her face and licking her pussy as well. Jen writhed above the girl and licked up the juices flowing from her young friend’s hole.

Jake was sitting right at the foot of the bed, his hand moving slowly over his cock as he watched Abby’s pussy open up and get licked right in front of him. He had started to like the girl and was really enjoying watching her with Jen. Mike had his phone out again and was thinking of all the sites he could put these videos on when he got home, he could blur the faces and no one would ever know.

Jen’s fingers sped up and she shivered when Abby’s tongue hit the right spot and she felt the younger girl’s tongue push deep inside her. Both girls went rigid for a moment and stopped moving as their faces were flooded with each others’ juices. Jen rolled off of her and lay panting on John’s bed beside a panting Abby. “Wow,” Abby said and then looked down at Jake. “Were you taking notes?” Everyone laughed at that and Jake blushed and stopped rubbing himself.

That left only one other person, the birthday boy himself, and Jen was ready. “Alright, birthday boy,” she said, laying on her side with her head propped up in her hand on his bed. “But before you choose, we haven’t given you your birthday present.” She nodded to Miranda who went over to the window and bent over it to reach outside. Her pussy showed as she bent over and John looked back to Jen. “That is my present?” He asked, jokingly. Anna punched his arm and John laughed, rubbing it.

Jen stood back up and stuck her tongue out at John before handing him a wrapped box. “Open it,” she said and sat on his window sill, crossing her legs. John smiled and pulled off the paper. “A box of condoms?” He asked with a grin. “Whether you get to use those tonight depends on your answer to this question: Truth or Dare?”

John looked at Anna and she smiled, she was in on it and she knew that he would make the right choice. “I’m going to go with dare,” he said. Jen grinned, along with all the other girls in the room, and Anna moved up to wrap her arms around his arm. “Good choice, Johnny.” Jen moved off the bed and walked over to him, standing close enough to him that he would be able to touch her pussy lips with his erect cock. “I… we dare you to fuck all of us,” she said before turning to all of the rest of the boys and spread her arms open. “And then let us all have a birthday orgy with you.”

Anna moved behind her lover and reached down to grasp his cock in her hands. “Starting with me. I want you to be my first and take my virginity, Johnny.” She moved around in front of him and pulled him to the bed and on top of her. “Fuck me, before I have to shove your cock inside me myself. I’ve been waiting to fuck you since I met you, you are so hot.” John leaned down and began to kiss her neck, his hands slipping over her breasts and rubbing them. She moaned and put her hands on his head when he began to kiss down her neck and onto her breasts. “I’m so hot, John, fuck me now,” she whined and Jen came up behind John and rolled a condom on his cock from behind, her arms wrapped around his hips. “We don’t want babies now, do we?” Jen said, smiling.

The guys were watching, enthralled, and the girls had coupled up with them, sitting beside them and rubbing their cocks as they looked on. John moved his cock against the entrance of her vagina and pushed, she was so wet that it barely took any pressure for him to slide all the way inside of her. Anna gasped as his cock filled her and she moved to wrap her legs around his waist as he began to pump into her pussy. “Oh, yeah. Mmmm, yeah, don’t stop, Johnny, don’t stop,” she moaned and moved her hips with his, her breasts jiggling with his thrusts. John put his hands on her wrists and held them down as she began to orgasm and arch her back with the waves of enjoyment. John felt his own orgasm rising and he went faster, feeling Anna’s pussy walls tensing and gripping his cock as he filled the condom with his seed. “Mmm.. Mmm.. Mmm..,” he grunted with each shot of cum and when he was done he lay down on top of Anna and began kissing her. “I love you, Anna,” he said between kisses.
