[Group Masturbation] Knights of Spilling Seed Chapter 1 & 2

Chapter 1

Four years ago my life radically changed when I started dating a sweet lady online. We chatted almost daily and eventually I asked her to marry me. She said yes! I am one lucky man.

Around this same time period my long term hobby since 2010 was a private adult mens forum dedicated to masturbation. The idea was to be positive and open about it, to share stories and pictures and to help each other enhance our sessions. The main rule was to to be positive towards women, to adore them, love them, protect and cherish them. This is somewhat different than other websites and cultures that degrade women.

The men of the forum that contribute posts and share their passion of masturbation are eventually Knighted and earn the right of being KoSS. They can use Koss as a lastname for other forums if they wish.

General members of Spillingseed who enjoy browsing through the chit chat, stories and pictures but don’t wish to share are known as the Gentlemen of SpillingSeed, or Goss. They are welcome to use the Goss as their last name when visiting other forums, etc.

Like the famous slogan of Las Vegas, “What happens on Spilling Seed stays on Spilling Seed.”

So, the forum has been my fun little side project, a naughty hobby, for over 10 years now but recently a member contacted me by email and said he wanted to provide funding and expand greatly on the project. He said he was moved and inspired by the ideas of a “masturbation office” where members could drop by and have a quick masturbation while in the area, he liked the idea of organizing “masturbation vacations” for member around the world. Basically he told me that he had the means to make all my fantasies become reality!

I was shocked and wondered what kind of prank or scam this was and how should I respond? I asked him if we could talk on the phone. I used my google voice phone number and called him. He was very polite, open, intelligent sounding and seemed very real! He told me his name is Bruce Wayne… he is a wealthy American playboy, philanthropist, and owner of Wayne Enterprises. I told him my name is Steve Koss, pretty much a jack of all trades kinda guy with no current job at the moment.
I was excited and surprised! He told me he would provide me with a flight ticket so we could meet at his house in New York. I agreed.

It really happened, I flew into JFK and he had a driver at the arrival area holding a card “Mr. STEVEN KOSS”

Bruce has a huge office building in Manhattan and after a pat down by his security officer I was escorted to the top floor by a fast elevator. At his office, his secretary brought me directly to his very large office and closed the door behind her as she left.

We shook hands and I right away had a good feeling about him. He has a magnetic personality and was very warm and friendly. It was very surreal for me to be there especially as the topic was about my mens masturbation forum and the possibility of his funding my dreams of masturbation vacations etc.

We chit chatted for awhile over a glass of burbon. He told me he really enjoyed the forum and as a single man spent many evenings browsing the forum, admiring the sexy women, reading the stories and discussions while his pants were down and he slowly masturbated his throbbing penis. He said it brought great relief to him from all the stress he deals with.

I asked him why he never posted anything or used the cum counter. He laughed and just said he wanted to preserve his privacy and just visit and be a lurker. I assured him that was fine and no problem at all.

He told me that he really admired my wife an admitted to have masturbated to her pictures a few times. I was surprised and I felt weird talking so openly about the topic but it was exciting, I could feel my face getting red and flushed from the alcohol and the subject of our conversation.

He then said he had probably masturbated to Anita’s pictures more than anyone on the forum. I did not wish to argue with him about that but I told him I once calculated that I had cummed to Anita’s pictures more than 300 times. He looked at me quietly and I then worried I had screwed up and offended him. He then smiled and said, “Steve, I have a very large appetite and stamina, I can tell you honestly that I have climaxed more than 500 times to Anita’s beauty since her husband Hulo started sharing her delightful pictures on your forum!”

For the next hour he told me his vision. He wanted to establish three private Gentlemans Clubs to start off. One in New York which he would personally overlook, one in London which John Koss would manage and one in Tokyo which I would manage. I was thrilled!

The clubs would be private membership for men over age 21. The members would be either Goss or Koss level, members of the forum, issued special ID and also a pin code to access the club entrance. Once inside the club they could relax and enjoy many offering such as a sauna room, gym, racquetball court, large hot tub, a few private rooms for sleeping, a well stocked kitchen and most importantly a very large lounge area designed especially for men to relax and openly masturbate! I was shocked and thrilled this was going to happen!

We started discussing what would be ideal for the masturbation lounge. Ideas such as large screen TVs for showing adult films and custom slide shows of women, a large library of erotic magazines, videos, WIFI, low lighting, various arm chairs and couches, etc. He laughed when I said we would need to have many boxes of tissues located around the room at easy grabbing distance!

We had many more ideas also such as a hamper of panties and bras. One idea I suggested and he loved was to have a rack that contained panties donated by the members who had wives. For example one shelf would have a bra & panty from Anita and using the remote control a slide show of her lovely pictures could be displayed while the member relaxes, and fondles his erection with her silky panties.

Some problems needed to be worked out such as cleaning the place, hours open, should alcohol be allowed? Would women be allowed? Etc.

After a few hours of this kind of talk and about 5 whiskys I was getting hungry. He suggested we order food delivery as the next morning I had to fly home. I agreed.

After we finished eating he looked at me in the eye and he boldly asked, “would you like to have a session now?”

I was shocked even though I should have expected it, it was our goal of course, to make masturbation an open and positive situation. I said I would enjoy it, I suggested that we admire Geoff’s beautful wife Beth. He agreed.

He used a remote to lower the lights. Handed me a towel and said it was ok to spurt my seed on the towel. We both sat on the couch, removed our shoes and pants and then underwear. We sat and watched the very large TV screen as he started a slide show featuring lovely Beth doing a strip tease.

I had to glance over and was shocked to see that his erection was massive, way bigger than my stiff little 5 incher. I felt a weird emotion as I wished I could somehow make my penis larger but I quickly dismissed that thought as my penis is fine as it is and my wife Mariko loves it very much.

It was amazing to just relax and do this. We both slowly stroked our aroused rigid erections and looked at the pictures of Beth.

Beth has lovely long blonde hair, a very feminine sexy body, fit and designed to drive any man wild with desire. Her pictures were classy and exciting, she probably knew men would be admiring her and masturbating. She would be shocked if she could have peeked at us two guys doing it at that moment.

We talked about her qualities and what we admired about her, we both enjoyed her very much! My penis was throbbing, very swollen and I didn’t think I could last very long.

I looked over and Bruce’s penis was also very swollen, big purple mushroom head, he noticed me and said he was ready when I was. We both got our towels ready.

I told him that I had chatted with Geoff recently and that Beth and him would be sharing more pictures on the forum to help us guys masturbate. Bruce kinda of grunted, I think he was ready to explode!

I started to stroke up and down a bit faster, my breathe was heavy, my face was flushed and hot. My penis felt so good! The pleasure was intense! I admired sweet Beth in her dainty blue bra and matching panties, I was so happy to see her!!

When the images of Beth removing her bra and exposing her beautiful breasts appeared I lost it and groaned loudly. I quickly grabbed the towel and positioned it around my throbbing shaft. I admired her feminine curves, I felt great pleasure and excitement in her beauty and suddenly I started spurting hard! My sperm shot straight up into the air and came back down splattering all over my hand and the towel. I groaned again as another spurt of spunk flew out and again and again. The pleasure was so intense.

Wheew, I was breathing very heavy as I finally started to finish orgasming. I looked over and saw that Bruce had cummed at the same time. His fist was covered in white thick fluid, wow, the guy had spurted large amounts of sperm!

We were both breathing heavy, trying to come down from that.

At this point I felt awkward. My sperm was all over me, the towel and some even on the couch. Bruce told me not to worry. He offered the use of his shower in the other room and I quickly went there and cleaned up. A hot shower felt great and I made a mental memo that the SpillingSeed Clubs would need showers!

We talked a bit more about ideas. We had a few more drinks, finished our delivery food and then before he was about to head down the hall to the apartments he asked me if I wanted to have one more session before slumber?

Wow, he does have strong stamina! I knew this might be the last time to see him for a while so I agreed. Once again we stripped own and sat on the couch. This time he surprised me, he had prepared a slide show of many pictures of my wife!

He must have collected all her pictures from Twitter, Flickr and Spilling Seed Forum and here we were about to masturbate to my wife Mariko! My penis started elongating. I was happy to see his was erect also.

I had a naughty idea. I sent a text to Mariko, “what are you doing right now?” she replied, “nothing, I miss you!”

I asked her, “I am with Bruce, is it ok for us to masturbate to your pictures?” I felt so naughty asking her but I knew she would say yes….. She finally answered, “YES! But I want to watch!”

Bruce told me that was easy to arrange. He set up his cell phone on a mini tripod on a side table and pointed the camera directly to our waist lines, after a quick adjustment he had it so the camera was zoomed in on our waists, our erections clearly to be seen.

Mariko texted that it was GREAT!

So you can guess what happened next. Yes, we looked at pictures of my wife on the big screen and we masturbated. We lasted a bit longer this time. My wife watched from afar and she told me later that she masturbated with her sex toy while watching us guys do our thing.


It was a dark and stormy night and I was in my office working late while my wife was upstairs asleep in bed. I wished I could go join her but I had a few projects I had to complete before morning. I noticed that my SKYPE had a new message so I took a break from my work for a minute and checked it, it was Bruce Wayne from NYC checking to see if I was busy.

Bruce likes to talk face to face on webcam which is something I normally do not do, but with him I was learning to get used to the idea. I turned on my cam and accepted his video call. “Hello, Steven, How are you? Are you busy?”

I told him I was a bit busy but we can catch up on things for a few minutes. I did not recognize his background, I expected him to be in his posh penthouse office where I had met him before. In the background it looked like he had some posters of women on the wall. I was curious so I asked him, “where are you?”

“Haha, I am in my bat cave!” I was confused, hmmmm… “Oh, excuse me, I mean, I am in my MAN CAVE!”

Oh ok, I understood, he probably had a private room for manly things like watching sports, drinking beer, sexy posters on the wall of models, etc. I could not quite see the poster on the wall right behind him so I asked, “who is the hot blonde in the poster?” He turned and looked and then told me, “It is my old flame, filmstar Nicole Kidman. We dated briefly in the 90’s but it didn’t last sadly. She is very dear to me and I will always be a fan. Next time you visit me I will have to show you my man cave as it is like a masturbation oasis! I also have some private photos of Nicole I can only show you in person…”

Cool! Later I realized Nicole Kidman was married to Tom Cruise during the 90’s so Bruce must have had an affair with her? I never asked him as I did not want to intrude but I looked forward to seeing what kind of naughty pictures he had of her.

“So Steven, I hired a local designer and a construction company. I bought an old brownstone building in Manhattan and I am having it gutted and refurbished for our first private masturbation gentleman’s club. I need to talk to you about ideas and plans to submit to the designer and the architect pronto so they can get to work on this. Can you email me everything you have so far?”, Bruce asked.

Wow, I was stunned. I had much work to do! I emailed him a picture of a home theatre setup I liked. I also sent some ideas I had for an ideal masturbation lounge.

“Bruce, this is going to cost a fortune!”

“No worries, Steven, It is worth it. We will try and keep membership costs down so everyone can afford it. I plan to talk to a few investors next week, do you know Tony Stark?”

“Hmm, no, who is he?”

“Tony is a wealthy American business magnate, playboy, and ingenious scientist. He owns Stark Industries based in Los Angeles which actually competes with some of my own projects but we are good friends and I trust him. I told him about the idea and he is on board. He is an avid masturbator also, in fact he was the guy that developed the *fleshlight* the famous masturbation toy for men, do you have one?”

“Haha, no I don’t, I heard they are amazing but I can’t afford one. Maybe we should have some at the masturbation lounge?”

Bruce agreed, “Yes for sure, we will. I also am sensitive to the guys on low budget, I was thinking we can come up with some scholarship ideas to help out. Maybe even trade services for membership, such construction work, etc. This may sound silly but I was also thinking of offering a free lifetime membership to anyone that has the shortest penis! That guy should be rewarded, given free membership for life until someone else can claim the status of smallest penis…”

Wow! I was surprised but I liked his ideas, “very cool!”

Bruce continued, “When I meet with Tony Stark I will also be meeting with Elon Musk. He is very supportive of the project as he is also obsessed with Masturbation, it is one of the reasons he rarely sleeps, he is always stroking off!”

I laughed, “really???”

“Yes, Did you know that the real reason he designed and manufactures self driving cars is so that people can relax and masturbate while their car does the driving. Not too many people know that! So Stark and Musk will design and operate the masturbation lounge in Los Angeles, I will manage the one here in New York. How is your lounge in Tokyo going?”

I explained, “really good so far. The lounge is excellent, comfortable, huge TV for watching porn, about a dozen reclining sofa chairs, we have a nice collection of panties and bras for the guys to cum in, fast WIFI, four private rooms for guests to sleep, showers, a large hot tub (onsen), a well stocked kitchen, mini bar and good security at the door, it uses finger scan technology. One question I had is that should we go along with Japanese law about pixelated porn? Japan does not allow genitals to be shown in porn, which really sucks!”

“I understand, and that is a damn good question. Well, it is a private club and members only but I don’t want us to break any local laws so I hate to say this but keep everything legal. So no western porn unless it has been censored…”

I groaned. That was a drag but I understood and also agreed. It would be horrible for any trouble to happen to our club or members. “OK, ok, will do…. The other thing we just installed is a nice 3-D printer for the member to be creative and design their own sex toys!”

Bruce looked surprised, “That is an excellent idea!”

We finished our skype chat and I got back to work. After I finished I slipped into bed next to Mariko and went to sleep. I had some erotic dreams as I woke up with an erection the next morning. Luckily Mariko noticed and was happy to help me out with a long loving blowjob. As her cute mouth was going up and down on my shaft I relaxed and looked at porn on my laptop. I admired various hot womens photos on the Spillingseed forum; Anita, Tina, Lara, Marc’s ex, Beth, Lloyds wife, and more. Soon I was spurting my spunk into my wifes busy mouth and groaning loudly.

I then told my wife to relax and I wanted her to read a chat. The chat was from a few weeks ago with my online masturbation friend Andy in the UK. We have chatted and masturbated online for many years and he enjoyed masturbating to Marikos pictures. So I pulled up a copy of the old chat and had my wife read it as I licked her pussy. She was shocked but also aroused and loved it! She loved reading the chat, reading about her husband a this guy in England openly looking at her sexy pictures and masturbating over her. She soon climaxed powerfully.

After breakfast I went to the Tokyo KOSS Masturbation Lounge… I did a few hours of organizing the rooms, setting up some computers, making sure the stacks of porn magazines were all legal for Japan, etc. I went through and removed any porn on the computers, etc that were not OK with Japanese laws. Very sad time, sigh!

That evening Mariko joined me at the club. Since it was new we didn’t have too many members, only five at the moment. You can’t really advertise for a masturbation club can you?

Tonights plan was to welcome John in from Michigan. He has been my good masturbation friend for over 8 years now. Due to his business meetings all over the globe we meet a few times in Denver for some great masturbation sessions at his hotel rooms, and Mariko and I masturbated with him at our hotel room in Ann Arbor last year. So it was exciting to see him again and now on his business trip to Japan.

After he arrived and we all had a few cocktails I dimmed the lights. John and I removed our pants and underwear and relaxed on a couch. My wife went into the other room and and was preparing to do a lingerie modeling show for us guys.

I asked John if he could call his wife Sarah and talk to her on speaker phone so I could hear her voice while I masturbated. He told me we will try but with the time zone difference it will still be very early in Michigan.

John then handed me something, ah nice! It was his wifes panties and her bra! I smiled, he always remembers that I love masturbating with Sarah’s bras and panties, what a great friend!

I used the remote control and started a slide show on the huge TV screen, pictures of his wife Sarah. Normally he never shows her face for privacy reasons but during this private session together he showed me everything, I adored her very much. He looked at me and saw my penis elongating, he smiled.

Soon, we were both gently stroking, openly. It felt wonderful in so many ways.

At this time my wife emerged from the bedroom wearing a very skimpy lingerie, sheer red so we could see her tits and furry pussy. John and I both applauded. She was very shy but she pranced around a bit and encouraged us to continue masturbating.

Suddenly we heard a loud buzzing and a mans face appeared on the screen interrupting the slide show and our erotic playing.

I realized it was someone at the door of the building asking for entrance! I then spoke loudly that a microphone picked up and relayed to the man outside at the door, “Hello, who are you?”

He answered that he was Tyler Moore, a member of the Spillingseed.com Masturbation forum and wanted to enjoy the club. He was not a Tokyo Club member but he asked if he could try it once before joining. I remembered his posts on the forum and pushed the unlock button on the remote to allow him inside.

Tyler was soon relaxing on a chair, his pants and underwear removed and openly masturbating with us guys.

I then told Tyler the backstory so he understood what was planned for our evening. I told him that a few weeks ago Johns wife Sarah and visited a sex toy shop in Michigan with some of her girlfriends from their book discussion group. Sarah was far too shy to buy a sex toy but instead bought some sexy lingerie. John had taken some pictures of her modeling it and we would be viewing them on the big screen very soon. Now the next part is very naughty I told him. I encouraged John to just order some sex toys like vibrators & dildos from amazon.com for his wife, so he did. BUT before he gave them to her I told him to wait as I had a gift to share. What I did was using a rubber molding kit I made an impression of my erect penis! I then used this mold and the 3D printer to “print” an exact replica of my rigid penis in a soft rubber / plastic like material I then priority shipped it to him in Michigan. So as you can guess, John gifted his wife with these sex toys including the one of my penis, but he didn’t tell her the details on that….

It was getting late now so John made an international phone call to his wife back in Michigan. She answered and asked where he was. He said, “Oh, I am at the hotel about to sleep but I miss you dear and I also need you…” This was all on the speakerphone so everyone could hear. She had no idea what was happening.

She was quiet and then asked, “are you masturbating? You miss me? It is ok honey, do it dear…”

Tyler and I groaned quietly, I tossed him Sarahs bra which he wound around his aching erection. I had her panties around mine. This was so hot!

The screen displayed a slide show of Sarah modeling her new lingerie. John, Tyler and I were openly masturbating and Sarah was innocently on the speakerphone encouraging her husband to masturbate!

Somehow things became even hotter! John told Sarah, “can you please test out one of the new toys I gave you?” She said, “OK, I will play also, I will use that realistic looking rubber like dong.”

I groaned and had to quickly hush, Wow!!! She was going to use the replica of my erect penis to please herself at the same time while I was looking at her hot pictures and jerking off here! It was heavenly.

My wife whispered in my ear, “is it ok if I help John? Masturbate his penis while he talks to his wife?”

I groaned. I said… OK

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/bfnoxn/group_masturbation_knights_of_spilling_seed

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  1. I’m a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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