The time I [28m] pretended to believe anti-vaxx nonsense to hook up with a cute hippie chick [24f] [MF]

I might go to hell for this one.

So, in my defense, I was rebounding after a terrible relationship when this went down. A few months ago I matched on tinder with this woman, Summer. Physically she was really gorgeous -auburn hair in a cute pixie cut. Big, expressive light gray eyes. Kind of a mischievous smile. About a foot shorter than me (I’m 6’3) with wide hips and a lithe frame. And she wore glasses, which to me is a huge turn on. I was, of course, excited when I got the notification.

Our conversation was pleasant enough. No major red flags. We talked about her classes, yoga, her recent switch from vegetarianism to veganism. Nothing out of the ordinary. She asked if I could add her on facebook, because she felt safer meeting up if she scoped me out a bit. I obliged. When I added her I saw she followed and reposted a lot of stuff from blogs with weird “nature” related titles, but I kind of shrugged it off. She asked if I wanted to come over to her place and watch a documentary some time. I oblidged. I’m a nerd, I fucking love documentaries.

Her place was definitely a hippie friendly environment. She had a pet rabbit that was wandering free when I came over. One shelf had a bunch of new agey books and travel guides. The other had essential oils, a salt lamp, maybe a crystal or two. Whatever, so far so good. None of that is my cup of tea, but generally I tend to be tolerant of other people’s beliefs.

She asked if I wanted to watch the movie. I said that sounded great.

When I came over she was wearing a plaid shirt unbuttoned over a gray tanktop, and a pair of jeanshorts. I had hoped from the pictures that showed her hips that she had a nice ass, but my my, the pictures did not do her justice. And the shorts did a great job of drawing my attention to her legs, long for her frame and well muscled. The kind of legs I want to use as earmuffs.

I was expecting like… “let’s smoke a bowl and watch Planet Earth.” Instead it was some weird “documentary” about the Autism Epidemic ™ and Big Pharma ™.

I am working on a masters degree in public health. Let’s just say that anti-vax bullshit is not exactly my jam.

She cuddled up next to me as we watched, but no hanky panyk happened. She just sat their, curled up next to me with her chin in her hands, as if she were in awe of what she was watching. When the movie was over she asked “So, what do you think?”

I could have explained to her that the whole thing was fear mongering based on junk science peddled by men that were risking bringing back measles because they wanted to get rich quick off of fad diets.

Instead I stammered out “um, yeah, never really thought of that stuff before, it was… interesting.” She beamed. “I know, right?” Then asked if I wanted to make out. Which, at that point, I was more than willing to. I pulled her into my lap, happily sliding my hands down her hips onto her firm, round ass. She moaned a bit into my kiss and grabbed my shoulders, began to grind against me. She bit my neck hard. That got a reaction and I watched her eyes widen.

“Can I take it out?” she whispered coyly. I nodded. She slipped to her knees and greedily pulled at my belt buckle.

Now, I’m not going to act like I’m hung like a porn star or whatever. But nature was kind to me. I’m maybe 2 inches longer than average, depending who you ask what average is. And rather thick. Her eyes lit up when she saw it, and she grabbed me, her small hands barely able to fit around my girth. She kissed me slowly up the underside to the tip, then took her glasses off, handing them to me before taking me slowly in her mouth.

She gagged almost immediately. But, to her credit, she tried again and again, taking more of me each time. Finally she almost purred “Can you put that thing inside me already?” She stood, quickly undressing as I watched, obviously loving the look on my face as she revealed her pale skin. She had a few tattoos, and her navel pierced. Her breasts were slightly larger than I expected, or at least looked large on her small frame. She went grabbed a condom from her bedside table and giggled. The brand was one I hadn’t heard of. as she adfixed it she said “maybe I should buy large ones if we do this again.”

I asked what she liked in bed. She told me she wanted to stay in control this time. I was more than willing to oblige. I lay back as she straddled me, lowering her tight body onto me one inch at a time. Breathing deeply and moving agonizingly slow as I stretched her. She grabbed my shoulders and began to ride, digging her nails into me as she did. She didn’t talk dirty so much as she babbled, gasping affirmations in a stream of syllables I couldn’t parse. Her riding became faster, more urgent, and her words became less and less intelligent, until they errupted in a shriek, her eyes rolling back in her head. She climbed off of me, gasping for air.

“You want to keep going, you can, she said, spreading her legs in an inviting manner. I didn’t have to be told twice. I quickly climbed up on my knees, positioning myself to enter her. Not bothering to move slowly at first, the bed shaking as I delivered thrust after deep thrust. She babbled like mad as I fucked her, thrust after deep, animalistic thrust. I came, clenching my eyes shut in one of the most satisfying orgasms I’ve ever had.

We didn’t talk much that night. She said she was tired. I made an excuse to go home.

I woke up the next morning and reached for my phone to text her. I saw a bunch of missed notifications. She had found an old instagram pic of me in a “Vaccines Cause Adults” t shirt. She had commented on it a bunch with links to antivax blogs, and had apparently started a flame war with one of my friends while I was asleep.

She had also texted me “if you agree with her, you shouldn’t bother ever calling me back.”

So I didn’t. Within 24 hours she had unmatched me on Tinder and blocked me on all social media.



  1. Best story I ever read in this sub! The anti-vaxxer angle was just fantastic.

  2. That is by far the best ending to a story on here that I have ever read!

  3. Why use Evil Corp condoms, when you had essential oils, healing crystals and herbal tea available?

  4. This smacks of Dennis pretending to be pro/anti choice to sleep with women

  5. Did you know Vax’s cause war and all human suffering? Well, as far as I’m concerned it does if it helps me get laid!

  6. I did pretty much the exact same thing with veganism when I was younger. Until I was sprung as she walked past a KFC while I was going through the drive through.

  7. Idc how hot a women is, I won’t pretend to be retarded to match her intellectual level.

  8. Is it revealing too much if I say I up-voted this as soon as you said you love documentaries? ??‍♂️

  9. Usually, I don’t approve of sexual deception. However, anti-vaxxers are idiots and I hope you enjoyed it more than she did.

  10. i’m starting my MPH in the fall, wanna smoke a bowl and watch planet earth and NOT some crazy big pharma propaganda film?

  11. The kind of legs.

    I want to use.

    as earmuffs.


    Man U are an incredible writer. Like this is better written than most novels I read let alone smut! Holy pants man! ? ?

    I really like your descriptive style. It’s enough to create a picture but not enough to prohibit plenty of creativity in the imagined imagery. It’s very much exactly how I like my reading material to be!

    it was funny to be *that* horny and her to be hot enough to agree to anti vax hilarity (at least natural selection is on that shit…)

    As a woman of science (psych), sadly I can imagine myself doing similar under the right circumstance …with an attractive enough male or female partner and a deprived & intrigued enough me.

    Such a clear image was created of all this, so thanks for that. I’ll be going through your back catalog of creative writing, if there is one to find!

  12. We all know not to stick your dick in crazy, but hey, at least it made for a good story.

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