Hotel Convention (MMFF, Bi) Parts 9-12

**Part 9**
After joking about how we’d need to run back to our room to get something, we both realized that the USB drive we were just given could wait.
Steve said, “If the mascot said that we should find her later, then we probably don’t need to see what’s on that drive right away. At this point, I think we need to wrestle some lunch out of that packaging supply company.”
“You’re probably right.”

Neither one of us wanted to overeat in front of the vendors, it seemed a bit late for lunch, and it made it easier to think that we did it to stay sharp, but I think we ate less than usual so we could go check out that drive. We thanked our lunch host, shook a few other hands, and told some people which lecture we were headed to in the later session.
We headed back to the room, knowing that we had at most an hour to see what was on the drive and get back to the ballrooms for the next lecture. It was hard to tell if we were excited to see what was on the drive or if it was just that we were going to get a few minutes alone. We sat next to each other, not sure what we were getting ourselves into.
I loaded up a virtual machine session on my laptop, hopefully secured well enough that if there was any funny business it would stay right where it was. I laughed once I saw what the file was, though. 
“What’s so funny?” Steve asked.

I turned the laptop to face him more. “It’s in presentation format, and it’s enormous.”

So it turned out to be a slideshow – literally, as in a bunch of still pictures. It’s just that whoever made it decided the best way to make sure that the pictures displayed in the right order was to cram it into the same crummy presentation program that all of our lectures were formatted in. 

The first picture was Agnes sitting on a chair in the corner one of the hotel rooms wearing a knee-length skirt and a comfortable sweater, and someone else’s hands really near the camera but otherwise out of the frame. The next picture was of Agnes, still on the chair, with a nude person walking towards her. Agnes is looking up at the other person’s face. The camera seems to be stationary based on the first two pictures. The third picture, Agnes has her hands on the other person’s hips as they straddle her, and she has returned her gaze to the camera. Now that more of the nude person is in the frame, the other person is clearly female, slightly taller than Agnes and rather skinny. The next few pictures show them being a little grabby with each other.  After that, Agnes’ skirt is hiked up to reveal a rather realistic large dildo that she had been hiding. The next frame is the nude girl, turned away from Agnes for the first time so we can see her face, clearly laughing hysterically and Agnes laughing as well. In the next shot, only the dildo on the chair is still there. In the picture after that, you can see Agnes facing off to the right, the other girl just past her half out of the shot. It looks like Agnes is zipping up the back of her suit. Next, Agnes picks up the giant foam head we saw earlier and puts it on her.  In the last couple of pictures, you can see Agnes feeling up the other girl’s breasts from behind her, and just barely managing to peek around the foam head, and then they wave goodbye.
Steve seems both aroused and confused. “So this other girl that brought us the USB drive, she was just put up to it by Agnes?”

“It would appear that way,” I said. “But from the looks of things, it’s fun enough, eh?”
Steve’s pants had tented slightly. “If she hadn’t given us the pictures herself, I might have felt too much like a voyeur.” 

I had to remind Steve that we were still being voyeurs anyway.
**Part 10**
“Nothing like a hotel to make you reconsider your boundaries, right?”

Steve just rolled his eyes at me. “I wonder how many boundaries they were intending on reconsidering.”

“Well, at least one big one from the looks of it.” I tried to be coy and quizzical, but I think it just came off as snarky. Then, I realized that *she* (our mystery girl) told us to find her later. That wasn’t Agnes telling us that. Of course, we would probably see her with the foam head on at the vendor tables, but I think that she meant *after* that.
We quietly gathered up our materials for the next lecture, and I stashed the USB drive in the bottom of my laptop bag.

Our afternoon lectures were amusing enough, and another round of coffee was delivered to Steve and myself mid-lecture, to the annoyance of nearly everyone, and in Steve’s case, even the speaker.

{Got coffee?}
                          [Right on time.]
{The lecturer had to motion to the staff while my coffee was being delivered, and they got ‘the shrug’.}
{They still haven’t got the other coffee machines working?}
                          [I suspect sabotage.]

The vendors were gearing up for some after dinner-presentations, so they had mostly marketing people out on the floor. There was a lot of alcohol running around in some groups, and there were a lot more promotional items floating around as well. I wasn’t really much for foam drink holders or baseball caps, but I was certainly going to avail myself of a fair number of USB drives and a few select multipurpose tools.

“Hey, is that our mystery girl?” Steve asked me while I was digging through another bin of very small screwdrivers. I looked up to see the foam head briefly, but I didn’t see the shiny body suit I remembered from earlier.
We headed in her direction, only to see her duck out of the side of the ballroom. We slipped out another one of the doors on that side, and saw our mystery girl, sitting on a bench in the hallway with her foam head off. She was chugging a bottled water, and we could see that she was wearing a big black t-shirt from the media company she was doing promotions for over the top of the shiny bodysuit she was wearing. 
She saw that we were there, smiled while she was still drinking, started getting up to greet us and almost tripped over her foam head. “Hi, I’m Tina.  I guess I didn’t introduce myself before.”
I shook her hand. “Hi. I’m Gary. I suppose your lack of an introduction can be excused, considering it was loud and you were wearing a giant foam mascot head. For a minute there, we thought you might have been Agnes, but the voice sounded wrong – and now we can see you’re a bit taller than she is, even without the giant foam head.”
“I guess the foam head is a bit uncomfortable?” Steve asked. ” I was surprised that they threw an extra layer on you when you were already pretty hot.”

Tina blushed at the amusing wordplay while we tried to fit ourselves on to the hotel bench. “Actually I had to throw the shirt on myself. Ever since I stuck the USB drive in your pocket earlier, it’s been a bit more obvious that I’m not wearing very much under this bodysuit.” She paused, and then looked up sheepishly. “I mean, a bit more obvious to everyone else.”
Steve tried to comically look away, and said “I have _no_ idea what you’re talking about.” 
Tina gave me an odd look while motioning towards Steve, and then laughed. “Are you guys always this silly?” she asked.
“While we’ve technically worked for the same company for a while, we’ve never hung out in person for this long before because we work in different offices. This is new to us, too. It’s fun, though.” I wondered if I should ask the next question, but it hung on my mind a lot. “So, how do you and Agnes know each other?”
“I lived near her in high school, had a few of the same classes, nothing crazy. We would chill in her room and watch silly romantic comedies. She started college a couple of years ago and moved here, and started bugging me to come here since she got the job here. I always wondered if she had a crush on me or something.” She pointed at the logo on her shirt. “When this convention job came up, I think that she must have pulled strings for me so I could be here, but it’s fun. Totally better than waiting tables and delivering food.”
“Good. So, should we let you get back to it for a little while longer?”
She rolled her eyes. “Yes. So what are you guys doing later?”
Steve said, “Based on that USB drive, I think our plan was to see Agnes zip you back out of that suit again.”
Tina laughed again, slightly more nervously than last time. “Yeah, I think that’s what Agnes had in mind too.”
“Aren’t we all here to expand our boundaries? Also, remember that you get to choose how things happen. Out here, in the ballroom, and with Agnes,” I said. That made Tina sit up a little taller, like I had reminded her why she was here.
“Yes, you’re right.” She took the T-Shirt off, balled it up, and threw it in Steve’s lap. “Here’s a souvenir, sir.” She turned to me, kissed me on the cheek and said “Thanks, Gary. See you guys later.” She grabbed her foam head and put it back on, and headed back to the ballroom.

It was exquisite watching her walk away.
**Part Eleven**

Steve scooted closer to me on the bench and put his hand on my leg.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” he asked.

“Tina sandwich, double mayo, with a side of Agnes?”
“Heh. Actually, I was thinking that the girls might think they could leverage us into fooling around with each other by saying that if they were going to make out in front of us, that they’d have to see us first.”

“We’re clearly not negotiating from a strong position, seeing that Agnes already knows that you at least find me attractive, unless you’ve told her more than that.”

“Yes, but Tina doesn’t know that. She just knows that Agnes wants to have us all together for some fun without knowing necessarily what the rules are. If she had known what the rules were, she wouldn’t have had to ask you what we were doing later.”

“Good point. Also, good job figuring out how to use your work skills for recreational purposes.”

“Likewise. But, now that you mention it, I’m still hungry so maybe a sandwich *is* a good idea. Maybe we should split one?”

We wandered back to the periphery, to see if one of the vendors or the hotel catering had any food still around. It was easy enough to find some little snack-like things, not exactly the sandwich that Steve wanted, but good enough for me. We tried to be casual when we saw Tina go by, but I suppose that even if we had seemed overly excited we wouldn’t have stood out much from all the salesmen and old executives drooling in her wake as she passed.

My phone and Steve’s phone chirped at nearly the same time. Both text messages just said:


I had to wander out to a corridor intersection and look at a layout to even figure out where the C series rooms were. As it turned out, they were some extended stay suites away from the ballrooms the other direction from the main desk. I could only assume that the intent was to have it far enough away so as not to raise suspicion from other convention attendees.

I whispered to Steve. “Want to go clean up? We have almost enough time.” He quietly started towards our room.

We were almost to our room before Steve said, “I suppose it would be quicker if share water – as long as we don’t get distracted.” He was in the shower rather quickly, and I hung back a moment and tried to pick out some casual clothes to wear once I got out. 

Once I stepped into the shower stall, I was greeted by Steve’s soapy embrace. I enjoyed the slippery feeling of the base of our cocks making contact, but I had to go carefully since I didn’t want to get soap somewhere uncomfortable. We washed each other a bit, and then he rinsed off. Once he was rinsed off, he exchanged positions in the shower with me and let me rinse off. As soon as my hair was completely in the stream of the shower, I felt his face against my neck and he pulled me towards him, our cocks intertwining again. He ran his hands from the middle of my back down to my butt, and we just pulled each other close for a moment.

I stepped back for a moment and looked at Steve. “Do you have any boundaries that I shouldn’t cross tonight?”

Steve laughed at me. “I don’t want anybody shitting on me or beating me or biting me and breaking the skin, but I don’t think you’re into those things anyway. I am game for whatever combination of parts… uh… comes up.”

“Yes, you’re right, I’m not into scat or blood. Just making sure we’re going to be OK.”
Steve nodded, and got out of the shower and started drying off. I think he tried to relax as he dried off so we weren’t walking down the hotel hallway quite so erect as we were in the shower.
Once we were ready, but before we made it out the door, Steve made a quick mental check to make sure he had what he was supposed to make it out the door with, but most importantly we wanted to make sure we both had keycards in case something strange happened like the other night when the power went out.
Once he was sure we both had keycards, he grabbed the side of my face and turned it towards him. He quickly kissed me. I could tell he was a little keyed up. We headed out the door towards the room Agnes requested us to go to.

“How much coffee did you drink today?” I asked.
“Same amount you did, sir,” Steve replied. “Just excited. I had to do that for luck, that’s all.”
“I don’t think we’re going to need luck now, just nerve.”
Just as we got to the door, we heard someone coming up very quickly on us. We looked back up the hall to see that Tina, still in her foam mascot head, was trying to catch up so that all three of us would be there when the door opened.
The door opened before we knocked. A very amused Agnes opened the door, because she saw Tina’s last few frantic steps trying to catch up and her softly running into both of us with her foam mascot head as she tried to stand just behind us.
“You’re not particularly inconspicuous, Tina. Sirs, could you let her come in first? I think she’s going to need a water before we do anything else.”

Steve and I were a little amazed at Agnes at that moment. She, like us, was freshly showered, but she seemed much more radiant at that moment. Part of it was the warm lighting spilling out of the room behind her, but once we walked into the room, we could also feel that she had made the room just slightly more humid than the rest of the hotel. It made her hair seem more shiny and less unruly, and as a result made her seem more composed and in charge. She had some sort of stretchy tank dress on, but I hadn’t even noticed at first because of her hair, and then secondly because of Tina taking her mascot head off and chugging a large glass of ice water without regard for the shiny beads of water clinging to her suit. 
The front part of the hotel room was a kitchenette to our left, and a coffee table and a couch and a TV right in front of us. There was a king size bed past that, and we assumed that the bathroom was around to the left, since that’s where the warm lighting and the steam were rolling out from.

“Come, sit. Lose the shoes.” We kicked off our shoes in the entryway, and then Agnes directed us to the near side of the king size bed. She sat facing us at the end of the coffee table, which put her a bit lower than us. “Had enough water?” she asked Tina.
Tina made her way over in front of Agnes, slipping her sneakers and socks off. Agnes leaned back for a moment by putting her hands behind her on the edges of the coffee table so she could look up at Tina. After surveying Tina for a moment, Agnes looked at her approvingly and stood up.  Although we couldn’t see Tina’s face, I noticed she shifted her weight oddly as Agnes stood up.
“Still excited? Still want to do this?” Agnes asked.
“Yes. But please get this thing off me.”

Agnes smirked and reached around Tina to the zipper pull behind her head. Tina was unsure where to put her hands at first. They ended up on Agnes’s hips for a moment, and then flat against her sides as Agnes pulled the skintight suit down past Tina’s shoulders. Agnes turned the two of them sideways, so we could see Tina’s breasts come out of the suit and watch Agnes press against her a little as she tried to figure out what she was going to do next. Agnes slid her hands towards Tina’s butt, wedged them inside the suit a little and pushed the suit the rest of the way down Tina’s legs. 

I glanced over at Steve for a moment to see him transfixed and partially erect. I glanced back to see Agnes smack Tina on the ass and tell her to go take a shower. Tina stepped out of the rest of the suit, and headed into the steamy bathroom. “Don’t take too long, Tina. I don’t want them to start without you.” 
As Agnes picked up the shiny catsuit off the floor, she took the opportunity to tell us what we were doing.  “I’m trying to show Tina a good time tonight. I don’t know what she’s ready to do, so we may have to start with some sort of icebreaker. To keep it fair for Tina, here’s what we’ll do. If Tina suggests something to do with one of you, then I will do the same thing with the other one of you.”
“And if Tina opts for you?” Steve asks.

“I think she’s going to try to dodge out of that. I’ve tried. I mean, you saw that she’s comfortable being naked around me, and touching, but she gets silly if I go too far.”

Steve gave me such a look at that moment. “I think we can fix that.”

**Part 12**

Steve got up from where he was sitting on the edge of the bed, and leaned over to Agnes to whisper something to her. I knew what he was going to say, but I think we didn’t want Tina to hear as it sounded like she was almost done with her shower. Agnes smiled broadly and nodded at Steve, and then nodded at me.

Tina walked out of the bathroom, a swirl of steam spinning behind her as she walked out mostly dry, but still trying to get the last little bit of water out of her hair with a towel. Agnes caught her eyes quickly. “Tina, it would appear that the boys are already behind schedule since I undressed you before. So it’s even, I think you and I need to take a seat there on the end of the bed. Gary, would you undress Steve for us?”

We swapped places with the girls, and Steve and I stood in front of each other at the end of the bed. I started unbuttoning Steve’s shirt, and you could tell that Steve was a little too antsy just standing there waiting for me to get to his khakis and boxers. It was less sexy than we wanted it to be. It just seemed like that we might have been a bit too eager to enjoy what we showed up for. Unable to take this slowly, Steve started unbuttoning my shirt while I pushed his khakis down. Realizing what was happening, Agnes looked over at Tina to be undressed by her. It took a moment for Tina to realize what Agnes was hinting at, and was further delayed by staring at us a little longer as our shirts were both off and Steve was moving towards my pants. Agnes just laid back on the bed, making Tina take a little more effort to wiggle the tank dress off of her. Agnes’ curves looked even more delicious coming out of that dress, and by the time we both had our pants off, it was clearly evident that we were exited by the entire ordeal.

As the boxers came off of both of us, our cocks sprang forth and pushed against themselves at odd angles. We could see that Tina was clearly looking at us together – or at least the parts of us that were together – at this point, and Agnes was looking at all three of us rather amused at the situation she had crafted.

Agnes leaned over to face Tina, her breasts spilling forward into her. “What would you like first?” she asked. 

Tina immediately turned red, and her facial expression seemed unsure all of a sudden. “I…”

“Hey – it’s OK. We’re all here because Agnes brought us here, but we’re all friends. Don’t freak out.” Steve tried to be as comforting as he could while still rubbing his cock head against mine.

Tina stopped for a moment, took a deep breath, and her normal color returned. “It’s overwhelming a little, but it’s not bad.” She managed a small smile, which turned into a grin. “It’s just crazy because I want everything.” She turned to Agnes, took both her breasts in her hands and pulled her forward against her and kissed her quickly. Then, she grabbed both Steve and I at the hip and tried to pull both of our cocks into her mouth at the same time. I saw Agnes raise an eyebrow at that. 

“You know, there is an easier way to do that.” Agnes got up, directed Steve on to the bed and positioned Tina over him. Steve guided himself under her hips so that he could lick her from underneath. Then, Agnes positioned me so that my cock was right next to Steve’s with our legs somewhat interlocked. She took an amusing moment to grasp our dicks and point them at Tina’s mouth which also put her ample breasts right against me.

It was amazing to look down, and see Tina take our cockheads in her mouth together. As she backed away, you could see the saliva coating them, mixing with our own excitement, and then she moved forward with them disappearing back into her mouth. Tina looked over at Agnes, and made eyes at her as if to ask her if she wanted a turn. Then, as Tina backed away from our cocks, Agnes leaned over and deeply kissed Tina both surprising and exciting her. While Tina was overcome for a moment by Agnes and the kiss, Agnes took our cocks in her mouth without breaking eye contact with Tina. This was difficult to maintain as it became obvious that Tina was become more heated from Steve’s attention.

Tina put her head down on Steve’s hip for a moment, focusing on her enjoyment. Agnes still held our cocks, and tried not to move her hand too much while still maintaining a grip. 

I moved my hand to Agnes’ backside, gripping it firmly. “Perhaps you should be getting the same treatment as Tina,” I said. She quickly hopped up on the bed next to Steve, and I wasted no time diving into her. As Tina seemed unable to concentrate on Steve at this point, I made sure my left hand made it over his way from time to time. 

I was too distracted to worry if this game had any rules any more. All I could think about was pushing my mouth into Agnes’ wet sex, and the feel of Steve’s balls in my hand contrasted with Tina’s breath as she raggedly inhaled and exhaled from all of the sexual excitement that Steve afforded her.  At least changing positions had afforded me a break for a moment. 

At first, all I could hear from Agnes at this point was her guttural excitement from the oral attention I was giving her. I could not tell how Steve was doing, but it could not have been too bad based on the slimy trail of fluid oozing onto my hand. But then, I felt Agnes and Steve stop moving for a second and I heard Tina tense up in orgasm.

“More.” Tina said. “The real thing this time.” She got up and moved forward to straddle Steve’s cock while Agnes steadied her. Once positioned, Agnes laid down on the bed next to them and scooted forward so that I could enter her. Tina and I both looked longingly at Agnes as she laid back. Agnes propped her leg up over Tina’s and beckoned me to her. Soon, the four of us set into a rhythm which served the dual purpose of exciting Tina and Agnes and also keeping us from falling off the bed. Tina kept looking over at Agnes, and then eventually stopped and flipped over on top of her, kissing her madly and kneading her breasts. I pulled out of Agnes to avoid getting in Tina’s way, and then looked longingly at Steve.

I knelt down and tasted how much of Tina was still on Steve’s cock, and then tried to look at Steve’s face to gauge how close he was. Steve stopped me from looking up and pulled my head down into him firmly – clearly he was close and not wanting me to stop. Agnes was somewhat startled by Steve moaning in orgasm as he unloaded rope after rope of cum into my mouth. I could feel every pulse of his release in my hands.

Agnes and I had still not satisfied ourselves, and there was the matter of Tina’s awkward position. I got up, grabbed Tina’s ass firmly, and she motioned me closer to her and had me enter her. Agnes did her best to keep Tina’s mouth and breasts stimulated, distracting her from the rather slow fucking I was giving her. I even stepped back from her a couple of times, and stood back to watch the girls fondle each other, and watch Steve watching them. The second time, I re-positioned and entered Agnes instead of Tina, eliciting a playful gasp from Agnes, and I grabbed Tina’s ass firmly again so she did not knock me away. It was awkward to do, and I think Agnes could tell because my angle had changed. 

Agnes scooted backwards on the bed and gave Tina a quizzical look. “So since Steve got finished off by Gary… do you want to give me a try?”

I entered Tina again while she thought about it. Agnes looked so delicious at that moment that I thought that if Tina did not want to, that I would, but it turned out that Tina’s hesitation was brief and she then eagerly worked her way to Agnes’ swollen sex.

Once they started, Steve playfully nudged me with his foot and motioned for me to lay down where he was. He spooned in behind me, reminding me of how we woke up Friday morning. This time when he grabbed my cock it was quite intentional, and it was still glistening wet from Tina. I felt his thumb and forefinger run all around the head, and I felt his most member behind me, and I had a great view of Agnes as she writhed in pleasure from Tina. I reached over to Agnes and played with her nipple in much the same way Steve was playing with the head of my cock.

It already seemed like too much stimulation when I was making contact with two people, and then I felt Tina brush up against me and that was enough for me to erupt all over the side of Agnes, and maybe also on Tina’s hand, and definitely Steve’s hand.

For a moment, I felt like I had completely lost track of everything, but all the faces I could see were smiling.


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