Hotel Convention (MMFF, Bi) Parts 1-8

*I don’t write this sort of thing very often, and I find myself doing a better job with the dialogue than the sex scenes. But, I feel that it’s better to post it and take criticism than to have it sit around on a usb drive somewhere.*

**Part One**

Thursday 1100

Showed up so early, the hotel wasn’t even sure if the room I reserved was ready for me to check in to. I am hanging out in the lobby, checking emails and trying to find out if my counterpart from the other division is going to make it here. I am getting alerts about delayed shipments and severe weather incidents affecting customer deliveries north of here.


Got an email from my counterpart that his flight has left with an alternate routing, arrival is uncertain. The hotel desk manager waves me up to let me know that my room is ready, and I leave them a note for them to call me when my counterpart arrives. Drop gear at room, come back down the elevator to the hotel restaurant for some sort of salad with chicken in it.


Lunch is done, need to kick out one more logistics report to the home office before the conference starts.


Report is done, home office says to enjoy my long weekend but to be careful. (Ha. it’s a conference, the biggest danger I have is being powerpointed to death.) I can see that the hotel parking lot is nearly full and the sky is filling up with a lot more clouds than there were after lunch. No new word yet from my counterpart Steve.  I wander back downstairs and fill out my preferred lecture schedule for the three days, and fill out Steve’s for the ones I’m not covering.  A girl from the hotel front desk flags me down as I go past.

“Mr. Simon? Have you heard from Mr. Andrews?”

I have to tell her that I have not, and she starts going on about some problem with the room reservations and Mr. Andrews might not get his room and I just stop her.

“Were both rooms going to be billed to the same accounting office?” I ask.

“Yes,” she replies. She starts looking around, like she’s not sure where the conversation is going.

“Is there a problem with *my* room?”, I ask.

“No.” She looks down, like she’s ready for me to give her a hard time.

“Are you going to charge us extra for leaving an extra key for my room at the front desk that can only be picked up by Mr. Andrews when he presents proper ID that you were going to ask him for anyway?”

She immediately brightens up. “No, Mr. Simon. That will be fine.” She moves closer to me, and lowers her voice. “Most of the time at these corporate conferences all of the executives are very protective of their space, and would never consider sharing.”

“I find that at these corporate conferences that I could really use the company because I’m not used to dealing with crowds of people or the unfamiliar environment. How long have you been working here, um… Agnes?” I clumsily look at her nametag trying not to spend too much time looking in an inappropriate direction.

“A little over a year, so I’ve probably been here for around seventy conferences so far.”

“Good. Will you be here all weekend?”

“I’m on at 4 until whenever through the weekend.”

“Well, then I will have to count on you to be a good source of information for me.”

She beamed a little. “I won’t disappoint you, Mr. Simon.”

**Part 2**

Agnes headed back to the hotel office area, and I headed toward the main ballroom for the opening speaker.


The opening speaker for these conferences tends to be someone that you think is going to be really important , and turns out to be just trying to inspire the audience without imparting any particular information. I was annoyed and bored about twenty minutes in, and there was nobody there that I really knew. I didn’t really have any connection with the other various product managers, since they worked for other companies, my vendors wouldn’t be around until tomorrow after lunch, and Steve hadn’t showed up yet. It’s funny how I felt connected to him even though we worked several states apart. I talk to him on the phone every couple of days, and we seem to have a good rapport, and when things get tough and we’re trying to get new products out to our customers it seems like that we’re the two people trying to get it worked out.

We hadn’t been in the same place for many years, probably the last time we were both at one of these conferences the same year, but I was really looking forward to seeing him this time. The last time I had seen him in person I don’t think we knew each other as well as we do now.


I walked past the front desk again on the way back to my room, waved at Agnes, and heard my phone beep. I had a text message from Steve that his plane had landed safely but they were taking a while getting luggage since the storm had rolled in. I texted him back.

         [Didn’t miss much in opening address, BTW you’re bunking with me.]

{A booking error?}

         [Yes, how did you know?]

{My office let me know about an hour ago. You’re OK w/this, right?}

         [It’s fine. We’ll get more time to catch up.]

{Cool. See you soon.}

When I got back to my room I grabbed a hot shower, threw on a t-shirt and some boxers, and laid down and turned on the TV, but I guess it didn’t take me long to fall asleep because I don’t really remember what I watched. The last thing that I remember was thinking if it was going to be strange for Steve to find me asleep with the TV on.

Friday 0200

I don’t know what was more odd – that the lights were all out except for a weak light coming in under the hotel room door, the eerie chirp of a trouble alarm in the distance, or the fact that there was someone in bed holding me when I woke up.

**Part 3**

Friday 0201

Once I realized that there was someone in the bed spooned behind me with their arm draped over me, I got erect almost instantly. I guess it had been a while since I had physical contact with anyone, and it seemed rather exciting. It didn’t take me long to figure out where their hand was as the head of my cock pushed under it. A few seconds after that, I felt a little bit of stirring behind me, and then their erection poking me from behind. It was certainly not what I expected, but it was nice. I didn’t want to move again, and I had to think that it was Steve behind me. It’s not like my room had been broken into, certainly I would have heard that.

As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I sighed loudly only to be surprised by the cloud of vapor coming out of my mouth. I got up to get out of bed to try to figure out what was going on.

“Nnngh.” Steve turned over the other way and gathered the bedcovering around him. I realized rather quickly that it was quite cold in the room, much colder that it should have been. I grabbed my track pants and jacket and slipped some sneakers on. It was too early for a walk around the complex, but the habit of putting those things on was too strong to ignore. I checked the air conditioning unit near the window. It was hard to see, but at least I could turn down the outside air mix to nothing since it was just a lever. The fan wasn’t running at the moment, and I couldn’t get any of the little LED’s on the buttons to turn on. I presumed that the power was out.

I peeked down the hallway, and every third wall sconce was still on, although a little flickery. It looked like they had a backup generator, but not particularly good power conditioning. I hoped their computers weren’t all failing at the moment, but I couldn’t let that be my problem. The hallway wasn’t nearly as cold as the room was, and since I had closed the outside air damper I didn’t think the room was going to get any colder than it had already. Since there wasn’t really anything I could do, it seemed like the sensible thing was to go back to bed in hopes that I would still be worthwhile in the morning. I kicked my sneakers off and took my track suit back off and crawled back into my side of the bed. I laid on my back, trying not to wake Steve again but slowly trying to pull back enough covers so I didn’t freeze. 

As I drifted back to sleep I wondered if I remembered to set the alarm on my phone.

**Part 4**


My phone alarm went off, so at least that worked out. It still seemed pretty cold in the room, but not as cold as when I woke up earlier. I looked next to me to see Steve, looking a little groggy and disoriented.  “Comfy?”, I asked.

“Dude, it was like *super* cold in here. What the heck happened?” 

“As far as I can tell, the power went out during the night and you haven’t been getting along with your girlfriend.”

Steve sat up on his side of the bed. “OK on the first part, but how do you figure the second part?”

“You were mumbling a lot.” I moved to my corner of the bed, looking around for a few things in my bag.

“Well… it’s not like I’ve really *had* a girlfriend that much, and they tend not to work out. So it’s more like I know girls that hang out at my apartment for a weekend and then get mad at me.”

“I have to say, Steve, for someone that renegotiated most of our company’s shipping deals out west and is so well thought of both inside and outside the company, it’s difficult to imagine you not being good at, well, ‘sealing the deal’.”

“I don’t know, Mr. Simon, I feel comfortable with the vendors. I feel comfortable talking to you, for all of the lame phone conferences we’ve been stuck on. Heck, I feel comfortable enough to share the room with you even though I wasn’t sure what the deal was with the king size bed was. It’s just sometimes girls just rub me the wrong way and I’m ready to escort them out of my apartment after half a conversation.”

“Steve, it’s the weekend. Here’s the rules. I’m Gary, not Mr. Simon. We have a lot of serious classes to do today, but the rest of the weekend is just schmoozing vendors. If you remember anything about me is that I don’t manage to get out much to do this sort of thing, so I’m going to follow your lead. If you want to drink yourself into a stupor, I’ll be right behind you. If we need to buddy up to the guy that shafted us on the packaging deal last year, I’m in. If you need to stay here and chill out and order room service, that’s good too. If you’re having a tough time and can’t get your head on straight, we can talk about it. Whatever.”

Steve pulled some strands of hair out of his face and looked up at me, smiling.

“Seriously, Mr. S… Gary? That would be awesome.” He got up from the bed, grabbed me by the shoulders, gave me a quick shake and looked me in the eye again. “Awesome.” He hadn’t noticed he was still sporting quite the erection, and jabbed me in the elbow with it on his way past. I reflexively grabbed it to keep it from jabbing me a second time, and Steve just froze. I looked up at him.

“You know you woke me up with this thing in the middle of the night, right? You should be more careful with it.” I let go of him, and he sheepishly walked to the bathroom to brush his hair and have some water.  

After a couple of moments, he asked from the bathroom, “I uh…. didn’t get anything on you, did I? I think it’s been a while since I um… fired the gun.”

“Nope, no misfires,” I told him. “Do you need to take care of that before breakfast?”

He came back from the bathroom without clothes, his erection clearly pointed at me. “Well, you’re still following my lead, right?”

**Part 5**


What was I supposed to do? Yesterday he was just a platonic coworker, and after a night of sleeping next to me he’s pointing his cock in my direction? I had to quickly figure out what was at stake and what he expected, and that meant being in charge.

I stood up, and eyed him up and down. “Have I ever once talked about my sexual orientation? Ever? Any idea what your bosses think about this sort of behavior? Had you considered if this might have an effect on your career?”

Steve stared at me, shocked, his erection waning for a moment. I continued the interrogation.

“Had you considered what you are willing to do if we were to do something right now? Do you know how much time we have before we’re expected to be anyplace?”

I saw his cock jump a little when I said “right now”. He paused and thought a moment after I finished talking and then looked down to see that the front of my boxers had also tented up a bit. He snaked his hand through the front of my boxers, pulled my growing cock out and rubbed it against his own as he moved forward. I could feel some precum between our dicks as they rubbed together but I don’t know if it was his or mine. He pulled me towards him a little and pushed his face into the side of my neck. As his stubbly chin made contact with the side of my neck I inhaled sharply, felt a little dizzy, and then immediately came all over his cock. Surprised and excited, he kept jerking both of us together, using my cum as lube. He stopped for a second to lick some of the cum off of his hand and dribble a generous amount of saliva on it. Fueled by the excitement and the additional lube, it didn’t take that much longer for Steve to come as well.

“Well, I guess we *both* needed that,” Steve said, “and whatever happens in the room stays here. When’s the first lecture again?”

I finally cracked a smile. “OK, yes, that was good.  First lecture is in an hour, right after breakfast. Could I have a towel?”

Steve leaned down and took my softening cock into his mouth and cleaned most of the cum off. “Tastes better than I thought.”

“Can I still have a towel?” I asked. “You know what, I’m just going to get in the shower and start over. I don’t think I can wear these boxers now anyway.” I walked into the bathroom.

“You know what, Gary?” Steve asked. “That girl Agnes at the front desk was right.”

“Right about what?” I asked. This had taken a strange turn.

“You are *much* cuter in person than on the phone.”

**Part 6**


I had a lot to think about in the shower, not the least of which were the impromptu sexual escapade that just happened and my interest in the young desk clerk. While I consider myself a sexual person, I don’t feel like I have an orientation because I think about people on an individual basis. I can’t really be turned on by Margot in our company’s finance department because she’s loud and unpleasant even though all the sales reps lust after her (or maybe it’s her implants they lust after).  On the other hand, I had spent plenty of delightful afternoons and evenings with a thin, bookish girl from the document processing room named Eva that the sales reps wouldn’t even have noticed, which is good because she went back to school a few years ago to get her MBA and is probably going to be their boss one of these days.

Since that was my last relationship of any kind for a while, I guess it wasn’t surprising that I was so receptive to Steve’s behavior. It was so nice to feel safe and wanted instead of feeling antagonized. I did get that pleasant feeling from Agnes as well, knowing that she was here to help and also happy that we were trying to be accommodating guests and make her job easier. 

We got dressed, and I think Steve caught me smiling to myself a couple of times. No matter what happened (or didn’t), this was going to be a good weekend.


One egg over easy and two sausages. I skipped the toast, knowing that Steve would eat it anyway. He seemed pretty hungry from what I could tell, I presumed his unorganized flight arrival and luggage issues meant that Steve didn’t get much in the way of dinner last night.  It would have been nice to have some fruit there, but you can’t expect too much considering the overnight power outage seemed to put a crimp in breakfast. We tried to go over strategy for the lectures that I penciled him in for, seeing if there would be someone there of interest that we needed to contact, or any particular concepts that we were going to have to pay particular attention to. We were going to try to meet up outside the tradeshow area right before lunch, so we could walk through and talk to the vendors together. 


Steve texts me between lectures.

{First lecture OK?}

                                           [It didn’t bore me to death.]

{I forgot. Is there coffee out here anywhere?}

                [I guess your first lecture was less exciting?]

{I may have been distracted.}

                [Heh. Coffee machine by Hall B is out of order.]

                [Will check with front desk.]

I went to the front desk and asked about coffee, and told them what room I was in.

The desk girl lit up and said that they would send some coffee to me and to Mr. Andrews, and I just had to let them know which lectures we were in.


Lecture two just started, and I was the only one in the room with real coffee instead of instant nonsense. 

I’m starting to think Agnes had something to do with it.


Lecture hasn’t quite finished, but Steve texts me.

{Done – Headed to TS area.}


I finally get out of the lecture and head over, and I can’t find Steve. My phone buzzes again.

{They said they won’t be ready until 1. I could really use some room service. }

I got the impression that he wasn’t talking about a sandwich.

**Part 7**


When I got to the room, Steve was laying with his legs over the end of the bed, pants around his ankles. I was excitedly reliving the events of this morning throughout the lectures, and realized I was wanting more. I was frozen for a moment, even though I wanted to go over and take his cock into my mouth instead of letting him jerk himself. I wanted to go back and make sure the door was really locked, but I didn’t want to stop watching. 


“Sorry, just froze up from two conflicting impulses.” I went back and locked the door, and then walked over to the end of the bed he was laying on.  I took out my own cock and just tentatively rubbed it on his for a moment, and then realized that I couldn’t just repeat this morning’s scenario. I gripped his cock near the base, forcing a little more blood to the head, while I felt my mouth fill with saliva and anticipation as I knelt down. So many times I had jerked my own cock, wishing I could just lick around the head and taste the oozing juices, realizing that the only way to be comfortable in quenching that urge was to suck someone else. 

While the sensation of sucking him was satisfying and pleasurable, it didn’t take long for me to realize that even with plush carpets, one’s knees were generally not meant to be supporting weight in this way for very long.  I motioned for him to move back, and I laid down on the bed and continued in earnest. It did make it easier for me to grab his muscular buttocks and thighs. Again, I was having conflicting ideas in my head – I wanted to cuddle and just enjoy touching another person, but I didn’t want to stop the sensation of having his cock in my mouth.

Steve must have sensed this somehow, perhaps my pace had slowed while I was busy thinking. “Hold on a minute,” he said.  He turned around on the bed so that I could continue sucking him, and he had an opportunity to return the favor. “I should get your pants out of the way here so you’re still good to wear this after lunch in front of the vendors.” He chuckled to himself and then took as much of me into his mouth as he could. 

As we mutually raced to a finish, surprising myself to think that I really was going to come again, I couldn’t help but think that it was like we were a couple of magnets. Having passed too close to each other, we had no choice but to draw each other in further. 

We laid on the bed afterwards and could hear both of our phones gently vibrate with a stream of incoming text messages from all of the vendors letting us know who was where, and who had what waiting for us for lunch. Steve sat up and looked at the messages as he got his clothes back together.

“Should we tell them we’ve already eaten?”

**Part 8**


Steve and I headed down to the vendor area. We kept looking at each other, back and forth, and smiling like we knew something. We also kept looking at each other to make sure we were presentable to the vendors, tucked in, collars straight, making sure we hadn’t missed something in the mirror back at the room. We seemed like we were walking a bit fast, and I think we were both hungry as a byproduct of the adrenaline rush of our recent tryst.  Once we got to the meeting room that the vendors were set up in, we paused at the entrance to the room, surveyed the situation, and then I grabbed Steve’s shoulder and pulled him back out to the hall.

“Do we have a plan, or does it seem less important than it did yesterday?”

“No, I have a plan.  Have a look at this.”  Steve had taken two copies of the tentative vendor floor plan from the convention web page from two weeks ago, shrunk them down to half size, and color coded the booths – red for me, blue for him, and purple for ones where we were going to have to corner someone and put some pressure on them. A lot of these vendors just needed a little bit of a check-in, just seeing how things were going and just to play catch up on, but there were a couple of guys that we needed to strengthen our position with. “We’re going to have to whip through most of this before we eat – it may give us the upper hand with a few guys that are just going to stuff their faces and sit around the booth.”

It did seem a lot easier to make our way from booth to booth with Steve’s plan already put together. We had made through most of the easy ones rather quickly, and even of a couple of the ones we thought were going to be difficult where we had to gang up on a vendor went a little bit easier. Steve and I seemed strangely in sync in a way where we hadn’t before. Certainly, I knew why, but I wouldn’t have expected these sorts of results.


We were a little thrown off by a new entry to the show floor.  One of the big promotional item vendors had just struck a deal with some big multimedia company, and so they made some sort announcement over the intercom and sent in someone dressed in a very tight bodysuit with a giant foam cartoon head on – I guess it was the multimedia company’s mascot. 

She had a big basket full of USB drives to hand out to everybody, and seemed to take some delight in taunting some of the other vendors. She made her way over to me and Steve and from where I was standing it looked like she put the USB drive in his pocket for him, and went around behind me and said “You guys should find me later…”.  Her voice sounded funny through the mask, and watching her walk off I started to wonder if it was Agnes taunting us. With the giant head on the costume it was hard to gauge her real height, and it was hard to be sure looking at the mascot from the back since I hadn’t been watching Agnes walk away before. 

Steve walked up right behind me and said into my right ear, “What’s her deal?” 

I could feel that he was right behind me because I could feel his cock brush against my ass. I slowly faced him, seemingly being careful not to step on anybody else on the show floor but also lazily rubbing against him as I turned.  I grabbed the USB drive out of his pocket, and it had a piece of paper taped to it that said “Steve and Gary”. The ink was slightly smudged, seemingly recently written.

“Laptop?” I asked Steve.

“Are you sure we should look at that drive here? Also, couldn’t it be some sort of corporate espionage?”

“Good thinking. I have a way we can look at that drive in an isolated environment, but I need a disk from our room.”

Steve smirked at me. “A likely story.”


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