The Fat Bimbo, Part 1… Comments and suggestions welcome!

The Fat Bimbo

Things were going slow in Brandon’s strip club. Uncharacteristically slow. And
this was no surprise. Brandon had always been able to get the best dancers on
the stage due to this weird technology he… acquired. But ever since he had
opened an “escort service” as his second business, most of the women had
been moved there. Them becoming sex crazed after exposure to his
technology was a rather bad thing now. He needed to find new blood. To find
something fresh that would attract more customers.
“Hey, neighbor,” a chipper voice pulled him out of his own head. His eyes
locked with Rebeca’s and in a moment he realized that he might just have
found his next talent.
He stares just one second to long at her, before answering, “Good morning,
Rebeca.” He watches on as she moves to her mailbox and back to the house.
Brandon had to admit that she wasn’t the perfect figure you usually see on
stage. Her belly wasn’t as tight as any of his show girls, quite the opposite
actually. And her ass was simply huge, but that usually worked out fine. More
and more guys preferred big buts. With a couple of sessions on his machine,
she might become a great way to pull in customers. “Hey, Beca,” he called
behind her. She looked up from her mail with a questioning look in her eyes. “I
can’t help but notice that you look a bit pale. If you want you can use my
tanning bed.”

Rebeca considers her neighbor’s offer. One look at the sky reminds her how
dreary the last couple of days have been and how a bit of sunshine would
really do her good. If nothing else, she was sure Adrian would enjoy a bit more
color on her skin.
“I’d really appreciate that,” she answered. “I got some chores to do, but can I
come around this afternoon?”
Brandon gave her a big smile and a thumbs up. “Perfect, I’ll see you then.”
As Rebeca walks into her house, she wonders where this offer all of the
sudden came from. It was no secret what kind of business Brandon was
running, but that never bothered her or Adrian. Clearly there was good money
in it and it looked like Brandon was willing to share the wealth. With a big smile
she started her house chores, already looking forward to the warm rays
caressing her skin again.

The moment he was back inside, Brandon went to check the settings on his
“tanning bed”. Sure, it would give you a tan, but he had taken the liberty to add
some extra features. Now this is where things got tricky. He couldn’t just
bombard her with the “bimbo-particles” like he did a lot of the wannabe models
that came to him and volunteered for this. He’d need to be more subtle.
Carefully, he started giving in values on a small touch screen. Skin tone: +10%.
Breasts: +5%. Ass: -0%. Erogene Sensitivity: +15%. Mind: -2,5%.
Now the last one was the most sensitive one. Most girls that came here had no
problem with being dumbed down a lot. But even though Brandon was sure
that Adrian would enjoy the physical modifications, he kinda doubted that
Adrian would want to be married to a blank sexrobot. He’d need to lower her
mental capacities just enough so that she’d be susceptible to his second
device. And slowly, as to not damage her personality too much.
Finally, he closed the panel containing the touch screen, hiding all evidence
that this machine was more than just a tanning bed.

Rebeca had finished everything she really needed to do, and it was only early
afternoon. With a smile she grabbed a bag and threw in a bikini before walking
over to Brandon’s place.
As Brandon guided her to the tanning bed, Rebeca realized that she had never
really been inside of this place. Everyone could see it was a big place, but
seeing it on the inside seemed to dwarf the outside. Everything she saw
seemed to be more worth than her husband’s yearly income. Everything was
shiny and new and somehow covered in gold. This was the first time she
realized how much the stripper industry must actually pay.
Brandon guided her in a side room and if she wasn’t gawking already, her
mouth would drop open now. This room seemed to be Brandon’s very own mini
spa. There was a jacuzzi, a steam room, a big ass tanning bed, multiple
massage tables and all of it seemed to be state of the art.
“This is the tanning bed,” Brandon said, his voice echoing off of the clean
ceramic walls. Rebeca snapped out of her awe and focused as Brandon gave
her a quick tutorial. Apparently she’d be seeing results after one session.
The moment Brandon had left, Rebeca slipped into her bikini and lay herself
down in the bed, letting it close around her. As soon as the locks clicked in
place, a blueish light enveloped her body and she could feel the warmth
spreading deep in her body, warming her to the bone. Somehow, the whole
experience made her feel very comfortable. Slowly, her eyes closed and within
seconds she had dozed off.
Rebeca had no idea how much time had passed before a sharp beeping
sound, indicating the end of her tanning cycle, woke her up. She slowly opened
her eyes, feeling strangely relaxed and at ease. Almost as if her whole mind
had calmed down. When she got out of the machine, she turned to the body
mirror standing against the wall next to it. To her amazement, Brandon had
been right, she was already more tan than before. Her finger slipped under her
bikini top to pull it slightly to the side, checking out her tan lines. Somehow the
top was more tight than it had been before. Had this thing shrunk? She hadn’t
noticed how much the edges dug into her boobs until now. “Well, time to go
shopping,” she shrugged as she got changed again.
Rebeca was really glad that Brandon had offered this and that night, it was
very clear Adrian enjoyed as well. Somehow sex that night was even better
than it had ever been. Every touch of Adrian sent that extra spark through
Rebeca’s body, especially coming from her boobs. Hell, she almost came from
him licking her nipples alone.

It had been two weeks now and Brandon smiled as Rebeca walked out of the
room after her fifth session. She was still topless as she approached him,
clearly not caring about the fact that her tits were on display here. By now, her
boobs had more than doubled in size. He was sure Adrian must’ve noticed by
now, but apparently, he didn’t really mind. And Rebeca’s mind was altered
enough so that she was completely oblivious to the whole transformation. This
did result in her wearing the exact same size shirts she had always been
wearing, leaving the top of her shirts bursting at the seems and her belly
mostly exposed. It still annoyed Brandon that he couldn’t work on her belly, but
maybe a fat bimbo would get some attention.
It was time for him to test the app, though. “You know,” Brandon started as he
casually tapped away on his phone. “Things would be easier for you if you had
one of these in your own home.”
Rebeca seemed to consider this for a second as she pulled a top over her
head and squeezed her massive cans in it. “I could’ve sworn this fit better last
time,” she mumbled before answering. “Yeah, you’re right. But it really isn’t in
our budget right now.”
Brandon glanced up from his phone. “What if I helped you with that,” he offered
with a shrug. “I could offer you a well paying job.”
Rebeca raised an eyebrow and Brandon could see two sliders marked
suspicion and curiosity go up on his phone. “What kind of job?” She asked,
slightly squinting at him.
“Well,” Brandon answered, slowly and carefully pulling the suspicion slider
down. “Things have been a bit slow in the club lately, and I could use a new
exotic dancer.” As he waits for an answer he looks at Rebeca’s inhibition
meter. It’s at about 75%.
Rebeca is shocked at first. “Me? I’m not dancer material.”
He slides inhibition to 60%.
“Then again, if you say I am. But I do think I’m too fat.”
“But we could really use the money. Still I’m not sure Adrian would like me
getting naked in front of strangers.”
“What am I saying, Adrian loves the idea of sharing me. I guess I just don’t feel
good to be naked in front of strangers.”
“Meh, I’ll get over it. Okay I’ll do it. I’ll dance at your club.”
Brandon grins widely, closing the app and extending his hand. “It’s a deal,
then.” As she shook his hand, he continued, “there’s a slot open tomorrow
night. Around closing time at 3AM. There won’t be much people left, so we can
test how you’ll do then.”

It’s 2:45AM and some of the pros are helping Rebeca to get ready. She’s not
really sure why she’s so calm and even a little excited to do this. She is, of
course, completely unaware of the fact that Brandon has been messing with
her anxiety and hornyness from his booth, overlooking the club. So when she
finally hits the stage dressed in a sexy nurses outfit, she is just one ball of
She takes her first steady strides and even though she realizes that she has no
idea of what she’s doing, she starts swaying her body to the beat of the techno
music blasting from the speakers. She can feel the eyes of several men
focused on her, burning her skin with their gaze, but this inexplicably turns her
on even more. She can hear murmurs coming from her audience as she starts
unbuttoning the top of her uniform, turning her back to the crowd as she throws
it to the side.
There are some whistles and woohoos from the more drunk part of the crowd,
but the real reactions come when she turns back to face them. She had hoped
that her massive boobs, propped up by a white bra with red crosses over the
nipples would be the eye catcher, but she was wrong. There is still whistling,
but these cheers were joined by some guys yelling. It took her a moment to
understand but quickly it became clear that they were more focused on her
belly than her tits. She could hear stuff like “what a fat cow” and “look at that
huge belly.”
For the first time, Rebeca froze, not so sure this was a good idea anymore. But
as soon as her feet stopped moving, another thought came to her mind. With
every insult she heard, her stomach was filled with butterflies that seemed to
reach all the way down to her pussy. She was actually getting more and more
turned on, knowing how these men saw her and she somehow enjoyed feeling
inferior to them.
With big swinging motions, the already way too short skirt of her costume was
flying to the side and Rebeca revealed her giant ass to the audience. To her
delight they kept calling her fat, but there were also dollar bills flying on the
stage. She bent over presenting her ass to the guys now closest to the stage
and after shaking it a couple of times, she lowered herself to her knees,
allowing them free access. She could feel firm strong fingers dig into her flesh
as words like “gigantic” and “fat” were muttered behind her. Every touch and
every word just sent pleasure coursing through her body, and before she knew
it, she was facing the audience again, still on her knees within reach of anyone
stepping forward.
Her bra was already flying to the side and with her fingers wrapped around her
breasts, she started licking her own nipples. Every touch still send shivers
down her spine, and she could swear she was going to have an orgasm right
here on stage. She looked down at the men, gawking at her. Even the ones
that were still yelling how fat she was, making jokes about her falling through
the stage and such, couldn’t hide the raging boners in their pants. And a desire
came up in Rebeca. She wanted those cocks. All of those cocks. She wanted
to get fucked by these guys that looked down upon her for her weight. And
even as she fantasized, one of her hands had slipped into her panties.
The guys went crazy, throwing money on the stage and encouraging her to
“finger that fat cunt.” Oh, how badly she wanted those humiliating bastards to
fuck her raw. But she was pretty sure there was a rule against that. She
couldn’t get fired on her first day. So for now she just bent back and enjoyed
locking eyes with these greedy and perverted men until her fingers drove her to
an orgasm that sent juices flying straight into her panties. Even as she came,
her body squirming and convulsing under her own touch, she kept going,
encouraged by the words “see that fat jiggle.” Her whole body kept shaking
and screams of pleasure escaped her mouth for several minutes on end, until
her body finally gave out and she nearly collapsed on the stage.
When the rush of orgasms cleared from her head, Rebeca seemed to realize
where she was and what she had just done. Her face turned red as she looked
back down at the guys cheering and pumping their fists in the air. Swallowing
hard, she got up, gave a short and awkward bow and hurried off the stage.
Once she was back in her dressing room, Rebeca wasn’t sure if she should cry
or laugh. She remembered feeling so amazing on there, but she was pretty
sure she broke all kinds of rules. Plus being called fat didn’t really make a solid
case for her. There was no way she would ever be asked back to dance and so
she could kiss that tanning bed goodbye.
The door swung open and Rebeca buried her face in her hands when Brandon
walked in. She was already making a speech in her head, pleading him for a
second chance. All she wanted was to feel like that again. But to her surprise,
there came no angry voice, no furious tirade, not even a grunt of
disappointment. All she could hear, was a pop. She freed her face, looking
confused at the bottle of champagne in Brandon’s hand. “You… were
amazing,” Brandon exclaimed as he poured out two glasses. “Your exit needs
some work, but other than that…” he handed Rebeca her glass and lifted his
own, “welcome to the team.”

Brandon’s smile was genuine as he toasted Rebeca and saw her surprise and
joy. Still, this was nothing compared to the joy he was feeling. Rebeca was a
natural on stage. Especially considering that he had barely touched the slider
to increase her hornyness all night. It had been all her. Things were looking up.


1 comment

  1. I’ve seen this one before, not sure where though. Great story!

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