The Good Soldier : Part II [MF+] [Discip] [Humil]

The Brigadier escorted Alice to the accommodation personally. As they walked, she remained silent while he heaped a steady stream of praise on her.

“I observed how forthright and resolute you were with them immediately on meeting them” he said, “You’re just what the program needs, a strong military presence to keep them in line.”

Alice had experienced some difficulty coming to terms with his attitude, maybe because he had not observed what had happened after he left, he was somehow able to tell himself that everything was normal, that this was simply a case of having to manage some truculent civilians. She reflected that it must have been hard on him, to be a general and yet have to put up with disrespect and threats from a group of what were essentially prisoners.

Alice reflected, that in a way what had happened was an example of military problem solving at it’s most basic, a senior officer had identified a problem, tasked a soldier to solve it, and did not concern himself with the details.

They walked towards what looked like a fairly dilapidated accommodation block, the cheap 1950’s era constructions that were a frequent sight on the various Army transit and training camps throughout the UK.

“Now the accommodation isn’t up to much Corporal,” the Brigadier said apologetically, “However I’m going to get that remedied immediately. We’ll endeavour to provide you some degree of comfort during your duty period here.”

Alice carefully declared that she was sure it would be fine, and that she was used to much worse, however predictably this made the Brigadier even more adamant in expressing his determination in finding something more suitable for her.

He didn’t mention the accommodation’s other occupants before he entered the foyer. Three women snapped to attention and saluted. Obviously, they had been waiting for them.

There were Two officers, both Lieutenants, one wearing the cap badge of the Adjutant generals corps (AGC) was a short brunette, with a slightly shocked expression on her face. The other that of the Intelligence corps was slightly taller with blonde hair peeking out from the untidy bun her beret was sitting on top of, her expression was one of complete incomprehension.

Alice was unimpressed by both. She had little time for young officers, especially female ones. She knew that both were here kicking their heels, having refused to do what she’d just had done.

The third woman was a young private. Another brunette, she was doing the best of all three women at hiding her thoughts, her expression friendly but expressionless.

The Brigadier turned to the Intelligence Corps officer “Lieutenant Kershaw, Where are Corporal Jones’s bags?” he demanded.

She looked puzzled and then looked around, “I ahm… haven’t had the opportunity to locate them…” she stammered “I’ll have Private Gerard get them” she turned to the private present.

For the first time, the Brigadier exploded in anger. Alice suspected he had bottled a lot of rage in and now Lieutenant Kershaw was to experience its full measure. “YOU WERE TOLD TO GET THEM” he roared “DON’T PASS IT OFF TO A PRIVATE SOLDIER, CPL JONES HAS DUTIES TO BE GETTING ON WITH UNLIKE YOU!” He took a a breath then carried on “YOU’RE A DISGRACE.”

For the next minute or so, the Brigadier berated the young officer. Alice had never seen an officer humiliated in front of enlisted personal the way she now was. Alice watched the tears start to flow down Kershaw’s face and immediately felt a loss of respect for the young officer, which she suspected was intended.

Eventually the Brigadier’s rage subsided. He spoke to all three women “Your duties have now changed. Your main effort is now to support Cpl. Jones in her role as ‘prisoner military liaison’. She acts under my direct authority and will enjoy a large degree of discretion”

He turned to Alice “You’re needed back for 2000 hours is that correct Corporal?”

“Yes Sir” Alice replied

“Well then,” he turned to the AGC Lieutenant “You have your timings, offer Cpl Jones every support in meeting them.”

“I need a shower.” Alice heard herself say.

The brigadier turned to her, the look discomfort returning to his expression. He turned to AGC Lieutenant “Well Hoyle!”

Lieutenant Hoyle smiled at Alice. “Come on,” She Said kindly, “Private Gerard will show you the showers, you can borrow my wash kit while yours is being located.”

With that the Brigadier made a few last remarks about the now absent Lieutenant Kershaw, and then took his leave, voicing his loud expectation that Alice would be fine.

Alice sighed and followed Private Kershaw, who introduced herself as Lucy to the showers, which were in a large open plan washroom which had obviously been intended to accommodate larger numbers.

She stripped off slowly, her body feeling stiff. Lucy kept up the conversation in an engaging way, summing up quickly her 2 months on camp.

“Once I said no that was it” she said casually, “I got shunted off here with the two officers”

“Why did you say No” Alice asked.

“Why would I say Yes” Lucy said simply. “The Brigadier brought me into his office, gave me a little speech. I figured why the fuck are they asking a Private to do it? I’m not going to let a bunch of guys fuck me, just to make his life easier.” She shrugged, “I did think he should perhaps have asked an officer, but it turned out he already had.” she did not ask Alice’s own reasons for agreeing Lucy looked hesitant then started to say “there’s other things that…”

She was cut off when Lieutenant Hoyle entered, carrying a large bath towel and wash bag, laying both on the counter “Help yourself to anything you need,” she said “Katie … as in Lieutenant Kershaw will locate your bags soon.”

Alice raised an eyebrow, “Are you sure? She seemed to be quite challenged by the task.”

Alice was testing Hoyle; A corporal shouldn’t be speaking about an officer to an officer the way she just had. Hoyle looked back carefully, and Alice saw she was very aware of that. However, Hoyle didn’t attempt to exercise her rank, rather she took a different tack “Don’t be too hard on Katie, she’s been here the longest and has been… under a lot of pressure.”

“You can call me Lisa, by the way” Hoyle added. Alice realised that she was reaching out to her, deciding to relax military discipline in a way that most definitely wasn’t allowed. It was an act of potential friendship.

Alice simply shrugged, not really seeing any use for it “OK, Lisa” she said casually, as she pulled off her T-Shirt. She forgot momentarily that she wasn’t wearing a bra. She felt the urge to explain why to both the other soldiers but resisted the temptation. She decided she didn’t really care what they thought.

Stiffly, Alice pulled down her uniform trousers, “Shit” Lucy exclaimed as Alice stepped out of her trousers. “What the fuck did they do to you?” Lucy replied, seeing the dried semen caked between her legs.

Alice shrugged, and taking Beth’s towel and wash bag entered the shower. “I think it was some sort of group weirdness, they all wanted to spunk in me, on top of the previous guy”

“Did they take your underwear” Lisa asked.

“Yes” Alice said while turning on the shower testing the temperature with her toe “Hopefully they’re wanking themselves with them now.”

“Did you try and stop them?” Lucy asked.

Alice stepped away from the shower. She felt a wave of anger rise in her.

“No, I let them take them,” She said taking a few steps towards Lisa, “They’d been taking it in turns to fuck me on a tool bench for the previous hour. I didn’t really feel in a position to say no.”

“That was smart,” Lisa said simply “If you had protested and then they’d taken them anyway, they’d be more inclined to push boundaries.”

“Did they want to do you up the bum?” Lucy asked abruptly.

Lisa turned startled to Lucy. “That’s … that’s not” she stumbled over the words, her composure slipping. She turned to Alice, “That’s none of our business… you don’t have to answer that.”

Alice curled her lip “Oh thanks for telling me I don’t have to.” She still felt the anger over Lucy’s previous question.

“It is our business,” Lucy said to Lisa in a firm voice “We talked about this, remember?” she sighed “besides it’s hardly any different to what’s been happening…” She stopped when the Lieutenant gave her a warning look.

Alice was losing interest, “They didn’t fuck me in the arse, but one of them made it very clear that he intended to do so in the very near future, and I imagine the other four will be participating as well.”

“I don’t like it in the bum” Lucy said quietly, in a kind of sad way.

“Then don’t do it” Alice said dismissively going back to the shower. She turned on them aggressively “Are you just going to gawk at me like a pair of lezzers?”.

She turned her back on them and then heard Lucy say, “I’m going with you tonight.”

Alice turned back in surprise. Alice started to debate in her mind, the effect of Lucy going with her. Yes, it would split the men’s attentions, but it would also complicate things. She didn’t know how Lucy would react to experiencing what she had experienced so far today.

“I decided a while back that if anyone else went in there, I would as well” Lucy said.

“What if they want anal sex?” Alice asked cynically.

Lucy shrugged, “I don’t like it, but…if I have to.”

“No,” Lisa said emphatically “You’re not going.”

Alice looked at her, thinking the Brigadier wouldn’t be happy with her interfering with his program, and debated whether to inform him. She felt guilty when immediately afterwards, Lisa said, “I’ll go” She turned to Lucy. If you’re still willing, you can do it later. Tonight, there’ll be enough to account for with two of us.”

Lucy shrugged, and Alice thought she saw relief in her face.

“No,” Alice said, cutting them off “I’m going alone.”. She turned the shower on and faced away from them as she spoke, her brain trying to make sense of what was happening. Maybe this was the Brigadier’s intention to guilt the others into participating.

“I put up with a lot today,” Alice said, “I’m not going to risk what I’ve achieved.”

“What are you risking?” Lucy asked exasperated, “They’ll obviously prefer two of us to one.”

Alice soaped between her legs, glad to finally get the residue of the day of her. “I asked Lucy why she said no when she was brought here, why did you say no?”

“Because I thought it was wrong.”

“Lots of things the Army does are wrong,” Alice said with her back to Lisa. The tiled shower walls and running water distorted her voice, “That doesn’t mean they aren’t necessary. The Army went to a lot of trouble to bring you here, a massive security risk if nothing else. It must be for a good reason, so how do you justify saying no?”

Lisa looked at her exasperated, “I’m a soldier, not a whore!”

“And I am?” Alice said in a monotone.

“No, I didn’t say that. I’m offering to go with you remember!”

“Yes, but why?” Alice turned to face her again, “I’m going, because I’ve been told it’s necessary. You’re going out of guilt! Or some martyr complex. Plus, you’ll most likely get precious, and fuck the whole thing up.”

Lisa was starting to lose her composure. In a clipped voice she said, “I know why we were brought here. I even understand the reasoning. For any group of male prisoners, sex is going to be a strong desire, and obviously that would be a means of motivation, and of control.”

She stopped, taking a moment to compose herself before carrying on. “This is not the way to do it though. This is crazy, and it’s obviously not official. Did you see any written order for any of this? Our posting orders said secondment to the foreign office for fucks sake!”

Alice shrugged, “It’s for security. This whole setup must be a nightmare to keep secret. They’re hardly going to make it worse by firing off posting orders for sex workers,” Alice felt the anger start to rise in her again, “Anyway, it doesn’t fucking matter. I was asked to volunteer for a mission that I was told was important. This wasn’t what I expected or hoped for, but I’ll take the Army’s word that its important.”

She strode out of the shower, snapping the towel from the bench where Lisa had left it.

“If that’s not enough for you to do what you’ve been asked, that’s fine, but I’m not having you come along out of some fucked up sense of guilt and be a fucking liability.”

Alice could see the anger start to rise in Lisa, “Who the fuck do you think you are? Do you think you’re some sort of Hero for letting a group of deviants gang bang you, just because the Army asked?”

Alice smiled, “I don’t think I’m a hero, but I do think I’ve been a lot more use to the Army in the last few hours than either of you have been for the last few months.”

Lisa said nothing in reply and Lucy just shrugged. Alice turned back to the matter in hand, “As they took my underwear,” she said simply, “if Katie,” she emphasised the Lieutenants name, “isn’t back in time, can I borrow a bra and some knickers from someone? I don’t want to go back in there without any.”

“I can loan you some knickers,” Lisa said simply, “I don’t think we’re the same bra size though”. Alice glanced at Lisa’s chest. She was obviously at least a cup size bigger. Lucy laughed, bringing her hands up to her chest in mock horror. “Only flea bites I’m afraid, but Katie’s round about the same size as you.”

Alice shrugged, looking at Lisa. “It doesn’t matter if it’s too big, I just want to wear one. Oh, and you most likely won’t be getting them back.”

“Can you say no to them?” Lisa asked, her tone contemplative and quite “If they tell you to do something”

Alice knew what Lisa was asking and didn’t make her spell it out. “I tried, but every time I said no to something they closed ranks and insisted, threatening to stop work if I didn’t agree.” Alice started to give voice to her frustration, “They’ve got it all agreed among themselves. There’s one or two that seem reasonable, but they won’t go against the group consensus.”

“Is there one guy in charge?” Alice asked.

“Yeah, the oldest one, Doctor Gordon. He’s not so bad, and he does keep them in line.”

“Are they all old?” Lucy asked with a grimace.

“They’re all ages, the youngest looks like a teenager.”

“So, when you said no to something, what exactly did they do? Did they… force you?” Lisa asked.

“No…,” Alice thought, “In fact, every time I said no, they stopped, completely stepped back from me, made threats about whatever it is they’re working on, and only started again when I did what I was told.”

Alice saw the thoughtful expression on Lisa’s face. She was tempted to lash out at her again, but Alice felt the need to talk about what had happened to her, and Lisa’s questions seemed perceptive, and even prompted her to view things in a different way.

“Do you think they meant it?” Lisa asked, “Do you think they really would stop the project?”

“Yes,” Alice said emphatically, “I could tell they’d agreed among themselves. Some of them would have been happy with a bit of charm and an occasional blowjob… but as a group, I could tell they’ve worked out a strategy and they’re sticking to it.”

“But if they’re getting sex now, they might make a statement and stop for a day or two but not for an extended period. Not if they know they’ll still get sex, though in a controlled way if they go back to work.”

“The Brigadier said the work was at a vital stage.” Alice said simply.

“How is that our fucking problem?” Lucy interjected.

Alice stared at Lucy with a grim expression, “It’s my problem” she said in a steely tone “They’re needed for a task that I’ve been told is vital… “she looked at both of them making grim eye contact with each in turn “that all of us have been told is vital, and if this is what’s required then that’s the end of it!”

Lisa spoke up, her voice calm. “I understand what you’re doing,” she said, “I can even understand that how you view us might be… affected by the fact that we refused when you said yes, but we can’t just let them do whatever they want to you… to us.”

Alice sighed, “They’re just blokes,” she said, “Blokes that have been locked up for who knows how long watching too much porn, and they want the whole pornstar experience.” She looked at Lisa, “After a while, once they know they can get their cocks sucked whenever they want, that’s all they want, like most men.”

Lucy interjected again. “So, it’ll be worse at first,” she said, “All the more reason for one of us to go in there with you. Their attentions will be spread, they’ll work it out of their system. We’ll chat to them, be nice to them, then they’ll calm down.”

Alice looked at Lucy feeling a sudden feeling of warmth towards her. Alice could see she felt compelled to help but didn’t know how she’d deal with what she had dealt with already today.

“No,” Alice said finally, “I’ve got a handle on this. I’m not going in there with either of you until I know that it won’t make things harder.”

Both other women took her word as final. Alice even sensed they were deferring to her slightly. Lisa went and got her a pair of knickers and a bra that was too big to provide much support. 34D, Alice saw on the tag as she slipped it on. She looked at Lisa thinking about the reaction the Lieutenant’s breasts would get if examined the way hers had been.

She dressed quickly putting back on her uniform, she pinned her hair back into place and re-positioned her beret, the other two women looked on in silence.

Alice made her way back to the compound. When she entered she sensed a tension in the room, something had obviously happened. There were only four men present.

“Where’s Dr Gordon?” she asked, worried about how they would react in his absence.

“Don’t fucking worry about where he is.” Givens said striding up to her.

“Don’t worry Corporal,” Alberto piped up from the far side of the room, “he’s told us to behave ourselves.”

“Yeah,” Givens said angrily, “we’re coming within a hairs breath of getting killed and he’s worried you might end up with a sore cunt.” he indicated to one of the tables. “Bend over.” he said cruelly.

“So, you’re one of those guys who becomes a bigger arsehole after he finally gets a shag?” Alice said with contempt, while she complied, bending over the table.

She felt Given’s hands undo her belt and fumble for the button of her trousers. “There’s a button above the zipper, just like regular trousers.”

“Shut up … S” he bit back the final word.

Alice realised he had been about to call her a slut, but he caught himself. As he finally found the button and yanked her trousers and knickers down, she puzzled it in her head. He genuinely didn’t wish to disobey Dr Gordon, whether out of fear or respect. She spat on her hand and rubbed the saliva between her legs. He gave her a moment, and then he started to push against her entrance. He wasn’t rough, but insistent, pushing inside her till he was fully inside.

“Dr Gordon won’t let us fuck your arse until you’ve had a chance to settle in, a week he said,” Givens grunted, “I’ll be first though, and it will be balls deep.”

“You watch too much porn.” Alice said, her face to one side on the desk. She kept her voice flat and controlled as he pushed into her.

“Raise your head” Givens ordered, pulling at her shoulder. But he didn’t yank her hair like he might have. She raised up and she realised he wanted her to face the other men there while he fucked her. Alice started to relax and meet his thrusts and the sex became easier. Easier than it had been earlier. She started to feel the flow of Givens thrusts, then suddenly it ended, and she felt him empty himself inside her. She looked back at him, and they made eye contact momentarily. There was an odd expression on his face, but he said nothing.

He reached down and pulled her knickers and trousers up. She went to stop him but then realised he didn’t want her to have a chance to clean herself. She didn’t argue. She did up her trousers, ignoring the sensation of the semen seeping out of her sex.

Alberto came over and in a matter of fact way stated, “I want you to use your mouth Corporal, but I want to see you swallow my ejaculate. Will you do that?”

“Yes, she will,” Givens said angrily, “Or we’ll have a problem.”

Alice ignored him. “Yes, if you want” she saw no point in arguing. “Do you want me to strip off” she asked casually.

“Make her do it in uniform “Taylor said excitedly.

Alberto laughed “I’m the one getting the blowjob” he looked contemplative for a moment “but yeah leave your uniform on”.

She slid to her knees in front of Alberto and undid his pants, sliding them to the floor, she followed with his boxers, which released his hardening cock. The other three men came and stood around her.

She tried to ignore her audience, as she grasped the base of Alberto’s cock. She started manipulating it gently but knew he would quickly become frustrated if she prolonged the use of her hands. She began to lick from where her fingers encircled his cock, all the way to his quickly swelling cockhead. She continued this action until he was fully hard and it was covered in a light sheen of her saliva.

She looked up into Alberto’s eye, he looked away initially but then turned his head back down to make eye contact with her. Alice had enough experience with men to have learned what made them finish quickly.

Alberto placed his hands on the top of Alice’s head, applying slight pressure, indicating he wanted her to take more into her mouth. Breathing through her nose, Alice worked more of his cock into her mouth. Drool began to flow from her mouth as she accommodated more of him inside her. It pooled around her fingers, aiding in her jacking of his now rock-hard dick. She slid her other hand to his hairy balls, kneading them gently, getting a quite groan in response.

Alberto grunted gently and began to saw his cock in and out of Alice’s warm wet mouth more eagerly. She broke free from his grip and rocked back on her knees, he looked down at her startled.

“Look” she said gasping for air “I know you want to push it down my throat” she looked up at him but not in an accusatory way “I’ll take it all the way in” she said simply “but let me do it.” She kept her voice level trying to placate him “I promise it’ll feel a lot better than you simply fucking the back of my throat.”

Alberto nodded, and Alice resumed the job at hand. The only sounds in the room were Alberto’s moans and the slick wet gurgles of Alice’s compliant mouth accommodating Alberto.

“Well go on then!” she heard Givens say, “get it down your throat!”

Several voices responded in protest to Givens comment, saying she was going to only give her time.

She braced herself then pushed herself up slightly relaxing her throat and letting his cock slide down it. She held it momentarily as her throat tried to expel the intruder. She heard Alberto moan.

“Don’t ejaculate in her throat” she heard Taylor say in warning.

“I won’t “Alberto gasped as she continued to move her mouth up and down her cock.

Alberto made sure she had plenty of notice and gave repeated warning that he wanted to see his semen in her mouth before she swallowed.

He removed all but the head of his thick cock from her mouth. Alice felt his balls tighten up to his body as he spurted his ejaculate into her.

As instructed she didn’t swallow but knelt as instructed with her mouth wrapped around Alberto’s cockhead as he finished emptying himself into her mouth. Alberto finally pulled his cock away. Gathering his trousers up while Alice remained on her knees her mouth closed looking up at the four men. She opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out showing her rapt audience the thick semen coating her mouth and tongue. She then closed her mouth and looked to Alberto.

As she knelt there she expected them to look at her with contempt, instead all four men looked at her with fascination and intensity. “You can swallow now Corporal” Alberto said In a slightly formal way, that Alice actually appreciated.

Alice swallowed, she had held the semen in her mouth for so long it coated her tongue and roof of her mouth. She reflected that it would have been better to swallow straight away.

Everybody’s eyes then turned to Jones who looked suddenly panicked. “No…” He said, “I’m fine… I had enough earlier” he tried to laugh it off.

“Mike it’s okay,” Givens said, a note of compassion in his voice, “just take your time… she’ll do everything.”

Alice could tell that Jones, or Mike, as she supposed she could now call him, was getting upset and his friend’s offers of support were just making it worse. He was morbidly obese, and the mechanics of getting a blowjob or fucking standing up among his friends would seem to be beyond him.

She looked up at him. She knew it was important to engage with them to forge some sort of understanding. “Is it because Givens spunked inside me?” she said to Jones, getting to her feet.

“Who’s talking to you?” Givens retorted angrily.

She looked at Jones, raising an eyebrow. It took Jones a moment, but he replied “I’m talking to her, Jesus Givens, give her a chance.”

Alice smiled at Jones as he defended her, and he beamed back.

“She’s playing you.” Givens said angrily.

“No,” Alice spat back at Givens, “I’m simply responding to someone who hasn’t acted like an asshole every time he’s fucked me.” Givens shrugged. He didn’t say anything else, and Alice noticed a look of puzzlement on his face.

Now that she had Mike’s attention she undid her belt and trousers and pushed them down slightly on her hips along with her knickers. “That’s his cum,” she said indicating between her legs, “He made me do up my knickers and trousers, because he knew it would dry up around my pussy, as some sort of sick turn on.” She looked at Givens, “I had a boyfriend that would do the same thing, who also happened to a complete fucking psycho.”

“Givens isn’t a Psycho,” Jones said placatingly, “But let’s get you cleaned up.”. He took Alice by the hand and led her away from the group into the toilets. For the first time, Alice was alone with one of the men.

“I’m not an idiot Corporal,” Jones said flatly, “and It wouldn’t go well for you if I got the impression you thought I was.”

Alice shrugged. “I’m just trying to get on with people,” she said, “All Givens wants to do is fuck me up the arse.”

“I want to fuck you up the Arse,” Jones said with a note of amusement “We all do,” then in a slightly different tone, “and we all will.”

It was Alice’s turn to shrug, “It’s overrated.”

Jones smiled, then said “I want you to do what you did with Alberto.”

Alice looked around, spotting a low bench in the corner. Jones obediently followed her instructions, pulling his trousers down and sitting back on the bench to allow her to take his cock into her mouth without having to contort her head to accommodate his waist. It took just a few minutes before she felt a spurt of semen in her mouth. She got to her feet and lent over him opening her mouth as she had done with Alberto to display the cum.

Suddenly, he reached forward, grabbing her head and moving it to his, mashing his face against her and pushing his tongue into her mouth. Some of the semen flowed into his mouth and then he broke off the kiss semen flowed out of both their mouths. She stepped back and swallowed what remained and saw him do the same.

“Warn me before you do that again.” she said surprised.

Jones looked embarrassed, “Don’t tell the others.”

Alice shrugged. “I don’t see why I would.” She said walking over to a sink, undoing her trousers once more and again wiping between her legs. “He did that intentionally, he knows it dries and gets encrusted.”

Jones nodded, “I’ll tell the others you don’t like it” he said in a sincere way, as he stood watching her clean between her legs.

Taylor was waiting outside for them when they left the toilet. He had her sports bra in his hand. Alice was starting to get a feel for the different personalities of the men, and she wasn’t surprised when he indulged his fascination with the form and function of bras.

He was disappointed when he had her remove her top and saw her wearing the Lieutenant’s ill fitting, if expensive bra. She told him the truth that she had borrowed one as she didn’t like to go braless.

He nodded, then proceeded to have her jump up and down to see the effect on her breasts. The others gathered around. Givens started to make a remark, but the other men quietened him quickly, enjoying the spectacle of Alice jumping gently up and down and the effect on her breasts. Taylor had her repeat the process with the bra off, and then with the sports bra on and animated conversation proceeded between the men for a few minutes, before she was tasked to once more get on her knees and swallow the final load of semen for the night.

This was followed by the final surprise of the night. She got to her feet and took the sports bra off presuming Taylor wanted to keep it.

“You should keep it” he said embarrassed, “if you don’t have another that fits.”

“What!” Givens said exasperated. “She’s only going back to her room, she can survive without a bra.”

“She said she doesn’t like to go without one.” Taylor said quietly.

“Leave her be Givens.” Alberto said, growing annoyed. Alice could see Jones too was becoming annoyed with Givens. “She’s spent half the day on her back or knees, we don’t need to steal her underwear as well.”

Givens huffed, looking between his colleagues for support, there was none coming, and she left with her bra, and a sense that things were changing.



  1. I pay for add free Hulu for a reason! Lol the wait is killer. Keep em cumming OP!!

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