Last Time Being Watched by a Woman 37[FF]

Over a month ago, I posted a short story about my [first time being watched by another woman](, whom I called Josie for the purposes of anonymity. Since then, we’ve continued our roles, serving as voyeurs and exhibitionists for each other. But last week, we had our last meeting together as Josie is moving to a new city. I’m sure we’ll meet up sometime, but we won’t have a steady thing anymore. For our final get together, we decided to try something new.

We’d been meeting about once a week, usually for dinner and then heading back to one of our places. I’m actually involved as the voyeur for another couple, so I was usually the one who put on a show for Josie as I got out my voyeuristic needs elsewhere most weeks. At our second to last dinner together before she watched me get myself off, she told me she’d be leaving in a few weeks. The news saddened me, but I also thought it might be a good opportunity to be a little more adventurous. I mentioned on here before that I’d recently gotten divorced and have been exploring my sexuality since then, specifically exhibitionism and voyeurism which always interested me. But I never really got to do that with my ex. I also wrote in a comment on my last post about how I’d never actually had sex with a woman before but wasn’t sure if that was just sort of the way things worked out in life or if it was actual preference. So, I suggested to Josie that for our next and last time we get each other off. I didn’t want to commit to doing it that night since I was nervous about it. Josie was on board!

When our last date finally came, we decided not to go out but to order in. Josie rang, and I answered the door, seeing that she was wearing a trench coat. Once I closed the door behind her, she dropped it, revealing her naked body. Honestly, I laughed out loud since it was something I never expected an actual non-porn human to do. It was such a sweet gesture, though. (Josie laughed, too by the way.) I went to turn up the thermostat a bit so I could join Josie for a naked dinner of Thai food. We ate and talked for a while and then headed to the living room.

Josie sat on the couch, where I usually sat. I politely asked if I could sit down, too, and Josie wordlessly opened her legs, patting the couch in front of her. I sat down, my back to her, and she put her arms around my stomach. I scooched back into her and could feel how warm she was. She started running her hands over me as I felt her thighs with my own. One of her hands started up at my collar bone and slowly descended over my nipple, tracing all the way down to my stomach. She started massaging my breasts and kissing my neck. Then she asked me to just lean back.

I should probably explain that a little…This was how I liked to jill off in front of her. I would lean back on the couch all the way with my legs open. Something about being on display in that angle, knowing that she could see me arch my back as I got into it. Being on exhibition in that way, I always knew I looked as sexy as I felt.

As I leaned back into her, she pushed on my inner thigh and moved her hand up to my pussy. She knew that I didn’t usually use toys and just started rubbing with her hand. This is something amazing about having masturbated in front of someone like 10 times–they know how to get you off. (Seriously, I think couples should masturbate for each other more. You can learn a lot.) She started, like I always did, well above my clit, applying gentle pressure. As she worked her way down, I got wetter and wetter. When she slid a finger into me, I said, “I guess I just lost my girl virginity.” Between kissing my neck, massaging my breasts, and fingering me, she made me come in a few minutes. I told her how amazing it was and “You really ought to try it sometime.”

I asked her how she wanted to be. (Sidebar: I asked Josie if I could put this up, and she said she was cool with it.) She then took me by surprise. She knew that we hadn’t really talked about it beforehand and that I was probably expecting to finger her or fuck her with a dildo, but she wondered if I could go down on her. I was a little caught off guard, but, honestly, I was happy to do just about anything for her. She laid down on the sofa, and I started kissing down her body while stroking her thighs. As I rubbed her pussy I was surprised as well by how wet she was. Clearly this was working for her. I started licking and kept one hand on top, squeezing her butt with my other hand. (Again, something I picked up from watching her pleasure herself.) I could feel her hips pushing into my lips, and she came hard.

We cuddled naked for a while before turning on Netflix. After some Nailed It, we decided to call it a night. She put on her trench coat and we hugged. As she stepped out the door, she turned around and flashed me as a parting gift.

Since I know I’ll get asked about it: no, I don’t think I’m now just into women. I loved going down on Josie and having her make me come, but I didn’t really feel that magnetic ping I get with men sometimes. I was just really happy to be making her feel good. I’m attracted to her but it’s different than the pull I’ve experienced with others. So, I just don’t want to name or identify it for now…just keep these feelings floating out there for now. I do, however, want to keep exploring and opening myself up to new experiences. I’ve still got a lot to learn about myself.



  1. It sounds like you’re in a good situation with a good partner to figure all your feelings out, even if it takes a while. That’s a pretty good place to be.

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