The Intruder [M/f][CNC][*Trigger warning*]

Part 1

I stood at my door and turned the latch one click to the left, vigorously turning and pulling and pushing the doorknob to double check that it was locked for the night. As I turned away from my door, I quickly surveyed my small studio apartment: it was dark, lit only by the tall, antique floral lamp that sat between my bed and bathroom, emitting a hazy yellowish hue. I walked past the bathroom to my left and the kitchen to right, and flopped onto my bed. The day had been long; my office job was mindless and dull, and I suddenly felt solemn thinking of the workday to come as I got ready for bed. I was already in my pjs, underwear and a tank top, but I couldn’t help but think of all the appointments I had to confirm as I lotioned my sun-kissed legs and arms, and all the cups of coffee and fake smiles I’d have to serve as I brushed out my long brown wavy hair. Placing everything back on my bedside table, I relaxed into my pillows with a sigh. I turned away from my lamp and curled up on my side with my hands tucked under my head and my knees into my tummy. I tried to calm myself enough to sleep with tricks I’d read online: deep breaths and calming images of a faraway island with white sand and turquoise waters. I was enjoying the feeling of my body becoming heavy and my thoughts of work finally disappearing, when I heard a sound. My eyes flew open and I listened intently to a strange and barely audible metal-on-metal scratching. But my heart started to race and my eyes grew wider when I heard a sound I knew. It was the front door latch and the thud of the lock being turned all the way to the right – all the way open. Suddenly there was the *thump thump* of heavy boots on the hardwood floor. My breathing quickened and without moving, I began to frantically look around me. What could I grab to defend myself with? Could I make to the kitchen and into the drawer with the knives? I couldn’t get to the bathroom to lock myself in, it was too close to the front door. Suddenly, I felt the bed behind me sink, and I knew I had run out of time.

Part 2

I quickly propped myself up on my elbow, throwing my legs over the bed in an attempt to get my body up and away from the intruder. But he was faster, and his hand clasped over my mouth and his forearm crossed over my breasts with his elbow digging into my ribs. He drew me back down onto the bed and close into his warm body. His stubble dug into the side of my face and his lips were warm on my ear as he began to speak in a deep but surprisingly serene voice.

“I’ll take my hand away if you promise to stay calm. Nod your head if you promise”.

It was an order. I gave one quick nod in response and he released my mouth, got up off the bed, and stood at my feet in what seemed like a single, fluid motion. Slowly I sat up and looked at my intruder. He was tall, of medium build, and his age was hard to discern. He was wearing blue jeans, a brown leather belt, and a white t-shirt. He had a mop of curly light brown hair that fell onto his forehead and framed a pale face with a wide jaw, full lips, and eyes that were perhaps brown but looked black in the lamplight. As I looked him over he smirked and began to take off his shirt, revealing toned arms and a flat stomach. The fear I had been feeling was being steadily replaced by a new sensation, but before I could understand it he had placed a strong hand around one of my ankles and pulled me down the length of the bed, bridging the gap between our two bodies. Fear came rushing back and I kicked wildly with my free leg, making contact with his thigh. Instead of pushing him away as I had intended, the impact propelled his body forward, forcing him to put his hands and knees on the bed, encasing my body. He let out a mercurial laugh and looked down at my face, white, straight teeth showing past his full lips. He grabbed my wrists and I squirmed my entire body in a feeble attempt at freedom, but his rough hands mercilessly pushed my arms above my head. In my panic, I spit in his face.

“Fuck you,” I whispered, unable to find my voice despite my act of defiance.

In an instant one hand had left my wrist and found its way to my neck. I inhaled sharply and my body stiffened in response to the pressure of his hand.

“You’re going to regret that,” he stated in his deep voice.

He no longer laughed but furrowed his eyebrows, making his eyes look even more dark and menacing. I whimpered as his hand left my throat to seize my jaw. I stared at him, panting and agitated, wondering what was next. Was he going to kill me or kiss me?

Part 3

A moment later, as if reading my mind, he leaned down and kissed me violently. His full lips were wet and warm, but the kiss was forceful and his stubble burned my face. He held my jaw firmly, making it impossible for me to escape his lips. Gathering all my strength, I desperately tried to move my face away and I felt his teeth come down hard on my bottom lip. I tasted blood and when he moved his face away from mine, I could see my blood glistening on his lips. Looking down at me with his black eyes, he licked his lips and smiled. With my free hand I slapped him hard across his face. When he looked back at me his smile had vanished, replaced by something much more sinister. He let out a noise like a growl and used both his hands to rip the front of my tank top, exposing my breasts. I tried to cover myself up, but he grabbed my wrists again and overpowered me. He dipped his head down and licked and bit at one nipple and then the other. I could feel him growing against my hips as he played with me, and he cheekily moved his groin up and down against me. Forgetting myself, overwhelmed by him, I let out a sigh.

“You little fucking slut,” he growled at me.

He flipped me over onto my stomach as if I weighed nothing, pulled my hips and ass up into the air, clamped my legs together with his, and grabbed a handful of my hair and shoved my face down into the bed.

“I know what to do with little sluts like you,” he snarled. I could see him raise his open hand in the air, his likeness a dark shadow on the wall. It came down hard on ass. Again. And again. With every smack I let out a yelp, but my body betrayed me and my pussy grew wet in my panties. He stopped and reached around to feel for himself, his hand sliding under my waistband and my clit slipping between his two rough fingers. I couldn’t help but push my ass into him. Disgusted and angry at my body’s reaction, he took his hand away and wiped his wet fingers on my back. “Little fucking bitch, I’ll give you just what you deserve,” he muttered under his breath as he undid his belt and jeans and pushed them down his hips as quickly as possible with his one free hand.

I took the opportunity to try to lift my head and upper body off the bed, but he drove my head back down and placed his upper body on my back. With his other hand he grabbed my panties and pulled them to one side.

“No, please,” I whispered.

But it was too late, he had thrust his cock into my tight, soaked pussy. He cock was thick and I stretched to accommodate him. I let out a cry of pain and pleasure and he moaned in response. He pumped in and out of my pussy fast, letting out deep, throaty moans with every thrust. He took my hand and pushed it into my panties and locked it against my clit with his own hand, forcing me to pleasure myself. Soon, the intruder was speeding up, about to lose control.

“Come for me bitch,” he demanded, increasing the pressure of his hand in my panties.

He continued to thrust in and out, faster and faster, and I could feel my clit getting harder. The warmth in my pussy grew until my whole body shook with the power of my climax. His cock pulsed inside me, and he growled again as he spilled himself inside me. When he was done, he abruptly pulled out of my pussy, leaving me feeling empty. He pushed my ass over, and I fell back onto my side. I lay there, exhausted and sore, not looking at him or acknowledging his presence. He stood up, and I could tell he was getting dressed when his belt buckle clanged in the quiet apartment. I heard him walk to kitchen and grab the box of Kleenex from the counter.

“Clean yourself up,” he commanded, throwing the box at the bed.

He laughed as I lay there, unmoving, and made his way to the door.

Part 4

I lay on the bed for what seemed like hours, staring up at the wall and thinking of nothing. The last things I could remember were the *thump thump* of his boots on my floor growing distant and the sound of my front door closing and locking. How long ago had that been? Looking around my apartment, I saw that the darkness was receding, replaced by the early morning light. The Kleenex box still sitting beside me, it’s presence unleashing a multitude of memories: his open palm making contact with my ass, the clang if his belt buckle, his growls as he buried himself deeper and deeper into my pussy. Slowly, and with great effort, I lifted my body off of the bed. Everything hurt. I walked to the bathroom, flicked on the light, and inspected myself in the mirror. My tank top was ripped into a v-neck. I had bruises on my wrists, fingerprints around my jaw, and my lip was split and bloodied from where he’d bit me. I pulled down my panties to reveal deep purple bruises and red welts on my ass. I smiled to myself and at the reflection in the mirror. I walked to the kitchen, quickly gulped a glass of water and went to the freezer for an ice pack for my lip. As I shut the freezer door, I saw it. A thin stack of white papers stapled together and held on my fridge by magnets. The title of the document was in plain, thick black letters and simply read ‘Contract’. I thought back to the day I’d signed it; we sat at the cafe and chatted over coffee. His eyes were brown then. We promised to try our best to met each others demands, and he vowed to keep the date and time of his arrival secret. I chuckled to myself and shook my head, thinking of how scared I had been hearing those first noises – how well he’d kept his end of the bargain! With my ice pack in tow, I slipped back into bed, torn shirt and all. I reached for my phone, which had been laying under my pillows all night, and saw that I had a new message.

“You were spectacular,” it read. “Call if you need anything. See you again soon. xx”

I smiled to myself and closed my eyes, drifting away to thoughts of his black eyes in the murky lamplight.


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