Stephanie part 6: escalation

Sorry for the lack of updates. I’ve had a rough couple of weeks and inspiration has just been hard to grasp. I’m shortening the names of my posts just.. because. I feel like I’ve moved past her job. I don’t know if I’ll stick with the subtitles, but this one seemed appropriate.

It was hard for Steph to know where to go from here. Things had gone from occasional flirting to full blown robust in what seemed like a very short time. She enjoyed the feeling of being desired and the newness and excitement of their conversations thrilled her. She hadn’t gone as far as to tell him how wet and turned on their conversations made her, but she wanted to. Bryan might have said he felt like he had gone too far with the pictures, but he wasn’t showing that hesitation and reservation now. He was openly commenting on how she looked as he passed her on the way to his office, and the compliments flew. He told her he liked her hair, commented on any change to her makeup routine, and even if she smelled fresh and clean. It was all welcome and she was grateful for it. She tried to throw him some compliments as well, but he seemed eager to keep the topic off of him and to praise her. Steph had never been one to masturbate, because she had always had someone at hand to take care of her needs, but sometimes he just said things that couldn’t wait until she got home. She found herself on more than occasion making an extended trip to the bathroom to please herself while thinking of him.

Their conversations hadn’t turned into sexting or what they would do to each other, but she could feel the desire in his messages. They had lightly touched on sexual topics, such as preferred sexual positions, foreplay, and past lovers. Bryan lamented his earlier days, where he seemed to be a bit of a player. Monogamy had been a challenge for him, and while he loved his family, he didn’t seem to be getting the thrill and spark he used to get from his single sex life. He tried to be nonspecific, but she could read between the lines. Every joke had an element of truth behind it, and she picked up on every thing left unsaid.

Steph knew that Bryan was at a breaking point in his marriage, and she understood why he had done what he had in the parking garage and the fallout from it. His wife had found out he was looking at porn and had come unglued. She figured this out after their conversation where he asked about her opinion on porn, and later found out his wife was not a fan. She guessed the incident, as she now thought of it, had led to a rift in their marriage, which would explain his sad moods after the fact. She reassured him that things would be fine and she would get over it, while wishing she could catch him at it again, but it was doubtful he would be so careless and reckless again, considering the problems it had caused. In any case, it seemed like he was moving that tension and frustration to her, which she did not mind. He talked to her about his frustrations, and she let slip about her problems with her husband, small though they seemed. She wondered if being with Bryan would be much different, but she was invested in his marriage as she was in his, but was it ever fun to speculate.

Most of their conversations took place during work hours due to the rules of discretion and not wanting to bother each other or chance discovery by their families after hours. There was the occasional message or jibe, but nothing more. That was, until the weekend her husband left on one of his trips out of town with his boys. Steph looked at her phone over and over, wondering if she should chance messaging him or if it would cause problems. She decided against it, and instead read past messages, which brought a smile to her face and a warmness to her most sensitive areas. The kids were in bed, and she was free to let her imagination and mind wander. She had been drinking some beer and was feeling a good buzz; not as much as when she had practically attacked and inhaled her husband, but well enough for her to feel a bit loose. Unexpectedly, he phone vibrated and a message came through.. from Bryan. She was a bit startled, but raced to read it.

B: hey, what’s up? Lazy night here. Wife went to bed with a headache. Bored. Is it ok to talk?
S: yeah, it’s fine. My husband is actually out of town, kids are in bed.
B: oh really? Mwa ha ha. I kid.
S: you’re not kidding. ;)
B: you know me too well. What are you doing?
S: laying in bed. Reading some of our messages.
B: oh. Liking what you read, I hope.
S: uh huh. We get nuts sometimes.
B: huh huh huh. Nuts.
S: ha ha. So predictable.
B: I can be unpredictable!
S: maybe. You’re too conservative to be really unpredictable, though. Not that that’s a bad thing.
B: you should’ve known me back in my single days. I’d show you unpredictable.
S: sure sure.
B: … it seems like you’re challenging me.
S: I don’t need to. Besides, I’m not going to tell you what to do. ;)
B: show me your favorite most sexy pair of underwear.

Steph’s eyes widened and her breath caught. Did he really just say that? It wasn’t as out of line as some of the things they’d said to each other, but it was certainly more direct. An impulse took over and she found herself laying out a pair of see through black lacy panties with red fringe on her bed. She sent the picture before she could talk herself out of it. The message sat for what seemed like forever before he responded

B: that was.. unexpected. But damn.
S: don’t say it if you don’t want it. Ha ha.
B: well I’ll leave it at that. But wow. You don’t ever wear those under those slacks you have to wear, do you?
S: yes :).. if I’m feeling frisky, that is.
B: well now I’m not going to be able to look at those slacks the same way ever again. Ha ha.
S: they’re dull. I have to make them exciting somehow.
B: that’s certainly exciting. Wow. I wouldn’t have even imagined something like that going on under those boring things. Wow.

Steph felt flushed and more than a little horny. She slid off her bed, took off the gym shorts she was wearing, along with the oh so sexy comfy boy shorts she wore to bed, soaked though they were, and slid on the panties and fumbled with her slacks and work shirt to put them on. She undid the pants slightly and pulled the panties up so the top of them was peeking out and took a picture. She sent it and again waited.

B: damn, Steph. Just.. damn.
S: too much?
B: no. No no no. I just never thought I’d ever.. wow.
S: you practically asked for it. Ha ha.
B: honestly. You are such a beautiful woman. You are amazing and have such a great disposition. Your smile and laugh just light up my world. You are just.. wow.

If she wasn’t feeling flushed before, she was now. This man who has originally just started as a curiosity had become a full object of desire. His words, his kindness, his face, his body.. they had all become such an object of desire for her.

S: thank you, Bryan. You’re so kind. I think you’re amazing too. :)
B: thank you. Exciting indeed.
S: you keep saying that. I’ll take your word for it. Ha ha.

Suddenly a picture came through. It was hard to make out at first, but when it came into focus, her heart started beating faster. In what looked like his bathroom, Bryan had pulled his pants down and pressed the fabric of his boxers against his cock. She saw the outline and all at once remembered seeing his thick member in his hand, stroking himself. She wanted to see it now. Raw. Uncensored. More than that, she wanted to feel it. To handle it. To feel it flex when she touched it. To hear him sigh and moan as she moved her hand up and down. Slowly stroking it. She wanted to kiss him deeply while her hand worked on his manhood, making it harder and leaking precum. Her mind was wandering, but she realized she was leaving him hanging when he said:

B: sorry. Too much. My bad.
S: no. Sorry. Kid go up. I don’t know what to say. But it’s definitely sexy. ;)
B: I’m trying not to cross boundaries. But you just turned me on so much.
S: the feeling is mutual.

There was a silence. What to say? What do you say? What could you say?

B: maybe I should come say hi since he’s out of town. I kid.
S: ha ha

She knew a half truth when she saw one. Behind that kidding was a desire. She hoped that desire was to take her in his arms and make love to her, or less romantically, to fuck her good and hard for a good long while.

B: dang. Dang dang dang. This is going to make work more interesting.
S: yeah. I’m glad we aren’t in the same office.
B: definitely. I don’t want to say too much, but I’d have you over my desk in a heartbeat.
S: and I’d let you take me too. ;)
B: I better go. This is getting heavy and I don’t want to make too much trouble. But seriously, you are amazing.
S: you’re sweet. You’re amazing too.

She waited to see if he would message her again. But gave up after about 15 minutes. She didn’t want to hold off too much longer anyway. She slipped off her slacks, shirt, and soaking underwear. She put her bed shirt back on and fetched her shorts and a new pair of underwear and laid them on the bed. Before she put them on, she got under the covers, spread her legs, and began stroking her clit. She dipped her fingers into her soaking pussy for lubrication and stroked faster. She pulled up the pictures of Bryan’s body and his manhood outlined in his boxers. She circled her clit faster and faster, feeling a familiar tingle build. Before long, she was gasping and her back arched as she came. She laid her head back, slowly circling while her body writhed and trembled.


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