[F]emale and a circle of dicks

My college boyfriend and his buddies decided to go fishing and camping. The girlfriends were going to show up in the evening after work. I didn’t work with any of the girlfriends and was the last to get done so I was driving to the camping area alone. After a lot of driving and hunting around I finally found where they had set up camp. This was precellphone so I couldn’t call for directions, even if I would have had service deep in the woods.

Once I finally arrive, I find out that there are a lot less people than we orginally planned. Apparently the fishing had not been very productive and the bugs had been bad. Most of the guys went home after fishing instead setting up camp. The night was getting beautiful and the sun was just starting to set. My boyfriend and I deci, ded to try some night fishing.

We loaded up our gear and a cooler of beer and headed down to the water. We had been fishing for a while, the beer was running low, and we were not having much success. We were talking about packing up the gear and aheading back to the campfire when one of the guys hot a good hit on his fishing pole. We were not sure what he had gotten ahold of, but to a bunch of drunk college kids on a riverbank you would have thought it was Moby Dick. He managed to get it close to the riverbank and the line got stuck in a shrub. I was leaning out trying to free the line while my boyfriend held onto my belt. We were doing okay until the bank started to give in. I ended up in the water, my boyfriend ended up covered in mud. And the fish was lost in the commotion.

We looked like 4 of the seven dwarfs as we walked back to camp, Squishy, Muddy, Pissy, and Laughy. We hot a change of clothes as and tried to make our way up the trail to a bathhouse. The other guys followed along to hear the story of the fish that got away. One of the guys had brought a bottle of liquor we had been passing around on out trip to the shower. I knew I’d had my limit and would be sleeping good soom.

We finally got to the bathhouse and it was a large communal room with stalls down one wall and showers down the other. I was happy to have hot water to get as clean as I could without soap or shampoo. I hadn’t planned for a shower when I packed. As I was finishing up I was offered more liquor. I declined. When asked why, i.told them it made me want to suck dick. They asked what dick and I said all.of them. Of course that led to some cheering and jokes.

One of the awkward guys asked me if I needed any help. One of his buddies told him he wouldn’t know what to do with me if he had me. My boyfriend said he was sure the guy could figure it or I’d show him. I leaned my head out of the shower curtain, flipped off the guy that mad the smart comment, and invited the shy guy to come was my back. He stuttered and stammered, unsure what to do. My boyfriend said if he was going to go he better get moving because I only offer once.

By the time he had crossed the room to my shower he had kicked off his boots and taken off his shirt. I was surprised to see him at th he curtain but let him in an DC told him he might be overdressed for a shower. I had been standing with my back to the curtain. He began rubbing my back, then sides, and slowly made his was around to my tits. I.was enjoying the water dancing over my skin as he caressed my body. I could feel.his dick getting hard against my ass. He leaned closer and whispered in my ear that I was the prettiest girl he’d seen naked.

I.turned to face him and started kissing him. It started soft but slowly grew more po passionate. I pulled back and asked him if he could do anything to me, would it be. He said if he had a bed he’d take me there but we in front of me e re look. I could hear disappointment in his offvoice. I asked him if we could comprised with a blowjob. The warmer was getting cold so I walked out of the shower leading him by his dick.

We sat down on a bench and I learned over to take him in my mouth. As I was working on his dick, I noticed some of the guys had pulled their dicks out. It didn’t take long before he was flcxooded my mouy. I told the other guys they could come in my mouth if they did most of the work. One by llone each of the six guys stood in front of me jericking off until they were almost done. I gladly finished each guy offnd swallow it all

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/b8u2zl/female_and_a_circle_of_dicks


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