[MFF] Flashing two women outside a pub

So, there I was, one hand down the front of my loose slacks and the other steadying myself against the cold brick of the East Landings Pub. From inside the alley the sound of people talking was faint. Distant cars muffled their voices and only the occasional *clink* of glasses slamming together in celebration was audible. The city was long asleep and not much was stirring except for the club scene.

The stars were dim and the moon was nowhere to be seen in the light grey sky. I took a deep breath of the musky air and prepared myself. My heart was pounding so hard I could feel it in my fingertips.

I was actually going to do this.

The sound of the patrons grew more pronounced as the door to the pub opened. I peered around the corner of the building and saw two women, both in their twenties, stumbling in tall heels down the porch steps and onto the sidewalk. Their blonde hair lit up under the streetlights but their other features were obscured by the dark fogginess.

Seeing they were headed my way, I retracted around the corner and unzipped my pants. My fully erect penis sprung through the zipper-hole and I began to stroke it rapidly. Their laughter grew as the distinct sound of high heels approached. The anticipation was absolutely maddening.

The first to round the corner was a tall, skinny woman with black lipstick and mascara that had been reapplied sloppily at some point in the night. She was completely oblivious. Her dress was strapless and didn’t require a bra, however it was at least a size too small and as a result her large breasts were bulging out over the top. Every step she took caused shockwaves to ripple and I could only hope that I might be fortunate enough to witness a nip-slip.

Her friend, completely wasted but somehow still aware of her surroundings, appeared closely behind her. Her olive skin was hidden under a much more modest dress that had decorative beads across the front. Her hip-sway was far more pronounced causing every step to seem deliberate and in control. She noticed me almost instantly standing in the shadows and her gaze met mine before drifting down to see me stroking my cock furiously.

“Kenzie!” The observant girl shouted and she grabbed her friend by the arm. Kenzie looked toward me and gasped audibly. Her scream caught in her throat but she snapped back to reality as her friend pulled her into a sprint back to the main road.

I was right on the edge. With my dick in my hand, I stroked furiously. I thought about the way Kenzie’s breasts had shaken as her friend grabbed her. The tight dress restricting their movement yet hiding nothing. I though about the startled look that overtook her carefree attitude when she noticed me. That sobering look that turned her into an athletic runner desperate to get away from a creep such as me.

Standing right there in the alleyway, watching their asses sway as they sprinted away like startled deer, I felt immense pleasure wash over me as I came. Cum shot into the darkness hitting the ground with a barely audible splat.

I tucked away my penis and quickly walked deeper into the alley as my heart continued to race. I heard the bouncer at the bar asking the women what had happened. It was too late, I was gone.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/b83d9x/mff_flashing_two_women_outside_a_pub

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