I (20) [M] got caught masturbating by my friends mom (40ish) [F]

At university I was enjoying myself in my houseshare bedroom to some VHS porn [to the youngsters amongst you, “VHS” is an old school video storage medium on cassette!] when my friends mum (who was visiting for the day) opened the door thinking it was my friends’ room.

I had been going for some time and just as the door opened I was completely stuck for options (I was completely naked kneeling on my bed, hips pushed forward and cock in hand as hard as anything). I had a manual tape player so no remote to stop the porn and besides I was using my hands to cover my cock.

She was just shocked like a rabbit in headlights and what felt like hours passed as we looked at each other in silence my face probably white with shock, hers red from blushing.

During this time (probably only a few seconds) I felt the cum coming and was squeezing my gland to prevent it, but the force was so much I jetted cum everywhere like a pressure hose.

Even now I remember that look on her face as I ejaculated. I was looking straight at her frozen like a statue and she was staring right at my eruptive cock. She was not unattractive and I have quite mixed feelings about it. I wonder what she felt from what she saw.

She closed the door saying nothing and my orgasm subsided and a few seconds later I thought “what the fuck just happened?!?!”.

Nothing was ever said about it, and although I only saw her again (in passing) a couple of times, after that day I felt some kind of bond with her.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/b6qly1/i_20_m_got_caught_masturbating_by_my_friends_mom


  1. glad you showed restraint. I was expecting this to end with you thrusting your throbbing 11 inch member into her quivering love purse

  2. I swear I’ve read this exact thing on Reddit before. Like within the past couple of months. On r/tifu maybe

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