[F]un at the strip club

I decided to treat my husband to a night of strip clubs in San Francisco for his birthday last summer. We’d gone together a few times in the past and always had a fun time. We drove to the city and checked in to our North Beach hotel late Saturday afternoon.  I always associate this neighborhood with Italian restaurants and strip clubs.  After dinner, we did what any frisky couple would do… take a 3 hour nap! 

We wake up around 9pm, a little disoriented, but ready to go out. I wore a navy blue, short, cherry print dress with a V neckline paired with crimson mary-jane heels. Husband wore a checkered button down shirt with grey pants instead of his normal jeans/t-shirt combo. I gotta say, we were looking pretty good.  We headed to a bar close by which filled me with nostalgia because I realized I’d been drunk there with my sister and her friends, like, 10 years ago. We get beers and I start to wake-up and feel the weekend vibe.

We went to three different strip clubs that night. The first two were identical in that they had an expensive cover, ridiculously priced drinks, and very aggressive women approaching us right away. We weren’t feeling it. We had fun talking to each other while watching the girls danc, but it was a different atmosphere than when we had been to Portland so many years ago. Also different from the last time we’d been to strip clubs in San Francisco and had both liked this girl and got a few private dances from her. We left each place after 30 minutes or so; however long it’d take to finish our drinks.

Also, I know strip clubs specialize in the objectification of women, but I was a little turned off by it. Seeing in person the whole “make it rain” on a stripper’s backside while she’s not even looking at the person but shaking her ass for some $1’s… I wasn’t feeling that.  I did like watching men entranced with the women, and guessing who was getting erect, and talking to husband about which strippers I thought were hot.  I started teasing him about being his personal stripper when we got back to our hotel room. 

After the second club, we decided to go back to the hotel.  We happened to stroll past one club we thought we had frequented several years ago.  Turns out it wasn’t, but we’d already paid my husband’s cover, so we decided to sit for a bit and watch.  This venue was much smaller than the others with a wooden stage, a small sitting perimeter around it, and then a hallway with booths for private dances. Husband wasn’t feeling the vibe here, either, although it was clear the rules were more lax here as I watched a woman actively fondle a dancing stripper’s breasts. He leaned in to tell me he’d rather us save our money and head back to the hotel so we could play together.

As he’s talking to me, I see this woman walk by us. She was Hispanic – light skinned, thick chestnut brown hair, and a slender figure with curves held in tight by an amazing corset. Her face had this sweet look about her and I developed an insta-crush. I couldn’t stop looking at her.  Husband hadn’t seen her so I pointed her out to him the next time she walked by. She and I smiled at each other. She sat down at the opposite end of the stage where husband and I were sitting. 

I asked husband permission for a lap dance before we left. I offered to let him join us, but he handed me some cash and told me to have fun. Like a gentleman.  I walked the length of the room by my lonesome and approached her.  She smiled at me and I sat down next to her. She immediately started doing the flirting thing – putting her hands on my legs and tilting her head and smiling while talking.  I told her my name and she introduced herself as Melissa.  I told her I’d like a lap dance.  She asked “out here?” and I shook my head, smiled, and said, “no, private, please.”  She stood up, took me by the hand and led me across the room to the hallway with the booths. I gave husband a huge smile as I walked past him, being led by the hand by this hot woman. 

She asked what we were doing out, and if my husband would be joining us. I explained it was an early birthday present for him, and that he wouldn’t be joining us. She seemed to like this, that I was “enjoying the evening, too” since the lap dance was just for me. She liked that and told me how she can tell when there are women who come in here and really enjoy the dances versus going through it for their partner’s arousal.

Before I walked over to Melissa, I had decided to pay $40 for a topless lap dance, with the curtain to our booth open.  The booth contained an L shaped bench with a couple of small pillows resting at the hinge of the L. I sat with my back pressed against the pillows. Melissa chatted me up until the next song started, either holding my hand or putting her hand on my leg.  She was very sweet, and I don’t remember much of what I said to her except it was banal.  I wasn’t nervous around her, but my brain wasn’t functioning.  At all.  I hadn’t been physically close to a woman with any sort of sexual overtone in years.  My wheels were spinning.

As soon as the dance started, she straddled me, put her hands on my chest and gently pushed my back against the wall. She then started running her hands up and down my hips and waist saying “I get really handsy with women. They’re so much fun. Let me know it’s too much.” I said something like, “I don’t think that’ll be a problem. Fuck you’re hot.” I started running my hands along her body.  She took off her corset and rubbed her tits in my face. I started kissing, licking, and gently biting them. I rubbed her ass, which was lovely, and round. The rubbing motion also pushed her tits more fully into my face and mouth.

She then pulled back from me and had her face in my chest. Just.. nuzzling my cleavage with her face.  If my brain processed anything, I don’t recall.  I do remember pulling the v neck of my dress and black lacy bra down so my tits were out. She immediately started sucking on my nipples, hard, while my hands roamed all over her body.  Around this time the floor manager walks by and gave us a long look before moving along the hallway. 

The next few minutes are a blur of her playing with my tits and me playing with hers. A couple of times she rubbed them together. Normally I’d feel pretty neutral about, but I was caught up in the moment and liked it.

The last minute or so, I was feeling so aroused. She was straddling one of my legs, so I took that as an opportunity to grind myself against her body.  When she noticed me doing this, she sat back a bit, worked her hand underneath my dress and rubbed my pussy through my panties.  She did this a couple of times, smiling and looking at me as she did.

Then, sadly, the song ended as well as our transaction. We both said, more or less, that it was the highlight of our evening, hugged, and I floated out of there.

When we got back to the hotel, I took off my tights and panties. I told my husband all about my dance while giving him his own. Then I fucked him while he was sitting in a chair with my back to his chest. After a few minutes, he tossed me on the bed and fucked me on my back against the edge of the bed and came all over my chest.  Then we got high and chatted for a couple hours before passing out around 3am.We woke up around 7:30am, and just as I was about to say “I can’t stop thinking about that lap dance,” he said “I need to jack off because I can’t stop thinking about fucking you.” So, two birds one stone, he fucked me again while I talked to him about how hot it was with the stripper. Then we went back to sleep.  We woke up a few hours later, got high, and enjoyed a long brunch.  The End.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/b6sxr1/fun_at_the_strip_club


  1. I love reading strip club stories. Thanks for sharing.

    If you have any more please post

  2. So a little embarrassing, but somehow the full story didn’t transfer over last night. I’ve edited my original post, but here’s what was missing from last night. It’s some juicy stuff, too!


    She then pushed back from me a bit and had her face in my chest. Just.. nuzzling my cleavage with her face.  If my brain processed anything, I don’t recall it.  I do remember pulling the v neck of my dress and black lacy bra down so my tits were out. She immediately started sucking on my nipples, hard, while my hands roamed all over her body.  Around this time the floor manager walks by and gave us a long look before moving along the hallway. 

    The next few minutes are a blur of her playing with my tits and me playing with hers. A couple of times she rubbed our them together, which normally I’d feel pretty neutral about, but was caught up in the moment, so I liked it.

    The last minute or so, I was feeling so aroused. She was straddling one of my legs, so I took that as an opportunity to grind myself against her body.  When she noticed me doing this, she sat back a bit, worked her hand underneath my dress and rubbed my pussy through my panties.  She did this a couple of times, smiling and looking at me as she did.

    Then, sadly, the song ended as well as our transaction. We both said, more or less, that it was the highlight of our evening, hugged, and I floated out of there.

    When we got back to the hotel, I took off my tights and panties, and told my husband all about my dance while giving him his own. Then I fucked him while he was sitting in a chair with my back to his chest. After a few minutes, he tossed me on the bed and fucked me on my back against the edge of the bed and came all over my chest.

    Then we got high and chatted for a couple hours before passing out around 3am.

    We woke up around 7:30am, and just as I was about to say “I can’t stop thinking about that lap dance,” he said “I need to jack off because I can’t stop thinking about fucking you.” So, two birds one stone, he fucked me again while I talked to him about how hot it was with the stripper. Then we went back to sleep.  We woke up a few hours later, got high, and enjoyed a long brunch!  The End.

  3. Do you remember the name of the club? The Wife and I enjoy going up to the city to play on occasion.

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