It’s short, please enjoy.

After some time and some dinners and a lot of flirting and teasing and waiting and wondering we finally mate. Once she was confident that 26 year old me wanted her in a sexual manner, 37 year old her went to work. Her sex exceeded all of my expectations. She was the horniest woman I was ever with. She had a voracious appetite for the “dick” and all the trappings that went with it. She’d get out of her house leaving her two boys, the husband and mom in the good care of each other and race over to me. When she arrived at our “fuck” place, usually my house, she couldn’t keep her clothes on. If I didn’t respond right away with aggressive sexual advances she’d give signals she was ready. Little yawns, looking out windows, and some pacing around the room. The lioness wanted to be copulated with, there was no doubt about that and she had no patience.

The hair that covered her vulva was black and thick and like barbed wire—the bush of a genetically pure Sicilian girl—go figure. It had a stink that was raw. You’d say, “It smelled like a cunt!” I wasn’t sure I could handle her. She lead, I followed. Her pussy would leak a trail of clear juice down her thigh and as far as her knee. Her upper lip would sweat. Her breath would become short and her mouth dry. Her left tit hung lower than the right, she had small tits, small breasts are a favorite of mine. The girls that have them have something to prove and they seem to make up for lost time. Mating with them is a bit rushed. It moves along at a pace that seeks an end. It doesn’t linger. Sex should linger and crawl.

It was characteristic of her that when in the presence of an aroused cock the mundane world exited her mind. She didn’t think clearly. She went primal. She’d perseverate on the stimulation of our genitals to the exclusion of all else. She would work her pudendum and her mouth hard. She had a deviated septum and breathing through her nose was difficult. It was labored. When she sucked on my penis she was doing so at the risk of hypoxia, but undaunted she continued to suck stopping only briefly for a breath. Her instinct for sex overriding the instinct for life. Wow.

She squatted over me, her long slender feet afforded her a good base—even on my rubbery mattress. She used these long slender pontoons of hers to her advantage, from the stable base they afforded she would violently thrust her vagina on my penis to extract my liquid. I was ridden like broken rocking horse. Only once in my life did I ever cum twice on the same erection. This distinction belonged to her. She was a first rate whore. A sex addict. She loved getting fucked. A sinful sex deprived housewife that was sinful sex starved. She did as a guy would say, “Everything”. And she had no guilt or shame, and what’s wrong with that?
