My new partner [M] has me [F] wearing sex toys at work and speaking events

I actually considered making a throwaway for this…however, I have decided that I didnt want to hide the sexual side of me with anonymity which in turn makes me feel shame for them.

I met my most recent partner actually through a subreddit which in a strange turn of events has been the best relationship I have encountered in my dating history. He’s funny, dynamic, smart, and everything I desire and am attracted to in a guy. My sexual history has been fairly “Laissez-faire” and I have done a fair amount of submissive play including shibori, tying, etc. but nothing of high magnitude.

As I have aged, I have stopped concerning/worrying myself what my partner wants to what *I* want and trying to vocalize that. He has been extremely receptive and tender in that regard as we build our sexual compatibility.

I like to be shamed into tapping into that core “sluttiness” that I have burning inside me…that feeling of being controlled and shamed…all in my head…the outside audience not knowing what is truely running through my mind as we I work, socialize, and blend into the the background. I work in an office and field environment so theres opportunities to branch into a bit of public play at the place where you are most serious.

The idea of wearing kegal balls at work came into play a week or so ago. I flush and blush immediately at a lot of things…extremely easily…, so the thought of them sitting in my bag as I went to work drove me to be anxious and slick. I sent him a photo of them before I put them in. 6 hours for my first time. As I walked to printers and sides of the building they pressed against the walls of my pussy…contracting and making me squirm. I felt my nipples become rock hard all day and almost painful and I bit my lip a few times from the pain as they scratched against my bra. Sitting became laborious…as each shift and movement caused shivers of excitement and actually I caught myself moaning once or twice out loud. I was scared to move because I didnt bring a change of underwear and the constant rosy complexion made me look like a was drunk or had a cold. Words started becoming buzzing, a haze like feel of heat was in my head as my pussy turned into a sopping, swollen mess. I liked it….

I was given firm rules to take a picture after I remove them and send it to him. I actually orgasmed in the office bathroom when the balls were removed from me…I have never seen so much milky cum from myself in my life….and it was DRIPPING….me…making it dripped made me feel like a true and honest slut for someone. I was terrified and nervous, but the excitement of that shame and feeling excited me even more….

I went home that night and reeled in my head what does that mean for me…is this something that commonly happens? What walls of morality are coming down in my mind? Tapping into what I truely desire will that come out in my daily life eventually of meetings, delegation, and standards? I masturbated in the bath that night…overwhelmed with the thoughts of the day.

I brought them with me to see him over the weekend…because secretly…I desired that overly flushed and rush of adrenaline…and the reward of validation and being congratulated for being a good kitten after it was said and done. I had to speak at a public event for an hour with thousands of people…and walked with him as I went to the bathroom to insert them in again, his hand on the small of my back guiding me to the area. I remember how warm his finger tips were…how I couldnt make eye contact with any of the audience as I spoke…the shifts in the chair…the small orgasm as I stood up….

I wonder what I am becoming now?



  1. This is actually pretty normal. I do it constantly with partners and advice others to do it as well.

  2. I’ve been having an awakening as I’ve aged too. I have my kinks and I love them. I have a partner that is extremely receptive and we are like fire and gasoline together. Your wondering what your becoming? Your you at your finest getting exactly what you want and need. I’m really happy for you. ?

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