Stephanie the security guard: part 2

The next weeks proved to be a strange mix of sexual frustration, tension, and longing. Stephanie knew that seeing Bryan again would be one of the more awkward situations she would ever have to endure, but she knew she had to. She could avoid the situation and him, but she didn’t want to do that. She was a big girl, and she could face up to her problems. Hadn’t she stood up for herself and proved everyone wrong during her military service? When everyone expected the “pretty blonde cheerleader” to fail, she excelled. No one dared to mock her after she not only achieved, but overachieved. She practically became one of the guys with her heart, guts, and determination. Surely something as petty as social awkwardness couldn’t get the best of her. So she stood tall and waited at attention as the flood of employees came in to make it in for their appointed shifts. She smiled and waved and made polite conversation, all the while keeping one wary eye out for the man who had unwittingly unleashed such chaos and desire in her mind. Once she saw him, she could reconcile what had happened and see him again as just another guy, even with the extracurricular activities they’d shared.

Strangely, the time didn’t come. Bryan didn’t come in that morning. She looked and looked, but she didn’t see him walk by. Strange. Was he sick? Was he caught after she left and exiled from his office? As the time rolled on, she found that she was becoming increasingly concerned. When the time came to make her rounds of the parking garage, she felt trepidation at seeing his car in its usual place, but all that died when it wasn’t there. She went home that night scratching her head. Maybe he had seen her after all and couldn’t face her. Maybe he really was sick and just didn’t make it in. She went through the motions that night at home, making sure she checked all the boxes with her kids and her responsibilities, but she was well and truly distracted. After the kids were in bed, her husband again raved about the passion she had shown and wondered if a repeat might be in order. She smiled and went to their bedroom, but her heart just wasn’t in it. She was dutiful and tried her best to pleasure him with her mouth, but she just couldn’t muster up the vigor she had when she had imagined it was Bryan’s cock in her mouth. It turned out to be the same satisfying, yet not quite passionate sex she had become used to.

Another day and another passed until Bryan finally wandered in with the morning rush. Her heart skipped a beat and she practically stared him down as he walked in and by her. He looked up and gave her a short smile and a wave, but walked on without a word. Stephanie stood there puzzled. What had happened to him? He just seemed so sad. Her better judgment was telling her to just move on with her life, but the rules of good judgment had never applied with Bryan. Later that morning, she opened up Messenger and decided to talk to him. It went something like this:

Stephanie: hey there. I noticed you’d been gone a couple of days, and when you came in, you didn’t seem very happy. Is everything ok?
Bryan: that’s nice of you to notice. Yeah, I guess you could say I’ve been sick. I just couldn’t make it in. Family drama.
Stephanie: I’m sorry to hear that. Are your kids ok? Your wife?
Bryan: I thought we decided it was better to never mention my wife in our little private conversations. Ha ha. No, they’re all fine. Thanks for asking, though.
Stephanie: ok. Well, let me know if I can do anything?
Bryan: thank you. Maybe someday I’m sure I’ll be up to another battle of wits.. among other things. ;)
Stephanie: ha ha. Ok.

Now she was more confused than ever. Family drama? What could that mean? The comment about his wife did make her wonder if something had happened between them. But what could she do? She didn’t want to pry and make things awkward for him. She was determined to be there for him, not in a lusty way as she had been thinking, but as a friend. She could give extra happy smiles to make his day or send him a message now and again to make sure he knew he had someone to talk to.

Back at home and at work, the doldrums set in again. She checked her boxes and went about her routine, being the dutiful wife and mother, and occasional lover. She tried to drum up the energy of that one lustful night, but found she couldn’t. She wasn’t lusting after her friend any more, she was concerned for him. Things seemed to improve and Bryan’s mood seemed to be better by the day, which made her feel better. Unexpectedly, he sent her a message:

Bryan: I don’t want to ask weird questions about your home life, but I’m going to ask weird questions about your home life :D
Stephanie: ha ha. Ok?
Bryan: does your husband ever.. look at.. you know.. porn?
Stephanie: wow. That is kinda weird. But yes. Don’t all guys?
Bryan: well, I’d say so. Some try to avoid it, like me. My wife really doesn’t like it.
Stephanie: oh. I didn’t know that…

At this point, her heart began to race. She thought she had figured things out. His wife must have caught him! That’s why he had been so somber! And he was coming to her about it, of all people. Oddly, that made her feel somehow.. special.

Bryan: yeah. Sorry for the weirdness. I was just curious.
Stephanie: I guess I figure it’s to help him get through the day sometimes. Or when I’m not around or on my period or something. I don’t know. It doesn’t bother me that much.
Bryan: well, you’re a rare woman. I knew there was something special about you! Other than that long hair and those blue blue eyes. Ha ha. Sorry. There I go breaking boundaries again.
Stephanie: *blushes* that’s ok. Thank you for the compliment. You’re sweet. :)

Wow! So maybe the blonde haired woman hadn’t been a coincidence! Did he have a type? Was she his type? What would he do if he had the chance? Had he been looking at that woman but thinking of her? Her mind was racing. She struggled to remember: did she have pubic hair? Stephanie had been shaving herself bald for years for comfort and because her husband liked it. But could she do something like that for.. him? What was she thinking? He’d never even see that part of her! This was ridiculous!
