[MF] Like A Virgin

I’ll lead in with some backstory that definitely contributes to the plot, but I’ll mark where the fun part starts for those of you that prefer!

We’d been seeing each other off-and-on for a couple months; while I’m unsure of the exact date this transpired, mid-January seems a safe bet. He was a relatively good Christian boy, only recently second-guessing his ties to his faith. At maybe 5’10” and 20 years old, he was a bit shorter than my other flings, and a bit huskier too. A combination of good eating and weightlifting had created a man who was, in my eyes, the perfect human teddy bear. Cuddly, but able to pick me up and toss me around when the situation called for such. I was barely 19, a solid 5’1″ in combat boots, and I’ve had my physique described as “porn star”-esqe in the past. A truly ideal hourglass body, breasts that, in relation to my rib cage, I cannot find a bra to contain, and an ass I take pride in for good reason – for all intents and purposes, rather hot. I dye my hair fairly often, but if memory serves me correctly, I was sporting ginger hair at the time. We were polar opposites in a lot of ways: his religion, morals, and law-abiding demeanor countered how I’d spent my high school years, but we clicked emotionally and intellectually, in a way I still don’t quite understand.

This specific encounter was truly unexpected – I had taken a road trip about 6 hours from home to visit a friend who was in college, and on my way back home, had to pass through his town. He’d left our hometown soon after high school while I’d lingered behind, and the two hour trip to see each other was one we didn’t make very often. Over the past week, he had been struggling; having been raised to save sex for marriage was causing some inner turmoil for him, and I was lacking any experience in that area to offer meaningful advice. Regardless, we had been friends for years, and when the opportunity arose to see him, I couldn’t turn it down. Sex was on my mind, of course, but he’d asked we take a break from such until he’d sorted out his hesitance towards it, and I was more than willing to support that.


I got into town around midnight, meeting him at a rest stop just off the interstate. He arrived a few minutes later, and I dragged my aching body from my car and into his. With a slightly dramatic sigh, I flung myself onto his shoulder, stretched over the center console.

“Everything okay?” he asked, reaching a hand up to gently pet my hair. My only response was a groan, enjoying the physical attention and the comfort of his cologne. We remained like that for a few minutes until I pried myself off of him, settling comfortably into the passenger seat and sighing again.

“The roads are shit, nobody knows how to fucking drive, and I missed you,” I complained. He laughed to himself, throwing his car into drive and onto the road.

Conversation flowed for hours, discussing the adventures I’d had on my trip and the drama of his roommates and workplace. It was almost like we were just friends catching up… almost. I still have yet to ask him if the tension was as thick for him as it felt for me, but with every passing moment, my urge to touch him grew. Knowing I couldn’t, and shouldn’t, had only increased my desire to do so – I blame the rebellious teenage streak I have yet to outgrow. When he confided in me about the issues with his roommates, I reached out and grabbed his hand in reassurance. For the first time in months, I felt sparks between us. We stayed like that for a bit until he withdrew his hand, and I took that as the sign I needed to not press for any physical interaction. Respecting boundaries and whatnot.

After several hours of meandering back roads, brief hand holding, and slight innuendos, we pulled into a neighboring town. They’d left Christmas lights up on the streets, beautiful white lights wrapped into bare trees and glimmering off the snow that lined the sidewalks and roads. We were both awestruck in that moment, and the car pulled to a stop beneath several such trees on display. The angle of my seat wasn’t the most productive for looking out at the sight, and I knew I couldn’t leave the tension that had been building without making a final attempt. Maybe it was my kink for orgasm denial, maybe it was merely the gradual build of desire, but I can still confidently say that was the most soaked I’ve ever been without being touched. I leaned in towards him, resting back on his shoulder to stare out at the roads and lights.

I felt his heartbeat quicken a bit as his hand slid towards my thigh, resting somewhere between atop my hand and caressing my inner leg – I could feel my panties clinging to me, soaking wet, and I had a brief moment of concern. What if I stained his seats or something? Could that even happen? I chuckled to myself, and I felt him smile, tracing the seam of my leggings up and down my leg, getting daringly closer every time. We remained like that for a few minutes before some unspoken agreement was shared, and I twisted to glance up at him. Our eyes locked, and it was like butterflies had begun ballroom dancing lessons in my gut. When we kissed, all the petty arguments and crises that came with our attempts at a long-distance fling vanished. The world vanished from around me, as cliche as it may sound, and all that mattered was trying to be as close to him as I could be.

My hands grasped at his hair, his thigh, his shirt, anything I could claw at to pull him towards me. He mirrored my motions, gripping my thigh tightly with one hand and my hair with the other. His tongue slid into my mouth as his hand glanced lightly over my wetness, and I let out a strangled whimper in desperation. He broke away for a moment to give me a smirk I knew and loved, and we dove back into each other. It felt like a scene from a movie – where the hero and heroine have their first kiss, and the crowd oohs and aahs. Except this time, I was the crowd, and we were dancing a dance we had practiced dozens of times – we’d just finally found the right music to dance to.

After… some length of time, which I won’t even attempt to estimate, we broke away, and I glanced around – a police car drove slowly behind us, and I flushed nervously. Despite my panties having become the equivalent of a paper towel in the Mississippi River, my sensibility was still somewhat present. I gestured to the cars driving slowly by us, raising an eyebrow, and he speechlessly nodded and started the car once again. We returned to driving, albeit the leisure of before. We had a destination now – the first secluded place we could find. In the meantime, I cautiously pulled his hand from my thigh to my mouth, rolling my tongue around his fingers and sucking softly. His breath caught in his throat, and he uttered the words that truly will always do me in –

“Just like that, baby. Good girl.”


This is much, much longer than I intended, and we haven’t even gotten to the fun part yet! My apologies!! I’ll follow up with a part two when it isn’t nearly 2am, but in the meantime, I have a photo of myself on my profile, and I hope y’all enjoy thus far!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/b2uh3o/mf_like_a_virgin


  1. “we’d just finally found the right music to dance to” damn, I really liked that, was rlly well written

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