[MF] lost my virginity to an older woman and made her cum 1.9 times.

So my last story on this sub enjoyed a bit of popularity. I decided to share the story of how I lost my virginity.
So I was a bit of a late bloomer. I was 22 at the time and the year before, I made out with an older woman and I basically found something out about myself that day. I like cougars, so naturally, I set up a cougarlife.com profile. It didn’t take long for me to connect with a much older woman. She had a gorgeous pic and we would chat all the time. We exchanged numbers and after a little while we decided to meet. She lived like 90 mins away and she decided to drive on up to see me on a weekend. We met at a local park on a Saturday and we walked around and talked. We got frozen yogurt and started talking about my favorite topic, standup comedy. We came to my place to “chill and watch Netflix.” It wasn’t lost on her. I had just gotten a new stethoscope at the time (nursing school) and she was in the field so I showed it to her. She asked to listen to my heart. “wow. It’s going so fast. Your lips just look so kissable” she said. It took what felt like an hour for me to get the courage to say “then why don’t you just kiss them?” But I did. And she did. We went to my room. I took off her bra with one hand. Still proud of that lol. Her breasts were very large and smelled like lotion, not to mention the undeniable and intoxicating scent of pheromones. We make out for a little bit and she instructed me to take her pants off and go down on her. I have poor coordination. To hit the clit with my tongue, I decided to rub it with my finger and follow my arm and hand down to my to tongue. But it did the job. She even though it was charming. She asked “how do I taste?” And I just said “like the ocean” and continued on eating. I started fingering her and remarked that “it really does feel like warm apple pie” and that made her laugh quite a bit. But I kept going. I was on a mission. I felt her pussy tighten up and I freaked out. I immediately withdrew my fingers. I didn’t expect it. She was annoyed but understanding. And momma didn’t raise no quitter so I got back on the horse and finished her off. She then started working on me, and I started making these horrendous noises like a cat immigrating its owners orgasm. She thought it was rad. I was just such a fuckijg virgin and she loved it. Then, for the next few hours I was mainly fingering her and eating her out while doing things to her nipples like sucking and rubbing. That was nice. And she had me whisper Russian poetry in her ear. Idk what that was about but that’s cool. No skin off my back. This whole time, I can’t cum. Way too nervous even though it feels incredible. I tried to put on a condom but made the mistake of unrolling it all the way and trying to stretch it over my dick. She helps me out on the other one. We start penetrative sex and she’s uh…well, let’s say cavernous. Plus the condom. No sensation. She had to keep fluffing me and it just wasn’t going anywhere. We were both really tired by then and hungry, not to mention I was in a bunch of pain. I I cooked up some hash browns from scratch and she left. Then I jerked off and turned the night sky white. We still occasional hi via text. The end.

Tldr lost my virginity to a 62 year old and couldn’t cum. But I made her cum 1.9 times.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/b22cpo/mf_lost_my_virginity_to_an_older_woman_and_made


  1. so. did you found any more cougar?

    and if you continued to have problem cumming from penetration sex. you may stop masturbating for a while.

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