[FM] In The Middle Of Class

Hey everybody! First post on here so I apologize for any obvious formatting // grammar errors but this story was simply too hot not to post. Hope you guys enjoy!

As it stands, I’m currently an 18 year old male and a senior in high school (All others included in this story are at the age of 18 as well). Throughout my high school career, I’ve had a couple of girlfriends that I’ve gotten intimate with, but none that ever really stuck around. So senior year particularly was a bit of a “dry spell” as far as everything goes.

The setting for this story is yesterday, my last class of the day, a large one as far as our school goes with about 30 people in total. The desks are tables arranged as to have about 4 students per group. My desk is towards the back, where my view is mostly obscured to the teacher. And luckily for me, in tandem with being in a back, obscured location, I also sit next to our student body president, a female who just so happens to be great to look at.

The girl in question I’ll call Belle. She’s an 18 year old white redhead with a very nice athletic body from playing volleyball, and she’s my partner for this particular project. As far as I know, she has a college boyfriend who is away across the country for school. Either way, Belle and I had never been flirty and our relationship has never been anything but professional.

That is, until yesterday.

Like any other day, I came in tired to this last class (AP Comp. Gov.) and I set my things down at the table, slumping back in my seat as our teacher continued to greet kids outside. Belle sits down next to me shortly after, but I immediately notice that something is different about her. Instead of keeping to herself and to her work, she seems a bit too happy. At this time, she’s wearing a revealing pair of short jean shorts and crop top (who the hell knows how she got it past our dress code).

Class continues, and in the middle of a lesson Belle randomly turns to me and asks “Hey, do you like my shorts?” I kind of winced as it was out of the ordinary. I just smiled and said that I liked them, but it was strange how she got it past administration.

“No, like really get a good look at them.” She plops her legs and feet into my lap in such a sexy way I can’t even begin to describe. And she keeps them there. “Yeah, they’re uh — uh, looking nice.” She smiles, and I think she knew she had caught me off guard.

After a while, the tension just eats at me and begin to slide my hand down her leg. She says nothing. I begin to massage at her thighs. She simply continues looking at the lesson and not really combatting me. In addition, the other two students at the table had noticed none of this.

“Is that as far as you’re gonna go?” She says under her breath as the lesson continues. “God, I knew you were gonna need motivation.”

In the middle of the classroom, she takes off her shoes and her socks and tosses them to the floor. Now, I’ve never been one particularly partial to the foot fetish, and in fact I’ve normally found it quite out there and weird. But, as Belle began to place her feet back into my lap and start to slowly rub at my crotch in the middle of a lesson, I can’t describe the pleasure I felt. She just went around in tantalizing circles, sometimes working up as far as my waist before traveling back down.

I started to get more nervous as this continued, with several worrying thoughts. First of all, she has a boyfriend. While it may be unlikely that he ever finds out, it still ate at me a little in the back on my mind. Second, our teacher had stopped the lesson and began to pass out worksheets for a project, which obviously required a collaboration with the other parties at our table.

Instead, Belle takes this a cue to continue this public deviancy. Slowly, she reaches her hand over towards my zipper and pulls it down. Luckily, she did not attempt to take off my pants entirely, or I would have had to stop her. Instead, she reaches delicately in through my zipper and the hole in my boxers and pulls out my cock, which at this point is throbbing, *in the middle of class.*

She curls her toes and feet around it, and begins to pump quietly up and down. The softness of her soles begins to get at me and make me heavily aroused, all while we were supposed to be talking to our team of classmates.

“Do you know how Russia’s industrial strength propelled them? It’s one of the questions.” My classmate called from across the table.

“I, um. I, uh– yeah, I mean–”

Belle answers calmly and collectedly in my place as my dick is getting jacked by her presidential feet.

This continues for a while, with me giving out a soft groan here and there and quickly covering up with a cough. She twirls her toes around and uses both feet to massage the head, employing a variety of techniques I never knew a girl like her could be into.

Eventually, it’s too much. I couldn’t take it. I let her know as quietly as I can that I have to cum. I hear a clattering on the floor.

“Sorry (Classmate), I dropped my pen. Excuse me for a quick second.”

And down the lips went. She wrapped her mouth around my cock for the brief period she was down there, and I exploded into her. She swallowed it all quickly and came back up, amazingly clean.

Yesterday, she clearly had a mission. Now it’s up to me to make the next move, I guess? I will certainly update when I get to this class today.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/b13izp/fm_in_the_middle_of_class


  1. If you don’t make some moves and defile her you need to take a good look in the mirror. You only live once.
    What’s the worst that could happen? You get kicked out of school for assfucking the girl of all of our dreams in the men’s room, or in the auditorium?

    You’d be able to tell that story for life.

    “School? Err, yeah I got kicked out..

    For what? Cheating? No, no, no.

    I got caught fucking the shit out of a cheerleader, literally. I was fucking her ass. Greatest day of my life. ”

    Get on it motherfucker and report back your progress.

  2. I Fucked a girl in a school bathroom once, it is one of the highlights of my sexual career. Man I miss high school sometimes lol

  3. > She plops her legs and feet into my lap in such a sexy way I can’t even begin to describe.

    I would agree, because “plops” is not a sexy way to even begin to describe anything.

  4. Theres no chance that the two other students sitting next to you didnt notice the girl jerking you off with her feet lmao

  5. Might be fantasy but I believe it could have happened… wish it was me.

  6. Man. The hottest in class situation I ever had was when a girl named Marilee sat across from me in our senior year Social Sciences class and kept undoing some buttons on her blouse, then tugged at it until it formed a gap. I could look over and see her right breast, nipple and all, no bra, and she did that nearly every day for weeks. I tried to ask her out but she just ignored me and walked away, then next day, same thing.

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