[MFM] A Bull With a Story…

Is it normal for friends to show each other pictures of girls they’re messaging? I personally never had an issue with it. In fact, that’s probably how I ended up being part of this lifestyle. Story time…

My friend and I are just hanging around in the sauna after a long workout at the gym. We’re both already dripping sweat, but nonetheless we had our phones. Out of no where he told me i had to check out this girl he’s been talking to. The second i looked i could already feel growth so I slowly sat back down and asked who she was. To my surprise that turned out to be his girlfriend. At first I was shocked that he had a girlfriend without telling me about her, but before I could ask him why he didn’t tell me. He asked me if I’d ever want to fuck her. I thought for second before I told him that if the circumstances were different, I’d definitely be all for it. He smiled and asked why it’d have to be different, that he’d actually want me to fuck his girlfriend.

I’d like to think i have a bit of a moral side however, I need to know the girl before I have sex with her. Common courtesy and all. So I told him exactly that. He sat back and became completely silent while he typed away on his phone. I had no idea what he was up to, but moments later I got a text from an unknown number. It was his girlfriend. I looked back at him and asked if this was what he really wanted. He nodded and told me that all he wants are screenshots of our messages. That was a good deal. I agreed and immediately started to respond to her. Message after message. Pic after pic. Video after video. It all lead up to us meeting in person. My friend came along since we had only planned on walking around the mall…

I’ll be tell the rest later after the gym?

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/azko8k/mfm_a_bull_with_a_story


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