[MF] I jerked off a Military Veteran… out of sympathy

I’m a Yoga Instructor, so most of my day is teaching yoga classes and private classes. Yoga classes usually have around 25 students, whereas private classes are usually one on one.

Just recently, I had a new student sign up for one of my regular classes. For the purposes of this post, let’s call him Captain, since he is a military veteran. Anyways, Captain is an older man, having served in some of the US’s wars many years ago. His service and time has not been kind to him, as his physical condition had been deteriorating for some time now. He had turned to yoga to help slow his eventual decline.

At first, Captain was an ordinary student. Attending class, being polite, etc… A rookie, sometimes he had asked for help or tips during the yoga sessions. To be honest, nothing too extraordinary. Perhaps it was his age, or sympathy I had for him, but I would give him extra attention to make sure he was okay. You can clearly tell that his age and war wounds had robbed him of his mobility and strength.

After a while, Captain’s health was slowly declining, and he couldn’t keep up during class. So he asked if he could switch to private lessons, which I happily accepted. Captain and I set up a schedule, and we did our own private yoga sessions, going at a pace that he was comfortable with. During those sessions, we had chatted and I learned more about him. A war veteran, he had recently loss his wife, has loving children and many more grandchildren. Clearly the patriarch of the family, he had led a wonderful life. Though, he was depressed that he is a shell of his former self.

After a number of private classes, Captain’s physical health rapidly declined. He could no longer keep up with a consistent schedule. I felt sad for him, as I could only imagine what he was going through, physically and mentally. During our last session together, he revealed something that I was startled and surprised about.

Captain confessed to me, that after each of our sessions, he would return home and jerk off to me. He would recall my yoga poses, fantasize that he was his ‘old self’ and imagine the thought of me jerking him off or blowing him. When he revealed this to me… I was a bit taken aback. Honestly, I didn’t know what to think. Was he a creepy old man? Was he just getting things off his chest before Father Time claimed him? Was he…. I don’t know. In my normal polite and courteous manner, I thanked him for sharing… not making him uncomfortable or ashamed of his confession. I gave him a cute polite on the check, thanking him for sharing his life stories with me. And off Captain went, what I assumed to be the last I would see of him.

Some time had past since that confession. About a couple of months later, I was teaching my normal yoga class. That’s when this woman approached me… she seemingly already knew who I am. At first I thought it would be a new student for class, but she introduced herself as Captain’s daughter. I had feared the worst, that Captain had passed. But as the daughter and I were talking, she shared with me that her father had recently moved in with her. That he could no longer care for himself. Captain had told his daughter, that he enjoyed our yoga sessions, that it gave him a bit of strength and confidence. The daughter asked if I could visit the Captain, perhaps to just chat with him or whatever… Anything to make his life bearable, given the circumstances.

When I arrived at her apt, I saw Captain. He had lost weight, a bit disheveled. He looked frail. His mind was sound, but his body was betraying him. As I walked in, he instantly remember me… That cute British yoga girl, he said. I felt so bad for him. He had been so kind, so brave to the world. What a dishonor life has given him now. The daughter excused herself, and gave us some privacy to chat. Captain and I were alone, we’re just chatting, seeing how he was doing. In private, Captain told me that he felt so embarrassed, so ashamed that he told me about his confession. His proud personality was still there, as I consoled him, assuring him that it was okay.

I didn’t really know why I did what I did. Maybe I wanted to give a dying man some comfort. Maybe it was sympathy. Maybe I didn’t know how else to console him. I don’t know. But I sat there next to him, and I reached towards his trousers. I found his cock, and started to play with it over his trousers. Honestly, I didn’t know if he had the ability to get hard. But as I was fondling him, I could feel him growing, stiffening. We looked at each other, his face filled with confusion and wonderment. Maybe my slutty instincts took over, but I keep on going, asking him if this was okay, if I could make him more comfortable. We kept it quiet, as I could hear his daughter in the other room. But as he grew, I reached underneath his trousers to find a rock hard cock, something so neglected and forgotten.

For the next few minutes, I jerked off Captain. I whispered into his ear slutty confessions of my own. Of how I was such a slut. How I’m a Hotwife. How I was a stripper. How I’ve been taken by multiple guys at the same time. With each of my own confessions, his cock got harder and harder. I took his hand, and placed it on my boob, encouraging him to fondle me. All the while, Captain was enjoying the female attention, dumbfounded that this was happening. Honestly, it didn’t take long for him to cum. I really didn’t know if he had the strength to cum. But he did. As I jerked him off to completion, he came for me. With my hand, I tried to catch and collect as much of it as possible, trying not to make a mess. As he pulsed and jerked, I remember thinking to myself. Good lord, you just jerked off a man nearly 3 times your age.

His cum wasn’t much, but it was enough. Apparently, we had made enough noise to prompt the daughter to return to the room. As she did, I quickly fixed Captain up, putting his now flaccid under his trousers. And I asked for their loo, to clean up. As I went off, the daughter was completely clueless as to what transpired within the last few moments.

After cleaning up, I returned and made my farewells. I thanked the daughter for inviting me. And to the captain, I bent down and gave him the same polite peck on the cheek as I did before. I whispered to him, to thank him for the opportunity to do this for him. And with that, I left their apartment.

Captain died a few weeks later. My husband and I attended his service. More of a celebration, than a memorial, Captain was remembered as a hero, a father, a family man. At the service, I saw the daughter, and the extended family. It was surreal shaking their hands, the same hand that jerked off their father, their grandfather.

In retrospect, this man lived a glorious life. He shouldn’t feel ashamed for anything. Father Time may have robbed him of many things, but his pride wasn’t one of them. I just hope that my insignificant contribution was helpful in his last few days.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/azim81/mf_i_jerked_off_a_military_veteran_out_of_sympathy


  1. I never comment on here, but thank you for what you did for this man. It was probably one of if not the last good thing that happened to him in his life.

  2. That was a nice, wholesome thing you did. Was not expecting to read this kinda story, but I’m happy that I did.

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