The Work Conference [M/F, M-POV]

*What a boring lecture.*

I sit up a little in my seat and stretch as much as I can without hitting the person next to me. As my gaze sweeps back to the speaker on stage talking about workplace safety I notice a similarly bored woman also looking around the room. Our eyes meet briefly over a few rows and columns of seats but she quickly looks down, then focuses her attention back to the speaker. At least now I have something more interesting to pay attention to.

My eyes focus a little more as my mind clears of it’s half-sleep. Her wavy brown hair curls at the ends as they just dangle over her shoulders. She’s wearing business-appropriate clothing, of course. A nice white blouse and black slacks. Her leg is bouncing as her soft face looks expectantly at the speaker. I wonder if she’s pretending to pay attention or if this is actually interesting to her. Thankfully the presentation doesn’t last much longer. As the people file out I make sure to keep track of this woman. I push my way through tired people and make my way into the lobby to see her already starting toward the exit.

“Excuse me!” I call. A few nearby people look my way as I stride quickly to the exit door she’s approaching. I catch her just in time. “Excuse me.” I say again with a little effort after speed-walking to get to her. “I haven’t seen you at the conference before, are you a new employee?”

She hesitates, then nods. “Yeah, I was hired on a few months ago.”

I push the door open and hold it for her as we step outside. “I’ve been to this city before. If you’re heading out for a bite to eat why not come with me? I’ll show you my favorite spot.”

I offer her my arm and step a little out onto the sidewalk. She follows, wrapping her hand into my elbow and smiling. “Lead the way! I’m starving after that presentation.”

We both chuckle a little. “I’m Silas, by the way. Sorry about staring back in the auditorium.”

“Catherine.” She says, tossing her hair. “And it’s no problem. I’m glad I could help stave off your boredom.”

We make idle conversation as I guide the way to a nice Italian place not too far from the hotel where the conference is taking place. The lights are a bit dim and it takes a few seconds for our eyes to adjust. The hostess remarks that we look like a lovely couple, making Catherine blush a little as the she walks us to a corner table out of the way of foot traffic and hands out menus. I already know what I want, but I take a quick glance over the options just in case something new stands out. Nothing.

She tuts a little as she looks down at the menu, running her finger down the laminated paper and tapping on her selection. She sets down her menu and looks up, giving me that embarrassed smile again. “I know I said I didn’t mind you staring at me earlier, but don’t you have to look at the menu?”

“Nah. I’ve been here enough times to know what I want to eat. Chicken Parmesan with garlic bread and a glass of Cabernet. How about you, what did you decide on?”

“Oh, I was thinking about the lasagna. Maybe I’ll get a glass of Cabernet to accompany you.” She smiles at me and tosses her hair again. “So, where did you fly in from?”

“New York.” I reply. “I work in the media department proofing public announcements and speeches. How about you? You seem remarkably tan for someone working an office job.”

“That’s probably because I spend my weekends outdoors. I do accounting in the Georgia br–” She notices my disgusted expression. “Hey! I’m good at what I do!”

I laugh and brush my fingers across the back of her hand. “I’m just teasing. I used to love math when I was in high school.”

The server comes by and takes our order. We end up getting a bottle of Cabernet along with our two meals and continue to talk and flirt while we eat. As the wine gets lower and lower we get touchier and touchier, eventually holding hands when the server comes to clear our plates and hands us the dessert menu, asking if we’re celebrating a special occasion.

“Yes!” Catherine chimes in before I can speak. “My boyfriend and I are celebrating our anniversary!” She turns toward me and squeezes my hand gently.

“Ah, wonderful!” The server smiles. “I will return in a few minutes to take your dessert order.”

After he vanishes around the corner Catherine starts giggling.

“Boyfriend?” I ask, squeezing her hand. “What brought that on?”

She leans forward and beckons me to do the same, whispering “I just thought it might be fun to pretend…” before kissing me on the cheek. This time it’s my turn to blush a little.

“Of course, dear.” I say dramatically after recovering, picking up the dessert menu. “Got a hankering for anything?”

She leans over the table to get a closer look at the menu, frowns, then slides around the booth to sit next to me. “Oooh, the chocolate mousse sounds good!”

It might have been the wine, or perhaps I was just in that sort of mood, but her body being so close to mine made my skin tingle. I decide to take a little risk, dropping my hand off the table and onto her knee.

“That does sound good.” I say, letting my hand rest against the fabric of her pants. She grabs the menu from me and folds it back onto the table to signify that we’re ready to order, then takes my hand in hers,

“So, how did you like the lasagna?” I inquire, letting my fingers start massaging her thigh gently. My heart has starts pounding in my ears.

“It was delicious!” She leans into my arm and rests her head against my shoulder, sighing gently. From an outside perspective it might even look like we’d been dating for a year.

The server returns and I order the chocolate mousse, punctuated by a “yes!” from Catherine. When the server disappears again her hand drops off the table and onto my leg, taking little time to probe whether or not I’m comfortable with the touch before slowly creeping upward. My eyes dart around the room, seeing if there’s anyone watching. No, our table is tucked nicely away in the corner, and with the tablecloth and dim light it would be impossible to see. It doesn’t take long for her fingers to rest just to the side of my crotch. I can feel my erection straining against my tight work pants as her hand starts squeezing back down my leg toward my knee.

As she does so her legs spread a little and I realize that my own hand has made its way nearly between her legs. We chat for a while more, though I’m not really sure about what. My attention is purely focused on the sensation of her hand on my leg and her soft flesh beneath my fingers. I decide to tease her a little, just like she’s doing to me, rubbing small circles along the inside of her thigh just close enough that I hear her breathing get a little harder, but not actually touching.

Footsteps approach and we both sit a little more upright as the server returns with a bowl of chocolate mousse, two spoons, and a small platter of cookies. “The cookies are for the anniversary, compliments of the chef.” He sets the cookies down beside the mousse and places our check on the table. “Take your time. And please, enjoy!” With that he turns away and walks over to a table of newly seated patrons.

I take my card out and tuck it into the pocket of the checkbook, then we both dive into the mousse–not out of hunger, but out of desperation to get out of the restaurant. It’s rich and creamy and it goes down quickly. Catherine holds up a cookie and force feeds me a bite, laughing as I try to complain through a mouthful of mousse and crumbs. The server comes back and takes the checkbook, and Catherine’s leg wraps around mine. I retaliate by grabbing her spoon and getting a heaping mound of mousse to shove into her mouth. She opens wide and attacks the spoon, getting a little bit of mousse on her upper lip. Not wanting to miss the opportunity, I lean in and lick the chocolate off. She shoves me playfully away, but pulls at my leg with her own and laughs. We finish the dessert just as the server returns with the receipt. I tip a good amount as we’ve left a little bit of a crumbly mess of leftover cookie on the tablecloth, then we both stand and make our way out into the street.

I’d really like to spend more time with you.” I say, stepping forward onto the sidewalk. Night has fallen and the air is a little chilly. I take off my jacket and drape it over Catherine’s shoulder.

“Me too.” Catherine says, adjusting the jacket and taking my hand. We hold hands all the way back to the hotel, laughing and talking. It seems most people are either out or in their rooms since the lobby is fairly deserted when we get back. The atmosphere between us changes a little too as we step into the elevator.

“Your floor or mine?” I ask, my finger hovering over the buttons.

“What an assertive man.” She teases, punching the ‘4’ button and jabbing me playfully in the side before sliding her hand into mine again.

“I know what the ladies like.” I squeeze her hand and pull her into an embrace and give her a quick kiss.

Catherine sighs gently. “Is that so? I guess you’ll have to prove it.”

The elevator dings and the doors slide open. I follow her lead as she takes us down the hallway to her room. A small suitcase sits in the corner with a few articles of clothing stacked on top. She drags me to the bed and pushes me down. I sit and she straddles my lap, wrapping her legs around my lower back and grabbing the back of my head. I place both hands around her waist and our mouths lock, tongues hungrily searching for each others lips. I lay back on the bed, bringing her with me.

She starts grinding against me. Our mouths continue to explore each other, her kissing across my cheek to my neck and nibbling at my earlobe. My hands wander from her lower back across the thin fabric of her blouse and to her shoulders, relishing the feeling of her warmth in my hands. She kisses lower, down my neck, then sits up slightly and her fingers begin to work at the buttons on my dress shirt. One after another they come undone, her lips pressing against my chest down to my stomach after each satisfying pop as they buttons release. She pauses at my belt, then opens the shirt wide and returns her lips to mine. This time her hands rest against the skin of my chest and I feel her nails scratching urgently against me, her hips still grinding against me.

I mirror her process, though it doesn’t take quite as long. Her shirt comes off with just a few motions and we both stare at each other for a moment. She’s wearing a nice black bra, holding her breasts up in a taunting manner. How I want to see them, to feel how soft they are. She must have read my mind. In one quick movement she reaches behind back and unclasps her bra, letting it fall off her shoulders before grabbing it and tossing it to the side. Before I can get a good look she leans back over me and grabs the back of my head and neck, holding our bodies close together. I can feel her erect nipples against my skin moving slightly in tandem with her grinding.

I graze my nails across her now bare back and she sighs, shutting her eyes and leaning back. Her breasts sway slightly as she rests her hands on my chest, grinding harder and harder with each passing moment. I slide my hand around from her back to her stomach just below her breasts and let my fingertips brush gently across the skin, taking care not to touch the hard nub at its peak. She moans softly and arches her back, thrusting her chest a little farther forward into my hand. I take the hint and start playing with her more aggressively.

My thumb circles closer to her nipple. With barely a touch I let my fingertip move across, eliciting a sharp intake of breath. Her eyes are shut now and her grinding has slowed down. I continue, swirling my fingers around and passing them across the hard skin, pressing harder with each motion. My fingers grab hold of the sensitive skin and pinch gently. She spasms and moans, pressing her hips harder against me and digging her nails into my chest. Were I not in such a heightened state of arousal it might have hurt, but the sensation drives me forward.

Using the hand on her back to help sit myself up I lean my head down and kiss gently at the top of her chest. My fingers continue to pleasure her, switching sides and repeating the process more quickly this time. As my lips make their way down her breast my fingers start softly pinching at her other nipple. I stop my fingers for just a second as my tongue flicks across, making her moan again and grab the back of my head, pulling me toward her. My lips opens and I suck the skin in, letting my tongue roam and my teeth scrape lightly as I pull and squeeze with my mouth.

She’s let go of all control at this point, her gasps and moans filling the small hotel room. Her hands fumble with my belt and pull it off and my shirt comes off, tossed to the side to join her bra on the ground. She scratches against my back hard, moaning again as my mouth switches sides and my hand makes its way back to her chest.

We roll over, and I do my best to keep my mouth suctioned to her breast as she hits the bed. I quickly undo the button of her pants and slide them off to reveal dark red panties with a small dot of wetness forming. She opens her legs and grabs my hand, guiding it to her thigh, then drops my hand and caresses my own leg just below my balls. I see her eyes dart between my own and my straining erection. In a quick motion she unzips my pants and slides her hand in, grabbing me through my underwear and stroking slowly. I return the motion, moving my hand up her leg and pressing in against her. We both sigh loudly, then laugh.

I grab her wrist and take her hand out of my pants saying “I want this to be about you right now” while rubbing up and down across her underwear. She shudders and bites her lip, nodding and letting her hand fall to the bed. I take a few minutes to tease her through her underwear, but she soon starts begging me to touch her and pulls her panties off.

Diving right in, my fingers sliding across the wet, sensitive skin making her rock her hips upward and moan. I quickly push between her labia and feel her warmth beneath my fingers. Moving upward, I release pressure and find her swollen clit, rubbing a few soft circles before my fingers glide back down to play around her entrance. Again and again I repeat this motion. Moving a little faster. Pressing a little harder. Pushing my fingers a little deeper into her until eventually my finger rubs against her G-spot and she bucks against my hand, letting out a loud moan and clutching the bed sheets as her mouth opens and her eyes shut.

Spurred on, I continue to finger her, adding a second finger and finding the rough area again. My fingers massage and fill her insides as I draw them out and push them back in, taking special care to focus my attention on the sensitive area inside. I angle my hand so my thumb can press against her clit and rub with every insertion of my fingers. She moans and her body swells into my hand. She grabs my head and forces her lips onto mine and I can feel her climax approaching in her urgent kisses.

Her body starts to shake and her grinding hips buck wildly into my hand. I focus on keeping the rhythm and pressure constant as she squirms beneath me. Her fist clenches at the pillow behind her head and she breaks the kiss to intake a sharp breath and let out a ragged moan. Her eyes roll back slightly and squeeze shut. Her mouth opens and lets out a constant stream of panting and moaning. Her nails dig into my shoulder and she raises her hips into my hand one last time before her legs clamp shut and she freezes, a moan stuck in her throat, then collapses onto the mattress breathing heavily.

As I pull my fingers from between her legs she whimpers slightly, but her body is still being ravaged by the aftershocks of her orgasm. I lay next to her, running my hand across her arm and pulling her head against my shoulder. She curls up into me and shudders again as another ebbing wave of pleasure passes across her. We make idle conversation, talking about our hobbies and whether or not we like cats or dogs better.

A few minutes pass before she stirs, looking up at me and kissing my cheek as her hand trails down my chest, down my stomach, and rests against the waist of my pants.


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