[MF] This past weekend, I endulged an older friend in her mommy fantasy, and I’m still reeling.

For starters, I’m 29 and she’s 44. We’re both professional theatre actors and met in a play we were in together about a year ago. We’ll call her Erin.

We got to be pretty close. It was a small cast, and our characters kind of hated one another, so it was fun to fake bicker with her backstage, considering she’s one of the most genuinely sweet women I’ve ever met. She’s about 5’9”, long brown hair. Wouldn’t guess she was 44 in a million years. I’d say somewhere around 35. You could definitely tell she was a bit older than I am, but it wasn’t drastic. She’d aged well. She kept herself in shape, and I admit I caught myself checking her out on more than once occasion, but we had such a professional relationship, and she’s 6 years younger than my own mother, so I never thought much of it.

Fast forward to last weekend, about a year since we’d done that play together. One of our mutual friends who was in the play with us was doing a play at another theatre in town. She sent a group text to everyone in the old cast asking if we wanted to go see it. I was the only one who didn’t have concrete plans, and I figured it’d be fun to see her again. So I agreed to go.

As I was getting ready, I got slightly nervous. It felt like a date. I was the only one going with her, and I was paying close attention to how I looked in my clothes and how I looked in general leading up to meeting up with her. I brushed it off, and remember laughing at the idea that if I played my cards right I could have some fun with an older woman tonight. Hoo boy, was I in for a treat.

So we meet at the theatre. I got there first and picked up our reserved tickets. A couple of minutes later, she strolls in, and goddamn. She’d gotten a year older from when we met, but looked 5 years younger. She had a low cut green top on, and the tightest, most form-fitting black pants I’d ever seen. Her hair was wavy, and hung down over her shoulders, and she was sporting a pair of glasses that I don’t remember seeing her in when we worked together last. She excitedly hustled over to me and hugged me. We made small talk, asked how the other one was, and went to take out seats.

The entire two hours I could not stop thinking about how goddamn good she looked. I’d been laying off dating for a couple of months, and hadn’t even been too interested in sex lately because of the demands of my career and the traveling I’ve had to do. But seeing her changed all of that. I needed this 6 month drought to end.

After the play, she and I went with our mutual friend in the show to a little bar down the street. We had a few drinks, and the friend called it quits early. He was exhausted and ready for bed. Erin and I decided to have a couple more.

After a few cocktails and an hour or two later, we ended up talking about sex. She’s a single mother and dating is a bitch enough when you’re a traveling actor, much less a mom to 3, one of which is still in high school. She complained about men never wanting to even go past a couple of dates due to her having 3 kids, and her experimentation with casual sex for a while had left her feeling really empty. I had similar sentiments, and explained my drought and lack of desire to even look for sex or relationships because it feels difficult and empty right now. She joked that I was probably scoping the place out for a girl to take home anyway, and I joked back that I should just stay at her place so I don’t get in trouble with the blonde I liked at the bar.

With a serious look straight into my eyes, she said “Sure. Let’s have a little sleepover.”

I laughed it off and she took a quick breath and said “Seriously. We should go to my house. My daughter’s with her dad this weekend.”

And with that, we paid our tabs, and left.

The night ended up being fairly vanilla. As soon as we got into her bedroom, she pounced. Within seconds we were naked, she gave me a quick drunken blowjob, asked me to eat her our, laid in her bed, and we fucked for all of 5 minutes before she told me to cum inside of her, and we passed the fuck out from the alcohol.

The next morning, we nursed our hangovers with some coffee and laughed about the previous night. We were honest with one another and admitted that it was really lackluster, and the intoxication made it pretty unmemorable. She kept saying she wished she’d been sober so she could really have fun with me.

I asked what she meant, but she seemed all sheepish and just said “We could have done a lot more, that’s all I’m saying. I like to experiement that’s all.”

I didn’t push the issue, but a few hours after I’d left and was going about my day, I texted her and asked what she wanted to experiment with.

Her: Ya really wanna know or will it weird you out?

Me: Haha, yes, I really wanna know.

Her: It’s weird.

Me: Hit me

Her: K. Ya know how some men like to be called daddy?

Me: hahaha you wanna call me daddy? Fine with me.

Her: I’m the older one here…

Me: Ohhhhhhh. Mommy?

Her: Been a thing for me for a couple of years now but I’ve never had a younger boy to play with.

Me: Well I’m free tonight. Mommy.

And with that, we made plans, and texted for the entirety of the day about her newfound fetish, and how she wanted to live out her fantasy.

This post is getting crazy long, so I’ll make a Part 2 here soon if anyone wants me to keep going. Some real strange mommy fetish shit is inbound if you wanna know what happened. Like I said, I’m still reeling. On one hand, I’m in heaven, because it was some hot shit. But on the other hand, I feel a little weird. Like what the fuck did I just do with this woman? I’ll post part 2 if people are into this kind of thing.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ayx0ng/mf_this_past_weekend_i_endulged_an_older_friend


  1. I’d upvote part two when you post it as well. You are posting part two , right? Right? :)

  2. I’m sickened, but curious…
    Post part 2 man, we haven’t even got to the kinky material. Please ? Pretty please ?

  3. If she can still lactate, that’ll be weird. Either way, go for it, pal.

  4. Want you to know that people in India are waiting for your part 2. No pressure.

  5. Yeah this is a Dallas type of cliffhanger. We must see what happens next

  6. Part 2 would be nice since the story hasn’t even gotten to the actual thing the thread title is referring to

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