Dinner with the Parents [MF] [exhibitionism] [d/s]

“Ali! You ready honey?” I yelled loudly towards my girlfriend upstairs, who was taking quite some time getting ready. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll be there okay?” She giggled and I listened to her shuffle around our room. I looked down at the expensive black and gold watch around my wrist, smiling. She always loved to take extra care in looking the way she does, and I appreciate that. She insisted that I wear the crisp navy blue suit she bought me for tonight. We’re supposed to be having dinner with my parents so they can meet Ali. I can tell she’s still nervous but I know they’ll love her. She’s so gorgeous it drives me nuts that she never notices how people stop and look at her. Her radiance literally brings life to any room, and her laugh is always so joyous. “Baby, I’m ready.” I stopped daydreaming and turned to look at her.

“God..” Her long red curls bounced effortlessly and hung right across her chest. I saw the small glint of gold from the diamond jewels on her ears and the sparkling bracelets around her fair wrists. The sexy red dress she wore sat off of her shoulders and hugged the curves of her body tightly until it fanned out into ruffled pleats at her knees. The black strapped heels on her feet kept her stance poised and strong. It was a classy look but made me itch with desire.  “You like it? I wanna make sure it’s still appropriate for your parents.” She nervously laughed and crossed her ankles, blushing lightly -my weakness. I could feel my cock straining in my pants and I hoped she wouldn’t notice. “You know baby girl, you make me so excited to see you all dressed up like this.”

A familiar smirk ran across her soft painted lips. “Looks like I made you excited in other places as well.” Her hand brushed the front of my slacks and I inhaled sharply. “D-don’t get me started now, baby.” She continued to rub my crotch a little more until I groaned in desperation. “Please baby, we need to go..ah..” She only giggled but stopped immediately and I pulled her close to me. I lowered my voice a few octaves as I whispered in her ear. “You think it’s funny to tease me baby girl? Well, you’re going to GET IT when we leave their house. Understand?” I growled and reached my hand around to grip her ass. Those dark green eyes of hers were clouded with lust and a small moan escaped her lips. “Y-yes daddy.” “Now, let’s not keep my parents waiting. Shall we?” I smiled innocently as she turned redder than ever, and I laughed while we exited our house and got in the car.

She sat still in the seat, looking out the window as beams of moonlight shone across her face. It was dazzling, too beautiful not to see, and I couldn’t help thinking of taking her right then and there. She crossed and uncrossed her ankles, then proceeded to slide her hands along her thighs. It was a signal almost, seductively teasing me so I would lose it and ravage her like I wanted to so badly. I could feel the temptation creeping up and stir my cock once again as time grew on. “Baby, you know we have to see my parents. I want you to meet them…but you can’t tease me like this baby, you know better.” I caught a look in her eye that made my insides burn with pure lust. “I knoooow, hehe, I just wanted to play with my daddy, that’s all.” She purred sweetly and kissed my cheek.

“You are in so much trouble little girl.” The corners of my lips upturned into a smirk and I knew instantly what my plan was. “Daddy is just getting started with you. I suggest you stop acting so coy before it lands you a proper…punishment.” She hesitated to speak before moaning lightly. “Please do it sir.” She laughed right after and I gave her a look. “Just you wait till we get there.” I whispered to myself as I continued driving to the house.

We arrived shortly after and I parked the car in their driveway. I could instantly see the nervous look on my girlfriend’s face. “Ali, you’re going to be fine, okay baby?” I got out the car to open her door and let her step out. Her leg brushed gently against mine and I had to restrain myself from not grinding onto her. Ali’s face grew flush with pink and I knew I wasn’t going to last long this night at my parent’s. “L-let’s go.” She said as I took her by the hand and led her to the front entrance.

We knocked on the door before it opened and my mother smiled widely. “Oh my goodness, is this her? Hello Alison, I’m Jason’s mother, Tracy.” Ali was quickly pulled into a tight hug from my excited mother and merely laughed at the strange greeting. “Nice to meet you too ma’am.” I was happy for Ali to be accepted by my parents, and I hoped they would treat her well. We walked inside the family home and got ready for dinner. The dining room was large and decorated with a beautiful dark wooden table. The walls were painted cream and matched the coffee colored chairs and tableware. “Is that my son’s beautiful lady? Hello Alison, I’m Arthur, Jason’s dad!” I recognized my father’s deep chuckle as he greeted Ali and hugged her. “Dad! Great to see you again.” He caught me in a bear hug and we chatted like the best of buds.

Everyone gathered at the table as my mother set down plates and containers of various foods on it. The smell was delicious, but not as good as the exotic scent of my girlfriend’s perfume. It melded perfectly together with the food scent and made me hum with delight.  “This looks sooo good Mom! You did a great job cooking all of this.” My mother smiled happily and nudged my father’s shoulder. “Your father helped me a bit too. I needed the extra hand or two.” My dad winked at her and Ali giggled.

We were halfway through eating most of our meal when I put my plan into action. “Hey baby, could you pass me the salt please?” She nodded and I watched as she reached across the table to get the salt shaker. My hand slowly slid across the top of her dress near her breasts and she lightly gasped. My parents didn’t see what happened so I played it coolly. “Thank you.” I smirked as she only blushed and looked away quickly. “So what do you do for a living Alison?” My father asked politely. Ali soon forgot about the spectacle that just happened. “Well, I’m an assistant director for Compass Corp.” I smirked inside my head, thinking about her working in the building next to mine.

“Oh, that’s right next to Jason’s facility! You must see each other a lot throughout the day.” My mother smiled brightly. They have no idea how many times I’ve visited her during her lunch break and had some “quality time.” I sneaked a glance at Ali and she nearly turned as red as that tight dress hugging her luscious hips. I giggled innocently and bumped her knee with mine and reached my hand underneath the table to gently glide my fingers up her calf. Her mouth opened and formed a gasp and my parents looked at her worried. “Dear, is something wrong?” My mother asked. Alison shook her head quickly and stuttered, “N-no nothing’s wrong! I’m just excited to eat dessert is all!” She tried to cover up her nervous laugh and I smirked inwardly.

“I’m sure Mom is gonna make something extra special, but nothing beats my sweetheart herself, right baby?” My wink must’ve sent her signals because I could see her breathing change and her chest raise up higher than before. My father laughed at the joke. “Rascal as always, son!” I could feel her gaze on me, the air changed in the room to a more heavy feeling. I looked at her and watched her stare right back, emerald eyes glazed with lust entirely. “I baked cobbler for you two by the way! I know peach is your favorite honey.” My mother beamed. “I do love peaches Mom. They’re the juiciest fruit of them all! So soft..and decadent…” Alison gasped once more, only to shift in her seat barely, but I caught her in the act.

“I love the way you cook it so that it’s gooey inside and it melts on the tip of your tongue.” I laughed to keep the comedy rolling and turned to lean in close to Alison’s ear.  “All hot and squirmy for me, huh baby? I bet you want me tasting your peach, diving my tongue in your wet cunt and licking and sucking until you cum. You need me don’t you? Grabbing you and pinning your body to the floor so that I can rip that tight sexy dress off and slip between your thighs, giving you the pleasure you want. Come on, I know you want to feel me rubbing your clit, making you wriggle and moan wildly, panting frantically as I rub harder and harder. My little whore wants her daddy to please her and fill up that cunt with his thick cock, doesn’t she?”

My baby girl nodded slowly, but just barely enough so I could see. “P-please..this isn’t fair daddy. I’m so hot..” Her breath came out in a shaky whisper. My hand went to squeeze her thigh and a shudder racked through her whole body. “Oh, are you cold, dear? We can turn on the heat if you’d like.” My mother said. Ali shyly smiled, regaining her composure. “No, I’ll be fine don’t worry. That dessert should warm me right up!” We all laughed together but I knew that dessert wasn’t on her mind anymore. She couldn’t help the growing desire between her legs and continued to squirm in the seat. My mother left to go get the dessert and came back with clean plates and utensils.

“Who’s ready to dig in?” She set the cobbler down and handed us the plates and utensils, starting to cut the dessert into slices. “I’m ready to dig in something else right about now. What do you think baby?” I maliciously giggled since my parents didn’t hear me. She tried to ignore me and put a slice on her plate, taking a bite of it from her fork. Her mouth opened slowly to take the sweet food in and closed her lips around the metal piece, tasting the sugary flavor as it danced across her tongue. She moaned slightly from the overwhelming flavor on her taste buds. I looked to see if my parents were paying attention but my mother seemed too focused on her conversation with my father that I had to finalize my plan.

“You really seemed to enjoy that bite huh? Well, I know other things that turn you even louder..” She had fallen into my trap as soon as I reached my hand underneath the table once again, but this time to stroke her folds inside her panties. “..Jason!” There we go. “What’s wrong honey?” My mother immediately reacted, concerned. “Oh don’t worry, I just said a joke that annoyed her, that’s all! Haha!” My fake smile and laugh seemed to work because she went back to talking with my father. I whispered into Ali’s ear again. “When we are done here, I’m going to Tear. That. Cunt. Up. Do you understand me baby girl?” Her eyes locked to mine, her body quivering involuntarily. “Y-yes sir.”

After dessert was finished I told my parents about our departure. “Aww, we’d hate to see you leave so soon. We just met Alison tonight!” My mother smiled brightly. “You got a real good keeper there. Don’t let him run too wild for me? Ok?” My father winked at Ali and she laughed softly. “I’ll make sure of it sir. You two take care now! Bye!” We waved goodbye to them as we left to get in the car and go home. “You did a good job not making much noise at the table. Impressive indeed. Maybe I should reward my little girl for such good behavior..?” Alison turned to look at me. “You have been teasing me all night and it was so hard not to whimper or moan out loud! I could’ve embarrassed m-myself in front of your parents!” She blushed and I laughed. “You deserved it after what you pulled earlier at the house. Need I remind you that sexy look you gave me and uh..touching my lower regions..?” She only looked down at her feet in silence.

“That’s what I thought. You’re MINE tonight baby girl, and you’re not gonna be able to walk for a week when I’m done ravaging you.” I growled lowly. I began to slow the car down and pulled to a stop at the side of the road. “W-what are you doing? Aren’t we going home?” The way her voice rose to a higher pitch made my skin tingle and my cock swell. “I’ve needed you all night and I’m not waiting any longer. I’m fucking you right now.” I hastily unbuckled the seat belt and made my way to undoing hers. “Get in the back. NOW.” She didn’t hesitate to rush and jump in the backseat, her face a rosy color and lips parted open to release quick, labored breaths.

I got in the back and instantly pinned her down on her back, kissing and grinding against her body as she moaned and shivered at my touch. My hands began roaming her chest, moving to her legs to lift up the dress so I could reach her soaked panties. I grabbed them and tore them off her body, randomly flinging them somewhere.  “Ali..you’re so wet for me. You want this, don’t you?” My fingers glided across her clit in smooth strokes. “P-please! Ah..ah!” I continued rubbing my fingers rapidly up and down her clit, coating the tips in her slick wet juices. “Please..I need your fingers inside me. Please daddy!” She was panting now, wiggling her hips impatiently to get me to respond. “You wanna feel them in your cunt huh? Okay, I’ll give you a treat baby girl.” I jammed my fingers inside until they couldn’t reach any further, rubbing her g-spot with accuracy at a fast pace.

“J-just like that! …ah…mmm daddy!” She moaned and screamed, clawing at my back with her manicured nails as I continued finger fucking her pussy. My hand was coated in her sweet cum and I had the urge to taste that delicious cunt, but I needed my cock slamming in and out of her, making her mine and mine only. “Daddy, you’re gonna make me cum! I wanna cum please!” She arched her back, seizing up her body as she was getting ready to release, but I stopped immediately. “No. You’re going to cum on my thick cock before the night is over. Understand slut?” She nodded profusely, smiling with just a twinge of amusement in her eyes. “Fuck my pussy. I want you to fill me up with your hot load..mmm cream inside me daddy.”

I watched her provocatively bite her lip and give me the same sexy stare I saw earlier tonight. Seeing her in that dress, legs spread wide open and waiting, those once smooth curls now slightly tousled and clinging to her beautiful face in messy waves..she was stunning and she knew it. “You are MINE. The only one you can look at, touch, crave, desire. No one else can have you over me because you are special. You are MY gift and MY prize to keep. You are mine to give you pleasure, taint your body with my kisses and touches. I love you so much it consumes me.” Her intense green pupils glazed over as her lips spread into the most gorgeous smile. “I love you too. Now, take me and make me yours.” She kissed me hard and passionately.

I growled and pushed my body close to hers, feeling the heat rising off her body as I pulled up the dress, nearly ripping it from the bottom. I undid my slacks, pulling out my cock which was throbbing with needy anticipation. I gripped the smooth skin of her thighs and slammed myself forward into her, moaning deeply. Her breath hitched after my first thrust, hands holding tightly onto my shoulders and back arched some. “Give me more daddy, I need you to fuck me!” I started at a regular pace but I soon changed my mind as all thoughts were suddenly focused on the pleasure, and I forced my way in and out of her, thrusting viciously and endlessly.

Her screams of ecstasy were music to my ears, pitching in high and low octaves the faster I went or if I hit that special spot she loved most. She curved her hips upward to match my rhythm, our breathing syncing up to the same beat our hearts made. I could feel the blood rushing through out me, roaring like thunder and bringing out the animal in me. “You’re mine. You’re mine. You’re MINE! FUCK!” The rushing adrenaline in my body grew more intense as I got closer to release. I looked down at my beloved, cheeks covered with red and an aroused expression on her face. She was enjoying it, drowning in the sexual lust she desired from me. I was the only one who could give her what she wanted…fill her to the brim with my seed and claim as mine.

“Daddy, I’m going to cum. Ah..ah..” I grinned darkly. “Baby, I’m close. I need you to cum for me baby girl, can you do that for daddy? Cum for me!” I jutted my hips quicker and quicker, shoving my cock deeper into her sopping, wet hole and groaned louder.  “Cum for me Ali, I know you can.” She instantly gripped my shoulders tightly and threw her head back, arching her back and reveling in the orgasm as it took over her body. I felt her pulsing walls squeeze my shaft and I growled deeply. “Yes, I’m cumming baby girl! I’m gonna fill that pussy up. FUCK!!”

I moaned as I released load after load of my cum, letting it flood her insides and leak out in a sticky puddle. We were breathing heavily, staring into each other’s eyes, until the other made the next move. She slowly sat up, took my cock out of her and held it in her warm hands, rubbing the leaking tip with her thumb. I tensed up for a moment, realizing the sensitivity of my cock, and a strangled moan came out. She pressed her lips together around my cock and I bit my lip. “Fuck baby, you know I’m sensitive right now. You’re gonna make me cum again if you continue.” An evil glint appeared in her eyes. “That’s what I want to happen.” She gripped my shaft tightly and I shuddered.

“C-come on. Stop playing with it now baby girl. You know what that does to me.” I tried to keep a firm voice but she began sucking agonizingly  slow, dragging her pink tongue up and down. “Faster. Suck it faster!” I couldn’t take the aching feeling I had in my twitching member. She enjoyed making me beg and groan for her. I did not. I sneakily reached down to pinch her nipples, pulling on them hard enough to get her attention. She moaned around my cock, sending vibrations across the surface of my skin. “Damn your mouth feels so good. But I’m in control now, and I’m going to fuck your throat just because you teased me. It’s not good to play with daddy like that.”

I placed both of my strong hands on either side of her head. She looked up at me with pure innocence in her expression. “Mm..my sweet, tainted angel.” I thrusted into her mouth, hitting the back of her throat on the first try. “Mmph!” The wet cavern encasing my cock felt wonderful as I slid in and out, forcefully pushing my way inside with such ferocity. She gagged a little as I repeatedly blocked her airways with my large size. I could see her tear-stained cheeks, streams of saliva dripping down her chin. “You look pretty like that. A mouthful of cock for a slutty little girl like you. Take it deeper won’t you? And when I cum you better not lose a SINGLE DROP. Understood?”

She couldn’t say much except look at me with those big green eyes of hers. “Mm!” I continuously fucked her mouth, feeling those soft lips and her tongue stimulate my growing orgasm until I erupted, shoving her head all the way down my cock as my hot seed filled her throat. “Swallow it ALL. Ugh. Good.” I removed my swollen member from her lips as she coughed some to gain her breathing back. “Did you enjoy it baby doll?” I laughed at her expression. She was bright red all over, eyes looking away from me. “I did.” She whispered. “Honestly, too much I think.”

She squirmed and I looked down between her thighs. Her wetness had leaked on a majority of the backseat. “Holy shit..you must’ve been really turned on.” She shifted to cover her legs with the dress, but failed miserably. “Come here baby, I’ve got you. Don’t hide from me.” I pulled her close to me, holding her in my arms. “Let’s go home now, okay?” She nodded tiredly, her eyes slowly fluttering before closing. I carried her out from the backseat and placed her in the passenger’s side while I got myself situated in the driver’s seat. “Best night ever, huh baby?”  I watched her lying back on the headrest, soundly sleeping and breathing softly.

Our clothes were an entire mess, wrinkled and out of place. My shirt was untucked from my slacks, which were still open until I zipped them. Ali’s dress was sliding off her chest. Small rips formed at the bottom and in the waist. “I fucked you good baby girl.” I softly laughed. Fatigue began to overcome me from our hardcore session. The pleasure was immense however, and I managed to get my revenge all along.  “You are definitely not allowed to tease me anymore. Only I get to tease you.” I chuckled to myself, starting the engine before pulling off and heading back home.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ayuiwd/dinner_with_the_parents_mf_exhibitionism_ds