Feminine Body Hair

It’s kind of a touchy subject to talk about feminine body hair. People misinterpret what you’re trying to say and shut you down before you can finish, like “eww gross”, so I’ll try to ease my way into the discussion. I’ve always been open to different cultures and the way they groom and dress. Women shaving their armpits and legs actually hasn’t been common that long in America. I think it actually started back in the 20s with a few women and grew more and more popular over the decades, little by little. The “bush” seemed to become less popular after Y2K. I used to believe that grooming the personal area was just a feminine thing but I’ve noticed that men have picked up on the trend too. I keep my pubic hair trimmed to blend with the rest of my body hair and keep my armpit hair very thin. It makes me feel better and it’s easier and more effective to apply deodorant, to each his or her own. So here’s one way to look at it. If a wife or girlfriend trims or waxes her bikini area for swimsuit season, I think that’s cool. But if she decides to let her legs and armpit hair grow during the colder winter months, I’m cool with that too. Women has so much judgement placed on them that men does not, and it isn’t right! Give her a break already guys, it’s just hair so whoopty doo, you’ve got it too! It’s her choice if she wants to go weeks or months without shaving. She’s still the same sexy girl. It’s also hard to talk about body hair without talking about sweat, so here we go again with the childish “eww gross” thing. Women have told me one reason they shave is to help control sweat, which in turn helps to control body odor. But here’s something they may or may not know, endorphins are released in sweat both male and female. That’s the odorless scent released that causes the opposite sexes to be attracted to each other, even sexual chemistry if you will. I’m not talking about the need for a shower after a hard day’s work in July, or the nasty filthy sweat that comes from doing yard work for hours. Sweat is odorless until mixed with bacteria, dirt, or anything else you pick up from the surrounding area. Certain foods you eat will cause body odor through sweat like garlic and curry. But pure sweat is odorless. Most people who exercise are clean before they begin their work out (most). When I run in the mornings, I have either showered the night before or that morning before I run, and then of course again when I get back home. How many times have you seen someone at the gym or track with sweat rings on their clothes and felt a little turned on by that? That’s endorphins. You may be turned on by the sweat of one individual yet repulsed by the sweat of another, that’s still endorphins at work. Yet it seems like we’re all trying to prevent sweat as much as possible, masking it over with perfume, cologne, and super strong scented deodorants, killing the endorphins, our natural chemical attraction to each other. That’s a fact so look it up. Again, remember I’m talking about natural odorless sweat, not to be confused with the dirty nasty grimey mix. I’m talking about the heated sweat between two lovers as they devour each other’s body passionately while caught up in the lust of concupiscence. So is that “eww gross”? I don’t think so. A woman’s natural scent is a powerful aphrodisiac to a man, so ladies, don’t go masking that over with something like FDS. I always told people, jokingly of course, that FDS stands for female dog spray, lol. How many men have been caught sniffing a woman’s dirty panties, again…endorphins at work. ? When her natural scent is enhanced and amplified by a little natural sweat, that drives me out of my freaking mind! Crazy hot aphrodisiac!! Extreme need to taste and devour her vagina! Don’t get me wrong, I do like perfume, body wash, and cologne, but none of those things ever got me hard. So now I’ll discuss the real topic of this document, feminine body hair. Why is it looked down on so much in America and not other countries? Here’s my viewpoint in a nutshell, some women can rock a full bush with hairy pits and some cannot. I hate to use celebrities as an example but I will. There was a trend at one time by Paparazzi to capture pics of female celebrities unshaven. A photo surfaced of Julia Roberts on the set of Notting Hill, waving to fans with armpit stubble showing. It was all over the news, front page stuff. I didn’t think it was a big deal at all but I will say I didn’t find it sexy either. It just didn’t suit her style and that was my opinion. But what about some of the other women like Penelope Cruz? There was a topless scene in Captain Corelli’s Mandolin where she appeared with Nicholas Cage, making love on a hillside. The thing that caught everyone’s eyes was not her beautiful breast, it was the jet black well manicured hair under her arms. I don’t remember any guy saying “eww gross”, after they saw that movie. That scene was HOT AS FUCK, super sexy! She can rock that jet black well manicured armpit hair for sure, but Julie Roberts…ugh no. Ultimately though, it’s the ladies choice what she wants to do with her body.

THE FETISH – As with any fetish, I think it starts with the lack of, the uncommon, the unusual, or the new. I think that’s what it is for me. It’s something you don’t see that often, so one’s prone to look for it. I’ve had a foot fetish for many years, but I’ve never noticed the Morton’s toe before. Someone pointed that out to me so now I look for that all the time. Oh great, like I need another fetish to drive me crazy, lol. One thing I have noticed with younger women who choose not to shave their body hair is confidence. They could care less what other people think, and confidence my friend is very sexy! So to each, his or her own, and stop passing judgement.THE FETISH – As with any fetish, I think it starts with the lack of, the uncommon, the unusual, or the new. I think that’s what it is for me. It’s something you don’t see that often, so one’s prone to look for it. I’ve had a foot fetish for many years, but I’ve never noticed the Morton’s toe before. Someone pointed that out to me so now I look for that all the time. Oh great, like I need another fetish to drive me crazy, lol. One thing I have noticed with younger women who choose not to shave their body hair is confidence. They could care less what other people think, and confidence my friend is very sexy! So to each, his or her own, and stop passing judgement.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/aydnsk/feminine_body_hair