“I know you better than you know yourself”

For my entire time in high school, I’ve always been looking at this girl who to me, was the perfect person. She was really smart, athletic, confident, and great in almost every way imaginable. She was in student council, founded the Physics, Psychology, Neurology, Microscopy, Forensics, Politics, Finance, and the Debate Club. She’s on the student council, ranks in the top 1% of students academically, and has already been admitted into the world-renown Oxford University in England. Always, she knew what to say, what was about to be said, and knew what to do in any given situation. I personally couldn’t imagine wanting anyone other than her, though she does feel way out of league. She was the pinnacle of perfection and I couldn’t imagine looking up to anyone but her. She was my mentor, my senpai, my queen, my goddess, my everything. I feel eternally grateful for her mere existence, for she was everything I imagined the ideal person would be, even before I entered elementary.

However, we’re both in our last year of high school and already past our 18th birthdays. I’ve never gained the courage to ask her out, because I feel like I would just humiliate myself. Our interactions were mainly limited to her making me do errands for her clubs, (all of which I joined, hopefully not looking too suspicious), and then her catching me staring her and giving back a creepy smile. Is it creepy though? Cause it was the kind of thing that freaked me out a bit, yet I could feel some sort of joy inside of me just from being noticed.

I can’t just sit by any longer. Time is running out. Since today’s the last Valentine’s Day before we graduate, I think I should go confess to her now, out of league or not. It’s my last chance.

However, I can’t find her. She has physics during Period C but she’s not there. I strategically chose to sit right behind her, but she’s not there. She always attends class. Is something the matter today? It’s been twenty minutes and she’s still not here. Attendance has been called and she’s been marked absent. What gives?

Being really stressed from not seeing her, I excuse myself to go use the bathroom when as I soon as I entered the stall, I heard a familiar voice-

“Hey there, pipsqueak!”

Normally, that’s something a bully would say. But no, to my surprise, it was none other than my crush.
“Um, hi?” I replied, confused. She has never called me pipsqueak before. This was confusing.

“I know you’ve been looking at me for quite a while. I know you like being talked down on”. she said

“What? What makes you think that?” I asked, feeling excited yet anxious in this absurd moment.

“I know you better than you know yourself, now get down.”

Being at her mercy, I sat down on the toilet seat with her body above me. She began to close the stall door behind her and lock the bathroom itself too. Nobody else was in the room except the two of us. It’s as if the outside world has been shut off and we were at the center of the universe.

Standing above me, she quickly took off her pants and dragged my head against her crotch.

“You know what to do”.

Getting the message of what she was saying, I leaned forward and began licking her clit as she stood there staring down at me, smiling.

“Now it’s my turn”, she replied.

Next thing I knew, she has taken off my pants as well and has begun going down on me. It’s the first time I’ve experienced something like this and it felt way better than masturbating to photos of her.

Within a minute, I came and she her face was well-covered.

“Can we go further?” I pleaded to her.

“Hmm, nope.” she replied

“Why not?”

“Cause, one, I’m in charge here, not you. I’ll let you go further, but right now isn’t the time. I’m late to class. I don’t want to break my perfect attendance record.”

“But you’re already marked absent.”

“So? I can get it undone, it’s not hard when you’re the best student in the entire school.”

Well, she wasn’t wrong.

Afterwards, we both put our clothes back on, left the bathroom separately, and everything went back to normal with her leading the class discussion about the Michelson-Morley experiment and its impact on contemporary research in Physics.

Was she waiting for me or was she actually late? Did she plan all of this from the beginning is she just improvising in the spot? Did she know what I was thiniking or did she just say she knew me better because she knew I wanted to hear that? I guess I’ll never know. For that day, at least.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/axuiwf/i_know_you_better_than_you_know_yourself