Creating Your New Toy [FM] NSFW

The last piece is set as you walk up to the computer. You quickly enter the data from your personality surveys into the computer. The door opens as your first project walks down the stairs. It wizzes as the metal of its feet clank against the floorboards. You examine the level of rust on it’s metal torso, noting the fading of the paint tuxedo. It reaches you and comes to a standing bow. The speaker in it’s mouth opens and the sound of your music fills the air. Then the back compartment opens to unveil your dinner. The leafy greens on your plate serve as a barrier of entry to your pumpkin pie.  You begin to snack on your salad as you finish putting in the data from your personality surveys.

  Flicking on the lights you look at the life like skin of your new set creation. Finishing the update you bring this new feat of bioengineering to life. You raise in amazement as it raises to its feet. With glee you enter its chamber. The creations attention slowly moves to you as you talk to it. Your new creation comes to its knees as soon as you enter the room. You laugh as the new creation reaches up and grabs your ass. Each of your mechanical creation’s first actions are memorable to you. The feeling of its convincingly real hands flash though you head. Suddenly it pulls you in towards itself. Its firm yank is matched with a gentle landing as it’s face gets buried in the crotch of your skirt.

  You let out a laugh thinking of the how many perverted men you must have randomly surveyed. You feel its hands grope and rub your ass cheeks through your skirt. The warm touch of another’s hands had been missed for so long. Suddenly the metal of your zipper clanks as the metal of its mouth clamps down it. With a long satisfying zip your skirt is undone. Falling to the ground, your skirt reveals your underwear. The creation freezes and looks at you with wonder. Lifting you onto the table it looks up and down your body. Its gaze fixated on your neck, it begins its approach. Climbing on the table it kisses your neck. The warmth of its breath is so lifelike that you are taken back by it. Slowly it kisses every inch of your neck, and it proceeds to undress you as it goes down your body.

  With a delicate tongue it plays with your nipple. Teasing and exciting your nipple the creature takes delight in hearing your breath shallow out. You grab onto its hair as it kisses your thighs and hips. Your grip tightens as it kisses the lips of your vagina. Again and again the delicate embrace of its lips delights you. It’s hands wrap around your legs spreading you wide. You look down at it and you watch as its tongue take a long slow lick of your pussy. The moist embrace of his tongue is so life like on your clit. With a moan your hips grind to position yourself on its tongue. You lead it slowly to each spot. Quick it analyzes and learns the ins and outs of your body. Its attention is only on you as it appreciates every detail of you.

  The creature climbs onto of you and looks you in the eyes for a few seconds. You catch your breath as the two of you continue to watch each other. It kisses your lips again and then itdl flips you over. With a firm hand it slaps your ass. You feel your body jiggle and shake at the mercy of its palms. Just as you refind your balance another thwack of its hands meet your soft skin. You grip the table as you are lost in a sonic symphony of your own moans and it’s hands slapping your ass. Your ass burns with red hot passion as you give into the pain. Arching your back you egg your creation on. Again and again the creature’s stinging lust decks you until it’s hand suddenly stops.

  You think for a minute that you were more than the creature could handle. You take a deep breath to regain your composure, but then suddenly you hear movement. Just then you feel one hand wrap around your neck. Quickly the mechanical wonder finds the optimal ratio of oxygen to your brain. You edge on unconsciousness and euphoria as the creature’s free hand spanks your ass more. The pain of each touch becomes its own circumstance and event. Each orgasmic event appears before you in you own delirious consciousness. The darkness of your mind is lit with tiny, little lights. Each light orb holding a singular event. They replay before you on repeat. Each slap, moan, and breath surrounds you. You are overwhelmed with orgasmic energy as its cock spreads your pussy. Deeper and deeper it spreads and stretches your moist pussy.

  The orbs of light each break and shatter around You creating a pool of light at your naked feet. The pool fills to hips and then stops moving. Floating in your own orgasmic experience you feel bliss as your creations cock plays with your tight pussy. each thrust fills you with excitement. You find yourself in shock as his cock begins to vibrate. Unbenounced to you some of the code you were originally messing with made it into the final project. Inside your euphoria induced dream the ocean of orgasmic energy deepens. The sudden vibrations create waves which submerge your body. Your own waves sweep you deep into your own ocean. You give up fighting as the waves take you. Swept up by your own ocean you are flung back into your real body.

  The grip of your creation loosens and grabs your hair as you come come back to reality. You feel your head yanked back as he bites your neck. You let go as you feel waves and waves of cum roll out of yourself. You collapse onto the table as the last drop of cum rolls out of your pussy. Hours passed before you awakened from your orgasm induced slumber. You find yourself snuggled against a slumbering organism. Having slipped into sleep mode you inspect it. Everything seemed to be running smoothly. You get up and leave it’s chambers. You walk over to the computer and set it’s awakening conditions. Now your creation awaits your touch and your kiss, until then you are simply left with a memory and ideas for improvement.
