[MF] Surprisingly Intimate Times with a Tinder Date Part 2

As a thanks for all of your interest, here is another great night Kenzie and I shared. [First Part Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/auw6xq/mf_surprisingly_intimate_times_with_a_tinder_date/)

Kenzie and I had been fooling around for a few weeks. We were in that stage of the relationship where you can’t risk so much as hearing the other person’s voice in the next room or you might be driven to sex. I worked near her studio and there were times that she’d send me text messages, begging for me to come over on my break, sprinkling incentive in the form of sexy pictures and erotic texts. And, as you might predict, I’d cave.

As much as it can be nice to have the intimacy of familiarity and the comforts that long term relationships bring, there is something so fun about the raw sexual power of the early stage of dating. Describing this phase as magnetism is a cliche at this point, but that is the power you’re dealing with. Or least that we were dealing with.

And Kenzie knew it, too. She seemed to understand that things weren’t always going to be this erotic and that we should savor and celebrate this while we could.

One day in particular, she kept hinting at a ‘surprise’. I offered to come see on my lunch, but she insisted that it would only be ready tonight. She’d talk around the surprise, delighting my imagination with erotic visages and sending a few choice images throughout the day. She’d check in to see how horny I was, if I was completely insane with desire and she’d want me to tell her all about how crazy she was driving me.

“Your studio or your place?” I texted her, before I’d even left the building completely. I was almost to the point of being uncomfortable, like I’d been locked inside my body with this raging arousal, with only one means of release!

“My place. You off? ;)” after sending my response, I set my phone in the middle console and drove to her place, not too far from my work, but further than her studio.
I heard the phone go off on the drive, but didn’t check it until a made it there. “Apartment is NCZ. Leave them by the door.”

NCZ was No Clothes Zone, a joke she’d make when she was sick of us having clothes on or, at least, when she was sick of me having clothes on. She’d just stroll out of the bathroom, drying her hands on a towel, suddenly completely naked and announce “NCZ!” motioning for me to get my clothes off.

The knock echoed in the hallway once I made it to her place. She lived in an apartment building that used to be a big hotel, or, at least, that was the impression I got. The hallways were incredibly long and stuffed with apartments and it had like 15 floors. I looked down and saw a neatly-folded square of clothing on the floor in front of her apartment, just as the door cracked open.

“Did you get my text?” She asked.

“NCZ?” I held up my phone as though to show her the text, but it was off. She nodded in acknowledgement and motioned my clothes off with her finger.

“NCZ!” She smirked. It took me a minute to understand what she was asking and even then, I couldn’t imagine that that was what she was asking.

“If you let me in-

“NCZ! Clothes off before you enter!” She bit her bottom lip watching me. In a more sober state of mind, there would be no way that I would have undressed out in her hallways like that. But I was high on so many hormones at that moment that I complied.


I first made sure to remove the easy things to explain. Shoes and socks, belt and tie were unoffensive. And I’m glad I did it that way, because the elevator, which was maybe 2 or 3 meters from her front door, let out a startling ding and someone walked by, getting my heart racing. Once the bystander was securely in their own apartment, I proceeded to remove my over shirt and fold it neatly onto the ground beneath me. Unlatching the front of my slacks, I heard the door swing open. Laughing, Kenzie motioned me in.

“No no no! I can’t do it! Don’t do it!” She could barely contain the laughter as she pleaded for me to not strip down in her hallway. I frowned playfully, shaking my head and unzipping my pants, which just made her laugh more, as she tugged at my arm, all the while, she herself was naked, too. I had half a mind to pull her out into the hallway with me, but, thinking better of it, I stepped into her apartment, the door clicking shut quickly after. I hurried out of the rest of my clothing and stepped up to kiss her, but her hands pressed to my chest and she took a step back.

“No no no. You’ll ruin the surprise!” She motioned with her head and led me to her bedroom. Down the hallway I could see a dance of light on the walls. At the end of the hall was her room and There she had a cityscape of candles set up, all the lighting coming from the natural flicker of small flames. She had a bed mat rolled out on the floor beside her bed, which she motioned me to. “Lay down on your stomach,” she demanded. If I hadn’t been so curious about the ‘surprise’, I’d have ignored her request and taken her right there. I don’t know that she would have protested either, but, it seemed like whatever she had planned, she’d put considerable effort into!

I complied and laid down face first on the bed mat. Her footsteps quietly unstuck from the hardwood as I could hear her approaching the bed. Her cool ass rested against my own as she sat down on me. She laughed and rustled my hair a little bit, her hips moving in undeniable desire. Her hands drew out, moving down my skin, applying light pressure as she travelled down. Chills spilled out over my nerves as her touch released some of the pent up arousal she had caused. I could feel pleasure warm my cock as my chest loosened and every inch of me gave over to her plan. Her hips would sway and grind slightly with each movement of her hands, fingers searching, palms kneading. It was a full fledged massage, but with such erotic undercurrents.

But for the arousal growing in my loins, every inch of me was relaxed by her touch, my shoulders dropping, my hands opening up, my breaths filling my deeper. Ice lingered on my skin, an after image of her touches falling through my nerves, as if driven by gravity to my cock. It made me want her so badly, but, it also filled me with a deep calm.

Once I was sufficiently eased, she let me rest a moment before getting me up and moving to where I had been lying a moment before. My eyelids hung a little with the ghosts of her touches, my body so relaxed and yet sexually charged. I looked down at her curves, cast with dancing lights and I knew what I needed to do.

I nestled my cock against her ass, getting a sigh and an involuntary hip raise. I bit my lip, restraining my sexual inclinations. Starting at the mound of her arched ass, I ran my palms up her body, squeezing in a gentle, circular pattern as I climbed. Sighs and little coos escaped her, as her body responded to my touch. I could feel her slowly easing up, except for the gentle grind her ass was applying to my cock. My fingertips snuck beneath her, teasing her breasts before returning to the safety of her back. Her hair fell off to one side, exposing the column of her neck, taut and enlivened by each noise she emitted.

Pressing my palms into her hips, I leaned down, my own hips pushing against hers.

“Ooh,” she barely more than whispered. I could imagine her plush lips forming around the sound, suddenly making me very aware of my own as I kissed her neck. A hand came around to cradle my head as my tongue teased at the flavor of her skin. I could hear a smile emerge on her face, more sound coming from her in little emissions. I let my lips descend her neck, carrying down her shoulder and then finding my way to her back. Her shoulder blade pulled away and she let out a sharp exhalation of a laugh as I nibbled at her back. As my lips descended, I removed my hands from her back, my hips pulling away from her cushioned behind. She let out a sigh of disappointment, but, I wouldn’t be disappointing her for very long.

With each inch I descended down her back, I moved slower, placing a tell tale peck on her skin, just to let her know where I was. Her hips started to roll side to side as my lips met with the dimple of her back. I kissed down to her ass, letting myself grab a handful. My teeth skimmed the surface and she nearly jumped, her hips raising more and more. Exactly what I wanted.

For a moment, I left her there, greedily taking in the sight, without contact. Her plush behind cascaded down to two slender thighs, soft and flowing, to calves that were taut with anticipation. Laying my palms over her ankles, my hands crept up the architecture of her calves, fingertips skimming the back of her thighs like whispers before I leaned forward. Her breathing had picked up, moans slipping from her in a rhythmic, songlike drone. My lips lingered an inch from her pussy, which glistened with need. Opening my mouth, I exhaled hotly over the soft surface, a jolt traveling up her muscles and escaped in the burst of a moan.

“Please,” she whimpered.

I finally caved. I laid the pad of my tongue against her labia, the tip spilling through the valley between as I climbed. The taste of her arousal filled my mouth as a proper moan filled the room, her hips pushing back demandingly. I waited a moment, and then licked her again, rewarded with another moan. I squeezed and parted her ass as she moved her legs more open, her weight really leaning into the attention I was giving her.

The tip of my tongue found its way to her clitoris and I gently stimulated the hood. Kenzie had a VERY sensitive clit, which was great fun, but also required a careful touch. But, early on, she’d guided my hand to show me how much pressure feels best, so I was able to better play by the rules. I approximated that pressure as I licked in a circular motion over her. Her breathing shallowed as moans burst from each exhale, her inhalation’s becoming sharp and short. I could feel her legs tense, her hips forcing back even more. Her flavor had become addicting to me, a sensual taste that always meant I was bringing her pleasure. I grabbed her hips, my thumbs on her stomach and I pulled her in closer, lifting her hips even more. Her back tensed from arching as she let me control her from the waist down.

Back in those days, I could get completely lost just eating her out. I loved feeling her body shift around me, the ebb and flow of tension and release through her extremities, listening for her cries which were loud at first, but slowly resigned over time to a nearly whined song. I loved looking at her exhausted body when I was done, face flushed and chest heaving. She’d always call me close with outstretched arms and a breathless “c’mere”, wrapping me up in her tightest grasp like she was never going to let go.

But, tonight was different. She had clear things she wanted and she wasn’t just about to settle for oral. Suddenly she pulled away from me, not entirely escaping the first time, only making it a few inches before I pulled her back. But, moments later, she insisted a second time, this time moving very quickly away from me. She turned around to face me, leaning her weight on her right arm as her cool-colored hair fell off to the side in a disheveled nest that indicated her clawing through it in ecstasy. Her cheeks blushed and she smiled to me, slowly crawling her way over. I leaned back on my hands and watched the show as her breasts swayed beneath her crawl, her hips cycling, each side taking its turn rolling up and back down. Her shoulder blades pressed out at her skin in a dynamic undulation until she finally reached me, a hand reaching up to trace over my collarbone. Her fingertips extended over my shoulder as she nestled her cheek into my chest, running her other hand through my chest hair. Her lips explored their way up the column of my neck while she massaged my shoulder, almost more for her sake than for mine. All the while, I remained motionless, subjecting myself fully to her will, her lips finally finding mine. I felt like all the tension in my body had just escaped into the contact of our lips. Slow, meticulous and aching, she kissed almost hesitantly. But I knew she was just savoring each feature. The initial contact, as the surfaces of the lips opened to one another, followed by a deepening as lips slipped together, gentle tongues meeting, slowly the kiss would close and we’d both recoil, likely just to begin the cycle again. A shiver took over my system for a moment, the signals of pleasure apparently too much. She backed out of the kiss and looked over my body.

“Did you just shiver?” She nestled up against my body, rephrasing her question. “Did I just make you shiver?” I nodded and smiled at her. Her eyes went wide and she wriggled adorably in erotic victory. “Seriously?” A satisfied smile, just moments from a full laugh, filled her face and she did a sort of victory dance. I don’t know what it was, if it was the jiggle and shake of her curves as she moved, the fact that I was out of my mind aroused already or if her spritely attitude was that endearing to me, but, that moment, as she playfully celebrated her bringing me pleasure, I knew I was falling for her. I hadn’t just tripped, I was quickly careening like an asteroid that suddenly awoke to find its face inches from a planet. It was far too late to do anything about what was going to happen.

The smile curled up into a smirk and she moved the hair out of her face. “I wonder what else I can do to you,” she bit her bottom lip, pushing me onto my back, letting her body linger over me. Her hair draped over my chest as she kissed her way down, down, down, her gentle kisses finding their way to the tip of my cock, already dewy with pre-cum. An exhale burst from me when she lapped up the little bit of cum there, her tongue teasing the very tip masterfully. Her hair was draped so I couldn’t see all of what she was doing, which only made me more sensitive to her every touch, kind of like being blindfolded. Her lips opened on the tip of my head, her velvet kiss working teasing wonders. Her tongue gently circled around, a sucking pressure applying when ever she’d let her lips close on me again. Despite only being at the tip, I could feel the pleasure through my entire penis, causing my legs to tighten, which would break her from the blowjob with a smirk.

Her lips brushed my cock as she lowered over the head. I expected her to recoil, but, she continued, my breathing stifled by the overwhelming pleasure of her mouth. She slipped lower, her tongue brushing the underside. Just when I was sure she was going to take it all in, she went ahead and recoiled, licking along the side before attempting to take it in again. She scooped her hair to the side so her immense green eyes could peer up at me as she slowly took me in, inch by inch. I ran my fingers through her hair and she looked down, the head of my cock at the back of her throat. She pushed a little more and violently recoiled, coughing and gagging a little. Not a great look. I sat up, hands readied to comfort her, though, not entirely sure how. But, she held her hands up and shook her head, regaining her composure.

“I’m good. I’m good,” she repeated. She pushed my chest and I followed her lead, laying back again. She stroked my glistening cock with a roll of her wrist as she moved her hand along the length. I couldn’t resist and my hips thrust into her stroke until I felt her lips at the tip once more. Her lips parted, enveloping my head again. She teased my balls, a light kneading applied. I emitted a satisfied sigh, feeling every muscle in my body give over to her teasing. She continued lowering her mouth over my cock, but more slowly this time, her head bobbing on me, every couple thrusts taking it in deeper. Her bobbing slowed on the upthrust, giving a tight suction to the blowjob when she’d pull up. And then I felt my cock move down her throat. She reached the base and held there a few seconds. Pulling her mouth off of me, she nearly made me cum. She still wanted to play with my balls, but, I stopped her, not ready to be done yet.

I raised an eyebrow at her and she read my intentions perfectly. She reached under the bed and brandished a condom, throwing it at my chest. As I worked the wrapper open and put the condom on, she crawled into her real bed on all fours, wiggling her ass and looking behind her. By the time I stood up, she was on her back, legs spread. Even her chest had a slight blush to it, nearly matching her cheeks.

I crawled to her and she grabbed my dick, maneuvering her hips up and mine down until the head was nestled inside of her. She left the rest to me, her arms resting on my shoulders. She purred, feeling me move inside of her. Her arms pulled me into a kiss, ferocious and relieving. I pushed into her more, feeling her hips accommodate my movement. She was very ready for this, her pussy absolutely soaked! I recoiled once I was at depth, finding a slow rhythm. I tried to savor it and maintain the lower pace, but I’d waited too long for this. I was overwhelmed with arousal and my hips couldn’t hide it. Her legs parted for me more as she arched up, allowing me deeper. Her teeth clung to my lip as she pulled out of the kiss, only to lunge back in for more. Her fingernails raked at my back, our chests close. I could feel her hips stop against the bed, pinned whenever I would push in deeply, her pussy tightening and releasing with each thrust. I leaned my torso back, kneeling on my knees. I held her hips and looked down at her, greedily watching the waves that carried over her body when I would thrust. Her breasts would bounce, her hips squeezed under my grip, the forms of her collarbone tightening the skin when she would stretch her neck in a moan. Her hair was scattered above her head, but for a few delightful strands that fell into her face, little reminders of how all encompassing the pleasure was.

I pulled out, quickly greeted by a small, disapproving groan, but she didn’t complain when I rolled her over, entering from behind. She arched her back and I sighed out when I nestled deep inside of her, the inviting pillow of her ass right against my groin. Chills spurred up my spine as I ran my fingers up hers, spreading my digits through her messy hair. I took a grip, not pulling too hard, but taking control as I hammered into her. With her head arched back like this, she couldn’t cover her mouth with her pillow, so her cries echoes out in the room, accompanied by the rhythmic contact of our skin. The pat of contact coincided with a shake in her voice whenever I hit her deep. She squeezed her thighs together, her pussy tightening as she groped the bedsheets, crying out.

“Harder!” She pleaded, the erotic vibrations of arousal winning out over anything else for us both. I complied, leaning in a little to support the extra effort, her hips pinned to the bed when I’d thrust. She was so wet, even with the condom, I slipped along inside of her without much problem. I even added a little French to my thrusts, rolling my hips in order to feel more of her as I hammered inside of her. She screamed out in approval, her hand reaching back to run through my hair and pull me close as I arched more with grater effort.

I rolled us over on our side, still inside her. I slipped my arm underneath her and groped her rosy breasts while kissing her neck. Moans spilled out in approval, her hips rocking to further accent my thrusts. Breasts in hand, I pulled her back against my chest, wrapping her up on my grasp. And it was then that it all, suddenly became too much. Between holding her in my arms, her small hip movements, thrusting deep inside her and feeling her bare back and slender frame pinned to my chest, my pleasure took a sudden spike! All at once I felt the chills of orgasm as hot cum spilled out of my, filling the condom. She cooed in satisfaction, my hips still thrusting as I rode the apex of the orgasm, my cock pulsating with each burst of ejaculation. She rolled her hips again as my thrusting slowed, the orgasm slowly leveling out again.

I held her in my arms close, unable to stop my hips from moving, slow though they may be now.

“I feel so warm in my core,” she commented quietly, “It’s nice,” she lay there, limp in my arms, while I pulled her in tightly.

“Yeah…” was all I could muster, my eyelids winning a fight for my consciousness. I breathing eased, my muscles untensed now. She turned around and kissed my cheek, patting my cheek. I quickly passed out for a little bit after that, her surprise a well received success.

Even when I woke up a little later, she was curled up in my embrace, breathing slow, deep, her fingers interlaced with my own, collected in a connected fist against her chest.

That was the start to probably the best weekend of sex I had with her and maybe the best weekend of sex I’d ever had. I don’t think I’ll soon forget it!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/aw1tzw/mf_surprisingly_intimate_times_with_a_tinder_date


  1. Just read part 1 and 2 back to back and wow that’s just wow you are such a good writer i felt immersed in the story and my god was it pleasent to read.

    Thank you i really hope you got more stories ?

  2. And there’s the sequel that we were waiting for! Did not disappoint! Fantastic writing dude!

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