Jelly Bellys[MF, bj, niece, spit]

I have a thing for jelly belly jelly beans.

I know they are bad for me and should probably give them up, but they are just so yummy and easy to eat and come in a billion flavors.

Trying to lose weight, these are the one consistent treat I allow myself, so I usually just pass it off as a better alternative to cake or ice cream.

So you’ll understand why there are several bags of them around my house. I eat them like popcorn in front of the TV.

It honestly has nothing to do with my neice.

There are certain flavors I don’t like, and she has her own list, however there is one that no one in their right mind would like and we are no exception: cinnamon!

She was over the other night and we were sitting in seperate recliners, seperated by just a small table with a big bowl of jb’s between us.

It is difficult to tell which one is cinnamon as several are red in color, so when we pick up a red one we first have to taste test it to find out, which can’t be done just by licking it.

Anyway, as we sat there eating an unhealthy amount, when she picked up a red one she would either put it back, ask me to taste it (which I would then just toss into my mouth and take a chance) or she would bite it in half first, finishing ones she liked or putting the half eaten ones on the table by the bowl.

When I noticed this I said that she should either eat them or just stop eating any red ones.

“You eat them!” she replied, so I did just because it wasn’t what she expected I would do…and they were as bad as I remembered.

The next time she came across one however, she simple turned to me and said “open your mouth” and she tossed it at me from where she was, with terrible aim so I now have a half eaten cinnamon jelly belly in my chair.

At this point I think she started to go fishing for them because the pace at which she was throwing things in my mouth got pretty high.

And she was getting good at it, too, hitting more often than not.

This went on for a while, and we both ended up leaning in our chairs towards each other, both hovering a bit over the bowl while still watching TV.

The next handful she picked up had a few red ones and I guess she decided (or forgot) and just started tossing them in her mouth one at a time, finally hitting a cinamon.

“Gross!” she managed to muddle while holding it between her teeth. “Here” she said turning towards me, her hand full of ‘safe’ candy, the red poisen one between her teeth.

Without thinking about it in anyway, I just turned slightly and opened my mouth, which she took as an invitation to “spit” it over to me.

I say “spit”, but there was little moisture involved, just jelly belly pushed out of her mouth with some force into mine.

The act itself was very unexpected, and there was no intention behind it at all, over than to get rid of a bad flavor, but the act did have consiquences.

First, my eyes suddenly turned towards her, specifically directly at her still partially open mouth.

Second, my breathing changed noticably.

Third, her mouth slowly curled into a grin.

But we both quickly went back to “watching” TV, and both started wondering what might happen when she came across the next one.

Which she did in pretty short order, no doubt on purpose by the way she was routing through the bowl.

After putting a new projectile into her mouth, she said “Here” again and I turned toward her with my mouth already open. This time I turned completely, no looking away, and offered her a wide target.

This time she did spit, though not too much. The candy didn’t come from between her teeth, but instead she put it on her tongue first, then sent it towards mine.

Her aim was pretty good, getting the candy and most of the wetness into my mouth, which I tasted and swallowed.

And this time we didn’t turn away so quickly. I looked again at her soft mouth, her lips still a little shiny from the process and then to her hand to see what she might have for me next.

Sadly it was empty so as she dug around the bowl again I went back to the TV.

“Which one is your favorite” she questioned. Until now all I’ve gotten were mostly the rejects she didn’t like, but now she was looking for something I might enjoy the next time my neice spat into her (suddenly) horny uncles mouth.

I honestly like all of them (except the cinnamon!) so I told her so, still turned away.

I can see she had grabbed a large handful this time, then said: “hey…here…look at me”, which meant turn my face towards her again.

Which I did, hesitantly, but I turned my body mostly square to her, or at least as much as I could still in the chair.

At first she she tossed one at a time into her mouth, then looking at me, spit each one into my waiting mouth.

Then she tried two at a time (which didn’t work because of physics), but then she thought herself rather clever: By now she had only about 5 left in her hand, which she then tossed into her mouth. Instead of trying to shoot multiples, she stored 4 of them in her cheak, lined just one up for a shot, then spit them out at me, one after another.

By doing so, each candy was wetter than the last, her spit now almost a drool as she spit into her the eager mouth of her uncle.

And with each shot, her spit landed wider and wider, hitting my face as often as not.

Her smile increased, as did mine. I wiped the spit away as she reloaded but as she was doing so said:

“Here…no, come here. Sit in front of me, here on the floor.”

Sliding off my own chair I sat in front of hers, and we both adjusted and decided what position would be best. I ended up sitting on my heels, with my hands moving between my own knees, the arms on her chair, and at some points, my hands on her knees.

Again she reloaded her mouth, this time a handful.

One after another she spit in my face. No longer a playful game of toss and catch, she was using the jelly beans as an excuse to spit in my mouth. I eagerly awaited as each time she would roll the candy around her tongue, letting is soak up as much of her moisture as it could, then spit into my open mouth.

I imagine she looked somewhat like a bird feeding its young. As my hands moved around for balance and to give her better aim, hers too wondered my shoulder, arms and face.

I don’t recall when she stopped even putting candy into her mouth, but noticed that the last few attempts had none. She would spit in my mouth and with her hands, smear it around my checks, pushing it, along with her long thin fingers, into my mouth.

Eagerly I sucked and nibbled on her fingers as with each effort, our faces got closer and closer, finally she started drooling into my mouth.

Her small pink tongue would roll around her mouth, gather up its payload, and holding my face still with her hands, her pursed lips would part slightly and allow a long stream of moisture to escape and find its way onto my cupped tongue.

I swallowed as it slid into my throat but tried to capture as much as I could and hold it in my mouth as she let it drip from hers.

The desire to stretch up and taste her lips and to gather at the source was strong, and though i made numerous offers to rise up and meet her, she pulled away from each time.

Looking at me beneath her, my hands now on her knees, hers on top of mine, she stopped offering me any more. Instead, she reached over for more candy and one by one, fed them too me with her fingers, letting me taste those as well, letting her finger tips linger on my lips.

She pondered her next move. I waited as a baby bird might wait for it’s next meal.

As she fed me, she kept her mouth closed tight around a few of the candies, building up her arsenal.

Swallowing the last of the treats she gave me, her hand finds my chin and she opens my mouth. She angles me in such a way that I can hold quite a lot of fluid, and she starts to pour what is in her mouth, into mine.

I hold as much as I can, but often swallow out of habit and to stop from choking, but retain much of what she has offered. As she finishes passing it to me, she chews and swallows the pieces that helped her build up such a large supply.

“Don’t swallow” she says, “hold it.”

She lets me go and I adjust myself to contain all that I have. She sits up on the edge of the reclyner.

“Stand up”. I hesitate but she motions for me to obey.

“Don’t spill a drop”. I don’t. “Don’t swallow it either”. I don’t.

She reaches for my belt and I almost do, but give into the lust I have for this girl. My wifes neice, now nearly 22. My mouth filled with her warm spit.

“I’ve always wanted to see yours for some reason”, by far the least likely thing I would have expected her to say.

She wastes no time and springs me free quickly.

I am by no means a “porn star sized” dick owner, but I have no hangups about my size. She seems impressed, but I also attribute that to her (hopefully?) lack of experience.

“That’s about what I imagined”, she says basically petting my dick to attention, sliding those long fingers down each side, from base to tip.

She cups her hand under my cock and holds it out straigh….”drool…just a little…” she says and at first I don’t quite understand. I realize what she means when she flashes me a “are you stupid?” look.

Tipping forward and let dribble out a bit of her spit from my mouth, just like she had done into mine. I missed a bit but enough lands on her hand for now.

She takes the mixture of our spit and slathers my cock with it. It is not quite enough so she spits at me and is saticfide so she begins her slippery assualt on my cock.

“More” she says as she works it around my cock. I comply and notice when I look down at her I get a bit of cleavage. Full round breasts of a 22 year old.

“Does this feel good? Something you’ve probably imagined before, no? I’d be dissapointed if you said no”.

I nod like an idiot.

“Dirty old man. Thinking about his neice like that. More. I’ll admit I’ve thought about you too, but not like this. I didn’t know you’d be into this sort of thing.

Tell me you love it.”

“Yes. I do. I love it”, I say careful not to spill whats left.

Apparently she forgot or didn’t realize I still had some left, so she laughed at my attempt.

“Her, just give me the rest…” and I drool that last remaining spit mixture onto her waiting hands both now working my cock.

“Do you think about me a lot?”

This is a dangerous question, especially while she is literally holding my dick in her hands.

“Yes.” It’s true.

“Doing this?”


“Do I let you cum every time?”

It has never accord to me that someone would do this and deny me.

“Yes…” I say almost as if there would be no other answer.

“What if I stopped?”

“I think I would die…” is all I can think of to say.

She changes her rythm, using her left hand to push against my body while wrapped around the base, her right still slippery wet starts stroking me fast.

“Will you cum for me, uncle?” She asks in a pouty little voice.

“Yes….? I’m going to”…I cut myself short afraid to even say the words.

“Say please.”


“Say it again, and mean it.”

“Please? Please…I will. I will, please?”

“You will? You will do anything? Is that what you want to say?”

“Please, yes please I will do anything.”

“Then cum dirty little perv! Cum and promise me anything I want!”

I unload on her, “at” her is more appropriate. Her face is ground 0 as cum shoots out of my cock. She doesn’t back down and I watch as shot after shot hits my neice in the face, hair, and down her chin.

She slows the action of her hand, changing from a stroke to a little milking, squeezing at the bottom and pushing out the cum as it exits my body. Over again and over. She pulls the last drops of cum from me.

Looking up, I see I’ve covered her face, but she smiles, then burries my cock down her throat. It is too much and I buckle in half over her body as a new stream of cum shots out, deep down her throat.

I have never had such a sensation, and never have I emptied so much, but she takes it and I’m lost to her.

I don’t recall how it ends. I am lost in the sensation of what has happened but find myself once again on my knees in front of her, my head in her lap as I recover.

“Clean it up.”

I hear her voice but don’t understand.

“Clean it up. You promised me anything and look what you’ve done. Now clean it up.”

I finally understand, and am still in somewhat of a daze, I do. At first I use my hands in her hair, and clothes but she stops me, grabs my hands and puts them in her lap and gestures for me to continue.

“You said anything.”

I did. I lean into her, turn my head and start at her neck, licking, nibbling, and cleaning my cum off of her. She giggles at the sensation and I linger longer in those spots than others.

Eventually she relents as this isn’t the most effective way to solve this problem, but I do manage to kiss her, finally, on those soft pink lips. She is warm, and tastes a little like candy.



  1. Love it, so unexpected at first. Hope some more about this little naughty lady

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