Chapter 1. Taking Casey.

It was my first day as a freshman at a community college. When I met Jane. She was a stunningly gorgeous girl with the most beautiful auburn hair and blue eyes I have ever seen.

We were complete polar opposites. She was outgoing and would talk to anyone, including strangers. I was the shy, reserved type, thanks to growing up in a home with a domineering father who could be heard repeatedly saying “Children are meant to be seen, not heard”.

I spent the next 6 months trying to get Jane’s attention and when I did, shutting down in fear, it might work and I would lose my virginity.

After about 18 months of this, I did lose my virginity to Jane. She fell pregnant and we married right out of college.

Fast forward. I’m now 42yo. My parents perished in a car accident about 6 years ago. They went on a date night, dad got drunk, driving home, he ran off the road, killing both of them instantly.

Jane and I only had 1 child, James. 2 years ago James was went to house party, took some party drug and died from an overdose.

Both myself and my marriage was falling apart. I was now living on the 100 acre ranch in the woods. I had bought myself as a retreat, from a successful career in the finance industry. I came into town to collect some things from the family home. I walked in to hear muffled screams coming from the bedroom. I flung open the door to find a man forcing himself onto Jane.

I ripped him off of her and started to kick the living shit out of him. He kept saying “Wait, it’s not -“ KICK!! “It’s not what it looks like” he pleaded. I kick him again and demanded to know what it was then. It turns out Jane had a rape fantasy she was playing out.
We finalised the divorce. She kept the home in the city, I kept the property in the woods.

I’d left my job in the city and was doing some freelance financial planning work in a small community not far from home. I was at a franchise burger joint balancing the books as part of my freelancing. When Jane called. We got into our typical ex hating arguments over the phone. I finished up the ledger I was doing, frustrated and angry, I left the burger joint.

Outside, about to get into my car, there she was. 5’6” fair complexion, skinny but not anorexic, blonde with small perky tits. My neighbours, 19 year old daughter, Casey. She was a “my shit don’t stick, prissy little rich girl, very popular in high school. The kind of girl who had everything handed to her and expected it.

I call out, “Hi Casey” she shoots a smile.
I approach her and continue, “I’m heading home. Would you like me to give you a lift?”
“Um… ok, sure” she replied.
We hop into my car and begin the 30 minute drive out of town.

The trip was mostly silent, As we approach my property, I peeked up and said, “I was talking to your father just the other day. He lent me something. As I’m going to your place anyway I might just stop in at mine and grab it, if that’s ok?”
Turning into my drive as I said this, I turned up the volume on the car radio, saying almost to myself, “Oh, I like this song” not actually giving her a chance to reply.
“Uh, what is it?” She asked apprehensively. But, I ignore it pretending I didn’t hear her.

We approach the house. I drive directly into the garage. “There it is” I claim.
I walk to her side of the car, while pressing the automatic roller door. I open the passenger door and produced a hunting knife straight to her throat. Fear a crossed her eyes in an instant. Her body tensed.

“So, you like rape fantasy’s do you? HUH !!!” I demanded.
“Wh, wh, what?” She pleaded.

Pulling the knife away from her throat slightly, I punch her across her cheek.
“Shut the fuck up, you disgusting cunt or I’ll slit your fucking throat” I snapped.

Grabbing a hand full of hair, I pull her from the car. She shrieked from the pain. I threw her to the ground and said,
“I told you to fucking keep quiet!!”

By this time my mind is racing. I turn to find a loop of rope. I turn back and Casey is on her feet racing toward the door. “FUCK” I exclaim. I rush up behind her slamming her into the roller door. Swing her around and land a punch to her jaw. Then another.

Fuck, I didn’t have a plan at all. What am I going to do, what am I doing? I can’t let her go now.

I throw her to the ground, and put a knee into her back. I’ve seen a lot of “Cops” and I’m copying them at the moment. She’s complying but crying by this stage. I tie her hands and feet together, as she continues to sob.

I pick her up and carry her down to the basement. Tie her to one of the pillars. I’m looking down at her on the floor. When she says “When my father finds out about this he is going to kill you.”
That’s when it dawned on me what I had done. Shit! I had never done anything like this before.
She continues sobbing “I hate you. He’s going to kill you”

I race back up to the garage get some duct tape. I can hear her starting to scream for help. I race back down and tape her mouth. I check the ties, look at her once again. Fuck, I need a minute. I go upstairs and for the first time since it started I noticed my heart pumping through my chest. I need to stop and think for a minute. Then I notice my cock is harder than a rock. I’m extremely excited. I went up stairs. Got into the shower. When the warm water hit my painfully hard cock, I nearly came. I had a half hour shower and jerked off twice. I came out and collapsed on my bed with exhaustion.

I was only asleep about an hour when I woke up. Then it hit me. She’s in the basement. Fuck, I better check on her. She was still there, asleep. Relieved. I went and got a bottle of water out of the fridge and brought it too her. Splashing some water on her face she startled awake. I peel the tape off her mouth and she begins to beg to let her go. I put some new tape on. She is violently thrashing against her restraints. I got a pair of scissors and cut her clothes from her. I picked her up and pushed her against a bench. Bending her over, I repeat, “So, you like rape fantasy’s do you?”
She begins trying to scream through the tape. I cut the rope connecting her ankle ties and her wrist ties. I bend her over the bench and my cock is enlarged one again. I shake off my pants, my enlarged cock springs out. I line it up to her anus. And stop. The only person I have ever had sex with was Jane. But even I know this would be easier with lube.

I grabbed another piece of rope and tied her hands and feet again, on opposite sides of the bench so she couldn’t move from this position. I went upstairs and found some KY Jelly. I heard before it could substitute as lube.

I went back down stairs and she hasn’t moved. I have never tried KY before and wasn’t familiar with how it works. I scooped a fair amount and painted her anus with it, doing this I felt a sense of hatred wash across me. I smeared my throbbing cock. Lined it up once again and slowly pushed it in. She began screaming from under the tape. Her anus was withering in pain. I grabbed a handful of hair and said “Scream as much as you want, no one can hear you.”

With that I withdrew to just before the tip and slammed it back in, this time with deliberate force. I was about to cum with excitement. I started pounding her asshole hard and fast unleashing wave after wave of cum into her no longer virgin ass.

I’m going to leave chapter one there. Now that I have young Casey is tied up in my basement.

(Requesting the readers assistance)
If you have any suggestions of what I should do to her next. Where to take the story from here.

Any constructive criticism of any of the above or anything that would help the story, would be greatly appreciated.
