[Fm] [m-mast] [voy] The swimming pool

*This is dedicated to a beautiful lady whose post on Gonewild inspired the story*

Most encounters happen, and leave no visible mark. People appear, and then vanish from our lives, as quick in their exit as they were in their entrance. But some encounters matter. Some encounters shape us. They teach us something about ourselves, or the world, or both.

Luke was about to have just that kind of encounter. In the most unexpected of places: the swimming pool at his apartment complex. It was a warm summer afternoon, most people were at work, and the pool was as refreshing as it was quiet. He walked through the little gate, a towel in one hand, the keys in the other. He was hoping he’d be able to have the pool to himself, as it had been for the last week. But today was not meant to be. Somebody else was there. A couple. She was in the water. He was jumping out, talking to her, and then making his way towards him.

“Hi”, the main said, walking out the same gate Luke had just crossed.
“Hi” responded Luke, lost in thought, eager to jump in the water and escape the scorching heat of the sun on his skin.

As he made his way to the water, the woman glanced at him from the other side of the pool, and waved hello. It is at that point that he noticed, despite the distance between them. She was wearing a see-thru bikini top. He gasped. Skipped a breath. And despite trying his best to keep his composure, managed to awkwardly jump into the water and clumsily wave hello, as if he had forgotten the ability to control his limbs. Luke was at that age where hormones own a man. He knew much of the theory, and little of the practice. But he certainly knew enough to realize how much he wanted that woman. He had never seen her before. He could certainly not approach her. He had no idea how. And if his parents ever heard about him trying to seduce her, he’d be in trouble. Trouble and awkwardness. He wasn’t even sure which one he feared the most, but he knew he wanted neither.

He tried to swim in her general direction, once, twice, doing his best to pretend plausible deniability, doing his best to catch a glimpse of her. She was perfect in every way. She had wide luscious hips, long dark hair, lips and a smile that seemed to promise eternal delight to any man lucky enough to savor them. But above all, her breasts, naked under the thin transparent fabric of her bra. They looked heavy, they looked like his hands would barely be able to contain them. Heavy. Full. Maternal. Round. Sexy. Her nipples hard, probably from the cold of the water, perfect little pleasure buttons. And, oh, how he yearned to press those buttons. How he wanted to touch her. Feel her soft skin under his fingers. Watch her squirm with delight as he fucked her.

The tension building in his loins was ever so powerful. With every glimpse, he felt more blood rush to his now hard cock. He felt it push against the fabric of his swimming trunks. He was sure she could see it too. She could. And she knew. She was a beautiful woman. Used to the lust of men. And his was as intense as it was clumsy. If he hoped to hide it, he had failed. She knew that he wanted her. And she was going to do nothing about it. She wasn’t going to encourage him, of course. That would be foolish, dangerous, stupid, reckless, crazy. But why stop him? Why scold him? Why deny him the torture of desire? She had discovered her own sexuality at a young age, and she saw no harm in just existing there. He wanted to fuck her? So what? Let him dream.

He could feel himself throbbing. Not even the cold water enough to counter his indecent desires. He was hard. His cock hot as a rod from the blood flowing to it. His eyes glued to the curves of the mysterious woman he fantasized of fucking. He knew the motions. The Internet had thought him what sex looked like. And the Internet had thought him all he knew about seduction as well.

His inhibitions were strong. His fear of his parents enormous. But biology demands its dues. Nature wants what nature wants. He had studied the behavior of drones and queens. He thought it crazy of the drone to willingly die for a few seconds of sex. And yet, now he understood. He understood how he was but a slave to his lust. The woman in front of him, he could have reached her in a few strokes of his arms. She was the queen that he would have done anything for.

He was on the side of the pool opposite her. Their eyes crossed. She smiled. Was she being too much of a tease? Maybe, she scolded herself. She was enjoying the attention. Giving the young man in front of her just enough to continue squirming. And yet denying him what he could never have.

And then it happened. He looked at her once more, and she noticed it. His hand. Sliding down his trunks. His eyes fixated on her body. And the water gently moving around him. Slow splashing sounds. It was her turn to skip a breath. He was pleasuring himself. The motion of his arm, the water rocking around him, his own expression, his mouth barely open, his cheeks flushed red, it was all undeniable. He was fucking himself in front of her.

It was hot. Forbidden. Taboo. He was probably 20 years her junior. And yet now she was captivated. As the pace of his motion increased, so did her curiosity. Who was this kid brave enough to go through with it? She thought he’d glance a couple times more and then retreat, in defeat and frustration, still not a man, but with the wishes of one. And yet there they were. He was staring at her body, savoring her curves with his imagination, stroking his young and probably virgin cock to the most perverted fantasies his young mind could conceive. And she was drawn to it. It didn’t disgust her. Quite the opposite. She admired the crazy reckless courage. She felt wanted. Despite the risk, despite his inexperience, despite common sense, despite it all, there he was, furiously touching himself, getting closer and closer, until it finally happened. She could tell. He rocked his head back, his eyes closed, his hand rocking back and forth like a jackhammer. And finally a sigh of relief and peace. He had cum. His seed floating in the water. White. Thick. His gift to her. She wished she could have tasted it. But it couldn’t happen. She waved at him goodbye, as if nothing had just happened between them, and walked off the pool. She was headed to her shower. “The shower head will be busy tonight” she thought to herself with a smirk.

*I don’t know yet if there will be a second part to this story, and would definitely love feedback*

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/avl52g/fm_mmast_voy_the_swimming_pool