We’d met once… [Group]

Sorry guys it’s my first post and it’s going to be a bit of a long one. I really wanted to do it justice, besides writing it out with decent detail is gonna have me touching myself by the end.

So we’d met once, everyone got on well enough. There were some good laughs not too much awkwardness. Conversation wasn’t difficult. What more can you ask from a first date. Especially when it’s four people not just two.

I know on first sight my Mister (let’s call him T) is gonna die hoping he’ll get to undress her (let’s call her L). You can tell she’s got those tiny lil tits that are just so perky and perfect and gosh he loves that. There is no doubt he’s sold within the first twenty minutes. I’m not displeased with my prospect either(How’s J sound?). Definitely more handsome in person than the two photos I’d seen which is far better than having it the other way around. Things went well some board games, a few drinks, everyone agreed there would be a next time and it would be play time.

Cue the butterflies.

It felt like forever trying to arrange a time. I needed an overnight babysitter after all. Waiting just let those nerves build and build. Nerves, I always feel em. I love to please, I want to be memorable. How to transition from normal conversation to the down and dirty is always a lil nerve wracking too don’t get me wrong but damn it drives me nuts hoping I’ll be pleasing. The submissive in me coming out. I never stress about my own pleasure in a foursome but about everyone else’s. Mister teases me it’s partially cause I’m too damned easy to please.

Finally the day arrives! I am antsy. All day long my coworkers asking me what’s up as I dance through the day nerves and excitement warring in my gut. A game of cards against humanity and a drink or two have everyone relaxing a bit. Then it’s awkward how do we transition time! Which was fantastically short lived when L and J suggested a fun lil app he had, an icebreaker game for this sort of thing. Kiss the person to your left, take off your shirt, do a sexy little dance. Definitely worked to get things heated up. I remember having to feel him up (over the clothes) his cock already being a bit stiff an internal flush of pleasure to discover that there was some extra girth to be had. Watching her pale blonde self blush once or twice was definitely a pleasure too. Being teased myself for turning three shades of red once or twice, the thought puts smiles on my face to recall. L excused herself to use the washroom, after a minute T headed to the kitchen for a drink. Purposefully leaving me and J alone. Waiting for her in the hall they hear us giggling in the living room and make their way to the bedroom knowing we’ll follow at some point. Which of course we do after some kissing, fondling, shedding a few items of clothing… Heading to the bedroom there is the lovely sight of her laid out on the bed, T kneeling on the floor head buried between her legs. Fucking fantastic. J doesn’t waste a whole lot of time directing me into position at the foot of the bed to fuck me from behind. I can’t decide what’s best, the view of the other two, the fact that J has been, with a perfect degree of firmness been bossing be around a bit; oh no wait I know!The second he slid his cock in me I knew that was the best. Something about that feeling of a new cock is so fucking beautiful. Especially when it’s a beautiful cock to boot! Damn he fucked me hard and it wasn’t long before he figured out a trick. Fuck me hard, push me right to the edge of orgasm and pull out. I’ll squirt everywhere. After a couple times I had to get up and get a towel for under his feet before he slipped in the very literal puddle I’d made. He flipped me onto my back and repeated the trick really pushing it this time taking his time making me desperte for that orgasm. Pulled out and stepped to the side, I squirted all over the big mirror we’ve got positioned for a great view of the bed. I didn’t realize it in the moment. I was too far gone, a little dizzy from pleasure. The next day though… seeing the dripping mess he’d had me make… I couldn’t help but touch myself and orgasm to the thought of how much fun I’d had that night.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/avkbst/wed_met_once_group


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