Part #5 – I [M] fucked my uptight roommate [F]

So I’ve been posting the story one part a day in order to avoid spamming the subreddit. But then it occurred to me that I could avoid that if I just posted the rest of it in the comments section.

So while I get tested for mental retardation, you can enjoy Part #5 [here,]( along with the rest of the whole affair. I’ll be deleting this post after 24 hours after everyone’s gotten a chance to see it. Enjoy!



  1. Maybe you could post them on your profile too? So it would be easy to find them in the future :D

  2. **Part #1873 – I [M] fucked my uptight roommate [F]** – Please pay 3.99$ in order to unlock this part.

  3. As a first time reader of this story, I think you should keep posting them. It’s good and no one else has posted it so you might as well milk the karma.

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