Just Another Friday Night – Part 2 [FM]

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/audc7n/just_another_friday_night_part_1_fm/)

The slight condom scare put me off any more drinking, and my mind was adjusting to the new clarity I’d found in my freshly sober state. I stood at the door of the bar, hearing the music thump, wondering if I should go back in, or cut my losses and go home to my guaranteed not to be disappointing toys, when someone sauntered up beside me. Donkey Dick, fresh off his phone call, had made a reappearance. He barely got out a greeting when I pulled him in for a kiss, pouring all of my sexual frustration in to the connection. When I pulled back, I was all too self aware. The minute man had left my hair a mess, he’d destroyed my makeup, and my dress was wrinkled. There was no way Donkey Dick didn’t know what had happened. But he’d been drinking too, and I still had a hint of my chemically induced confidence. I told him that, if he had a room, I would do whatever he wanted there, as long as he didn’t pop off early. He nodded, only barely registering surprise at my bluntness, and gestured for me to follow him.

His room was at the end of the hall on the first floor. He walked in front of me with none of the twitchy nervousness of the first guy. Complete confidence. It was very sexy. He unlocked the door and held it open for me. When I heard the door click shut, I turned around, expecting to be immediately attacked, but he calmly gestured to the bed and told me to sit. I did, and he crossed to the window, cracking it slightly, letting the cold air rush in and leaving the heavy curtains open, with the only thing between us and the outside world being those thin, privacy curtains all cheap hotels seem to have. He then went over to the bathroom and turned the light on, leaving the door open. It and the lights from the parking lot outside were the only light in the room as he sat behind me on the bed. I was shivering with anticipation as he brushed my hair out of the way, kissing the back of my neck as he unzipped my dress and gently removing it from my shoulders and sighing as my breasts came into view. He gently ran his fingers over them, the very picture of absolute patience. My dress dropped down around my waist, pooling in my lap as he gently traced his fingers over my flat stomach, then back up to the bottom of my tits, then back down, building the anticipation. In the cold air, my nipples were rock hard, and he seemed to enjoy giving them a quick tweak before telling me to stand up. I did, and he grabbed me by the arm, leading me over to the bathroom area, my dress dropping the rest of the way to the floor along the way, leaving me wearing nothing but my heels and a black thong. Practically naked. He placed me in front of the mirror and stood behind me, wrapping his arms around me and tracing his fingers over the hem of my panties before dipping them under, gently buzzing over my bare pussy with his cold fingers. I jumped in reaction, but he tightened his grip on me, warming his fingers between my lips, moving them back and forth over my soaking wetness. Not even naked yet, and he had already rendered me a whimpering mess. Finally, he bent me forward, leaving me staring at him in the bathroom mirror. I could hear him undoing his pants, positioned precisely so I couldn’t see what I had been rubbing against earlier. I could see his arm moving, preparing himself for what was about to come. He produced a condom from some mystery location, unwrapping it and putting it in place, dropping the gold and black Magnum wrapper on the bathroom counter. He pulled my panties down carefully, peeling them from my wetness, before going back to preparing his manhood with one hand. With his other hand, he undid my hair, letting it fall over my face. Roughly, he grabbed a handful and pulled back, revealing my face in the mirror before he pushed forward with his weapon.

He was BIG, both in length and girth. Even having felt him through his pants, it felt bigger pushing inside me, and I got the unique experience of watching my face as he steadily pushed forward, something I had never experienced before. He seemed to get off on it. As my face contorted, I could feel him hardening even more inside me. When he bottomed out, leaving me feeling thoroughly filled, he stopped. He didn’t pump, he didn’t twitch, he wasn’t breathing irregularly, like he was trying to keep from popping. He just stood there, hands on my hips and stared in the mirror. I tried to look back to ask if everything was alright, but he tightened his grip on my hair. It was almost like he was trying to impress the image into his memory. From his pants, I could hear his phone buzz, but unlike earlier, it didn’t seem to hold any urgency from him. Slowly, his right hand moved across my ass, gently caressing the cheek, before experimentally pressing a finger against my asshole. When I proved too tight for his digit, he paused before smacking my ass hard. I cried out, and he took the opportunity to pull back and ram back into me, full force, setting off fireworks of pleasure in my brain, separating me from the reality in which two men had been incapable of keeping up with me. He started steadily fucking me with machine like regularity, never making a sound. His tool drowned out any lingering drunken feelings that I still had. With every pound, and every withdrawal, I was forced to watch in the mirror through a haze of pleasure, giving the entire situation a bizarre pornographic feel that was interesting and not altogether unpleasant.It also prepared me when, from behind me, he let go from my hair and, leaning forward, wrapped an arm around my throat, lifting me up from my doubled over position.

I panicked momentarily, yanked from my sexual bliss, not much caring for being choked, but he didn’t squeeze. He just used his arm to keep me in place. With his free hand, he roughly grabbed my tit, squeezing it and pinching my nipple between his fingers, sending sparks back to my brain and sending my mind back to a pleasurable place as he continued to pump into me from behind with his mechanical regularity. The new angle, given his size, brought on a new level of pleasure, and I glazed over again, losing myself in the rhythmic pumping while watching myself in the mirror. Slowly but surely, I could see his face going red, and I could feel the barely perceptible irregularities in his pumping begin, the twitching, the telltale signs of an impending orgasm. As much as I could, I tried pushing back against him, giving him a little extra, which caused him to, for the first time since we’d started, close his eyes. Only moments later, he released his hold on my throat, moving both hands back to my hips, pulling me against him as I bent forward to the counter, fully in control of the movement of my upper body for the first time since we started. With uncharacteristic lack of control, he exploded inside me, pouring himself out inside me in what felt like buckets. The unbelievable warmth, even through the condom, from his huge load pouring out was beyond bliss. It was amazing, causing me to start trembling uncontrollably with pure joy. For that moment, I wished he had been fucking me bareback, so I could savor that feeling for longer. I wanted him to coat me, to soak my insides in his seed. As it was, it was easy to imagine the rubber inside me quickly filling to capacity and beyond. The longer he went (and he went on for some time), the more I could feel him shaking, breathing hard, ragged hissing breaths, but making no other sound. When he was finally spent, he pulled out in one fluid motion. He stared at me in the mirror for a moment, and I stared back, not sure whether I was supposed to move or not. I suddenly became very aware of the cold air pouring through the window, contrasting sharply with the heat I was radiating. It felt surprisingly refreshing for an open window in late February. With a final sigh, he turned around and walked into the separate toilet/shower area of the bathroom nook. I stood up, feeling odd about being back in control of my movements, and watched, with my panties still around my ankles, to see if he was going to come back for another round. After a few minutes, I set about dressing myself, though it was slow, awkward going with the phantom sensation of his huge cock inside me.

I had gotten my panties and dress on, fixed my hair and was in the process of fixing my makeup when he finally emerged from the bathroom, fully dressed and looking for all the world like nothing had just happened. He smiled and was perfectly charming, but a bit distant. It was perfectly clear that he had not been terribly keen on seeing me afterward. Not one to overstay my welcome (I’ve had my share of one-offs that couldn’t take a hint, I’ve sworn to never be one myself), I finished what I was doing quickly, and offered a short, polite goodbye. He returned the courtesy, and off I went back home, my first Friday night back in the game finally finished.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/audcd2/just_another_friday_night_part_2_fm


  1. I really enjoyed reading all of your stories just now, keep posting more please I would love to read more, and love your style of writing. ?

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