Thanks to the stranger who bought me [F] a dance

So I went with two friends to a local strip club. A strip club famous for offering lots of services. A girlfriend – let’s call her Michelle – basically teased a mutual friend (Dan) into going, and then realized she was nervous about actually going herself, so I was recruited for moral support, because they know enough about me to know I’m hard to scare.

Michelle and Dan aren’t dating, but they should be. They’re very handsy with each other, but they date other people.

We went straight from work, so I was wearing boring clothes – dark jeans, tank top, button-down, flats. But we were going for them, so…

After an Uber there, Michelle payed our way in – and we almost walked directly into a naked woman, who was very excited to see to women coming in. We sat down and watched, as Michelle and Dan teased each other into tipping. I mostly just watched – I’m certainly OK with women, so my interest wasn’t just clinical…

And a man was watching me watch the women. He was dressed like a used car salesman. It was… kind of silly, really. Who wears a red sportcoat? But he tipped a lot, based on how the dancers treated him. And he was watching me intently, even while tipping the naked women.

I got a tap on my shoulder, and a dancer said “You’ve got a free dance, honey, if you’re interested.” She pointed at the man.

“Is he going to watch?”


“Then sure.”

I’m not sure my friends even noticed I was gone.

We went… not where I expected. It was honestly more like a bed than a chair, in a private room. There was this weird money intake thing, like a vending machine, and she fed 20s into it. I sat down and she got entirely naked, very fast. She was tall – much taller than me – and fairly slender, with shoulder-length blonde hair and large, upturned breasts. She was not completely shaved, which I was surprised by, but had a very light blonde bush and a little daisy tattoo partially under the bush, just on one side of her pubis. She must have noticed my staring.

“I got that on my 21st birthday. I’ll get more.”

I smiled, kind of.

“Look, I’m going to be honest. He gave me a good tip. We don’t have to do anything, we can just sit here, but I’m more into girls than guys, so I’m also happy to dance, if you want.”

I think I just nodded. Maybe I wasn’t quite as fearless as I thought.

“Have you kissed a girl before?”

I nodded. Definitely not as fearless as I thought.

“Do you want to kiss another one?”

She was good. I realized that I was rudely staring at her tattoo. At her pussy. I kind of thought she meant her pussy, but when I looked up, she leaned in and kissed me. No tongue, but I’m pretty sure she was serious about liking girls.

She was unbuttoning my shirt. She was sliding my tank top up. Her hands were on my breasts. It felt like that happened almost instantly. She bit my nipple. My left nipple. It still kind of tingles. I moaned. She pulled back and smiled.

“Oh, you’d be fun to throw around. You know, if you were wearing a skirt…”

She pressed her leg between mine. On my pussy.

“Then what?” Hey! My voice worked.

She pushed against my shoulders, laying me back against the back of the couch/bed thing. I tried not to think about how often the couch was cleaned.

She put her mouth over my jeans – over my pussy – and breathed, warmly. I definitely felt it. She smiled.

“You smell great.” She hooked her fingers inside my jeans. “I bet you taste great. Wear a skirt next time.”

I nodded. She stood up and pointed to her tattoo.

I leaned in and kissed her on her tattoo. And then on her pussy. What can I say. I’m into giving oral.

I ran my tongue between her labia and her thigh. I gently kissed her above her clitoris.

“Hmm. He would pay a lot extra to watch this.”

“This is for me,” I said. I stood up. I grabbed her ass . I kissed her and turned us around. I sat her down. I knelt between her legs. “Are there cameras?”

“Yes, but they don’t care about girls.”

“I do.”

I kissed her again. A lot. She definitely didn’t fake the orgasm when it came. By the time she came, my tops were off entirely and I learned she was rough with nipples, not that I was complaining. She told me to leave the tanktop off as we left. I did – my button down was open low enough to be obscene. We walked out hand in hand, and I grabbed my friends and we left.

If I were making this up, I would say we exchanged contact info. We didn’t. The guy who bought the dance wasn’t even there. We just left, and my friends made fun of me but I didn’t care one tiny little bit.

That was about an hour ago.

Maybe I will go back. If I do, skirt.



  1. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. Girls have WAY more fun at strip clubs than guys.

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