New Couple In the Neighborhood by EvB

His older sister dropped her dress; she was naked under it. Flopping onto the bed, she spread her arms and legs. “Who’s first? Twenty bucks a hole.”

Five of his friends crowding the two-person dorm room gaped, then dug into their pockets. There was enough cash in the room for four of them to fuck her once, one hole of choice. Zippers fell, cocks rose.

Jim watched his friends one after the other. Three chose her cunt, only one her mouth. All got hard again almost immediately after coming.

“Come on.” He grabbed the fifth friend by his swollen cock. “Can’t leave you hanging.” He’d been jacking off but she guided him into her. He bucked three times and fell limp on her. She laughed. “Pay me later.”

“Should be half price.” Jim’s joke referred to how fast the fifth guy had gotten off, but it drew his sister’s attention to him.

She smiled. “How about you, little brother?”

At once he was rock hard. “You’re my sister.”

“So you can go for free.”

He started trembling. “Seriously?” He suspected she was tricking him so she could pull some humiliating joke. It had happened many times as they’d grown up in the cold house back in Michigan.

She reached out and stroked his cock through his jeans. In a low voice, in a serious tone, she said, “Please.”

His friends clapped him on the back and shoulders, encouraging him. They all still had their cocks out and in hand. This was a show they wanted, a guy fucking his sister. “You’re 18, she’s older, it’s legal.” This from Chu, the law student.

Jim felt dazed, in a trance, but he took off his pants and knelt between her legs. She fondled herself, fingered herself, and moaned. “Please.” Breathless now.

He leaned down and lay on her and was inside her hot, slick hole before he started seeking it. Her legs came up to clasp around his hips. Her arms embraced him, fingernails tracing along his back and sides, making his skin tingle. She kissed him, full on the mouth, her tongue active.

He tasted semen and mint and did not gag. His cock felt too good, sliding into her, pulling out, as she squeezed on him in a seemingly endless series of small orgasms leading up to a big one.

HIs friends chanted and howled and laughed and jacked off. One reached down to squeeze one of her breasts. Dollops of semen spattered Jim and his sister both as the wankers starting coming again.

The siblings exploded into each other, skin fused, bodies linked like a chain, every sense overloaded in pleasure as Jim pumped seven times deep into her pulsing, greedy depths, even as she squealed, groaned, and her eyes rolled up into her head, back arching, internal muscles wringing him out like a wet cloth.

They lay connected and spent, semi-conscious. “Oh yes.” His sister’s voice whispered this into his ear. “Wanted that so fucking long.”

Jim told his friends to leave and they did, talking and laughing, marveling at what this visit from Jim’s big sister had allowed, had created. They were debating whether it counted as a gang-bang or an orgy as their voices receded down the hall.

Once alone, Jim started to pull out of her, but she clutched her legs tighter. “More.” She said this in a quiet growl. “Again. Now.”

They stayed on the bed, repeating their discovery of each other, until well after dark, then slept the night with occasional quick repeats when one or the other woke. In the morning they spent the eighty bucks on gas for the beater car she’d driven from Michigan, and on breakfast at a fast food place.

Without discussion, they’d decided to go live together, Jim abandoning school and disappearing along with her. By the time police enquiries were being made, they’d long since vanished, to settle into a new life as man and wife.

Jim’s left-behind friends all admitted they’d met her, and none told what they’d done, and this left the police baffled. “Probably just ran away,” they decided, with official throat-clearing. It also cleared their books. “Troubled family life.”

Truth was, Jim’s parents were never cruel or abusive, and remained as shocked and confused as anyone else about their two children disappearing. “They was always so close. Maybe one was in trouble and the other helped.”

They would never know they were, within a few years, grandparents.

How many families began this way?
