What you don’t know [MF], [Public Orgasm], [Edging] Repost in memory of Pop, who will be laid to rest today.

This happened about 15 years ago.

The babysitter was 10 minutes early, as usual. She came in and said Hi to the kids while my wife put on her earrings. “We should be home early,” I said to the babysitter, handing her $20 to cover dinner. “We’re just going to grab a bite and do a little shopping. Head them toward their beds at about 10:00 or so. They normally stay up later on Fridays.”

“Call if you need anything,” my wife said over her shoulder to the sitter as I closed her car door.

And with that, we were off to dinner. I was in Dockers, a polo, and my Rockports, while my wife was in a longish skirt with a blouse and strappy sandals. Typically she doesn’t wear anything underneath her skirt, but tonight we were trying something different.

I had purchased a different kind of vibrator. This one was purple and shaped like a butterfly, and it was worn like a g-string so that the butterfly’s wings covered her pussy and the body of the butterfly sat right on her clit. The vibrator was operated by a remote control, which was about the size of a 9-volt battery. It was a simple remote … just an On/Off switch and a small red light.

And it was in my hand.

I turned the butterfly on, just to hear how loud of a noise it made. You could barely hear it over the engine, so I knew that it would never be noticed over the din of the restaurant.

“Mmmmmmmm”, my wife said as she exhaled. “That’s a pretty intense vibrator. It’s right on the spot.”

“Good,” I said as I watched her squirm a bit from the effects of the butterfly. “This is going to be fun.”

I left in on most of the way to dinner, and it was really doing a number on her. She was getting pretty bothered by the time we pulled into a parking space at the restaurant. I reached into my pocket and flipped the switch off, and her eyes shot open. “Awwwwwww man,” she said with a little pout. It was really starting to get good to me.”

I grinned like the cat that ate the canary. “We have plenty of time. It’ll be back.”

We walked in and the hostess asked our party size. About the time my wife started to answer, I hit the switch. “Tw-ooo. Two,” she said as she cut her eyes over at me. I just grinned again and shrugged my shoulders, flipping off the switch.

I buzzed her almost the whole time we were waiting, and she was really starting to wear down. When we had first opened the butterfly up, we’d both doubted that it would provide enough direct stimulation to bring her to orgasm. It was starting to look like we were wrong.

This was going to be a fun dinner.

Finally our lighted pager went off, and we headed back to our table. I kept flipping the switch on and off while she walked. Finally she just stopped in the middle of the restaurant and said, ”Stop it!” under her breath.

So I stopped.

Until the server came to get our order.

Every time she would start to speak, I’d hit the button. It was like a robot with a glitch. She would sit up a little straighter and her words would catch in her throat. She glared at me, but didn’t say anything. Finally she managed to get her order out and the server went off for our drinks.

I reached for her hands, and she started playfully smacking at me. “You … are … so … bad!” she said as she swung.

“Oh, I haven’t been bad yet,” I said with a smile. “But it’s coming.”

“Hey, what do you have there?” asked the server as he came back with our wine. “Is that a video game?”

The look on my wife’s face when I handed him the remote was priceless. I had just given a complete stranger control over her body. “I don’t know, ” I said as I tossed it to him. “I found it in my pocket. It probably belongs to one of the kids’ toys.”

“Hmmmm …” he said, flipping it on and off several times. My wife looked like she’d just fallen in a pit of snakes. The kid had no idea what he was doing to her. “Could be. Doesn’t look like it does much. This little red light comes on … that’s about it.”

With that, he flipped it on and left it. “Hey, Frank!” he said to a nearby server. “You seen anything that looks like this before?”

This was getting better by the minute.

Frank walked over and picked up the remote. Now he was flipping it on and off. My wife was starting to slowly melt into the seat. “Nope.” Frank said analytically. “That’s a new one on me.”

<flip> <flip> <flip>

“Did you find it in the booth, sir?” asked Frank.

<flip> <flip>

“Nope. I found it in my pocket.”

<flip> <flip>

“It probably goes with something the kids play with.”

<flip> <flip>

“I guess I picked it up and pocketed it at some point.”

Frank handed it back to me, and I flipped it on … and left it on while I talked to Frank for a minute or two.

At this point, sweat had broken out on my wife’s brow. She kicked my under the table, and I casually flipped off the remote. Frank went on his way about the time our salads arrived.

“I am seriously about to cum with that thing,” she said, looking up at me with lusty eyes. “You’d better watch it.”

I teased her all through dinner. Several times I let her get right to the edge before turning it off.

After we’d ordered dessert, I excused myself to the men’s room. While in there, just for grins I turned on the remote. I left it on the whole time I was in there, and turned it back off before stepping in to the dining area. When I got back to the table, my looked at me with hot venom in her eyes. “Did you turn that thing on while you were in there?”

“Yep,” I said with a smile. “Sure did. Did it reach all the way out here?”

She shot me the evil eye. “I was talking to a former patient when that thing went off,” she said huffily. “I thought I was going to cum in front of an 80 year old woman!”

“Hey, I bet she’s had an orgasm or two in her day,” I said. “Our generation didn’t invent sex, y’know. Besides, it would probably do her good to see one.”

That got me a firm kick under the table.

When dessert was over and the check paid for, we stood up to leave. I pocketed the remote, but not before turning it on. My petite bride was walking through the restaurant as if she were a cowboy. She was moving as fast as she could, but walking produced more friction between her clit and the rubber body of the butterfly. She looked like she was about to walk herself to orgasm, so I reached in my pocket and turned the switch off.

Heading out the door, my wife said, “You’re going to have to eat me here in the parking lot or something. I need to cum sooooo bad.

We had just cleared the door when I heard someone close by call my name. Turning around, I saw a smile and an extended hand. Of all the people to run in to, we’d been found by my best friend’s father.

I went to return his handshake, and when my hand came up out of my pocket the remote came with it. It flew through the air almost as if in slow motion and hit Pop on the knee before hitting the ground.

My wife’s eyes were the size of dinner plates.

“Whatcha got there, son?” he said, bending down to pick it up. “Laser pointer?”


Almost imperceptibly, my wife’s knees buckled.

“No, Pop,” I said. “I found it in my pocket earlier tonight. I think it belongs to one of the kids.”

<flip> <flip> <flip> <flip>

Pop looked the remote over. He’s a HAM radio operator, and loves gadgets of all sizes. “Not much to it. Just a switch and a light. I bet it transmits to something radio controlled.”

My wife took my hand and squeezed tightly as the orgasm rushed over her. I looked at her face as she tried to maintain her composure. Her eyes were wide open, and her face was flushed pink. She was working on chewing a hole in her bottom lip. I couldn’t see if her legs were trembling under her skirt, but I could see that her toes were tightly clinched in her sandals.

She made no sound.

“You’re probably right,” I said as casually as I could manage. “I think they have a little radio-controlled car. You can’t steer it, it just goes forward.”

The second orgasm hit. My wife grunted just a bit and shook as if she’d taken a chill. Pop didn’t notice.

Pop looked down at the remote again. “Well, we’d better save the battery for them.”


My wife’s whole body seemed to relax at once. My hand was bone white where she had been squeezing it.

He handed the remote back to me and clapped me on the shoulder. “Well, it’s good to see you two again! I’d better get inside and see how long the wait is. You know how Momma hates to wait alone in a restaurant.” With that Pop was gone.

He’ll never know what he’d done to my wife that night.

We turned, still holding hands, and started walking back to the car. I looked down at her. She looked up at me. We started snickering almost at the same time. By the time we got to the car, we were rolling with laughter.

I opened the door for her, then got in on my side. She had taken her sandals off and was pulling the butterfly down when I got in. “Omigod, what a rush!” she said. “I loved the feeling of trying to contain myself.” The butterfly hit the floorboard and she spread her legs wide apart. Her pussy was sopping wet. “Do you think he had a clue?”

“Not the first,” I said, fingering her slowly.

Every so often, I’ll ask her about the time Pop made her cum in the Outback parking lot. That’s always good for a rolled up magazine upside the head.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/asbnjh/what_you_dont_know_mf_public_orgasm_edging_repost


  1. I love it. Great story. My wife and I have talked about doing this but never had the courage. I can’t wait to share this story with her.

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