[MF][MF] Vegas Prequel

Vegas is a great place to attend a conference, [as I wrote about before](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/appujw/mf_mf_vegas_conference_fun/). That wasn’t the only trip there where I had a bit too much fun, though. This trip was about a year prior to the last story.

Again, a vendor conference with thousands of attendees. Again, I broke out the Whisper app. This time I saw an innocent enough post from a woman saying how her coworker is such a drag to hang out with. To be honest, my coworker was too, so we had something in common. Sarah and I chatted during our meetings, hers was on the other end of the Strip though. She was also married, mother of 4, about my age. We exchanged pictures, and she was very attractive. Thin, fit, blonde.

That night, I had a few drinks then went back to my room. I texted her to see what was up. She was out with her coworker at the old strip, but her coworker was uber mormon and would not drink. I told her to ditch her and come get a drink with me, to which she replied she wished she could, but she drove her car out there and that would leave her friend stranded.

Feeling I had nothing to lose, I sent her a dick pick to entice her. She responded immediately that she wanted to come over, but really couldn’t….but would do what she could to meet up the next day.

Figuring she was not serious, I texted her the next morning with a fresh shower pic…and she responded with one of her own, then she sent me her hotel name and said “how about lunch?”. FUCK YES!

Lunch time finally rolls around, I tell her I’m on my way. Sarah instructs me to meet her at the elevator on the casino level. I grab a cab and head to her. I honestly thought she was going to stand me up….but nope, sure enough, she was there. She flashed the most beautiful smile at me, gave me a hug, and pressed the elevator button. We stepped in, and kissed immediately. Her hands went for my crotch and she rubbed my dick through my shorts, while my hands explored her body.

The elevator stopped at her floor and we walked to her room. Once in her room, we kissed again and we both stripped as quick as we could. Her body was indeed fit and tight! Tits were a perfect handful, muscular ass…this was a jackpot hookup. She dropped to her knees and gently guided my cock into her waiting mouth. I was a bit thick for her, as my cock head scraped her teeth, which she could feel. No big deal, I just bent her over the bed. Just as she got into position to take my hard cock into her dripping pussy, she apologizes…”my tramp stamp tattoo has my husbands name on it, I hope you don’t mind…” Spoiler alert, I didn’t mind.

I entered her slowly because her pussy was way tighter than I expected. I almost blew my load immediately, however I was able to control it, and then really hammer away at her. Sarah moaned with pleasure as I pounded her pussy. She didn’t stop rocking her ass back towards me, seemingly having a continuous orgasm.

We changed positions and she rode me. Sarah leaned forward and braced herself against the wall, and as she rode me I could see her eyes rolling into the back of her head, and she was having a seemingly out of body experience.

I laid her down on the bed and i squatted in front of her on my knees and lifted her hips a bit, as her small frame was very manageable. I guided her body back and forth and my rod slid in and out of her with ease at this point. She was barely able to control her body, as she thrashed and her eyes stayed rolled back.

She begged me to cum inside her (yes, this was a bareback experience, rare for me, but we were both fixed and I knew I was clean, and she assured me she was too), so I pushed my cock as deep as I could and emptied my balls inside her perfect pussy, which was pretty wrecked at this point.

We laid next to each other, she was clearly exhausted. She told me she came about 8 times, which I found hard to believe, but she insisted it was true, and that she hadn’t been fucked like that in 15 years. I asked when she was leaving Vegas, and she was already late for checkout and had to leave pretty much as soon as I left her room. I got dressed and went back to the conference. I was a bit bummed since I had two more nights in Vegas. We already had eachothers Kik names, so we were able to text and sext for quite a while after this one encounter, but we have yet to meet again since the stars haven’t aligned to make it happen.

The next night, my last in Vegas during this conference, I sat down at one of the bars in the casino to get a drink and play some video poker. I didn’t notice at first, but I sat down next to a working girl. She started hitting on me, but I told her I got laid already this trip and wasn’t interested. She got up and left, only for another girl to try the same move. I looked up and saw an empty chair next to a woman who looked to be in her mid 40’s, clearly not a working girl, so I moved over there.

We didn’t say anything at first, but after maybe 5 minutes I said “thank god you aren’t a hooker, I got approached by a few over there”. She got a laugh out of that, then we played a game where we tried to identify all the hookers in the hotel bar. She ordered wine, I ordered a beer. We were at the same conference (but it was rather large, so we didn’t see each other prior to this). We talked about the conference a bit, our jobs, and had another drink. We talked sports, had another drink. Talked about travel, had another drink. Talked marriage, had another drink. Before we knew it, it was 3am and we both had late morning flights to catch. We cash out our tabs and walk to the elevator. We are stumbling over each other, holding eachother up we are so drunk.

Her floor was before mine, but I walked out with her. She looks at me and says “are we going to fuck? I’m married and so are you…” I replied “I’d love to, so its up to you”. She laughed, and we walked to her room. She opened the door and walked in. I stood outside the door, waiting for her to let me in or to tell me to go back to my own room.

She shut the door.


I started to walk away, when I heard the door open. I turned around, and she says “well, are you coming in or not?” of course I was!

We got into her room, and we both collapsed on her bed. We drunkenly fumbled our clothes off each other, laughing and giggling the whole time. She reached down and stroked my cock, I returned the favor and rubbed her pussy with my fingers. She tilted her head back and gave an approving yell and then panted “fuck me please!”

I rolled on top of her and pressed my cock inside her. Again, no condom, but we were not sober enough to think of that. She arched her back and bucked her hips towards me. We got into a hot, fast rhythm in this position, her legs ended up wrapped around my back. She asked to move to doggy style, I was more than happy to do the same. I pounded her from behind, and of course I gave her a little spank. She gave an “ooh!” when I did that, so I did it harder and grabbed her hair, which sent her over the edge. I felt her pussy clamp around my cock and then she moaned and groaned while she had an orgasm that made her body shake.

I asked her to ride me until I came, but she said she would rather suck me off to make me cum. I laid down and she took me in her mouth and licked me up and down, squeezing my balls at the same time. I might have been drunk, but it didn’t take me but 30 seconds to cum. Some dribbled out the side of her mouth, which was hot as fuck.

After snuggling a bit, I headed back to my room. We both really did have flights in the morning. This woman I never spoke to again, but I think about the encounter when I’m headed to Vegas and think how fun it would be to see her again.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ar5p5v/mfmf_vegas_prequel


  1. Great hookups! It seems that most of your encounters are no condom? I’m envious

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