[MF]Dumbest/most reckless/stupidest/one of the best nights of my life traveling Australia [Long]

Background: Me, 24M, American, 6’3 brown hair pretty decent shape/gym 3-4x a week blah blah, been busy with a banking career straight of college but managed to get some time off from being a corporate slave and I’ve been backpacking Australia. First time writing anything but I’m bored/it’s Valentine’s day/this was recent and just a crazy memory for me that I keep thinking of, sorry if my writing is shit but I have no experience writing about sex

This took place about 3 weeks ago at the end of January in Byron Bay. For anyone who has been around Australia at all you know Byron is one of the most famous and popular backpacker/tourist/surfer/beach towns in Australia. It started as a surf town with a super laid back chill vibe and in recent years has become super commercialized but still has traces of that original culture. Some famous actors like Chris Hemsworth and Matt Damon live nearby. Anyway Byron was one of my favorite places in Australia (I’ve backpacked through alot of it) and I went back in January for a second time. I was staying for about 4 days and every time I go I just get lost in the chill vibe and lose track of time and everything else that bothers me. First couple nights were great and I had a good time but nobody here cares about that so I’ll skip to the last night which was definitely the most memorable.

I didn’t have much planned for my last night since my bus out was relatively early the next morning so I wasn’t planning to get too wasted or anything. My friend told me about a talent show they were doing at Arts Factory (well known hippie hostel in town) and so I went with her. We grabbed a six pack from the brewery next door and went in. The talent show was mostly singing and guitar playing which was fine but got boring after a while. People ended up talking more and more as the night wore on and I ended up getting introduced to two Danish girls by another American guy I met earlier. They were in his surf class and from Denmark. One was blonde and maybe 5’4, the other one was brunette and 5’2 with long curly hair and blue eyes. I talked to them both a good while but I was definitely more into the brunette. She told me her name was Sophie and she was taking a gap year between high school and university; they were going up the Australian coast on like a bus tour type thing. We ended up talking a bunch until the talent show ended and then a group of us decided to head over to Cheeky Monkey, which is a famous backpacker bar in town where you can dance on tabletops. The group split into twos as we walked over and I ended up walking with Sophie. We were getting along well (I assume, honestly having grown up in the U.S. I always have trouble figuring out what European girls are thinking because they seem so much more closed..?) and I was into her but she looked pretty young and I wasn’t sure what she was feeling so I had no expectations or anything.

We got to the bar, I got her a drink and went to dance on the tables. I guess her and her friend were both a little shy about dancing on tables so they just sat in a booth near the door. I danced a bit and talked to a couple British girls who I’d met earlier, this one blonde girl from London seemed kinda into me and more forward than the Danish girls so I was sort of feeling that but after a while I had to went to go drag the Danish girls to come dance. I bought them both a drink and convinced them to come up onto the tables with everyone else and we danced/had a good time. After a while Sophie, who was next to me, motioned for me to bend down and she asked if I wanted to go outside. At this point I obviously felt like this was a signal because she didn’t seem to be asking her friend to come with us, but I figured she might not be comfortable in the loud dance environment so she might just want some air. I took her hand and led her out of the bar, but we got stopped because we couldn’t take our drinks outside. I led her to the table closest to the door and we just sat there to finish our drinks, making some small talk. After a while she looked at me and I looked back, and European or not I couldn’t miss that signal.

Sex(-ual?) stuff starts here

I leaned over and kissed her. Her lips were super soft and tasted like wine. I put down our drinks, stood up and wrapped my arms around her and we just started making out in the corner of the bar. I don’t like using cheesy words and shit to describe but it felt electric. A combination of the drinks and the mood and the loud ass music contrasted with our empty corner of the bar. She was definitely one of the shortest girls I’ve ever been with and just felt so damn delicate. It felt like we were the only ones in the room even though I could obviously hear the crowd dancing and talking and my friend told me later he saw us haha. I was just really into it. After a while we finished our drinks (she made me finish the last sips of hers), and she went to give her friend the stuff she was carrying for her in her purse before we left. I thanked the American guy that introduced us and led her out of the bar. The town was super quiet and empty outside, and I wanted to go walk along the beach. I grabbed her hand and we slowly made our way across town towards Main Beach. After stumbling through some rocks we hit the sand and slowly walked along the shore. The beaches in New South Wales and Queensland are generally fucking perfect with smooth sand and warm water, and it was just a great experience. I’d never walked along the beach at night so when I looked up I was really kind of stunned by just how goddamn clear the sky was and how bright the stars were. I grew up in NYC so light pollution would never let you see skies this damn clear and bright at night, and that combined with the whole vibe of the night just energized the hell out of me. Eventually we walked into an isolated section of beach past the people camping and I stopped. I turned towards Sophie and we started making out again.

I took off my shirt and helped her unclasp her dress (she was wearing this light blue sundress kind of thing with blue panties). We kissed some more as I slid her panties to the side and started fingering her. She was pretty slim and just had insanely smooth, pale skin (weird cus I’m not sure how you can spend more than a few days in Oz without getting a serious tan). My dick had been pretty hard the whole time on the beach but as soon as it started sliding over her belly it went full mast. God damn like I said the energy was so different and I felt so different that night. I laid her down on the sand and pressed down on her. I kissed her deep with my arms wrapped around her as I slid my cock slowly up and down her slit. As you’d expect from the title I briefly thought about the fact that I didn’t have a condom on but I was just so overwhelmed in the whole experience and mood and passion of the night that I kind of just didn’t give a fuck. I wanted the whole experience to be as natural/pure/primal as possible, if that makes sense. I guess I should mention I hadn’t had unprotected sex in about 2 years at this point and the last time was with a bar hookup in New Orleans when I was trying to get over my ex. Anywaaaaay, I started sliding my cock inside her as we made out. She was moaning a bit and was already really wet so it wasn’t too difficult to get past the resistance. God she was so warm. The night breeze accentuated just how fucking warm she was. For someone who hasn’t had unprotected sex in 2 years it was almost mind numbingly pleasurable. Jesus fuck I’m glad I had a few drinks earlier or I probably wouldve cum instantly from the sheer amount of feeling and sensation I was experiencing. She whimpered a little bit as I slid all the way in but I think it was fine. I started fucking her, slowly at first while we were kissing but then I stopped kissing her and just wrapped my arms around her and fucked her as hard I could. She was moaning and I was just getting lost in the whole experience; her warmth around my cock, the perfect breezy summer night, the stars so bright above and the waves crashing behind us. It was so goddamn intimate and felt like it came out of a shitty indie movie. The only time I stopped was because she noticed some flashlights coming closer from a couple people walking along the beach (pretty common in a beach town even at midnight I guess) and I stopped thrusting and lay still, cock still insider her, and we waited for them to pass. I’m positive they saw us but I guess this kind of thing isn’t uncommon around here so they respectfully left us in peace. After they passed we were a little more wary and Sophie asked if I wanted to go swimming, aka skinny dipping. I’d never been skinny dipping (never really had the occasion but why the hell not after I just had sex on the beach for the first time?) but I said sure.

I picked her up in my arms and walked into the waves. I stood there and held her as I kissed her and just soaked in the moment. A wave caught me a little off balance and I fell over. She landed on me and we came up spluttering and laughing. After a while we came out of the water and I hugged her close because it was pretty cold after we got soaking wet and we didn’t have any towels. She suggested we go somewhere else (I assume somewhere with a bed and less sand) and I agreed. We picked up our stuff and walked back into town. Luckily my friend told me about a hostel that has all night reception and we walked over and I got us a private room. We each had hostel dorm rooms but I never got used to the whole fucking in a hostel room while other people are sleeping kind of thing that backpackers do, and money was the last thing I cared about at that point. We got to the room, which was just a bed and a tv really, and I slid off her dress again. She started moaning as I fingered her and laid down on the bed. I got on top of her and slid my cock inside. Again, it was just such a mind fucking sensation to feel the warm walls of her pussy around my bare cock. I was far less worried about privacy here and started sliding the full length of my cock in and out of her. She was moaning and gasping and wrapped her legs around me and I just felt so drunk and high on life. I knew I wasn’t going to last much longer at this rate but I didn’t feel like I could stop. I normally am not very emotional or the type to make irrational stupid decisions based on feelings but goddamn I couldn’t help it. The night, the atmosphere, this beautiful girl moaning under me, I just wanted to capture the moment to its fullest and just experience everything. I was thrusting into her like crazy even though I knew I was going to far. I eventually gasped out “I’m going to cum” just to warn her and see if she’d say anything or whatever but she just kept on letting out those sexy little whimpers and I kept sliding in and out of her until I knew I went too far. I didn’t care. I knew this was the dumbest shit I’ve ever done maybe, insanely reckless but I wanted to just be stupid and young and live in the moment. I wrapped my arms as tightly as I could around her, buried my head in the space between her neck and the pillow and just came what felt like a gallon of cum inside her pussy. For what it’s worth I hadn’t had sex at that point in about a month and hadn’t masturbated in like a week either so it felt like I was cumming forever. Like I said I felt almost deliriously high on life (no drugs though) that night and it felt like I was spurting again and again deep inside her pussy for a good 10 seconds or so. God I fucking didn’t ever want to stop.

I slowly stopped thrusting and just held my cock inside her as I caught my breath. I finally raised my head up and started kissing her deeply. I eventually got up to grab some water and then we kissed a bit more before she fell asleep with her head on my chest. I kind of just laid there staring at the ceiling and her face on my chest (lamp was on but I didn’t want to move her to go turn it off). It was just such a crazy fucking night my head felt like it was spinning and I maybe slept like 2 hours that night, waking up sporadically and just staring at her. My back was in an awkward position, I hadn’t showered or taken out my contacts, I was sweaty as hell and the room was hot as fuck but I didn’t give a shit about any of that. She looked so damn peaceful I wanted that to last forever. Eventually, the morning came and she woke up. I kissed her and rolled on top of her and we made out again. Before long I was sliding in and out of her pussy like there was no tomorrow (it was my last day in town so technically there wasn’t). I had the time of my bus in the back of my mind but left it there as I came again inside her as her pussy clenched around me. Afterwards I really kind of got a little sad because I knew we had to go soon but I just didn’t want to leave. I ended up taking her to the lighthouse which is a famous attraction just outside town, just to spend a bit more time with her. It had been perfect weather all week but started pouring as soon as we got to the lighthouse but I didn’t give a shit because I was with her and nothing really seemed to bother me. I just kissed her some more before we went under a roof for some cover. I took out a bracelet I bought the last time I was in Byron and gave it to her. I’m not a huge fan of jewelry but I love it when there’s a story behind it, and I figured this might be a cool memento for her to have. I eventually called us an uber and dropped her off at her hostel. When it got there I gave her a kiss and a hug goodbye but in retrospect I’ve just been kicking myself for not doing more.

Shouldve swept her up in my arms or something. Honestly I’m regretting not having the idea to just fucking postpone my bus out of town a few days. Often times the best memories of travel are the people you meet rather than the sights you see or the things you do, and the best things are often free. I haven’t really had any other night that I could describe as just being so high on life and really just regret not being able to spend more time with her. Realistically our lives are probably completely different with her living in Copenhagen and me in NYC, and there’s a bit of age gap and she has to go to college still but FUCK if that wasn’t the one time I wanted to be an idiot and just be stupid and walk away from my career and just go explore the world and do anything as long as I had my hand in hers. And it would probably end up not working out and we would watch it go up in flames but fuck if that wasn’t a mistake I really wanted to make. If nothing else I’d have a much longer story to reflect on these past few weeks. Ah well. I never really asked or could guess what she thought of this whole experience. Maybe it was just a casual fling and she moved past it as soon as I left. That’s the trouble with European girls, I can’t read them to save my life, not even the ones I slept with.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ar44q1/mfdumbestmost_recklessstupidestone_of_the_best


  1. That was incredibly hot and romantic. I hear you on getting to go bareback after years without. It feels so different and out of this world.

    Do you still keep in touch with her or facebook friends or something?

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