The Jade Goddess

The Jade Goddess

This is probably the most complicated booty call story you will hear, but if you knew my gf, you would understand.

She comes from a very strict family, loving, but protective of her even though she is 20 and in university.

We have been “dating” for a while now, though our families have known each other our whole lives.

I am just about a year older than her, and while I have only had sex once before, she never has.

Her dad (long since gone) was a bit abusive to her physically which has lead her into, and out of, a few bad relationships in the past, and the oppressive home life has her a bit restrained when it comes to the topic of sex.

Being friends long before dating, we have a very open relationship in that we had talked about sex and dating and marriage long before the ideas might come to life for us as a couple.

I went straight to work after highschool, but she started on her degree in phycology so we have very little time together.

That, plus we both still live with our families and have zero personal space, so any intimacy between us is fleeting.

Frustrating as it is, we would have it no other way. We truely love each other and know that we have been too young and nieve to know much about sex, and are building a relationship together we hope will last a life time.

That said, we are both healthy young adults and the desire to be together is strong. Together, not only sexually, but to be in each others company without the constant monitoring of a parent or grandparent, or little siblings who are constantly under foot.

I have spent the past several months trying to arrange private time together, hoping to get a day off work on a day she has class she might skip, while at the same time her little sister stays home sick (they share a bus ride to school) so we can meet up and have an afternoon together, none of which has played out like I had hoped.

But even the effort of planning, my mind gets to think of her and what might be, so my work days go by quickly and I’m saving money so that we can one day get married (we’ve talked about it but nothing formal has happened) and find our own place.

Once I heard that her family is planning what is basically a religious pilgrimage for a few days, a plan started forming.

I knew the timing would be perfect, so as they left on their trip, I slipt a note into her pocket:

*Wish everyone greatness! Enjoy time together. Once gone, every thing here, elsewhere, really, will hope each night you operate under great truths. Be always careful, k? I LOVE YOU!*

Knowing that the note might be found, I hid a secret message in it for her. While I hug her goodbye, I whisper softly into her ear: “sorry about all the spelling mistakes, but read the first letter of each word”.

She looks at me puzzled, as she slips the note into her pocket without reading it, thinking it might need to be hidden from prying eyes.

She departs and I get to work on the rest of the plan!
