[MF] How I, A former professional remedial [M]assage therapist, gave my first ever erotic massage to a [F]riend.

This is the story of how I gave my friend my first erotic massage. Names have been changed but the story is real. This story came about from another friend who indirectly encouraged me to share it with you. It’s a long one and I hope you enjoy the read!

It happened some two years ago and I can remember the day very clearly but to start off with, I’m going to introduce the persons in question. They are myself and a young and cute woman named Amy. I’m Chinese, born and raised in an english speaking country, 175cm tall, currently 34, in good shape and I like to consider myself nurturing. I’m not harsh on the eyes but I’m no Hiroyuki Sanada either. Amy is a competitive combat athlete at a local university. She’s 20, around 160cm tall, has small petite breasts, a toned and muscular body, has short blond hair, a cute face with a sprinkling of freckles around her nose, striking sky blue eyes with a soft-spoken tone and is kinda shy but dangerous at the same time. She’s smart, too!

How we came to meet at my place is that I like to talk and check up on my friends. For myself, you’ll find that I take some time to warm up to you. And how her and I came to warm up to each other is that we attended the same athletic club and over time we came to trust each other. Her being an athlete and me being a former massage therapist (I’ve moved on to another industry) naturally make it easier to come together.

So one day, at the beginning of summer we both came to my place to chat and catch up over lunch. Over the meal and conversation, I noticed that she was tight in the shoulders and neck and remarked on it. She did mention that her training had suffered slightly due to tightness and pain and I offered to help her take care of it. Being at my home, I had the opportunity to use the proper equipment – massage table, massage oils, towels and best of all, privacy.

This was different as usually we’d meet and just chat in the park or other public and sometimes I’d give her shoulders, neck and hands rubs because it was a way that I’d help my friends, male or female. So I explained to her that since we’re at my place she’d have the option of massage table with towels and oil or we can do it in the park like usual. She opted for the works quite quickly and so I got to set everything up in the lounge room. After a minute, I told her I’m going to wash my hands and that as I’m doing this, she can take off her clothes but leave her underwear on and lay on the table with the towel draped across her glutes.

No problem at all. This is something I’ve done over several years and the routine’s very familiar. I come back with dry toweled off clean hands and wrists and find her laying face down. Her arms seemed to be trying to decide where to rest, were flapping over the side and finally came still at her sides, the large soft towel across hips and lower back. I have to tell you, it’s one thing to be with and see Amy physically close, training and sweating under exertion at the club and another to see her laying on my table with a towel across her cute butt, no bra. I looked to see where she put her clothes and they were a bundle near the door. T-shirt on the bottom, denim shorts and her nike sports bra on top. She kept her panties on which was good, as I didn’t know where we would stand if we decided we both wanted each other sexually. I certainly wasn’t going to molest or force myself on her.

The massage proceeds and I notice that she was just absolutely wired with trigger points. Her neck, shoulders, hips … what a mess! The cooing noises coming from her tell me she’s loving it but the labored breathing and sharp intakes of breath indicated pain and discomfort. With trigger points, they’re not easy for the person who has them. If you’re too hard in pressure you risk it getting worse or not changing at all and if you’re dainty it’s not effective at all. So, it’s not unusual for it to be a “stressful” massage where the one being massaged strains and sweats but to make it easier, I do incorporate a lot of check-ins and stroking afterward to gently calm down the mind and body.

Slowly I gently coax the uncomfortable sensitivity out of her body. It’s a nice thing to be able to feel the skin and muscles of your cute friend underneath your oiled hands and eventually, I see her visibly relax. I always start my massages from the head position and work my way down and follow back up unless there’s a specific request otherwise, and as I’m now working her right glute and hamstrings I notice a smell that isn’t the from me or the oils. I suspected first that it was the linen because sometimes if it’s not dried properly, and if I store them almost dry, it can make smell funky once wet again. But this smell wasn’t that and I dismissed the wet stored linen as quickly as it came to mind – it was her pussy and she was getting really wet. I couldn’t see how wet she was because the draping of the towels and her panties still covered her ass so I decided to work my way down to her calves and feet and start on her other leg when I was done. I wasn’t sure if she wanted what I think she wanted and to be safe I was going to let her stew in juices for a bit. Whoever said foreplay was dead?

Only this time, me working on her left leg, she started to meet my hands and fingertips with the body part I was on by edging up slowly off the bed. I make short and long strokes on her calves – her shin rises with her left foot pointed. I’m on her knee and inside thigh – she spreads, giving me a clearer view. I work her left butt cheek and she raises her hips! I now am pretty sure what’s the smell and where it’s coming because now that I’m working on the left side of the table, during my strokes I’m bringing in my face to her sexy butt to do a dive inhale and like a comical bad hound dog, I’m intoxicated, and I smile the widest smile in recent memory. Can’t get away from her! Can’t get away from her scent! In my mind, I’m going a 1000 miles per hour. We need catharsis.

I decided then and there to talk to her like the older more mature adult that I am in this relationship. I take one step toward the head of the table, crouch and whisper with my deep voice into her left ear.

“Amy? Would you like me to touch you down there?” Not exactly smooth, right?

As I’m saying this, her arms that have been by her sides move to rest near her face and her head is still buried in the table face hole. I notice her shoulders, neck and arms tighten slightly after my question ends and one for second she pauses before slowly she nods her head up and down 3 times in the hole with a slight colour rising on her cheek. Not a single word. Nervous. But very adorable.

I tell her now, “You let me if there’s anything in particular you want or don’t want.” And I make way down the table.

Time to tease the shit out of her. I move the towel off her body and with one hand on each sole of her foot facing her panty covered ass, I lightly and slowly use my palm and finger tips to bring her awareness to where I’m inching toward. From her ankles to the back of the knee and inside thigh to the gluteal fold, where her hamstring meet her ass, I extend forward but I stop there, at her fold and go all the way back down to her feet again and back up. She’s squirming and starting to make small “oh’s” and “ahhh!” and her hips are getting off the table and rising to me every time I come close. I move to her right butt cheek when I felt she got some and I figure 8 massage very vigorously here and intersperse it with one hand that moves down toward her foot and come back again to resume the figure 8. Her butt feels fantastic in my hands and are happy handfuls. Amy raises her face out of the hole slightly and the mop of blond hair bounces to show her face – eyes closed, mouth agape and deep in concentration. I think she likes it! I repeat on the other side.

I now decide to just stroke up her left leg and see what kind of reaction I get. So facing her from the foot of the table, from her foot to her calf, knee, thigh and now even slower … I pause just for 3 seconds (I counted in my mind) and brushed panty covered mound.

“AAHHHhhh…!” Her face in the hole she finally let it out and it echoed off the tiles.

“I think you like that. Did you like it, Amy?”

“Please … more. Some more.” I do this several more times and she moans less loudly. Now I pull her panties to the side, exposing her sopping wet mess of a vagina. I take in the view before me … her panties to the side, she probably had slightly trimmed her pubic hair … her hips raised off the table and now her pussy, unfolded and leaking her juice right before my eyes. You know where the clitoral hood forks and the labora minora unfolds? From her position, a small shallow of her wetness pooled, and I wet my tips in her wetness. I smile and moan my approval.

Deciding that the Teasing the Shit Out of her Protocol is working and need not change, I continue. Only this time after a few strokes I say to her,

“Do you like what I’m doing to you?” She moans and shakes her head.

I circles with my finger tips around but not on her clit and I whisper into her ears,

“Do you feel how hot and wet you are right now? I love how wet and fucking turned on you are right now.” She only raises her hips higher.

“I don’t know if you can hear, Amy. Your pussy’s so wet and it’s making this fucking hot sound. Can you hear it?” *Schlock! Schlock! Schlock!*

Amy lifts her face up and to the side and replies breathlessly, “OMG what are you doing to me! I can hardly stand it!”

I play with her like this some more but I still want to tease her even more. She’s now on her hands and knees and I stop what I’m doing. She moans some from desire but some from protest, intending to encourage me.

“Oh! I forgot to do your quads! Turn over for me and lay on your back.” I tell innocently. She gave me a look of annoyance and a lot of lust but did as I asked.

Amy’s got a beautiful body made through a lot of practice and hard work but laying stomach down on the table left her chest and thighs with terry towelling dimples. Her nipples are erect and I can’t wait to help them feel good. And she’s still got those fucking sexy panties framing her pussy!

To bring good on my promise I work on her quads in a professional manner whilst noticing how she’s just absolutely BREWING. She keeps looking at me, eyes semi closed breathing shallow and flushed in the face … wanting to touch me with her hands but not and biting the corner of her lip…

I then start at her head, give her a decent head massage. She calms down reluctantly, and I move onto her neck, chest (Gotta do those pec majors, boys. Very important for shoulder function). It’s always nice to hear moans of appreciation and pleasure from a woman that’s being massaged! Now as I’m doing warming strokes to her abdomen from the head table position, my hands start to stroke the sides of her breast. She moans sexily again.

“Hhnnng! You’re such a tease.”

This brings a smile to my face and I encourage but I remind her that she’s the one getting the treatment I think she needs.

“Oh my God, fuck! Bitterchocolateblock!” I’ve never heard her swear so much with my name in the same sentence. But I think I’m doing good.

I’m now at her belly and the small circles here while I dip down but over panty-covered pussy to start her squirming. I remember still at the head of the table, sitting on a stool now. The heat on my neck and the sweat that was cooling it, the left hand on her sternum, the other making forays of pleasure from her flat muscular belly to her puss … the slight crunchy sound of her pubic hair as they rubbed against each other and my palm and finger contoured her mound. I liked how my hand looked here – the fabric of her panty front stretched and sandwiched between my hand playing with her pussy now… Flicking her clit ridge from side to side … dipping and rubbing the soft wet outside wetness that was her but still out of view and not yet exposed. And the finally, the pressure of her resting head on my chest as she looked down at my arms intertwined with her body.

I decided when she was simmering enough to let her become acquainted with some electric-powered toys I have stashed away for a moment like this.

“Let me get some bring out something you might like.” I said. She looked into my eyes, nodded and said softly,


I left the room and brought a white cardboard that had all my goodies here. Inside was a hitachi magic wand, various small bottles of lube, condoms, cleaning disinfectant, nitrile gloves and finally a small white, twist action battery powered “massager.” The hitachi magic wand was too soon of an introduction (She said it was too big and scary looking), so that was out of the plan but a small twist action pocket rocket was perfect. I went to her side, looked into her eyes and she nodded, “yes.”

I use the contraption and it buzzes away. I experiment with her to see what feels good and what doesn’t and eventually settle just to the side of her clit over her panties. She comes slowly and gently,

“Oh! I’m coming, I’m coming now.” She whispers delightfully. This was hot for me as I like the idea of making a woman orgasm with her panties on. I gently buzz her for a little while longer to bring her down gently before switching it off.

We stayed like this for a while, me teasing and maker her feel good, changing hands when one got tired.

“Let’s take off these panties.” I suggest. Quickly she uses her right hand and starts to tug the hem of her panties down, but I stop her.

“Nuh-uh. Let me do that for you.”

I LOVE taking off their panties. I get up and start pulling them down her. The view of where Amy is doesn’t disappoint, and I’m afforded the privilege of watching the material untangle from her crack, over her mound, down the back of the thighs and over her knees before she presses up briefly to let me slide them off.

With Amy now completely naked on my table, I spread her legs wide, I walk back to the head of the table, sit down and start the teasing again. The room is warm, I’m sweating slightly. Her toned and athletic body is cool where I haven’t stroked her in a while and hot, where I have paid her attention. I stroke her pussy now and am amazed at how different the contrast is from her copious fluids and her hot puffy pink lips. As I stroke her pussy, I put in one finger and fuck her with it. I watch her face contort in pleasure and her mouth forms an O. I can feel her squeezing me. I find the ridged bumps, that is her G-Spot, near the entrance of her pussy and stroke with a come-hither motion. Some time soon, she bucks and flexes and I watch her beautiful body come hard and intense, her oiled abs flexes and gloriously reflecting the sight to my eyes.

I decide to glove up with a single black nitrile glove from the white box, something I should have done a lot earlier to prevent her pain from nail scratches. She sees me doing this and starts breathing more heavily. I lube the glove with my saliva and resume with a single finger first with a respectful rub on her clit and then inside her.

I tell her, “Amy, I’ve got one finger fucking you. Now I’m going to put another inside you. Can we see if your pussy would like another?” I know at this point she’s all mine because she’s hanging onto my neck with her right arm flexed tight threatening to strain it, the left arm trying to clasp me tighter around my ribs, her eyes closed tightly and now she’s just moaning heavily and saying my name in whispers between strokes. I put in the second finger and she yells a deep throaty moan. She’s tight and I can feel her pussy clamp and release repeatedly around my middle and ring finger. I wonder what it’d like if I finger her like in the squirting movies so I try that and she comes. I try it again after a brief cool down and she comes again. I now try it with no rest in between and fold her body and head closer with my chest to make the leverage easier for my tiring arms and for what was probably a good minute and a half go to town on her abused pussy and she’s cumming the ENTIRE fucking time. She’s not a squirter but she’s definitely a squeezer!

My wrist is smoked so I now want to eat her pussy and tell exactly just that.

“I’m going to eat your pussy, Amy.” She shivers in anticipation.

“Oh my God, yes!” I eat her, gently teasing and sucking the sides of her lips and I find that itty bitty clit and role it in circles with my flat tongue. And because my right hand is tired, I glove up my left hand on the down-low while I’m eating her and use her juices to lube my left hand. I put my fingers insider her and start come hithering. It doesn’t take long her for her to orgasm and she’s starting to ride her pussy onto my face and it turns me on so much! I’m starting to run out of energy and after her face grinding leads to an orgasm, I slow down gently, pull my hand out and let both of us catch our breath. She now is laying on her side, one arm in front and between her legs and the other supporting her head that’s resting on the table… I see the light from the window shining over her body and she’s covered in a delightful light sheen of oil and sweat, panting before but now breathing quickly and lightly from her orgasms and exertions. And I see her like this and take the towel and cover her back and legs and stroke her back with my right hand. Later she would say that it was a very good thing I did as it didn’t make her feel vulnerable.

With a smile to my face, I remarked, “Bet you didn’t expect this today!”

She giggles and smiles the biggest smile I’ve ever seen her smile. “No, I didn’t!” and kisses me tenderly. Ha, readers, I did that!

We talk for a little while on how we went and much to our surprise the entire session, from start till now lasted two hours. This worried and she started to get up and dismount but as soon as she put her first foot down, she stopped and took a few seconds to get her balance.

“Oh my god! What have you done with me!” She giggles again. I smile and tell her to take her time. I clean up while she showers and it’s not long till she’s done.

Amy had to leave so unfortunately we couldn’t talk more then and there. I see her dress in front of me and notice the new found confidence and that made me really smile. She messaged me later that evening to see how I’m going and I told her that I left her juices on my face when I went to a family dinner my mum had planned. Conversation, food and all she said right there. And they were none the wiser.

Concerned that I might’ve gone beast on her pussy, I messaged her the day after to see how she was going. Amy said that while she was a little sore, she was VERY good. = )

I often think back on this afternoon as it changed both of our lives. No, we’re not dating but we did find more confidence in how we dealt with the world. I don’t know exactly how it changed Amy’s life but for me, it made me walk taller, interact more confidently and more hungry to learn new things. Some of you may doubt this story and that’s ok. It might be unbelievable but it is true story. But either way, I’m glad to have experienced it with Amy and happy to be sharing it with you. It’s been long one but I hope you enjoyed my story of me giving my first ever erotic massage to my friend.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/apgx9t/mf_how_i_a_former_professional_remedial_massage


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